Index Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 62, 164, 176, anti-discrimination law 25, 35, 125–6, 177 130–32, 134–5, 204, 218, 220, Aarhus Convention 183 222 Abhiram Singh v CD Commachen 116 anti-Semitic speech 200 abuse of power 88 appeasement adult suffrage 46, 108, 269 of minorities 21 affirmative action 22, 34, 40, 58, 65, 113, policy of 115 115, 119–23, 129, 132, 134, 158, Arumugam Servai v State of Tamil Nadu 231 207 Ahmed, Asad Ali 193 assembly, freedom of 56, 179 Air India Statutory Corporation v United Assistant District Magistrate, Jabalpur v Labour Union 241, 244 Shivakant Shukla 180 Aiyar, Alladi Krishnaswamy 88 association, freedom of 175, 227, 232, Alliance Européene des Mouvements 235–7, 245, 247 Nationaux (AEMN) see Alliance asymmetric federalism 58, 65, 273–6, of European National Movements 279 (AEMN) Austin, Granville 200, 231 Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) authoritarianism, rise of 3, 36, 37, 98, 173 100, 180 Alliance of European National authoritarian rule, rise of 92 Movements (AEMN) 173 Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) Ambedkar, Bhimrao 29, 86, 113, 120, 273 152, 271 American Journal of International Law Babri Masjid, destruction of 66, 165 80 backward classes 86–7, 112 American political system 69 backwardness, notion of 104, 121, 153–4 American Revolution 75 Bajpai, Rochana 85–7 Amsterdam Treaty 95, 235 balance of power 86 ancien régime 91 Balkanization of India 275 Anglo-Indians, political safeguards for bandhs (general strike) 166 87 Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage anti-colonial movements 46 Board v Rajappa 240, 243 anti-colonial nationalist movement 99 Baragur Ramachandrappa v State of anti-colonial struggle, in India 11 Karnataka 197 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Basaveshwara, Saint 197 (ACTA) 184 basic structure, doctrine of 11, 78 antidiscrimination and equal protection Baxi, Upendra 11, 38, 78 under EU law 22–3, 35, 218 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 3, 12–13, as negative constitutionalization 37, 98–9, 115, 151, 277 132–3 electoral victories of 99 politics of welfare 131–2 Indian nationalism 169 286 Philipp Dann and Arun K. Thiruvengadam - 9781789901573 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 03:43:54AM via free access Index 287 National Democratic Alliance anti-CAA movement 283 (NDA) 151 civic nationalism 22, 104 populism of 25 civil liberties 58 resurgence of 12 civil society 18 rise to a dominant power 189 civil society organizations 18, 25, 36, 89, stance on delimitation 151 179, 186–7, 221, 260 Bible Bandaram 198 participation in EU affairs 182–3 bicameralism public participation of 183 and federal distribution of power 57 class-conflict, solutions to 92 in India 56 coalition dharma, discourse of 168 notion of 52 coalition governments, practice of 12, 33, bi-cameral legislation 93, 95 79, 151, 266, 277 in federal polities 95 collective autonomy, ideal of 1 Bill of Rights (1931), India 11, 84, 85, collective bargaining 232, 234, 240, 230 247–8, 250 Brexit referendum (2016) 49, 62–3, 68, collective self-determination 31, 191, 101, 265 224 British colonialism 230 collective self-government 25, 193 British Empire, in Indian subcontinent colonial bureaucracy 48 10, 267 colonialism, legacy of 218, 221, 230, 266 British India 10, 267 colonial rule, in India 10, 12, 45, 86, 193 British judiciary, values of 89 common citizenship 108, 117 British Westminster, form of cost of 116 parliamentary democracy in India vision of 107 10 common market, of EU 4, 15–17, 21, 23, budgetary sovereignty 225 25–6, 29, 91, 94, 107, 132, 134, 200, 202–3, 210, 222, 256, 257, campaign finance 139 281 caste-based discrimination 110, 120, 207 common national identity, creation of caste, concept of 153 106, 115 caste identity 207 communal electoral representation 48 casteism and favouritism, rise of 119 communal hate crimes 66 caste-less society, idea of 88 communal hostilities, in India 20 centralized system, of effective communal ordering of society 99 governance 24, 145, 272 communal riots 195 CETA 184–5 Communist Party of India (Marxist) challenges to democratic 165–6 constitutionalism community-based political demands 48 in Europe 101–2 community building 64–5 in India 98–100 in European Union 66–8 Chandhoke, Neera 215 in India 65–6 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the competences in the EU, centralization European Union (CFR) 126, of 27 201–2, 204 consensual democracies 33 Charter of Fundamental Social Rights consensus of apathy 48 234 Constituent Assembly of India 47, 85, Chatterjee, Partha 104, 134 196, 230, 267, 271, 275 Christian Europe 106 drafting of independence Citizenship Amendment Act (2019), Constitution 99 India 278 Muslim League boycott of 86 Philipp Dann and Arun K. Thiruvengadam - 9781789901573 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 03:43:54AM via free access 288 Democratic constitutionalism in India and the European Union policy of separate electorates 115 Constitution of India 84–8 Constitution of India 10–11, 13, 252 politics of Public Interest Bill of Rights 85 Litigation 89–90 as blend of liberal and non-liberal projected role of the judiciary ideas 84–8 88–9 Chapter XV of 144 constitutional democracy 19, 137 delimitation under Articles 81 and development of 82 145 India versus EU 20–21 destruction of a secular constitution in European Union 19 98–100 in India 45 Directive Principles of State Policy India’s model of 13, 19 65, 117, 230–31 constitutionalism Drafting Committee 113 concept of 76 Fundamental Rights guaranteed in cultures of Part III of 78, 152 bi-legalism and 5 idea of national democracy 27 contextualized functionalism institutional structures of 12 6–7 Part III of 229–30 epistemological caution and Part IV of 230–31, 241 openness and 5–6 Part XI of 143 in India 2, 4 Part XV of 144 law of democracy and 5 politics of public interest litigation European see European 89–90 constitutionalism principles of socialism, secularism Indian see Indian constitutionalism and democracy 166 constitutional jurisprudence 83, 228, 231 projected role of the judiciary in constitutional systems, of India and the 88–9 EU 29 representation for minority groups continental polities 2, 18–19, 32, 160 86 cooperative federalism role of Supreme Court in shaping European system of 281 77–9 German model of 257 Sixth Schedule 273 Council of Europe 201, 263 social rights under 229–31 Council of Ministers 38, 281 Tenth Schedule 163 Council of the European members 171 Constitution of the EU 29 Council of the European Union 51 constitutional adjudication 76, 113, 231 Council, The 16–17, 94, 258 constitutional changes, in India and the resilience of 261–3 EU 82–98 Court of First Instance 186 democratic constitutionalism and Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) 15, ECJ 90–98 17, 37, 76, 130, 209, 219 redistributive effects of prohibition on wearing an Islamic economic integration headscarf 131 96–8 Craig, Paul 48 supranational democratic creamy layer, concept of 121–2 politics 93–5 crimes against humanity 203, 217 supranationalism and its Criminal Procedure Code 197 interplay with social crisis of constitutionalism 100 constitutionalism 90–93 cross-border movement, rights of 235 democratic constitutionalism and cross-border trade 202 Indian Supreme Court 83–90 cultural identity 104, 134–5 Philipp Dann and Arun K. Thiruvengadam - 9781789901573 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 10/01/2021 03:43:54AM via free access Index 289 cultural nationalism 22, 107, 113–14, Indian versus European 44–50 123, 130, 133 inherent value of 53–68 in India 106 institutional system of 27 social unity and cohesion 106 instrumental value of 69–72 cultural nationalists 121 in European Union 71–2 in India 70–71 Dalits 12, 26, 87, 152–3, 214, 216, 222 judicial entrenchment of 51 Das, Seth Govind 115 law of see law of democracy Dawson, Mark 127 legal framework of 50–53 de Tocqueville, Alexis 13 in European Union 51–3 de Witte, Florin 127 in India 50–51 debt States 225 principle of 165 decentralization of India, dynamics of 27 theory and practice of 21 decentralized democracy 62 democracy-deficient systems 62 decision-making process 21, 26, 38, 137, representative institutions in 61 259 democratic accountability 51, 62, 73 co-decision procedure 94 democratic constitutionalism 4, 9, 37, in granting environmental clearances 223 in India 181 challenges to 22 intergovernmental modes of 184 in Europe 101–2 parliamentary 143 in India 98–100 political 95 elements of 21–2 supranational 93 and European Court of Justice degressive proportionality, principle of 90–98 24, 27, 35, 142–3, 154–8, 262, in European Union 14–18 264, 283 in India 10–14, 34 deliberation of citizens, process of 60 and Indian Supreme Court 83–90 deliberative democracy 66, 206–11, 213, political parties and social 215 movements in 24–5 concept of 60, 64 social dimension of 102 delimitation democratic credibility 57, 59 commission in India 149 democratic deficit 44, 49, 62–3, 72, 73, Delimitation Commission Act 74, 208–13 (1952), India 145 democratic equality 3, 22, 56, 104, 128 exercise of 148–51 in European nation state 125 law regarding 151 goal of 132 NDA’s stance on 151 pillars of 124 powers of apportioning seats 149 principle of 59 Delors, Jacques 234 democratic governance 3, 16, 27, 205, Demir and Baykara v Turkey 245, 247 223, 252, 254, 264–6, 282–4 democracy democratic institutions, in India 30, 58, challenges of 67, 224, 228, 284 duplication risk 43 conduct of 21 indeterminacy risk 43 evaluation of 69 theoritical and practical 43–4 functioning of 73 concept of 10, 21, 43–74 legitimacy of 57, 70 contending 53–5 monitoring of 175 development of 45 democratic legitimacy 95 European process of 21, 49–51 in European Union 52–3, 140 governance deficit 21 in India 50–51 Philipp Dann and Arun K.
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