BLBS127-IND BLBS127-Singh Printer: Yet to Come April 29, 2013 19:45 Trim: 244mm×170mm Index Note: Page number followed by f and t indicates figure and table respectively. Advanced biofuels, 337–338, 408–409 Biodiesel, 12, 399t. See also Biofuels African sugarcane rust, 66 global production of, 336–337 Agave species, 375 major producers of, 337 Agricultural Drainage Management Systems production costs, 344–345 Task Force (ADMS), 252 Biodiversity, 366 Agriculture, 4. See also Sustainable agriculture biofuel crops, impact of, 367–368 and environment, interaction between, 6–7 grasses, 370 Alcohol distillation, waste waters from, maize and woody biomass crops, 371 144–145 plantation cops, 368–370 Algae oil, 338 row crops, 368 Alternaria brassicae, 179 and carbon sequestration, 367 American Society for Testing and Materials ecosystem productivity and, 366 (ASTM), 339–340 hotspots, 366 Annual crops, 262–263 in land community, 367 Aphis sacchari, 127 loss of, drivers for, 367 Arab Oil embargo, 11 Bioenergy, 70, 325, 332. See also Biofuels; ArcGIS ModelBuilder, 432, 435–436 Grain crops, for biofuel production Arundo donax L. See Giant reed from biomass, 54 Association mapping, 83 and food insecurity issue, 33 Athalia proxima, 179 impact on job creation, 352 Attributional LCA (ALCA), 190 rising demand for, 31 Australia, sugar industry in, 69 Biofeedstock and biofuel production, economics Automated Environmental Monitoring Network of, 414 (AEMN), Georgia, 433 advanced biofuel feedstock production, Aviation biofuels, 339–340 414–418 biomass pricing and standards, 423 Backpropagation neuralCOPYRIGHTED network (BPNN), cellulosicMATERIAL biofeedstock production, 418–420, 440–442 419f, 420f, 456 Bagasse, 54, 69–70. See also Sugarcane harvest field time, impact of, 420–423 Baling systems, 137 uncertain policy, 424 Banana streak virus, 66 carbon policy, 425 Beet yellows virus, 66 renewable fuel standard mandate waivers, Biochar, 37, 145, 253, 283 424–425 Biocontrol services index (BSI), 364–365 transitory biofuel tax credit policy, 424 Biofuel Crop Sustainability, First Edition. Edited by Bharat P. Singh. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 451 BLBS127-IND BLBS127-Singh Printer: Yet to Come April 29, 2013 19:45 Trim: 244mm×170mm 452 Index Biofeedstock and biofuel production, economics feedstock supply, reliability of, 19–21, of (Continued ) 20f uncertain biofuel import tariffs, 425 food versus fuel, 19 USDA biofuel and environmental policy, GHG estimation, 24, 384 425–426 invasive species, introduction of, 23–24 Biofuel crops, spatial suitability analysis of, land-use change, 22–23 431–437 nutrient runoff problem, 22 Biofuel export–import trade, 16 residue diversion, 23 “Biofuel Flightpath” initiative, 340 shared economic prosperity, 21–22 Biofuel land-use modeling, 270, 270f water availability, 22 Biofuels, 7–8, 31, 325–326, 360, 407. See also economic value, 14–16 Energy security environmental impact, 16–19, 18f advanced, 337–338, 342, 345, 408–409 Biofuel target, 346 advantages of, 9 Biogas, 394, 400t algae, 338, 375 Biomass, 54, 332 aviation, 339–340 bioenergy potential of, 332–335 blends, 347 definition of, 54 by-products, 282–283, 340–341, 351–352 feedstocks, 332 cellulosic, 409 pricing and standards, 423 conventional, 408 sources of, 8 economics of production of, 414–418 Bio-oil, 253 ecosystem services, effect on (see Ecosystem Biorefinery, 338–339 services) Bipolaris sorkiniana, 132 grain-based, 31–32 (see also Grain crops, for Blastobasis repartella, 132–133 biofuel production) Blenders Tax Credit, 424, 425 land and water footprints of, from different Blueberry, factor, 432–437, 457–459 feedstocks, 61, 62t Botanical names, 449–450 life-cycle GHG balance of, 451 Bradyrhizobium japonicum (rhizobial bacteria), practices and policies for, 371, 372t 166 production costs, 341–345 Brassica carinata. See Ethiopian mustard social impact of, 352 Brazil, 10–12, 19, 23, 54, 185–186, 425 sustainability of biodiversity threat, 369–370 develop alternative biofuel feedstocks, and ethanol production, 19, 24, 54, 90–91, 374–375 336, 342–343, 351, 356 improved plantation management practices, soybean production in, 168 373–374 sugarcane production in, 53, 70, 244–245 policy interventions and initiatives, Brundtland Commission, 4 375–376 BtL (biomass to liquid) fuels, 24, 339 using degraded lands, 371–373 Buffer strips, 373 as transportation fuel, 9 Burnt cane harvesting, 72 trends in production of, 451 By-products, biofuels, 282–283, 340–341, vs. fossil fuels, 8–9 351–352 Biofuel sustainability for alternative energy source, 16, 17f Camelina (Camelina sativa), 177 case study on, 11–14 adaptations to drought conditions, 179 concept of, 9 description, 177–178 economic component, 10 land-use changes and, 179–181 environmental component, 10 as low-input crop, 178–179 social component, 9–10 in mixed cropping, 181 concerns nitrogen requirements, 179 competitiveness with fossil fuels, 24–26, resistance to pests and diseases, 179 25f Cancun Agreements, 349 BLBS127-IND BLBS127-Singh Printer: Yet to Come April 29, 2013 19:45 Trim: 244mm×170mm Index 453 Carbon capture and storage (CCS), 350 Ecosystem Carbon debt, 24, 168, 269 creative rearrangement, 8 Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, energy-related, defined, 357 349–350 Ecosystem carbon payback time (ECPT), 186 Carbon intensity (CI), 397–402 Ecosystem services, 357 Carbon sequestration, 315–318 agriculture and, 359 Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), 348 biofuel production and, 359–366 Cassava, effects on soil quality, 265t sustainability of, 371–376 Cellulosic biofeedstock production, 418–423 cultural services, 357 Cellulosic biofuels, 409 biofuels and, 365–366 Cellulosic crops, 19, 21, 22 and drivers of change, 359 Cellulosic ethanol, 13, 24, 38, 205, 338, 343 effect of grain-based biofuels on, 35–37 C4 grain-based biofuel crops, 42 MA evaluation of, 358t Chaetocnema pulicaria, 132 provisioning services, 357 Chilling hour map, for Georgia, 437, 457 biofuels and, 360–362 Chilophaga virgate Gagne, 133 regulating services, 357 Chilo sacchariphagus, 67 biofuels and, 362–365 Chopper harvesters, 75 supporting services, 357 Chrysomela scripta F. (cottonwood leaf beetle), Eldana stalk borer, 64 225 Electricity, from sugarcane, 69 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAA) of 1990, Elephant grass, 24 11–12 Empoasca fabae Uhler (potato leafhoppers), 225 Climate change, 240–244 Energy cane, 86–87 Climatic variability, effects of, 241–243 Energy crop, ideal, 110–111, 111t. See also Consequential LCA (CLCA), 190 Grass-based bioenergy crops Conservation International, 366 acceptance/adoption by growers, 115 Coppice regeneration, 207 adaptation to target site, 111–112 Council on Sustainable Biomass Production biomass yield, 112–113 (CSBP), 423 breeding potential, 114 C4 photomechanism, 143–144 establishment, 111 Cronartium fusiforme Hedg. (fusiform rust), feedstock quality, 113–114 226 geographic/stress range, 112 Crop residues, 36–37 impact on environment, 116–117 Crop waste, use of, 16, 23 input requirements, 115 Cultural adaptation, 115 management requirements, 115–116 Cultural services, 365–366 pest susceptibility, 112 Cynodon dactylon, 68 seed/propagule production, 114 weediness, 112 DDT (1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(4- Energy feedstock yield, for European countries, chlorophenyl)ethane), 6–7 387t Deforestation, for biofuel production, 271 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), Delia brassicae Wiedemann, 179 12–14, 190, 408 Dendroctonus spp. (bark beetles), 226 Energy life-cycle analysis (ELCA), 190–191 Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, 127 Energy Policy Act in 2005, 12, 13 Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, 127 Energy return on investment (EROI), 167 Diclofenac, 7 Energy security, 330–332 Digitaria scalarum, 68 bioenergy potential of biomass, 332–335 Dolichogenidea metesae, 373 biofuels, 335–339 Double sowing, 278 for air travel, 339–340 Dried distillers’ grains and soluable (DDGS), co-products of biofuel production, 340–341 340–341, 351 financing for, 345, 414 “Dust Bowl”, 6, 7 global trade in, 348–349 BLBS127-IND BLBS127-Singh Printer: Yet to Come April 29, 2013 19:45 Trim: 244mm×170mm 454 Index Energy security (Continued ) scarcity of, 239 production costs, 341–345 storage and use of, 239 transport policies, 345–348 Fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase Energy Tax Act of 1978, 12 (PFP), 86 Energy use efficiency (EUE), 397–402 Fungicides, use of, in sugarcane fields, 64 Environmental impact analysis, 443–446, 445f, 461, 462 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 114, Environmental LCA, 190 117 Erianthus arundinaceus, 86 Genetically modified soybean (GM soybean), Ethanol 166–167 global production of, 336 Geographic information system (GIS), 432 international trade in, 348–349 Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse, 433 major producers of, 336 Geospatial data gateway, 433 production costs, 342–343 Geospatial technology, 437 production of Giant miscanthus, fertility requirement of, from maize, 245–249 306–310 from sugarcane, 244–245 Giant reed, 112 use of, as biofuel, 10–14 adaptations, 120–122 Ethanol “blending wall,” 346, 347 crop management and production, 122–123 Ethanol fuel ED95, 347 description, 118–119, 119f Ethiopian mustard distribution, 120 agronomics, 173–174 fertility requirement of, 312–313 breeding of, 175 limited genetic diversity, 119 origin, 173 origins, 120 quality and uses of, 174–175 “Global 200” ecoregions, 366–367 and sustainability considerations, 175–177 Global warming, 10, 325 Ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE), 347 Glycerin, 283, 344–345 Eucalyptus, 265t Glyphosat, 68 Euphorbia heterophylla,
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