V y'-• .f.^ Ai^rvr I'i NET* PRESS RUN TUB WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION W m n n m t br V. •. 4w«ba. OP THE EVENING HERALD Mm * a m r n r ; ^ * - for the month of July, 1927 Fair t o n ^ iii llinrsday. partly 5 , 0 4 0 anihpotfr clondy. VOL: X U ., NO. 260. OlbMlfled Advertiiliig on Page 10. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1927. .SV^'^®r,ri!,LVBPAGfi5): 1 PRICE THREE CENTS Vt COOUDGE’S NOTE <$>- THE WORLD SOON WH.L KNOW FIFTH DISTRia '■T FULLER POSTPONES -4’ POLITICIANS DEBATE PLANS ON DECISION OUTSIDERS MAY O U S T ^ C n O N S ON WHAT IT MEANS Meeting of Council, Called -4 ROGERS PAPER Plan to End SChool War By HOO'VEB IS SILENT For Today, Is Postponed ON COOLIDGE’S NOTE Opinion Divided on Whether It Means He Will Not Rnn COMPANYSOLD Taking Control, Calling In Palo Alto, Calif., Aug. 3.— Secretary of Commerce Herbert For PresidenCy or That He Will Run If Nominated; An­ Uqtil Tomorrow Noon; Hoover, regarded as a potential I Umpire Body to PiCk Candidate for the Republican SaCCo and Vanzetti Await TO CHM. RAY presidential nomination in 1928, nounCement Came Out of Clear Sky— Leaders SpeCu­ SChool Site. refused to comment today on the statement of President Cool- late on Reason Why It Was Made at This Particulnr Chair. idge that he does not choose to General Manager of Concern run for reeleCtion. Hoover’s Warning was given today to the seCretary stated that the news Time— Probable Candidates Start to Build FenCes. Boston, Mass.. Aug. 3.— Governor PurChases Business and voters of the Fifth School DistriCt had come too suddenly to per­ Alvan T. Fuller today sprang a sud­ of a speCial meeting to be held on mit Mr. Hoover to formulate re­ -------------------------------------------4 Wednesday evening, August 10. aCtions. i Washington, Aug. 3.— PolitiCal ‘CHOOSE” IS VERNACULAR den surprise in his review of the -4 OF THE NEW ENGLANDER Case of Nicola SaCCo and Bartolom­ Two Mills Here— Founded This is the meeting made possible candor or politiCal cunning? by a petition of a number of dis­ As hot a politiCal debate as the eo Vanzetti. New York, Aug. 3.— “Will AnnounCement was made at the By Rogers Family. triCt voters and a variety of mat­ Country has witnessed in years you have some more pipe?” the State House by William L. Reed, ters are slated to be settled at that 12 LITTLE WORDS raged today about President Cool- New England house-wife asks secretary of the ExeCutive Council, time. idge’s enigmatiC deClaraton that he her guest. that the sCheduled meeting for that The Rogers Paper Manufactur­ More business than the district does not “Choose” to run for the “I wouldn’t choose any, thank STIR POLITICIANS I you,” is the New Englander’s body at noon today was postponed ing Company. Inc., operating two has ever before had to transaCt at presidency next year, with opinion mills here passed out of the Rogers one meeting la Included in the call. reply. It means simple and po-, until noon tomorrow. divided sharply as to whether he is lite refusal. family, which organized it in 1832, Among the Items in the Call are The CounCillors were enroute to several of great Importance. For displaying politiCal candor or poli­ Those familiar with New Eng­ the Capitol when the announCement today when Charles Ray, for seven instanCe, the 12th and 13th Clauses What Does '1 Do Not tical Cunning by his peCuliarly land and its talk, recalled this \] was made. years general manager of the con­ concern the building of a new worded statement. quirk of the vernaCular as the The faCt that Gov. Fuller’s decis- Cern, announced that he had pur­ sChool and the Change of the site If Mr. Coolidge really means to politiCally wise of the country Choose” Mean— All Sorts sought to find the hidden mean­ sion in the SaCCo-Vantettl review is chased the business and the mills. from the present one to one at the take himself out of Consideration to be given out at approximately corner of Keeney and HaCkmataCk- for 1928. he will have to put his ing behind the twelve words of eight p. m. tonight and that the Boston banking Interests will be streets. intention In more positive words President Coolidge: council meeting has been postponed affiliated with Mr. Ray In the new Outside Umpires Of Answers Are Given Out before the hard-boiled politiCians In “I do not choos.i to run for I until after the announCement of the concern, but the loCal man holds a An unusual Clause mentions the the Capital will believe it. The great president in nineteen-twenty-' eight.” leCislon Caused much speCulation. Controlling interest in the corpora­ possibility of having the site for a majority of republicans now In State House observers were as muCh new sChool building left to the de­ Rapid City, S. D., Aug. 3.— Washington are unwilling to Might it be possible, some au­ m the dark as ever on the nature tion. Miss Gertrude H. Rogers of cision of the board of sChool visi­ Twelve little words today were stir­ scratch his name on the basis of thorities ask, that the President merely was speaking tha com­ of the deCision but a majority ProspeCt street has been president tors of an adjoining towns. The ad­ ring up more politiCal turmoil than the ten startling words that eman­ '.bought that the CounCil was to be and treasurer of the Rogers com­ joining town is not, mentioned but ated from Rapid City yesterday in mon talk of his seCtion? ’onsulted_ whiCh was taken to mean It is probably Glastonbury. the nation has known in a decade. -4 pany. Final deCision of the Celebrated Sacco-Vanzetti case Is expeCted today such dramatic fashion: hat the governor had decided to in- The two loCal plants of the com­ The distriCt will decide what “I do not choose to run for presi­ "I do not Choose to run for presi­ ervene. from Gov. Fuller of MassaChusetts (lower piCture). SaCCo and Vanzetti pany loCated on Charter Oak street (left to right above) are on a hunger strike. course to take on the judgments dent in nineteen twenty-eight.” dent in 1928.” movement in. behalf of Herberl Lose Hope. and on Hartford Road employ a handed down by the court of com­ How are these all significant At the same time, it is conceded Hoover will burst forth befori Waiting within a few feet of the little over 100 hands. Paper speCial­ mon pleas reCently In favor of Alm- words of Calvin Coolidge to be tak­ generally that Mr. Coolidge, by his many weeks. The movement hai eleCtric Chair, SaCCo and Vanzetti ties and press-board are manufaC­ ee Demars and Arthur E. Loomis, en? statement, has let down the bars been proceeding under cover foi were said to have abandoned hope tured in the mills. Business has who had made improvements on the Do they mean he desires earnest­ to a floCk of Republican pptentlall- many months, anyway, but It Could in Gov. Fuller’s deCision and to be been unusually good and the out­ SCRIBES ALLOWED DATE OF BIG BOUT sChool building. The distriCt will ly to retire from the field of 1928 tles who will not be slow to take the not be brought Into the open be­ planning a "last ditCh” battle before look for Continued prosperity is authorize the treasurer to report on presidential possibilities? deClaration at Its face value, and cause of Mr. Hoover’s position ii either the loCal federal court or the promising. Mr. Ray said today that the Indebtedness of the district and Do they mean he would prefer to proceed to build themselves up in Mr. Coolidge’s Cabinet. PolitiCal United States Supreme Court. the concern has orders three months report back to a speCial meeting strike a passive attitude and be observers have not forgotten that With Sacco and Vanzetti in the TO INSPECT BOOKS UP TO MISS TAYLOR the line of suCCession. in advance. within 30 days. The tenta­ "drafted” for the offiCe? Leaders' Opinion. only a few weeks^ ago Mr. Hoover death house today was Celestino tive date of this meeting has been, Is any importanCe to be attaChed madoTi T-enrark tn Rapid City that Madeiros, of New Bedford, Wrent- No Immediate Changes. There are several Republican No Changes in employee person­ set for September 2. to the employment of the phrase leaders who believe that, whether was almost as enigmatiC as that of ham bank ^aehier slayer, who made Other Clauses In the Call concern “do not Choose,” rather than "will Mr. Coolidge yesterday. a “Confession” shifting the guilt of nel will aCCompany the Change in Newspapers Are the Only he intended to or not, the president ownership, Mr. Fay announced. Dempsey Says If She Is Not a matter whiCh has been troubling not?” has removed himself from consid­ Answering an inquiry about hia the South Braintree killings from opponents of the Manning faCtion A Bombshell. own possible candidacy, Mr. Hoover SaCCo and Vanzetti to a band of Thomas H. Johnston, who joined eration. They are, however, in the the Rogers company shortly after of the distriCt for some time, that These questions were foremost minority. The majority, whose observed that he was Committed to Providence, R. I., gangsters. Ma­ ConneCting Link Between Better He Won’t Fight on of dispensing with Frederick R. Mr. Coolidge, and then added ha deiros.
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