Amravati District Profile1 Amravati District is one of the eleven districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. It is situated in the northern part of the State abutting Madhya Pradesh State and lies between north latitudes 21°46’ and 20°32’ and east longitudes 78°27’ and 76°37’. The district covers an area of 12626 sq.kms. Amravati district has Madhya Pradesh on South, Nagpur and Wardha districts on east, Yavatmal on south, Washim, Akola and Buldana districts on the western side (inferred from the district Map). The district is divided into six sub-divisions such as, Amravati, Daryapur, Achalpur, Morshi, Dharni and Chandur (Rly), 14 talukas2 and 724 panchayat villages. Chikhaldara, Anjangaon, Achalpur, Chandurbazar, Morshi, Warud, Shendurjana, Amravati, Daryapur Banosa, Chandur Railway, Dattapur Dhamangaon are the towns located in Amravati district (Census, 2011). Table 1 to 22 given below provide some basic data pertaining to some salient features of Amravati district. Section I: Population related details Table No. 1 Population by Sex, Amravati District, 2011 Area Persons Male Female Rural 18,51,158 9,50,633 9,00,525 Urban 10,37,287 5,30,135 5,07,152 Total 28,88,445 14,80,768 14,07,677 Source: Census of India, 2011. Table No. 2 Population in Amravati District, 1971 – 2011 Area 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 11,16,526 13,16,911 14,82,928 17,07,581 18,51,158 Rural (72.44) (70.75) (67.40) (65.50) (64.09) 4,24,683 5,44,499 7,17,129 8,99,579 10,37,287 Urban (27.56) (29.25) (32.60) (34.50) (35.91) 15,41,209 18,61,410 22,00,057 26,07,160 28,88,445 Total (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) Source: Census of India, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011. 1 Profile is based on information available in various secondary sources which are given at the end. 2 Amravati,Bhatukali, Nandgaon Khandeshwar, Daryapur, Anjangaon, Achalpur, Chandur Bazar, Morshi, Warud, Dharni, Chikhaldara, Chandur (Rly), Tiosa and Dhamangaon. Table No. 3 Annual Compound Growth Rate of Population in Amravati District, 1971 – 2011 Area 1971-81 1981-91 1991-2001 2001-11 Rural 1.66 1.19 1.42 0.81 Urban 2.52 2.79 2.29 1.43 Total 1.91 1.69 1.71 1.03 Source: Table 2 Table No.5 Percentage of Scheduled Caste Population in Amravati District, 1971 – 2011 Area 1991 2001 2011 Rural 19.38 18.63 18.69 Urban 13.55 14.28 15.46 Total 17.48 17.13 17.53 Source: Census of India, 1991, 2001, 2011 Table No.6 Percentage of Scheduled Tribe Population in Amravati District, 1971 - 2011 Area 1991 2001 2011 Rural 19.25 18.89 19.91 Urban 4.32 3.77 3.42 Total 14.38 13.68 13.99 Source: Census of India, 1991, 2001, 2011 Table No.7 Literacy Rate in Amravati District, 2011 Persons Rural Urban Total Male 80.12 84.02 81.52 Female 70.96 80.00 74.22 All 75.67 82.06 77.96 Source: Census of India, 2011 Table No. 8 Category of Workers in Amravati District (Rural), 2001 & 2011 2001 2011 Gender Main Marginal Total Main Marginal Total Workers3 Workers4 Workers Workers Workers Workers 434246 60051 494297 499510 58707 558217 Male (87.85) (12.15) (100.00) (89.48) (10.52) (100.00) 222051 99826 321877 254973 78911 333884 Female (68.99) (31.01) (100.00) (76.37) (23.63) (100.00) 656297 159877 816174 754483 137618 892101 Total (80.41) (19.59) (100.00) (84.57) (15.43) (100.00) Note: Figures in bracket are percentage to total workers Source: Census of India, 2001, 2011 3 Those workers who had worked for the major part of the reference period (i.e. 6 months or more) are termed as Main Workers. 4 Those workers who had not worked for the major part of the reference period (i.e. less than 6 months) are termed as Marginal Workers Table No. 9 Percentage of Agricultural Workers to Total Workers in Amravati District (Rural), 2001 & 2011 Category 2001 2011 Male 28.92 25.16 Cultivators5 Female 16.64 13.33 Male 53.64 61.03 Agricultural Labourers6 Female 76.76 79.12 Male 82.56 86.19 Agricultural Workers7 Female 93.41 92.46 Source: Census of India, 2001, 2011 Section II: Agriculture related details Table No. 10 Rainfall in Amravati District, 1970 - 2010 (in mm) Triennium average Rainfall during Annual No. of rainy centered around the monsoon (June-Sept) rainfall days during year monsoon 1970-71 663.03 741.37 45 1975-76* 674.05 827.1 36 1980-81 912.73 999.47 37 1985-86 537.33 740.33 30 1990-91 678.95 693.45 23 1995-96 700.43 815.17 39 2005 705.67 848.30 NA 2010** 778.50 899.70 NA Note: * Average of two years of 1975-76 & 1976-77 ** Average of two years of 2009 & 2010 Source: i) Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation, 2004 ii) India Water Portal 5 He or she is engaged in cultivation of land owned or held from Government or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes effective supervision or direction in cultivation. 6 A person who works on another person's land for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. She or he has no risk in the cultivation, but merely works on another person's land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of lease or contract on land on which She/he works 7 Cultivators plus agricultural labourers Table No. 11 Land Use Pattern in Amravati District, 1970-71 to 2009-10 Triennium Net area sown Current Other fallows Culturable Barren and Permanent Forest area average fallows waste unculturable pastures centered around the Area (In % Area % Area % Area % Area % Area % Area (In % year '00 ha) (In '00 (In '00 (In '00 (In '00 (In '00 '00 ha) ha) ha) ha) ha) ha) 1970-71 7072.00 57.77 98.33 0.80 185.33 1.51 172.33 1.41 184.00 1.50 572.00 4.67 3485.67 28.47 1975-76 7108.33 58.06 192.00 1.57 191.33 1.56 83.67 0.68 182.00 1.49 650.67 5.31 3373.67 27.56 1980-81 7191.00 58.79 145.33 1.19 241.33 1.97 126.67 1.04 192.00 1.57 626.67 5.12 3271.00 26.74 1985-86 7256.33 59.42 200.67 1.64 252.00 2.06 121.67 1.00 229.33 1.88 437.33 3.58 3303.00 27.05 1990-91 7654.00 62.68 102.00 0.84 85.67 0.70 150.00 1.23 214.33 1.76 368.67 3.02 3277.33 26.84 1995-96 7459.00 61.09 231.67 1.90 282.00 2.31 106.67 0.87 198.67 1.63 371.00 3.04 3211.67 26.30 2000-01 7416.67 60.71 314.67 2.58 196.67 1.61 101.00 0.83 197.67 1.62 369.00 3.02 3147.67 25.76 2004-05 7511.33 61.48 329.67 2.70 145.33 1.19 92.67 0.76 195.00 1.60 331.67 2.71 3097.67 25.36 2009-10* 7519.00 61.55 324.00 2.65 141.00 1.15 92.00 0.75 196.00 1.60 332.00 2.72 3098.00 25.36 Note: 1. * - Figure for Single year 2009-10 2. Percentages are to Total Geographical Area Source: 1) Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation, 2004 2) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, 2014 3) Department of Agriculture, Govt of Maharashtra, 2014 Table No. 12 Salient Features of Irrigation in Amravati District, 1970-71 to 2009-10 (Area in '00 ha) Triennium Area irrigated (in 00 hectares) Percent of Percent of average Net Area Gross Area centered Well Surface Net Area Gross Irrigated to Irrigated to around the Irrigated Area Net Area Gross year Irrigated Sown Cropped Area 1970-71 140.67 1.00 141.67 145.00 2.00 2.03 1975-76 249.00 18.33 267.33 318.67 3.76 4.35 1980-81 314.33 15.00 329.33 434.00 4.58 5.77 1985-86 389.00 10.33 399.33 556.00 5.50 7.03 1990-91 318.00 4.00 322.00 557.67 4.21 6.30 1995-96 530.67 26.33 557.00 735.00 7.47 8.17 2000-01 583.67 126.00 709.67 860.67 9.57 9.10 2009-10* 467.00 45.00 513.00 638.00 6.82 6.48 Note: * Data for single year 2009-10 Source: 1) Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation, 2004 2) Directorate of Economics and Statistics, 2014 Table No. 13 Area under Major Crops in Amravati District, 1970-71 to 2009-10 (in '00 ha) Crops Triennium Average Centred Around the Year 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 1985-86 1990-91 1995-96 2001-02 2009-10 Jowar 1683.33 1812.00 1876.00 1809.67 1837.33 1311.33 1102.33 459.33 Wheat 333.33 415.67 438.33 403.00 244.33 163.00 119.33 445.00 Total Cereals 2244.33 2513.67 2604.67 2467.33 2321.00 1663.67 1371.00 988.67 Tur (Red gram) 382.33 400.00 409.33 571.33 804.33 872.67 961.33 1053.67 Mung (Green gram) 100.33 145.67 174.33 213.00 673.00 530.33 680.00 454.67 Udid (Black gram) 46.33 52.33 58.67 87.67 81.67 76.00 90.33 50.67 Total Pulses 634.00 743.00 799.00 1072.33 1809.00 1962.00 2206.67 2392.67 Total foodgrains 2878.00 3256.67 3403.67 3539.67 4130.00 3625.67 3577.67 3381.00 Groundnut 348.00 308.33 307.33 230.67 302.67 193.00 42.00 16.67 Soyabean 0.00 0.33 0.67 2.67 0.00 0.00 1633.33 3213.00 Total Oilseeds 451.33 470.00 437.33 398.33 715.67 1192.00 1793.33 3365.00 Cotton 3637.33 3415.33 3444.00 3650.33 3621.33 3646.67 3042.33 1666.00 Gross Cropped 7136.67 7328.67 7515.67 7911.33 8856.33 8993.33 9352.00 9841.50 Area* Note: Data pertaining to 2001-02 are two years averages (2000-01 and 2001-02); 2009-10 are two years averages (2009-10 & 2010-11) Source: i) Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation, 2004 ii) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, 2014 Table No.
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