Galileo Was Wrong The Church Was Right The Evidence from Church History Volume III Chapters 14 - 17 Seventh Edition Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D. Published by Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., 2013 Mailing address: P. O. Box 278 State Line, Pennsylvania, 17263 1-800-531-6393 Copyright © 2013 by Robert A. Sungenis, Sr. and assigns All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right: The Evidence from Church History, Volume III is permitted to be reproduced or copied by any means whatsoever without written consent from the copyright holder, except for short quotations to be used in various print or electronic mediums. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sungenis, Robert, A, Sr. Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right by Robert A. Sungenis Bibliographical reference 1. Geocentrism. 2. Cosmology 3. Church History. 4. Galileo 5. St. Robert Bellermine Cover design by Robert Sungenis Seventh edition Previous five editions, in two volumes, were titled Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right, published between 2005 and 2010. Sixth edition, in three volumes, was published in January 2013. ISBN-10: 1939856035 ISBN-13: 978-1-939856-03-6 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ii Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture passages are taken from either the Revised Standard Version or the Douay-Rheims Bible. Some passages have been translated by Robert Sungenis directly from the Hebrew or Greek. A CDROM is included with this book so that the reader can view the electronic animations and graphics. In the text of the book, notice is given that there is a corresponding animation, picture, photo, graph or chart in the CDROM. Cover Design and Production: Robert Sungenis Animations for CDROM: Douglas Rudd Photographs and Illustrations: Mark Wyatt Licenses and permissions for pictures and graphics are listed at the end of the Bibliography section iii Special Appreciation Our thanks to the following individuals and institutions for helping in the content and publishing of this book: A special thanks to Mark Wyatt for his insight and advice during the entire course of this project, and for the production of the photographs and charts. A special thanks for his research on Newton’s Principia Mathematica. A special thanks to Gerald Margand, Paul Melka, Dean Davis, Kari Oppliger, and Thomas Canfield for their proof reading of this book. A special thanks to Mario Derksen for his translation of the German texts; Fr. Brian Harrison and Ryan Thomas for their translation of the Italian texts; and Hildegard Pohl for her translation of the French texts. The Hebrew, Greek and Latin texts were translated by Robert Sungenis, except for Fr. Harrison’s translation of selected portions of Alexander VII’s Speculatores Domus Israel. A special thanks to Douglas Rudd for his production of the CDrom. A special thanks to the Britons Catholic Library, Catholic University of America, Georgetown University, George Washington University, and the Washington Theological Union. iv This book is dedicated to: St. Robert Cardinal Bellarmine and Father Filippo Anfossi, Master of the Sacred Palace For their courage and foresight in standing up to the unproven theories of Galileo Galilei v Table of Contents About the Author ix Scripture Abbreviations x Introduction 1 Chapter 14 Scripture Passages Teaching Geocentrism 17 How Much Authority Does Scripture Possess in Science? 17 Language of Fact versus Language of Appearance 24 Official Statements of the Catholic Magisterium 27 Scriptural Passages Teaching a Stationary Earth 30 Joshua 10:10-14 30 Exegetical Details 35 Galileo’s Interpretation of Joshua 10 39 Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 46:3-5 47 Habakkuk 3:11 48 2Kings 20:9-12 49 2Chronicles 32:31 49 Isaiah 38:7-8 50 Psalm 8:3-6 50 Psalm 19:1-6 51 Galileo’s Interpretation of Psalm 19 44 1Chronicles 16:30 57 Psalm 93:1-2 57 Psalm 96:9-11 59 Psalm 75:2-4 62 Psalm 104:5, 19 62 Psalm 119:89-91 63 Ecclesiastes 1:4-7 64 Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 43:1-10 66 Job 9:6-10 67 Job 22:13-14 68 Job 26:7-9 68 Job 26:10-11 70 Proverbs 8:27-30 70 Wisdom 7:15-22 71 1Esdras 4:34 72 Job 38:12-14 72 Psalm 82:5 73 Psalm 99:1 73 vi Isaiah 13:13 73 Isaiah 24:19-23 74 Job 38:18: Constitution of the Firmament 74 Chapter 15 The Consensus of Church Fathers 79 Geocentrism 84 The Length of the Genesis Day 105 The Firmament 128 The Spherical Earth 138 Chapter 16 The Catholic Church’s Teaching on Geocentrism 147 1979: John Paul II Reexamines Galileo Case 147 1992: An Analysis of John Paul II’s Speech on Galileo 153 A Logical and Inevitable Warning to the Church 156 How Then Should the Church Proceed? 160 A Detailed Analysis of John Paul II’s 1992 Speech 166 Canon Giuseppe Settele’s Imprimatur 187 The 1835 Index of Gregory XVI 195 A Closer Look at the “Error of the Theologians” 206 Cardinal Ratzinger: “The Crisis of Faith in Science” 217 1500-1600: The Church Confronts Copernican Cosmology 222 1566: Pius V and the Catechism of the Council of Trent 226 Official Sanctions against Copernicanism 236 1615: The Church Confronts Fr. Paolo Antonio Foscarini 239 1616: The Church Confronts Galileo Galilei 253 Excursus on Giordano Bruno 257 Galileo’s Letter to Benedetto Castelli 263 The Investigation of Galileo Continues 284 1633: The Sentence and Punishment of Galileo 304 1641: Galileo Converts to Geocentrism 322 1639: Galileo’s Conversion to the True Catholic Faith 336 1664: Alexander VII and the Index of Forbidden Books 341 Alexander VII’s Bull: Speculatores Domus Israel 342 1741: The First Index of Benedict XIV 352 1758: The Second Index of Benedict XIV 358 The Efforts of Pietro Lazzari for Galileo 361 The Rebuff to Astronomer Joseph Lalande 370 1742-1833: The Disclaimer on Newton’s Principia 370 1822: Pius VII and Canon Settele’s Imprimatur 379 vii 1822: The Battle between Anfossi and Olivieri 382 1820-1822: More Detail on the Settele Decisions 435 1835: Gregory XVI’s Index of Forbidden Books 441 1850: The Vatican Supports the 1633 Condemnations 453 1893: Leo XIII’s Encyclical Providentissimus Deus 453 1921: Benedict XV’s Encyclical In Praeclara Summorum 460 1941: The Book of Pio Paschini on Galileo 465 1616-1664: Are the Papal Decrees Infallible? 466 1870: Vatican Council I, Magisterium & Modern Science 480 1965: Vatican Council II’s Gaudium et Spes 484 2003: Catholic Apologetics and Geocentrism 487 St Pius X Society, Jason Winshel 487 2010: Catholic Culture, Dr. Jeffrey Mirus 496 2001: Fr. George Murphy, Ph.D. Physics 505 “The Church Does not Teach Geocentrism Today” 509 “The Church Fathers Did Not Debate Geocentrism” 515 1965: Lumen Gentium 12: “The Whole Body…Cannot Err” 520 The Signs of Apostasy 522 Chapter 17 Interpreting Genesis 1 529 Its Geocentric Implications 529 Protestant Interpretations of Genesis: Hugh Ross 534 Higher Criticism: Raymond Brown, Stanley Jaki 548 Genesis 1 Day/Night Sequence Revisited 560 The Stars and the Speed of Light in Genesis 1 566 Using the Redshift Formula for a Small Universe 582 Critique of Ferdinand Crombette 583 Bibliography 589 Webliography 685 Licenses and Permissions 703 viii About the Author Robert A. Sungenis, Ph.D., is the founder of Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., a non-profit corporation. He holds advanced degrees in Theology and Religious Studies and was a physics major in college. His 700-page doctoral dissertation defended geocentric cosmology from scientific, theological and historical perspectives. He is the author of over twenty books on religion, politics, science and culture. He is also the managing partner of Stellar Motion Pictures, LLC in Los Angeles, which specializes in producing movies on science and religion. He is the executive producer of the recently released movie, The Principle. He has appeared on radio and television, including programs on CNN, the BBC and EWTN. Some of Robert’s publications include the following: The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 6, The Gospel According to St. John (CAI Publishing, Inc., 2010); The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 5, The First Epistle to the Corinthians (CAI Publishing, Inc., 2008); The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 4, The Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-11 (CAI Publishing, Inc., 2008); The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 3, The Epistles of Romans and James (CAI Publishing, Inc., 2008); The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 2, The Apocalypse of St. John (Queenship Publishing, 2007); The Catholic Apologetics Study Bible, Vol. 1, The Gospel According to St. Matthew (Queenship Publishing, 2003); Not By Bread Alone: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for the Eucharistic Sacrifice (Queenship Publishing, 2000); How Can I Get to Heaven: The Bible’s Teaching on Salvation Made Easy to Understand (Queenship Publishing, 1998); Not By Faith Alone: The Biblical Evidence for the Catholic Doctrine of Justification (Queenship Publishing, 1997); Not By Scripture Alone: A Catholic Critique of the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura (Queenship Publishing, 1997); Shockwave 2000 (New Leaf Press, 1994). ix Scripture Abbreviations Jg Judges New Testament Rt Ruth 1Sm 1 Samuel Mt Matthew 2Sm 2 Samuel Mk Mark 1Kg 1 Kings Lk Luke 2Kg 2 Kings Jn John 1Ch 1 Chronicles Ac Acts 2Ch 2 Chronicles Rm Romans Er Ezra 1Co 1 Corinthians Nh Nehemiah 2Co 2 Corinthians Tb Tobit Gl Galatians Jt Judith Ep Ephesians Et Esther Ph Philippians 1Mc 1 Maccabees Cl Colossians 2Mc 2 Maccabees 1Th 1 Thessalonians Jb Job 2Th 2 Thessalonians Ps Psalms 1Tm 1 Timothy Pr Proverbs 2Tm 2 Timothy Ec Ecclesiastes Ti Titus Sg Song of Solomon Pm Philemon Ws Wisdom Hb Hebrews Es Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) Jm James Is Isaiah 1Pt 1 Peter Jr Jeremiah 2Pt 2 Peter Lm Lamentations 1Jn 1 John Br Baruch 2Jn 2 John Ez Ezekiel 3Jn 3 John Dn Daniel Jd Jude Hs Hosea Ap Apocalypse (Revelation) Jl Joel Am Amos Old Testament Ob Obadiah Jh Jonah Gn Genesis Mc Micah Ex Exodus Na Nahum Lv Leviticus Hk Habakkuk Nm Numbers Zp Zephaniah Dt Deuteronomy Hg Haggai Js Joshua Zc Zechariah Ml Malachi x For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth.
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