
PHOTO COURTEST WWW.WAYNESWORDS.COM A Publication of Arizona Boating & Watersports Arizona Boating & Publication of A Western Outdoor Times A COOL IDEA Refresh Fish To To Fish Page 16 Page Western Wildlife & Target 8-12 Pages Tackle Boating 4-7 Pages Pages 14-15 Pages Cruising Land Watersports 13 Page August 2017 >âLÜ°VÊUÊÜiÃÌiÀÕÌ`ÀÌiðV BOAT I N G | CA M P I N G | F I S H I N G | RV I N G | S H O OT I N G S P O R T S | WAT E R S P O R T S | W I L D L I F E August 2017 / Vol. 13, No. 2 Southwest Summertime News And Views James Ammons Becomes Chairman Of Arizona Game And Fish Commission Ammons will bring extensive experience in business and wildlife issues to the role. James Ammons as- -XQH0DGGHQZLOOFRQWLQXHWRVHUYHRQ VHUYLFH VLQFH DQG VHUYHG DV D ERDUG Management recreation management plan- sumed the role of chair- the commission through the end of the year member of AEA Federal Credit Union. ning. He is a member of numerous organiza- man of the Arizona XQWLODVXFFHVVRULVDSSRLQWHGE\WKHJRYHU- He is a life member of the Yuma Valley tions, including the Arizona Antelope Foun- Game and Fish Commis- QRUDQGFRQ¿UPHGE\WKHVWDWH6HQDWH&RP- 5RGDQG*XQ&OXEZKHUHKHKDVVHUYHGDVD dation, the Arizona Mule Deer Association, sion on July 1. Charged PLVVLRQHUV¶ ¿YH\HDU WHUPV DUH VWDJJHUHG board member and president. Ammons was WKH $UL]RQD (ON 6RFLHW\ DQG WKH 5RFN\ ZLWK OHDGLQJ WKH ¿YH DQGHDFKFRPPLVVLRQHUWUDGLWLRQDOO\VHUYHV QDPHG WKH FOXE¶V ³6SRUWVPDQ RI WKH<HDU´ Mountain Elk Foundation. Ammons also is a member commission DVFKDLUGXULQJKLVRUKHU¿QDO\HDU in 2010 and played an instrumental role in OLIHPHPEHURIWKH:LOG6KHHS)RXQGDWLRQ IRUWKH¿VFDO implementing policy and bylaw changes that *UDQG 6ODP &OXE DQG WKH $UL]RQD 'HVHUW year, Ammons has been A Passion For The Outdoors allowed membership for women. %LJKRUQ6KHHS6RFLHW\ James “As chairman, I look forward to a con- VHUYLQJ RQ WKH FRPPLV- Ammons $ WKLUGJHQHUDWLRQ <XPD QDWLYH ZLWK D WLQXHG SURGXFWLYH ZRUNLQJ UHODWLRQVKLS sion since 2014 after passion for hunting and spending time in the A Member Of between the commission, department and EHLQJDSSRLQWHGWRD¿YH\HDUWHUPE\WKHQ JUHDWRXWGRRUV$PPRQVKDVH[WHQVLYHH[SH- Many Organizations public to ensure that Arizona’s wildlife is *RY-DQ%UHZHU rience in both business and wildlife issues. Ammons has worked on multiple water- SURWHFWHG FRQVHUYHG HQKDQFHG DQG PDQ- Ammons replaces Chairman Edward $PPRQVKDVRZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG5LYHU&LW- KROHGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWVYDULRXVZLOGOLIH “Pat” Madden, whose term as chair expired ies Adjusters, a Yuma-based transportation FRQVHUYDWLRQLQLWLDWLYHVDQG%XUHDXRI/DQG See AMMONS, Page 19 Ty Gray Named Director Of Arizona Game And Fish Department The Arizona Game and Fish Commis- Gray began his career forward to continuing our tradition of inno- sion has appointed Ty Gray as director of the with the department as YDWLRQDQGGHGLFDWLRQWRPHHWWKHFRQVHUYD- Arizona Game and Fish Department. The ap- a research biologist in tion challenges and opportunities of the fu- SRLQWPHQWFDPHLQDXQDQLPRXVYRWHDW DQGZRUNHGKLVZD\ ture.” the commission’s June 11 meeting. up through the ranks. He Gray will lead an agency that employs Gray, of Phoenix, has been with Game has a unique familiar- more than 600 people and is funded at more and Fish for 24 years and is currently the LW\ DQG SHUVSHFWLYH RQ than $120 million per year, primarily from agency’s deputy director. He replaces outgo- department issues and WKH VDOH RI KXQWLQJ DQG ¿VKLQJ OLFHQVHV D LQJ 'LUHFWRU /DUU\ 9R\OHVZKR DQQRXQFHG RSHUDWLRQV KDYLQJ DOVR IHGHUDO H[FLVH WD[ RQ KXQWLQJ DQG ¿VKLQJ May 12 he would be retiring after a 43-year Ty Gray VHUYHG DV XUEDQ ¿VKLQJ JHDU DQG VHYHUDO RWKHU VRXUFHV VXFK DV WKH career with Game and Fish, the past nine as program specialist, a re- +HULWDJH )XQG ORWWHU\ SURFHHGV :LOGOLIH director. Gray will assume the role following JLRQDO¿VKSURJUDPVSHFLDOLVWKXPDQGLPHQ- &RQVHUYDWLRQ)XQG WULEDOJDPLQJUHYHQXH a transition period. VLRQVFRRUGLQDWRU¿HOGRSHUDWLRQVFRRUGLQD- watercraft licensing, OHV decals, and state WRU¿VKHULHVEUDQFKFKLHIHGXFDWLRQEUDQFK ZLOGOLIHJUDQWV7KHDJHQF\GRHVQRWUHFHLYH Brings Extensive Experience FKLHIDVVLVWDQWGLUHFWRU ,QIRUPDWLRQ(GXFD- Arizona general fund tax dollars. ON THE COVER “We’re thrilled to hire someone with Ty’s WLRQ5HFUHDWLRQ'LYLVLRQ DQGGHSXW\GLUHF- depth of experience and accomplishments,” tor, a position he has held since March 2013. Congratulations ‘Quality Of Life’ said Commission Chairman Pat Madden. From Voyles, Ducey ³+HEULQJVH[WHQVLYHH[SHULHQFHLQZLOGOLIH ‘A Great Honor’ ³,KDYHWKHXWPRVWFRQ¿GHQFHLQ7\DQG management, planning, budget, and exec- “This is truly a great honor,” said Gray. his ability to lead the agency into the future,” Includes ‘Cool’ XWLYHOHYHO DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG OHDGHUVKLS “The Arizona Game and Fish Department said outgoing Director Voyles. “I commend as well as the respect of colleagues and the is recognized as one of the world’s leading BY CAROL L. ALLEN public.” wildlife management agencies, and I look See GRAY, Page 19 ,I\RXNQRZ:D\QH*XVWDYHVRQRI www.wayneswords.com \RX KDYH ‘IT WAS THIS BIG …’ heard him say, “[the] quality of life is measured by [the] amount of time Cast Your Lines In Roosevelt Lake And Create Your Own Fish Tales VSHQW¿VKLQJ´'XULQJWKH6RXWKZHVW )LVKLQJLVDVSRUWZLWKPDQ\YDULHWLHV)UHVK summer months, we would add this: ZDWHUVHDZDWHUULYHUVODNHVEDVVWURXWVROL- ³«VSHQW¿VKLQJRQRUQHDUFRROZD- tary or with the whole family. terways.” :KHWKHU \RX DUH DQ H[SHULHQFHG ¿VKHU- 2QSDJHRIWKLVLVVXH*XVWDYH- man or just want something the whole family son writes of the great angling oppor- FDQGR\RXFDQ¶WGRDQ\EHWWHUWKDQ¿VKLQJDW WXQLWLHVQRZDW/DNH3RZHOO³/DNH 5RRVHYHOW/DNH:LWKPRUHWKDQVXUIDFH 3RZHOOKDVORWVRI¿VKWRFDWFK´ DFUHV DQG QHDUUHFRUG ZDWHU OHYHOV 5RRVHYHOW Fishing — perhaps considered by /DNHLVWKDWODUJHVWPDQPDGHODNHLQ&HQWUDO PDQ\WKHXOWLPDWHDFWLYLW\LQZDWHU- Arizona — a water oasis just two hours away sports — offers us a chance to get to IURP3KRHQL[)LVKLQJHQWKXVLDVWVKDYHSOHQW\ cooler destinations and to recreate on RIVSDFHWRVWDNHWKHLUVSRWVRQWKHODNHRUHYHQ RUQHDUDUHDODNHVULYHUVSRQGVDQG ¿QG WKHLU RZQ VSHFLDO SULYDWH VSDFHV ZLWKRXW streams. KDYLQJWRFRPSHWHIRUSODFHV 6KRZQ RQ WKH FRYHU LV $XEU\ Calkins, who — with a friend Me- JDQ6SDUNV²UHDOO\HQMR\HG¿VKLQJ Big Cats And More IRUVWULSHUVZLWKEDLWDW%XR\ $W And the lake is stocked with largemouth and press time, the water temperature VPDOOPRXWKEDVVFKDQQHOFDW¿VKÀDWKHDGFDW- ZDVDUHODWLYHO\FRRO) ¿VKEOXHJLOOFUDSSLHDQGFDUS7KH86)RUHVW FOR THE FAMILY — Fishing is a sport with many varieties and can be enjoyed alone or 6HUYLFHUHSRUWVWKDWFDW¿VKZHLJKLQJPRUHWKDQ with the whole family. Whether you are an experienced fisherman or just want something the whole family can do, you can’t do any better than fishing at Roosevelt Lake — case in point: See QUALITY OF LIFE, Page 19 this young angler proves one is never too young to enjoy this wonderful watersport. See FISH TALES, Page 19 In This Month’s Issue Western Wildlife Watersports Downstream ..........................2 Nominations Open ASU Grad Swims Boating ...............................4-7 The Arizona Game and English Channel Tackle & Target ................8-12 Fish Commission is solic- On July 4, Willie Schulz, Watersports ........................ 13 iting nominations for its graduate of Arizona State 2017 Commission Awards. University, completed his RV/Land Cruising ..........14-15 The deadline for submis- dream of swimming the Western Wildlife ................. 16 sion is Aug. 24/Page 17 English Channel/Page 13 Recipients of 2008 and 2013 AZGFC THE CREW Media of the Year and 2009 National $= &$ www.azbw.com Water Safety Congress Award of Merit Linus www.westernoutdoortimes.com 2016 AZGF Writer Of The Year :HVHQGRXUKHDUWIHOWWKDQNVWRDOOWKH¿UH¿JKWHUVZKREUDYHO\¿JKWWKHPDQ\ZLOGODQG¿UHVEXUQLQJLQRXU6RXWKZHVW7KH\DUHFRQVWDQWO\FKDOOHQJHG E\WKHKHDWWKHZLQGDQGWKHGU\FRQGLWLRQV<HWWKH\FRQWLQXHWRSHUVHYHUHDQGVXFFHHG:HDUHJUDWHIXOWRWKHPDOO Publisher Special Features Editor AZBW News Service Don McDowell Mary Syrett The entire contents of WOT/AZBW are copyrighted © 2017 by Arizona Boating & Waters- Jim Allen John Koleszar AZ Tourist News Dwayne Cassidy Maxine Brookes SRUWV//&1RSDUW$XJXVWEHUHSURGXFHGLQDQ\IDVKLRQZLWKRXWH[SUHVVZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQ BASS Ed Huntsman M.D.R. Proctor fom the publisher. Editor Galley Proof Editor Becky Thompson Mike Brookes Carol L. Allen Fur and Feather Henri Hurrier Bill Roecker Gloria Bryson Pyszka Mike Harris WOT/AZBW is published monthly. BoatU.S. Mike Rivkin Production Manager Henri Hurrier 32670$67(56HQGDGGUHVVFKDQJHVWR-LP$OOHQ(DVW%DVHOLQH5RDG Birding Editor Bruce Biddick National Park Service Angela Ogden The Late Margie Allen Jack Innis 7H PS H $ = Bureau of Reclamation Jackson Bridges NAU Athletics Marketing/Sales Capt. Ann Kinner Patrick Horning 68%6&5,37,2135,&(IRULVVXHVVLQJOHFRSLHVDUHSUHSDLG Distribution Jane Lemon Mott Subscriptions are transferable, non refundable. John Campbell Leslie Manes Caroline McWilliams Phoenix Power Squadron Catherine Miller Janet Bosley Rory Aikin, The Late Lisa Brookes-Haws LVGLVWULEXWHGIUHHLQ$UL]RQD6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD0H[LFR&DQGDWKH8.DQG Outdoors Editor Chelle Brookes Jay Williams Rose and Ron Werner WOT/AZBW Margie Anderson Jerry Tate other states and countries. Contributors Chris Cameron SAPC Christi Brookes John Campbell Superstition Search & Rescue Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any Shooting Sports Editor Arizona Game and Fish Kelsee Haws John Anderson Department Dan Pennell The Late Lisa Brookes-Haws advertisements produced for the advertiser by WOT/AZBW, using
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