CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 1 NOR'I'HRIDGE ASTROLOGY P.• ND MARI'rAL COMPA.'riBILITY: II A PILOT S'rUDY A thesis submitted in part:ial satisfaction of t!1e requirements for.the degree of Ha.ster of Arts in Educational PsYchology by Pearl Artenstein -Frank, Kathleen DeGuard Margulies Hecker, and Jean Kelley Page June, 1978. The Thesis of Pearl Artenstein Frank, Kathleen DeGuard Margulies Hecker, and Jean Kelley Page is approved: (: .. , . vMartin_J. Bravin, Ph.D. - Jcfej McNair, Ph.D. Ezra Wyeth, Ph.D., Cha1rrnan California State University, Northridge ii ACKNOY\i'LEDGMENTS Our sincerest appreciation to Ezra Wyeth for his endless patience, advice, and encourage­ men·t. A special thanks to Joe McNair for his interest, concern, and participation. We are grateful as well to Martin Bravin for his specialized knowledge and help. In conclusion, we wish to express our gratitude to the Educational Psychology Depart­ :w:ent for their continued support and under­ standing. iii "We are born at a given moment in a given plac~ and like vintage wine, we have the quali­ ties of the year and of the season in which we are born. Astrology does not claim anything more-." Carl Gustav Jung iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL • • • • • ii ACKNOWLEDG"i'-1ENTS iii QUOTATION iv LIST OF TABLES . .. vii LIST QF.FIGURES • • viii ABSTRACT . ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .• 1 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE • 4 3. METHOD· 33 General Overview Subject Selection Test Instrument Astrological Procedure 4. RESULTS 47 5. SU.r-1J.\1ARY AND CONCLUSIONS 50 BIBLIOGHAPHY 60 APPENDICES A. The I'<1arria9e Adjustment Inventory 69 Manson Letter . • . • • • 70 B. Cover Letter ... 75 c. Examples of the Worksheets for Clinical Evaluation . • . • • . • • . • . 77 v APPENDIX Page D. Planets and related terminology 90 E. Examples of the worksheets used for astrological evaluation . • 93 F. Statistical treatment 119 vi LIST OF TABLES Table ·Page Cl. Worksheet for Numbers and Percentages of Items Answered by Each Couple for Clinical Evaluation . • • • . 79 C2. Worksheet for Clinical Evaltiat.ion of Test for Matching of the Couples . • • • ill •. 80 ..., Dl. Astrological Signs and Related Terminology 91 D2. Astrological Aspects Between the Planets and Related Terminology . • . 91 D3. Astrological Houses and Related Terminology. 92 04. Astrological Planets and Related Terminology . • . • . • • 92 r- El. \'lo:cksheet for Astrological Evaluation of Charts for Matching of Couples . • . 94 Fl. Code Numbers for Couples 120 F2. Rank Order of Couples 121 F3~ Determination of Correlation Coefficient . 122 F4. 'I'heoretical Sampling Distribution for ~atching Couples . • 123 F5. Matching of Clinical and Astrological Evaluations • . • • . • . 124 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Scattergram comparing rank orders 47 Cl. Worksheet listing test questions answered by each couple illustrating how they agree, disagree, partial agree and differ . .. 78 El. Astrological natal chart of husband 115 E2. Astrological natal chart of wife . 116 E3. Astrological composite chart of husband · and wife • • . • • • . • • . • • 117 E4. Astrological comparison chart of husband and wife . 118 viii " ' ABSTRACT ASTROLOGY AND :MARITAL COHPATIBILITY: A PILOT STUDY by Pearl Artenstein Frank, Kathleen DeGuard Margulies Hecker and Jean Kelley Page Master of Arts in Educational Psychology The purpose of this study has been to evaluate astrology as a predictor of mari t.al compatibili·ty. It is anticipated that the results will be useful in assessing the value of astrology as a tool in marriage counseling. Because of limitations due to time and the avail- ability of subjects, only ten couples were studied. Two members oF the research team administered a marriage com- patibili·ty test to all ten couples. The third member of the team delineated astrological charts on the same couples. 'J:his r.esearcher and the two researchers who administered t.he tests were blind with respect to which c6uple was associated with a particular astrological or test profile. The two areas of research were conducted independently of each other. ix Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the results of bo~h methods of assessing compatibility were conducted. These consisted of examining of clinical and astrological evaluation of each couple, rank ordering them .in terms of compatibility, testing the rank orders using Spearman's rho, and matching the couples using the clinical and astro­ logical evaluations and the raw test scores. The rank order correlation coefficient, 'which tested the relationship between orders obtained by astro­ logical means and test scores, was .53, which is not sig­ nigicant a:t the . 05 level. The results of matching astro­ logical and clinical evaluations were, however, highly significant. The team member who prepared the astrological evaluations correctly matched five of the ten pairs of evaluations. The other two team members, working together, correctly matched eight of the ten pairs_, The probability of obtaining these results by chance were less than .002 and .000015, respectively. These results indicate that astrology may play an important role in counseling and psychotherapy. The possi­ bilitie~ and limitations must be investigated in depth, and the results of this study are sufficiently compelling to justify the allocation of resources to further scientific investigation in this area. X CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Marital relationships today are subject to increas­ ing stress and strain. This is seen in the growth in the nu~ber of marriage counselors, the tendency of partners to leave unsatisfying relationships, and the increase in avail­ able literature on the subject. There has, therefore, been a rise in awareness of the issue of compatibility in committed relationships. Effective tools which the therapist can use to expose the factors underlying the absence of compatibility witlu.n a gi,:.ren couple may be of great value in assessing or counsel­ ing the couple. This study concerns the efficacy of one such tool--the use of astrology. W~ will att.empt to. demonstrate ·that a couple 1 s as­ trological charts may be used to gain insight into the specific strains in a relationship. It is hypothesized that there will be a significan·t positive correlation between marital compatibility estimates derived from a delineation of astrological charts and estimates derived from a standard test: of compatabili ty completed by the couple. The term "compa.tibilityn itself requires further discuss .ion, for problems exist in its defini t.ion. Compati­ bility is an abstract label which is assigned to certain 1 values and·behaviors, usually the ones valued by the coun- selor. For the purposes of this study, it will be assumed that a compatible marriage can be operationally defined as one, • . • where each member encourages the full growth and development of personality (both self and spouse) within a milieu of harmonious interpersonal relationships. Such marriages have relatively few destructive feelings of guilt, hostility, doubt, and frustration. (Manson and Lerner, 1962, p. 1) In order to assess astrology's value in predicting compatibility, a sample of ten married couples was selected. Each was given the Marr1age Adjustment Inventory (~ffii) (Manson and Lerner, 1962), and a natal chart was generated from the exact birth time for both partners. The charts r,vere drawn and delineated by a menlber of the research team who was not involved with the testing procedure. Similarly, the members of the research team who conducted and evaluated the testing were blind with respect to the charting and astrological interpretation. \'li thout knmvledge of the identity of the couples, the team mewbers involved in the testing and the team mem- ber involved with the charting independently compared the assessments of compatabili ty prod~ced by the hm techniques. An attempt was made to match the two assessments by couple through an examination of the specific areas of strain pre- dieted for the couple. An attempt was also made to rank the couples in order by compatability using each method i~dependently, and the rank orders were tested for 3 corr:elatim1.. · It is well to note here that because of certain limitations in obtaining subjects, shortage of time, and the lack cf prior research in the fieid, we feel that we have only scra·tched the surface of this complex topic. With respect to the subject pool~ it was difficult to find mar­ ried couples whose partners knew their exact birth times and who were also willing to complete the instrument. As for the time factor, it required approximately twenty·-<?ight hours to chart, delineate, and assess each couple. We believe that the present study is a pilot project and that additional research is imperative to enable us to arrive at more in depth conclusions. It is anticipated, however, ·that the results of this study v'lill be useful in making a preliminary assessment of the value of adding astrology to the body of accepted metbods in marriage coun­ seling and therapy. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERA'l'URE We shall attempt ·to review a body of knowleClge relevant to the use of astrology as a tool in counseling and as a predictor of rnari·tal compatibility. r<lost of the information comes from astrological texts, journals, maga­ zines, lectures, and interviews with astrologers. Unfor­ tunately, there is not a great deal of available data, and 'i.vhat is extant is accessible only to those with formal ties to the astrological establishment. This review 'i.vill be geared to the general ·reader, and will facilitate an ~nder­ standing of astrology as it is used in this study and give credence to the assumptions underlying the research. We found in our searchi as did Ostrander and Schroeder (1972), that research applicable to astrology is often hidden under many different titles. The following, although not always concerned with cosmic influence, are fruitful areas for examination: biological clocks, cosmo­ biology, fluctuating phenomena, gravitational vectoring, ·medical climatology, periodicity, and sunspots. The literature surveyed will aim at answering four basic questions about astrology.
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