Fourth Series1R.39 Monday, April 14, 1969 Chaitra 24, 1891 (Saka) /2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6 Seventh Session Fourth/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS No. 39, Monday, April 14, 1969/Chailra 24, 1891 (Saka) CoLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions- ·Starred Questions Nos. lOSS to lOSS and 1057 1-33 Written Answers to Questions- Starred Questions Nos.-_ IOS6 and 10S8 to 1080 33-49 Unstarred Questions Nos. 618S to 62S1 and 62S3 to 6364 49-202 Ro-Calling Attention, etc. 202-03 Papers laid on the Table- I 203-0S Statement reo certain decisions taken relating to cement Industry. 20S-08 Shri F. A. Ahmed 206-08 Personal Explanation by Member 208-09 Demands For Grants 209-77 Department of Social Welfare 209-77 Shrimati Sudha V. Reddy 210-IS Shri Shiv Charan Lal 21S-21 Shri Kamble 222-30 Shri P. R. Thakur 230-36 Shri Sheo Narain 236-41 Shri Manoharan 242-46 Shri Z. M. Kabandole 247-49 Shri Jyotirmoy Basu 249-S3 Shri Siddayya 2S3-58 Discussion reo Defence Minister's statement on firing on Gun and Shell Factory employees and Home Minister's statement on strike in West Bengal. 277-346' Shri S. A. Dange , 278-85 Shri Hem Barua 286-90 Shrimati Sucheta Kripalani 291-95 Shri Ranga 296-300 Shri A. K. Sen 300-04 Shri Kanwar Lal Gupta 304-10 Shri J. B. Kripalani 310-12 Shrimati Sharda Mukerjee 312-17 Shri P. Ramamurti . 317-25 Shri Prakash Vir Shastri 32,6-30 Shri S. M. Joshi 330-36 Shri Swaran Singh 336-41 Shri Y. B. Chavan 341-46 Half-an-Hour Discussion- Import of Yarn by the State Trading Corporation 346-48 Shri Sitaram Kesri 346-47 *The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. LOK SABRA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Monday. April 14. 1969/Chailra 24. MINISTR Y OF PETROLEUM AND CHE- 1891 (Saka) . MICALS AND MINES AND METALS (SHRI D. R. CHAVAN) (a) Yes Sir. in November 1968 the price increases of Rs. 260 The Lok Sabha mel at Eleven 0/ the and Rs. 500 per tonne have been agreed to Clock. for laundry soap and toilet soap respectively [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] for the products 6f the organised sector. in accordance with the informal arrangement ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS of prior consultation that has been in vogue since November. 1966. There is no statutory Prices of Soaps control on price of soaps. °1051. SHRI MADHU LIMAYE : Will (b) The increase referred to at (a) works the Minister of PETROLEUM 'AND out to about 8 %. CHEMICALS AND MINES AND METALS be pleased to state : (c) and (d). Yes Sir. The State Trading (a) whether it is a fact that Govern- Corporation do import tallow and distribute ment have allowed an increase in the prices it at a reasonable margin of profit to the of soaps by manufacturers; industry. But ifbecame clear by the middle of 1968 that the quantity of tallow available (b) if so, tlie percentage of this increase ; to the industry during the year would pot be sufficient to provide 60% of the facts as (c) whether it is also a fact that large assumed at the time of the last price fixation quantity of mutton tallow is being impor- in September 1967. It was also found that ted and distributed at a very reasonable there was an upward trend in the prices of margin of profit by the State Trading groundnut oil. the most important indigenous Corporation; component of the fats. (e) and (f). Yes Sir. The price revi- (d) in view of above and that big soap sions have been effected on the basis of the manufacturers like Hindustan Lever and composition of the different oils and fats in Tata Oil Mills Limited are earning huge the raw material mix from time to time. and profits. what were the compelling reasons the trend of prices in each case. The oils for Government to allow this increase; - account for a substantial portion of the cost of soap~. (e) whether there is any definite pricing policy involving increase and reduction in (g) and (h). The question is at present soap prices ; under discussion with the industry. (f),if so. Ibe details thereof; lITf ~ f<'l1ril' : ~ ~, il ;;n;;.rr ~ f.f; ~if ~ ~ (g) whether Government propose to ask t rn them to reduce the prices of soaps as prices f~~ ?i m ~ ~~ ~am: of the raw materials have come down; and mffl <ftif ~ it ~) f.f><IifT W'l'IiT (h) if not. the reaSOns for not directing f~ ~ f.Imr f.f; ~ ~ 'fiT '1cIT "f<'f a reduction in prices ? ~f.f;"@if~~~~"lTl1T~ ? Oral Answers APRIL 14, 1~ Oral Answers 4 SHRI D. R. CHAVAN: Mr. Speaker, into the production of soap are 66-2/3 per Sir, there are about 49 industrialists in the cent of hard oil; Tallow, groundnut oil etc. organised sector who have been registered and about 33* per cent of caustic soda with the Director-General of Technical sodium silicate and others. The price of Development. Out of these 49 there lIJ'e soap in our country depends apon the availa- about three or four like Godrej Brothers, bility of tallow. As a matter of fact, in Tatas, Swastik and Hindustan Lever who are 1966-67 tallow import was of the order of considered to be sizeable industrialiStS. The 19,000 and odd tonnes. In 1967-68 it was . total production of soap in 1967-68 was of the order of 1,27,000 and odd tonnes . about 2,16,000 tonnes in the organised sector- When the price increase was given, as has leaving aside the small-scale sector for which been referred to in the reply, the import of figures are not available. Concerning the tallow was only SO.072 tonnes. As a matter profits that this industry has made during of fact, when tallow was impor_ted on a the last three years, the figures are not larger scale, a larger quantity of 1,27,000 available at present with me. tonnes, in a period of nine months commen- cing from November 1666 to 1968--that is, ~ "'!. ~: l~ ~,1p.f. before this price increase was given-there was actually a reduction in prices. The reduction ~ll1:~~~~~T was nearly about Rs. lillo, during a period ~ 'ffiT ~ f.I; u;ff it ~,f: >tT ~ of nine months per tonne in the case of toilet soaps and Rs. 700 p<r tonne in the ~m~ case of laundry soaps. lro ~ ~ ~ ~ f.I; 'IJn' ~ m~lf. ~ ~~T~ .~~: ~~~, ~ ~ om: ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ain: ;;r;r ~~mim:~a~~1 ~m~ lf.~~~T ~~if~m~.1 'IJn' ~i~;m 'I>f ~ ~ <miT ~ f.I; anft lPfT ~ >t ~ fif; <iT ~ ~~ ~ ~ <mf ~ iJ ~ iiriff, WIT 'I>f ~ Co; ~ f~ m<'r iiRTllT fTl1'T om: ~om:~~f~m~~ ~~~~~~ ~ff;~~:~ lf~~ ~~ ~Tf~ ~ Co; 'ifiif am:mr 'I>'T ~ I it ~ ~ iJ G!T'AT • fif; ~ ~T G!T'AT. f'f; ~ 'ifiif am:mr 'I>'T ~ ~ <mf ~ fl~ ~ ~ mR'r it 'IJn' ~ ~ !i<f <IT'if ~ .~ <Vr f.I;cr;ft ~~mf~lfa~~ In' ifiif~T~ ? ~;m ~ ~ff; f':I;-l: ~ lIT1!<'IT ~f; ~ in- fm fom 'lWf 'R ~ 0 iT 0 lit 0 'ifiif i!:m ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~, ;af''if<f <mf om: ~ ~ it ~ it 'ifiif ~ <mf .IT arW'if<f <mf 'IJn' ~ ~ fuQri'(\' ~ ~::lm ~ lIT'fr ~~ it 'ifiif lf1'IiRf f~ ~ ? f.r'f;(ft ~ I 'IJn' ~ ~ ~ fm1f~~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ ;f~ ~ SHRI D. R. CHAVAN : Concerning the f.I; ;;r;r am:mr price of ground nut oil, to which my hon. ;;.r'!il m ~m 'R it ;;mIT ~ ar'R f, f, friend referred, I saw the figures today and ~ a)~ ~ ~ ~, I found that the price per tonne of ground- m"C tf'rii<fr 'I>f nut oil is Rs. 4,100. As compared to this <rif 'IJn' ~ I'J"l'lCT ~ ~ f.I; ~ . ~ the highest price last time was Rs. 5,375. ~m ~ ~ ~~oli It is true that the Ministry of Defence is ~ \3 purchasing on a large scale the soap manu- 'I>f f<mIT I!fT an.,- X oliJ 'I>f irq f~ by the various units fer their usc in ~~ m ~~ m::lm~i the defence force. After all, the price' of ~ ~ ~ ~, <IT ~ fumif,Or it ~f;T, soap depends upon various factors. As a matter of fact, the raw materials that go >t ~ 'IJn' ~ 'I>'T ~ om: ani! 'flll Oral Answers CHAITRA 2.4, 1891 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 ~T rn mit ~ ffifiI; it ffi<r am: SHRl D. R. CHAVAN : About the number of industries to whom tbe allotment ilfm~if~~ has been made, r bave not got the figures with me now. SHRI D. R. CHAV AN: The first ques· tion that has been rairsed by my hon. friend SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: It is quite ., is whether actually the import of tallow that clear that the prices of soap whether manu- is there is being properly utilised or it is factured by Hindustan Lever or Tatas are misutilised by way of selling in the black- going up and the size is becoming smaller market and all that. As a matter of fact, and smaller and the quality is also deterio- from April 1968 the import of tallow is rating. I would like to know whether it is channelised through the STC, and the allot- a fact that the State Trading Corporation ment to the various units is made on the has shown some leniency or soft corner to recommendations of the Director Genera], these big companies in the allotment of Technical Development on whose book all tallow.
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