
·- COCPERATI ON WITH O'rHSR GOVER~'MK'iTS: :-ll!,UTPJU. ~L-.'l0P3:AJ;; (SWEDE~!) VOL.z (LAST PART) LETT,;RS F!!OM IVKR C. OLSEN, TRM/SMITTHG PRESS RELEASES & TRAN3J,ATIONS FROM S'o'3DEN ----- 3 lm<:UBt 1'3, 1'144 - iind'onc·· . ~. 'I THE FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE UNil'ED STATES OF AMERICA AMERICAN LEGATION 848/MET Stockholm, Sweden December 4, 1944 Mr. John w. Pehle Executive Director War Refugee Board Washington, D. c. Dear•Mr. Pehle: For the information of the Board, there are enclosed a few articles and translations from the local press. Sincerely yours, ~~ Ma~abet~For: rver c. Thomps~nOlsen Special Attach~ for War Refugee Board Enclosures - 4 . i •· --I ~· SOURCE: Dagens Nyheter, November 18, 1944 FOR POLAND'S CHILDREN. The collection which the Help Poland's Children Committee started during Poland Week in September and which is still going on has at present resulted in 154,000 crowns, apart from the great quantity of clothes and shoes. Great amounts have come from industries and shops in the country, Among the more noticeable contributions is the one from teachers and pupils at Vasaetaden's girls' school through a bazaar, The sum was 2,266 crowns, from the employees and workers in the ASEA factories in Ludvika, 2,675 crowns, from employees and workers at Telefon AB L,M. Ericsson 1,382 crowns, and from the staff at AB Clothing Factory in Nassjo 629 crowns. Through the committee 35,000 kg. of food have been sent to the evacuation camp at Pruezkow and other plaoes, and we hope to be able to send even more food and clothes to other camps where the population of Warsow has been brought. The Committee is examining the possibility of giving help to the suffering population in the districts of Poland which have already been liberated by the Russian army and whose food situation still is very critical. Dagens Nyheter, November 18, 194~ ,t l For Polens barn Den insamling som konunitt6n Hja.Ip Po­ I~ns barn bOrjade under Polska. veckan i september p~gAr alltjiimt och har tills vi-· dare givit ett resultat av omkring 154.000 kr. utom betydande kvantiteter kli:ider och skodon. Stora belopp har influtit fr.an in­ dustrier eller affiirsfOretag 1and'et runt. Bland mer beaktansviirda insa'lser kan nfun­ nas fr{m Hirare och elever V'id Vasastaderu; kommunala flickskola genom en basar 2.266 k:r., fr<'l.n tjiinsteman och arbetare vid P.SEA-verken i Ludvika 2.675 k:r., fran tjc0in.r;ternan och arbetare vid Telefon AB L. M. Ericsson 1.:182 kr. och fr<ill personalen viG AB Kliiderfubriken i NiissjO 629. kr. G ~nom kommittt~ns fOrsorg har 35.000 kg. livsmedel sfults till evakueringsUigren i Pruezkow samt andra platser, och man hopp~kunna siinda ytterligare partier livs­ .mede ·och kliider till detta och andra 10.­ ge:JO', t Warszawabefolkningen blivit fOrd. 1 ;t,~i.'tten undersOker mOjligheten att ! ~ I jiilp At den nOdlidande befo1Jmin- fffll de omrAden av Polen som redan befriaf:.. av den ryska armful oah s0m be­ firmer Dg i ett alltjiimt ur f6rs0rjn~­ punkt lritiskt llige. -'h -· SOURCE: Dagens Nyheter, November 19, 1944 -·'t "DOUBTFUL" ESTONIANS IN A SPECIAL CAMP. Of the about 20,000 Baltic refugees who arrived in Sweden, about 100 were immediately separated as "doubtful cases" and brought to a camp in Vastmanland for further examination. Twenty of them are notorious criminals, and about the others we hope that their past will be clear. A fUrther 12 men have been sent to the Langmora camp. One of the members of Doctor Mae's vasal Government, the Minister of Finance, Doctor Wendt, is at present, according to Dagens Nyheter, in Sweden. He is staying in a camp with a number of other Estonians who closely collaborated with the occupation power. In Estonian circles he is considered as an opportunist, who lately changed more and more and made great contributions in order to get away himself and also to save many other people from the Germans and the Russians. Also another member of Mae's Government, the Minister of Agriculture, Saar, has arrived here. ~he county sheriff in the county of Vastmanland, Marten Stiernstrom, has been travelling around during the past weeks in the different camps to examine the Estonians who number about 500. He declares that nearly all he met were good and nice people, who of course do find it difficult to find a root here, .their roots having been snatched out of their own environment. The question of the stay in Sweden of the two Finnish Nazis, Police Lieutenant Gunnar Isak Lindqvist~d Bank Director Pehr Henrik Norrmen will probably be settled this week. They have been examined in Umea and the protocol arrived in Stockholm on Friday. Dagens Nyheter, November 19, 194. f 'f ""Tveksqrnma" ester i ett siirskilt lager Av .de cirka 20.000 baltiska f!yktingar som anlant tUI Sverige har eti 100-tal omedelbart avskilts som tveksamma fall och forts till ];;. ger i Vastmanland for ytterligare forhor. Tju@fav· dem ar notoriska brottslingar, och betraffande de ovriga hoppas man. kunna bringa klarhet over deras foregaende. Vidare h;r 12 man sliickats till -Ui.ng· moralagret. Mfi.es regering, jordbruksminister :::iaar, har tagit sig hit. Landsfogden i V8shmmlam1s IBn Miirten SticrnstrOm, bar under d~ senaste vcckoma rest omkring till olika liiger fOr aU hiilla fi:irhOr mcd omkrlng 500 ester. Han_fOrklnrar att sQ gott som alia han mOtt vnrit trevligt och hyggligt folk, \'ilka doch: naturligh•is inte hnr sO. l8tt ntt siB E rot hSr sedan de blivit upprvckta n av ~edlemmarna i dr Miies metl rOttcrna ur sin urspru~glign vasallregermg, finansministern dr . miljO. IWendt, befinner sig, enligt vad Da- Finska nazistcrnns Ode gens Nyheter inh8mtat, i Sverige. Han vistas i ett lager tillsamma~ ett "'nVgOrcs snart. antal andra ester som n8r o denna ve~ka ·l'Ommer antagllgen med ockupationsmakten. fragan att a~y regeringen hu- kretsar betecknas han so ruvida de tvA klihi:N' finnama polis- tunist, vllken pft. slstone slog 9I4~~t- lOjtnant G.~.ml).~r~ ,lsak .Llndqvist och mer och mer och gjorde ~\lrl.~er Ibankdirektor Penr Henrik Nomnen 8 fOr att ·inte bara klara slg ~arV utan ].~~ 0! h!~ahAlli~ !"eeJigde~l\eru:E: ocksa andra undan bMe tyskar och Ioch protokollen kom p~ fredagen Ull ryssax:. Aven en annan me4lem av Stockholm. SOURCE: Stockholmstidningen, November 19, 1944 f 'I HUNGARY TAKES BACK RELIEF FOR THE JEWS. Budapest, November 18, 1944 Budapest has become a town of placards. New pl~earde are eet up every hour on windows of empty shops. the new Editor of Magyarorezag at~oks the Budapest inhabitants who in the smoke of their cigarettes, .are sitting in the coffee houses thinking about the historical relatione between the people of the Volga and the Danube. The evacuation of Budapest continues. Food shops and bakeries are open, but the feeding causes great difficulties. Xhe relief for the Jews, introduced by Admiral Horthy has been revised. Jews with protective passports have permission to remain on the street between 8-3 p.m. Other Jews only between 2-4 p.m. Protective passports, issued by the Holy See, are still valid. T~~ evacuation of Jews has again been taken up. Stockho!mstidninv~~. November 19, 1944 ! l I u ngern atertar judll~ttnaderna Fran St.-T:. specielle frorresprmJent. - BUDAPEST den 18 nov. Budapest har bllvit afflschernas stad. Varje timme klistras nya affischer pA fOnstren till tomma affiirer. I Magyarorsza~Jper den nye chefredaktOren d _ jlastbor, som t rOlren frAn slna clgarretter sitter i kaffehusen och filosoferar om de hi· storiska fOrbindelserna mellan folken vld Volga och Donau. Evakuerlngen av Budapest fortgAr alltjiimt Llvsmedelsbutlker och ba­ gerler hAiler tippet, men fOrsOrjningen vAllar alltjiimt svArlgheter. De genom r!ksfores!Andare Horthy genom.!orda Hittnaderna fOr judarna har revl~erats. Judar med skyddspass fAr uppehMJ.a slg pA gatorna 30 min. ":J.E!llan kl. 8- 15, och 'llndra judar mell~n 14 till 16. Skyddspass som utf§.rdats av den He­ Uga stolen giiller alltjB.ntt. Evakuerln­ gen av judarna har Aterupptaglts. ,. - - I SOURCE: Dagens Nyheter, November 26, 1944 NORWEGIAN REFUGEE STREAY! INCREASING, TENTS AND FOOD FROM SWEDISH AEROPLANE. The number of Norwegian refugees who, after many hardships, arrive across the Swedish frontier in the high north increases every day. About 200 refugees on Wednesday arrived at the areas north of Karesuando. The need for a large Swedish relief activity is more and more noticeable. A good initiative was taken some days ago when a Swedish aeroplane near Kilpisjarvi at the Swedish-Finnish frontier about 9 miles (Swedish~ northwest of Karesuando threw down eight tents, 150 blankets and food supplies in order to help some hundred Norwegian refugees who were passing through this area. Kilpisjarvi is situated in the northernmost part of Sweden at the border to Finland and the frontier guards had reported that the number of refugees arriving was so large that there was no possibility of quartering them. The only way to receive supplies in time was by aeroplanes. A civilian aeroplane started from Kiruna flying during the few light hours of the day. The journey up to Kilpisjarvi was carried out without aociient, and the supplies were thrown down with parachutes at various places along the frontier. T4e tents were set up by Swedish soldiers and can now be used also by other refugees when they arrive. The blankets and the food supplies were very welcome as the refugees were worn out and hungry. On Wednesday the planes made a new flight, this time to Suorva.
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