Argyll and Bute Council Planning and Regulatory Services Delegated or Committee Planning Application Report and Report of handling as required by Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 relative to applications for Planning Permission or Planning Permission in Principle ____________________________________________________________________________ Reference No : 13/01873/PP Planning Hierarchy : Local Development Applicant : Scottish Water Proposal : Erection of 3 x 5kW Wind Turbines (21.5m high to blade tip) Site Address : Water Treatments Works, Tarbert Road, Campbeltown ____________________________________________________________________________ DECISION ROUTE Local Government Scotland Act 1973 ____________________________________________________________________________ (A) THE APPLICATION (i) Development Requiring Express Planning Permission • Erection of 3 No.5kW wind turbines (21.5m to blade tip) (ii) Development Not Requiring Express Planning Permission • Laying of cabling ____________________________________________________________________________ (B) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application is refused for reasons given below. ____________________________________________________________________________ (C) HISTORY: 12/02135/PP – Erection of three wind turbines - Withdrawn ____________________________________________________________________________ (D) CONSULTATIONS: Area Roads Manager Report dated 18/09/13 No objections as the size of the components are small. Highland and Islands Airports Limited E-mails dated 10/09/13 and 28/10/13 HIAL has confirmed that the proposal would infringe on the safeguarding surfaces for Campbeltown airport. This objection could be removed if some form of mitigation is agreed. A subsequent e-mail confirmed that appropriate mitigation had been agreed with the applicant and as such HIAL has no objection subject to the installation of a steady red obstacle light being fitted on two of the three turbines (T2 and T3 on the submitted plans) Public Protection Unit Memo dated 23/09/13, 23/10/13 No objection subject to planning conditions covering noise, construction activities and external lighting. Scottish Natural Heritage Letter dated 30/09/13 No concerns regarding the proposal. National Air Traffic Services Limited Email dated 11/09/13 NATS has confirmed that they have no safeguarding objection. Glasgow Prestwick Airport Email dated 05/09/13 No objection. ____________________________________________________________________________ (E) PUBLICITY: The proposal has been advertised in terms of regulation 20, closing date 04/10/13. ____________________________________________________________________________ (F) REPRESENTATIONS: There have been 11 objections to the proposal detailed below: Councillors Councillor John Semple, 14 Kilkerran Park, Campbeltown (07/09/13) Third Parties Mrs Lesley Cowan, Oatfield House, Campbeltown (01/10/13) Mrs Emma Rawson, Belhaven Hill School, Belhaven Road, Dunbar (16/10/13) Mrs Sophia Blair, Eriskay, Southend, Campbeltown (07/11/13) Mrs Stephanie Stretton, Greenpark Cottage, Glenbarr, Tarbert (14/10/13) Mr William Crossan, Gowanbank, Kilkerran Road, Campbeltown (11/10/13) Mr John Cowan, Oatfield House, Campbeltown PA28 6PH (01/10/13) Mr Andrew Reid, Elystone, Gobagrennan, Campbeltown PA28 6NX (02/10/13) Ms Shona Reid, Elystone, Gobagrennan, Campbeltown PA28 6NX (02/10/13) Mr John Seddon, Kilmaluag Cottage, Glenbarr, Tarbert (24/09/13) Mr Andrew Hemmings, 112 Sound of Kintyre, Machrihanish, PA28 6GA (20/09/13) Summary of issues raised • The turbines will dominate the approach to and from Campbeltown both by road and sea. Comment: The turbines are relatively small scale but would be elevated and prominent and would indeed have a negative visual impact on the approach to and exit from Campbeltown. • The existing buildings are painted green and are relatively low rise and as such they blend into the landscape. The turbines will draw attention to these buildings with their moving parts and especially when the sun reflects off them. Comment: The fast moving nature of the small rotor blades will draw particular attention to the turbines and the existing development. The turbines could be manufactured with a non-reflective finish to avoid reflection. • Wind turbine proposals should be kept to areas of search and randomly positioned across the countryside. Comment: The development plan and associated guidance provides a clear steer on where to position turbines. Chapter 7 of the Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study (LWECS) encourages smaller scale turbines to be positioned adjacent the buildings they are intended to serve. In this instance the developer has followed that guidance given the close relationship between the turbines and the treatment works. However the elevated location of that works gives rise to landscape and visual issues with the proposal that are covered in more depth below. • The proposal, if approved, will result in Campbeltown being enclosed by wind turbine development. Comment: There are wind turbine approvals around Campbeltown but it is not accepted that there is no further landscape capacity to absorb appropriately scaled and sited turbine developments. • The submitted visuals are of poor quality and demonstrate that the turbines will only be seen for about half a mile away whereas the three on Gigha can be seen for miles. Comment: The developer has submitted further PDF copies of the supporting documentation that provide a clearer view of the likely impacts. The turbines on Gigha are significantly larger and in a different setting that give rise to different impacts and considerations. It is not appropriate to compare the two given these significant differences. _________________________________________________________________________ (G) SUPPORTING INFORMATION Has the application been the subject of: (i) Environmental Statement: No (ii) An appropriate assessment under the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1994: No (iii) A design or design/access statement: No (iv) A report on the impact of the proposed development Yes e.g. retail impact, transport impact, noise impact, flood risk, drainage impact etc: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment - This provides a general overview to the proposal and a ZTV and photomontages. Decommissioning and Restoration Plan - This confirms that the turbines will be removed from the site and that inspections will take place every 2 years for on- going maintenance. Traffic and Transport Management Plan - This confirms that all parts, plant and machinery will be transported to the site via the A83 trunk road and that vehicles will be ‘everyday type’ insofar that no abnormal loads are expected. Environmental Noise Assessment - This provides a general noise assessment on third party sensitive receptors. The nearest third party property is 150m to the south. The document confirms that the ETSU standard of 35dB at the nearest third party property will be achieved. ____________________________________________________________________________ (H) PLANNING OBLIGATIONS (i) Is a Section 75 agreement required: No ____________________________________________________________________________ (I) Has a Direction been issued by Scottish Ministers in terms of No Regulation 30, 31 or 32: ____________________________________________________________________________ (J) Section 25 of the Act; Development Plan and any other material considerations over and above those listed above which have been taken into account in the assessment of the application (i) List of all Development Plan Policy considerations taken into account in assessment of the application. Argyll and Bute Structure Plan 2002 STRAT DC 4 – Development in Rural Opportunity Areas STRAT DC 8 – Landscape and Development Control STRAT RE 1 – Wind Farm/Wind Turbine Development STRAT SI 1 – Sustainable Development STRAT RE 1 – Wind Farm/Wind Turbine Development Argyll and Bute Local Plan 2009 LP ENV 1 – Impact on the General Environment LP ENV 2 – Impact on Biodiversity LP ENV 6 – Impact on Habitats and Species LP ENV 10 – Development Impact on Areas of Panoramic Quality LP BAD 1 – Bad Neighbour Development LP TRAN 4 – New and Existing Public Roads and Private Access Regimes LP REN 2 – On Site Commercial and Domestic Wind Turbines (ii) List of all other material planning considerations taken into account in the assessment of the application, having due regard to Annex A of Circular 4/2009. The Town & Country Planning Act (Scotland) 1997 The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act, 2006 SPP, Scottish Planning Policy, 2010 Annex 1 to Planning Advice Note 45 : Renewable Energy Technologies Planning Advice Note 1/2011 – Planning and Noise Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study, 2012 ____________________________________________________________________________ (K) Is the proposal a Schedule 2 Development not requiring an Yes Environmental Impact Assessment: A negative screening opinion has been issued. ____________________________________________________________________________ (L) Has the application been the subject of statutory pre-application No consultation (PAC): ____________________________________________________________________________ (M) Has a sustainability check list been submitted: No ____________________________________________________________________________ (N) Does the Council have an interest in the site: No ____________________________________________________________________________
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