If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov. u.s. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics = "'it Criminal Victimization I .of New York State Residents Percent distribution of crimes, 1977 . Bureau of Justice Statistics Reports The Police and Public Opinion: An Analysis Trends In Expenditure and Employment Data of Vlctinlization and Attitude Data Irom lor the Criminal Justice System, 1971-77 Single copies are available at no charge Irom the 13 American Cities, NCJ-42018 (annual), NCJ-57463 National Criminal Justice Relerence Service, Box An Introduction to the National Crime Expenditure and Employment Data lor the 6000, Rockville, Md. 20850. Multiple copies are lor Survey, NCJ-43732 Criminal Justice System (annual) sale by the':Superlntendent 01 Documents, U.S. Compensating Victims 01 Violent Crime: 1978 Summary Report, NCJ-66483 Governmel1t Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Potential Costs and Coverage of a National 1978 final report, NCJ-664B2 20402. Program, NCJ-433B7 1977 final report, NCJ-53206 Crime Against Persons In Urban, Suburban, and Rural Areas; A Comparative Analysis of National Crime Survey: Victimlzatfon Rates, NCJ-53551 Dictionary of Criminal Justice Data Terminology: Criminal IlIctlmlzation In the United States Rape Victimization In 26 American Cities, Terms and Definitions Proposed for Interstate (annual): NCJ-5587B and National Dala Collection and Exchange, Summary Findings of 1977-78 Changes in Criminal Victimization In Urban Schools, NCJ-36747 Crime and of Trends Since 1973, NCJ- NCJ-56396 6136E1 Criminal Justice Agencies In the U.S.: A Description of Trends from 1973 to 1977. National Prisoner Statistics: Summary Report of the Natlond Criminal NCJc59898 Capital Punishment (annualj: Justice Agency List, NCJ-65560 1978 (final report). NCJ-664BO 197B, NCJ-59897 Criminal Justice Agencies In Region 1977, NCJ-53725 1979 advance report, NCJ- 67705 1: Conn., Maine, Mass., N.H., R I., VI., 1976, NCJ-49543 Prisoners In Stale and Federallnslitutions on NCJ-17930 1975, NCJ-44593 December 31: 2: N,J .. N.Y .. NCJ-17931 1974, NCJ-39467 1978, NCJ-64671 3: Del., D.C., Md., Pa., Va., W.Va., NCJ-17932 1973, NCJ-34732 1979 advance report, NCJ-66522 4: Ala., Ga., Fla., Ky., Miss" N.C., S.C" Tenn" The Cost of Negligence: Losses from Census 01 State Correctional Facilities, 1974 NCJ-17933 Preventable Household Burglaries, advance report, NCJ-25642 5: III., Ind .. Mirh., Minn., Ohio, Wis" NGJ- NCJ-53527 Profile 01 State Prison Inmates: Socio­ 17934 . InUmate Vlctlmll: A Study 6f Violence AmCing demographic Findings from the 1974 Survey 6: Ark., La., N.Mex., Okla., Tex., NCJ-17935 Friends and Relatives, NCJ-62319 of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities, 7: Iowa, Kans., Mo ,Nebr.. NCJ-17936 Crime and Seascmallty, NCJ-64B1B NCJ-5B257 8: Colo., Mont., N,Dak" S.Dak" Utah, Wyo,. Criminal Victimization of New York State Census 01 Prisoners In State Correctional NCJ-17937 Residents, 1974-77, NCJ-664Bl Facilities, 1973, NCJ-34729 9: Ariz., Calil., Hawaii, Nev., NCJ-15151 Criminal Vlctlmlzatlon Surveys In 13 Census of .Jalls and Survey 01 Jail Inmates, 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oreg., Wflsh .. NCJ-1793B American cities (summary report, 1 vol.), 1978, preliminary report, NCJ-55172 NCJ-18471 Profile 01 Inmates 01 Local Jails: Soclo­ Boston, NCJ-34B1B demographic Findings from the 197B Survey Buffalo, NCJ-34B20 of Inmates of Loca.! Jails, NCJ-65412 Utilization of Criminal Justice Statistics Cli1Iclnnatl, NCJ-34819 The N~tion's Jails: A report on the census Project: Houston, NCJ-34821 of jails from the 1972 Survey of Inmates of Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Miami, NCJ-34B22 Local Jails, NCJ-19067 1979 (annual). NCJ-59679 Milwaukee, NCJ-34B23 Survey allnmates of local Jails, 1972, Public Opinion Regarding Crime, Criminat Minneapolis, NCJ-34B24 advance report, NCJ-13313 Justice, and Related Topics, NCJ-17419 New Orleans, NCJ-34B25 New Directions in Processing of Juvenile Oakland, NCJ-34B26 Uniform Parole Reports: Offenders: The Denver Model. NCJ-17 420 Pittsburgh, NCJ-34B27 Parole In the United States (annual): Who Gets Detained? An Empirical Analysis San Diego, NCJ-34B2B 1978, NCJ-58722 of the Pre-Adjudicatory Detention of San Francisco, NCJ-34629 1976and 1977, NCJ-49702 Juveniles in Denver. NC,J-17417 Washington, D.C., NCJ-34830 Characterls!lcs 01 the Parole Juvenile Dispositions: Social and Legal Public Altitudes About Crime (13 vols.): Population, 197B, NCJ-66479 Factors Related to the Processing of Denver Boston, NCJ-46235 A National Survey 01 Parole-Related Delinquency Cases, NCJ-17418 Buffalo, NCJ-46236 Legislation Enacted During the 1979 Olfender-Based Transaction Statislics: New Cincinnati, NCJ-46237 Legislative Session, NCJ-6421B Directions in Data Collection and Reporting, Houston, NCJ-46238 NCJ-296.16 Miami, NCJ-46239 Children In Custody: Juvenile Detention and Sentencing of California Felony Offenders, Mllwauke.. , NCJ-46240 Correctional Facility Census NCJ-29646 Minneap'illls, NCJ-46241 1977 advance report: The Judicial processing of Assault and New Orleans, NCJ-46242 Census of Public Juvenile Facilities, Burglary Offenders in Selected California Oakland, NCJ-46243 NCJ-60967 Counties, NC,t-29644 Pittsburgh, NCJ-46244 Cens.us of Private Juvenile Facilities, Pre-Adjudicatory Detention in Three Juvenile San Diego, NCJ-46245 NCJ·60968 Courts, NCJ-34730 San Francisco, NCJ-46246 1975 (final report), NCJ-5B139 Delinquency Disposilions: An Empirical Washington, D.C., NCJ-46247 1974, NCJ-57946 Analysis of Processing Decisions in Three Criminal Vlcllmlzatlon Surveys In Chlcagtl, 1973, NCJ-44777 Juvenile Courts. NCJ-34734 Detro!!, Los Angeles, New York, and 1971, NCJ-13403 The Patterns and Distribution of Assaull Philadelphia: A Comparison of 1972 and Incident Characteristics Among Social 1974 Findings, NCJ-36360 Myths and Realities About Crime: A Areas, NCJ-40025 Criminal Victimization Surveys In the Nontechnical Presentation of Selected Patterns of Robbery Characteristics and Their Nation's Five Largest Cilles: National Information from the National Prisoner Occurrence Among Social Areas, NCJ-40026 Crime Panel Surveys in Chicago, Detroit, Statistics Program and the National Crime Crime-Specific Analysis: Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia, Survey, NCJ-46249 The Characteristics of Burglary Incidents, 1972, NCJ-16909 NCJ-42093 Criminal Victimization Surveys In Eight State and Local Probation and Parole Systems, An Empirical Examinaticr] of Burglary American Cilles: A Comparison of 1971/72 NCJ-41335 Offender Characteristics. NCJ-43131 and 1974175 Findings-National Crime State and Lotal Prosecution and Civil Attorney An Empirical Examination of Burglary Surveys in Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, Systems, NCJ-41334 Offenders and Offense Characteristics, Dallas, Denver, Newark, Portland, and St. National Survey 01 Court Organization: NCJ-42476 Louis, NCJ-36361 1977 Supplemer,t to State Judicial Systems, Sources of National Criminal Justice Crimes and Victims: A Report on the Day ton/ NCJ-40022 Statistics: An Annotated Bibliography. San Jose Pilot Survey of Victimization, 1975 Supplement to State Judicial Systems, NCJ-45006 NCJ-013314 NCJ-29433 Federal Criminal SentenCing: Perspectives Indicators 01 Crime and Criminal Justice: 1971 (futl report), NCJ-11427 01 Analysis and a Design for Research, Quantitative Studies, NCJ-62349 NCJ-33683 State Court Model Statistical Dictionary, Varlations!n Federal Criminal Sentences: Applications of the National Crime NCJ-62320 A Statistical Assessment at the National Survey Victimization and Attitude Data: State Court Caseload Statistics: Level, NCJ-33684 Public Opinion About crime: The Attitudes The State of the Art, NCJ,,46934 Federal Sentencing Patterns: A Study of of Victims and Nonvictims In SEllected Ann ual Report, 1975, NCJ-51885 Geographical Variations, NCJ-33685 Cities, NCJ-41336 . Annual Report, 1976, NCJ-56599 Predicting Sentences In Federal Courts: The Local Victim Suroleys: A Review of the A Cross-City Comparison 01 Felony Case Feasibility 01 a Nalional Sentencing Policy. Issues, NCJ-39973 Processing, NCJ-55171 NCJ-33686 U.S. Department of Justlce Bureau of Justice Statistics Criminal Victimization (1~f New York State Residents 1974-77 A National Crime Survey Report NCJ-66481, SD-NCS-S-1, June 1980 • !. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oftlce, Washington, D.C. 20402 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Bureau of Justice Statistics Benjamin H. Renshaw, III Acting Director Acknowledgements. This report was written by J. Frederick Shenk, Crime Statistics Analysis Staff, Bureau of the Census, under the supervision of Adolfo L. Paez; statistical assistance was provided by Siretta L. Kelly. tn the Bureau or' Justice Statistics, general supervision was supplied by Charles R. Kindermann, assisted by Patsy A. Klaus. Collection and processing of National Crime Survey data is conducted by the Bureau of the Census; at present, the program is under the general supervision of Evan H. Davey, Demographic Surveys Division, assisted by Robert N. Tinari and Robert L. Goodson. The report was reviewed for technical matters in the Statistical Methods Division, under the supervision of Margar~t E. Schooley Hill, assisted by Thomas F. Moore and Lawrence W. Altmayer. I Although appropriate for producing State-level estimates of crime, the sample was not suitable, because of its size and design, for generating comparable information for smaller jurisdictions within New York State, such as counties or cities. However, victimization
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