Ap- -44^ r *n-Aternatives: I-: ;-\- Robert Gordon, David Bowie, -'Romeo and Juliet,' -Nuclear -Nuances, The PMuseums, . _ and- More. * * * " Access to Academic Dishonesty Info Debated fcluclusiely by U Senate By Howard Salt The University Senate debated St did not agree Monday on a plan to make findings of academic dishonesty availa- ble to university committees and staff when making their recommendations to graduate and professional schools. But the Senate did recommend that a dismissed student be allowed to petition the college to which he is seeking re- admission, rather than the school from which he was dismissed. Arnold Stras- :8senburg, acting vice-provost for Curric- ulum and. Instruction, suggested the change because a student dismissed from one school may show promise in another area. The school to which he is applying would have the option of waiv- ing the waiting period required before re-admission, the Senate said. Changing the policy on academic dis- tonesty information created the most debate in the monthly meeting and was N imoallytabslt until the S e's vext meeting, which is not until the fall. A plan to record membership in honor societies on a student's transcript was also pushed baek until next semester when time ran out. The new plan on academic dishonesty would make all findings-described as unjudicsted faculty reports of disho- nesty that are not challenged by the ,student-available on request to pre- professional committees and advisors speaking for the university when mak- ing recommendations about a student. The original motion to allow all faculty The University Senatdi cud hut did not Agr on * pen to giveinfonnati ofastudent'sacademic integroet to professional schools. and staff access to this information as -,ml well was changed after a number of medical school that no longer accepts ^ rr to ?Coe senators objected, saying that faculty applicants from Stony Brook because it asked by a student for a recommenda- once found that a student it had tion is expected to provide only the infor- accepted had a record of academic dis- iCarrels to Be onvertec 9 mation he has gathered about the honesty at Stony Brook. Snome of the Library's study car- has been there, there were student on his own. In other actions, the Senate: rels may be converted into office "hundreds and hundreds of car- Proponents of the change, as proposed * Endorsed a statement by the SUNY space for the university foreign rels with only one or two students by the Senate's executive committee, Faculty Senate condemning the Div- language departments this in them. argued that "there have been repercus- ision of the Budget for restricting funds summer, Provost Homer Neal "We could very well solve the sions during the past couple of years for SUNY faculty and staff traveling announced to the SUSB Senate space problems of the language from professional schools that they are out of state. Monday. departments over the summer." not informed of students found guilty of - * Commended University President Neal said he is asking the office Neal said. Foreign language academic dishonesty. The advisors feel John Marburger, Provost Homer Neal of Student Affairs to conduct sur- departments occupy space on the very uneasy in making recommenda- and the rest of the administration for its veys of usage levels of the carrels. third and fourth floors of the tions without this information." Sandra 'open attitude and cooperative spirit He said that, on the occasions he building. -Saltz Burner, assistant vice-provost for Cur- they have demonstrated" at Stony riculum and Instruction, pointed to one Brook. 1% --- ram by --:>Equestrian Team Places <-„_ . I -ourt =>-.In Nation -Back Page Argentines Sink Brit Ship; 30 Deac 1 By The Asmciated Pres Ian McDonald said the 3,660-ton Shef- lost of the Sheffield. rier was shot down in a follow-up raid on An Argentine jet fighter fired a mis- field was struck by a missile and caught Within minutes he said he had new the Stanley airfield after a Vulcan sile into the British destroyer HMS fire, "which spread out of control." information and told the stunned legis- bomber had again blasted the runway. Sheffield yesterday, sending it down in British news media said the seven- lators the number of deaths could be as A Vulcan, flying from Ascension Island flames, and there were a "number of year-old Sheffield, one of the most mod- high as 30. in the mid-Atlantic and refueled three casualties" among the warship's 280 ern warships in the Royal Navy, sank "Nearly, all the ship's company and times in flight, had staged the first seamen, the British Defense Ministry after being hit by a missile fired from a the captain are accounted for," he said, attack Sunday. announced. French-made Etendard fighter- and were picked up by other British There was no immediate reaction to As many as 30 of the 270 crewmen bomber from a distance of more than 20 vessels. Buenos Aires to the British announce- were feared dead as they abandoned the miles. The reports said the Argentine Also with the British armada are two ment of the attack on the Sheffield, but blazing hulk, the British Defense Minis- pilot of the land-based jet fired two mis- other destroyers of the Sheffield class, Argentines earlier expressed rage at try announced. siles, one missing and the other scoring a the Glasgow and Coventry. the torpedoing of the General Belgrano The counterblow came as Argentine direct hit on t he Sheffield's control The British Broadcasting Corp. said and the heavy loss of life. rescue craft continued searching for room. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was survivors from the cruiser General Bel- McDonald said all the destroyer's sur- "devastated" by the news. "They'll have to sink us all if they want grano, sunk in the frigid waters of the vivors were picked up. British Defense She had said earlier in the House of the Malvinas," businessman Jose Delle- South Atlantic on Sunday by a British Secretary John Nott, confirming the Commons, "The worry I live with hourly pieane shouted as he read an account at submarine. Argentina announced that first loss of lives by British forces in the is that Argentine forces, in attacks both the bulletin board of the newspaper La at least 680 crewmen have been rescued, warfare, initially told the House of Com- naval and air, will get through to our Nacion. Bystanders cheered. The Falk- leaving about 360 sailors still missing. mons "12 men are missing and there are forces." lands are known in Argentina as the British Defense Ministry spokesman likely to be other casualties" from the McDonald's statement said the Car- Malvinas. -News DiWest- om! -International - Sgt. Salvatore Pino identified the dead man as baum of Ohio countered with a proposal calling on the San Salvador, El Salvador - A military source said Orhan R. Gunduz, who had offices in Cambridge. committee to shun any reductions or delays in the a total of 130 guerillas were killed during a 10iday Some 20 Turkish diplomats worldwide have been Social Security cost-of-living increases over the next army sweep in northeastern El Salvador which ended murdered since 1973. The Turkish consul general to three years. yesterday, and leftists claimed an American sympa- Los Angeles, Kamal Arikan, was shot to death in Janu- Domenici insisted, however, "this program would thizer was among them. Government losses were put ary while his car was stopped at a traffic light, and the turn this nation around" by cutting deficits to $8 bil- at 22. Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide also lion in 1983 and $19 billion in 1985 and producing The army source, who declined to be identified, said claimed responsibility for that attack. lower interest rates in the process. in a telephone call from San Francisco Gotera, about Armenian nationalists accuse the Turks of slaugh- As part of the plan, Domenici called for trimming $3 70 miles due east of here, that an undetermined tering 1.5 million of their countrymen in Turkey in billion from the deficit in 1984 and an additional $11 number of combatants were wounded on each side. 1915 and driving hundreds of thousands more into billion in 1985 through "Social Security solvency" In San Salvador, military officials and the U.S. exile. The Turkish government has never acknowl- steps. Embassy said they were checking a rebel claim that an edged the accusation. Aides said these were savings expected to be recom- American, identified as Joseph David Anderson, was mended by a bipartisan study commission looking into killed April 27 while taking part in a guerilla opera- Social Security. But they refused to say whether tion in Morazan province, the target of the government Domenici envisioned the savings in the form of benefit cuts or tax increases. sweep. Washington-With President Ronald Reagan's The leftists' clandestine Radio Venceremos said -record defense bill pending, the Senate held a secret Anderson, reportedly traveling with guerilla bands session yesterday to hear two colleagues outline what since January 1981, was killed near the village of Poza the Pentagon says is an unrelenting military buildup Honda. Anderson's age and hometown were not given by the Soviet Union. Washington-The Senate Judiciary Committee- by the broadcast and the embassy said no one by his The "threat briefing" by Sen. John Tower (R-Texas), :including conservative Chairman Strom Thurmond of name was on record with its consular section. the Armed Services Committee chairman, and Sen. South Carolina-yesterday approved by 17-1 an exten- Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona), who chairs the Intelli- sion of the Voting Rights Act after the compromise * ** .- .,.
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