THELIFEAND'CRIMES'OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELL JORDAN or WITYAI\HONESTNAZI ISBETTERTHANA LYING, SCHBMINGJEW 3rd Printing THE LIFE AND ''CRIMES"OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELL JORDAN THE LIFE AI{D''CR[MES''OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELLJORDAN :rJ To The Reader Due to other commitments,this studynas written over a period of nearly twoyears,so if the reader detectspassing referencesin the text to current eventswhich do not appear to fit the chronology, that is the reason. I am most fortunate in that I live within easy travelling distance of the world's premier research institution the British Library, including the NervspaperLibrary at Colindale where most of my newspaperresearch is conducted.I do though usea variety ofother sources,and someofthe newspap€rsconsulted for this short studywere in the form of press cuttings in the Wiener Library collection to which I had accessfor over a year, and from the Library of the lewislt Cltrorticle, which I visited twice in 1992. Many daily nervspapers have different editions; the Guardian lbr example has tryo London editions and trvo Manchester editions. (1) It may be therefore that some of the nelvspaperarticles cited here do not correspond rvith those kept at Colindale, though ofcourse any errors either of interpretation or of t'actare entirely my o$'n. I would also like to thank NIr Jordan in person lbr taking the trouble to reply with courtesy to all of my letters, eventhough we have substantial ideological difl'erences,especially rvith regard to the Jewish Question. A l'ewminor alterationshave been rnade to this 3rd Printing. AlexanderBaron, Sydenham, London. August 29,7995 THE LIFE AND ''CRIMES''OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELLJORDAN The FallacyOf SweepingGeneralisations If there's one thing the media likes it's sensationalism.Nothing sells like a good story, and for the tabloid press at any rate, the more lurid the better. This may have something to do with the fascination Nazism still holds for so many people a half century after its defeat. The image of the jackbooted, blond-haired beast stamping on the 'Ve innocent Jewish face, the Gestapo ollicer hissing haff vays of making you talk!", and all the other imagety associated with Hitler's allegedly discredited Master Race theories, all these make good copy even today. I say that Hitler's Master Race theories are allegedly discredited, becausethe fact that the Nazis lost World War Tlvo doesn't discredit Hitler's race theories any more than Saddam Hussein's losing the Gulf War discredits Islam. But just for the record. [Iitler's Master Race theories are largely a creation of his enemies. There is no evidence that Hitler hated any man or woman on account of his or her race. (2) Except for the Jews, of course. Hitler regarded the Jews as a corrupting influence on Western society: on music, on medicine, on the media. Although eventhe allegedJewish control of the media didn't stop the Fiihrer himself having a favourite Jewish actress. (3) There are many fallacies associatedwith anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic ideologr. The most obvious is the extrapolation from the specific to the general. An African may look at the iclt West with envious eyes, but of course,although the West fs rich in comparison with Black Africa, there are many poor people in the West, while not a fewAfricans are wealthy.Similarly, becausemanypersons ofJewish ancestrywereinvolved in the communist movement, and becausethe Rothschilds and other Jewish families played a major role in the development of international banking (and usury), doesn't mean either that communism is Jewish or that banking is a Jewish "conspiracy". Butjust as it is invalid to extrapolate from selectedindividuals to the group, so too it is invalid to extrapolate from the group to the individual. The fact that most Jewsare innocuous and for the most part industrious citizens doesn't mean that all of them ale. The reality is that some Jervs,like somegoyirtt, are worthless parasites. And just becausesome Nazis committed atrocities against the Jews,doesn't mean that all Nazis (and more generically fascists), are worthless individuals who deserveonly to be spat on, ostracised from society,and even attacked physically. Fascists,like many anti-Semites,and indeed like many, many socialists, are often as not among the most idealistic of people; usually it's only their critical faculties that are at fault. (4) By way of example,let us take the explicitly non-fascist Duke of Edinburgh. The good Duke is an ardent conservationist and environmen- talist. No doubt he also cares passionatelyabout the welfare of his subjects and of the human race generally. What then are we to make of his statement - widely quoted - that when he dies, if he were reincarnated, he would wish to return as a killer virus to lower human population levels? (5) Doubtless, the thought of even one dead human being would horrify the good Duke in practice. He simply didn't stop to think. Ditto most fascists and their fellow travellers. Fascism:The Unmentionable- And Its UnspeakableEnemies Whether or not most fascists are thoroughly evil men and women, or simply misguided idealists like the Duke of Edinburgh, there is a school of thought - one which, sadly, has beenthe prevailing ethos since at least the 1930s - that fascism is such a terrible ideologr that fascists must not be given any platform to spread it in case they contaminate the rest of the population. Apparently, John Tlndall, he of BNP fame, and his fellow travellers, are such powerful orators and such Machiavellian schemers,that if we only listen to what they have to say,we, or a sizable percentageof us, will rush out and burn down the nearest synagogue,drag Mr Patel out of his corner shop, or string up the nearest limbo dancer. Surely a philosophy that is so powerful should be studied rather than spurned? We might learn a lot about human nature from it, if nothing else. Leaving aside such arguments, the organisedhue and cry against fascism becomesfar lessimpressive when one studies the ideology of its most vocil'erousopponents. The most violent anti-fascist group in the United Kingdom is the quasi-terrorist far left outfit Red Action. Thesefanatics were expelledfrom the Socialist Workers Party in 1982. (6) They were, apparently, too extreme for even thern. On page 8 we reproduce a Red Action sticker. No, this is not a spoof, this was not something which was put out by the British National Party or the National Front in 'suazllrJ '1ua:q1 .{;q;r.ra1s! uupJof Jhtr luql anfuu uur euo ^rollal Jlaql u.re^\ol lsouln Jlaql op ol {aas lapun 'oq^r 'sasgdsap arnllnJ pue flapos rraql Suraas {Jols a^lluuJo asoqllsulu8e .rulnrJpedug ,{lsnog,rqoaq {lanos e lsuguie paJfeq IE1JBJleuollrpuoJun slq pus anbprqlal s.elqc5 ,{.r.rag;olac.rud pue 1.rudrraaq 3uo1 e^Bq sall qJnS 'a,{a 1r13gr 'peslnrq eql Japunlnc ueoqa^Bq of sruaddeaH uaaqsuq arp,.lslq q8norll ua,ra's1g.rltlspoo8 ul ,{11uapr,ra{ucprof 'ssoq u.rp3 8uluug.r8u s,noqsqde.rSoloqd aq1 ,,'3ur1aaruuollJala uB pallulle uaru srrl .ra1.;upa.rnfug .rzeuqslllrg 'uup.rof 'papuno,lr 'arl 'q1n.r1 ulloJ 3u141urLtr,:spear slrll alnlosqe rru s; r1tlur8o1or1dpr;q1 aql 3o uorldec aq1 aq1 Jo uollrolslp e aq feu uopuo'I Jo slaarls eql uo slslrsp,.fql!,n lno 113u;;11uq slslrsuJ-lluB ol arueraJaraql al!qr!\ 'l! 'sSurlaaur Jo.fpeuulq s,(e,n;uaru,{aq1 rlaql lB aJuelo!^aq1 sa1u8l1sur 'u;dru,{;g ra^aoqa !8ugq1ouo1 Surp;q B uo uaaq s,(u,n1ea^srl slslJse.Iaql lnq 1e ,{;1u.r.{nS tt6l patuJ-lgaql se,ia 'pa1ea[a e11qndarll Jo sJeqtuaurlsuge8u pesn sua{aJualo!^ luurllluirs q:xqlr u; Suglaaru,{a1soy41 ,{1uo aq1 aq 01a^Bq 'Jlasrulrl sJaqlopue sJap1Jaq,{;leuogsuccopue'asrnolgo papJe^\als aq ol ssrlazrs z(ueyo Sullaeu IBJ;I!lod,{uy(11) 'slsgrsu;-lf alqu3 alll s^{af IUIJBJ,(uuur 3u;pnpug uB sBSurpu.ranbsetu sJa{sru-elqnoJl Jeqlo puE sJella^EJl^{ollaJ 'slsrunturuoJ ,(q pqdnrs;p ,tlluanbar; eJe^rqJ!q^{ s8ullaatu rrlqnd ;ngacuadpasruuS.lo uEprof puu z(a;so11qloq 'anr1 'uuopuo.I a1lnblou sl slql Jo slaarls aql uo uuprof pue ,,(a1so;41rllr^{ lno l! allleq slsrJsp,J-lluv,,pauorlder 's096I '3nq1 are r uaql Jo oi\L aql ruor; sqdu.rSoSoqdaarql paqsryqndelqu3 (0I) palredap slrll ol afnqul s sV '8ur,r.ry (6) pl^BOJo aurorlaql f E argllru,{.re;3.rnq 'ueurpaar,t 's,raaf q1.r,npaS.reqo sa1e.r1sl8eur aluiq8rg ,(q papuuruar ara,{r,{aq1 uaq,lr pr^BO pue ;atl.ru3 ,{uue;41 'or1,r Sunof raqto o,tqpus alqu5 roJ lleq spunodJo spe.rpunqlera^as dn lnd roiu s:uai,{uuru uurussaulsnqaql 'dno.rg 'aallnuuroJ 'sqoJef osle se^rag Z9 aql se rr,$ou{.la11aq Z96I arll Jo reqtueu Surpeale sn^rsqoJuf allse-I pasBaJap,(11uarar uaql aql'ls!lBrrBJ-oJs;q saslurd'alquO,{q ua]11.r,n,(lsno!^qo alJlUB pau8rsun uu'1tpr1r1troag p 'saluq anss!166I .{renrqagaq1 yo" a8ed IJBq aql uO 1ads,a;qe g Jl4l.fo auo s! uuprof nrloJ rapuallzBN rlslllJg aql usprof ulloJ uo elqBg,{rraO 'JzupSuguun.r-lsa8uo; s.ulBl!rg uo 'sqo[reaurs 'sasldsap leuolssagordslq.fo auoJo^ralnar u f,q anbguqrals.alqeg rtrAlaulruexa,$ou sn 1a1 f,;snog,rqoos 'sal!ruas-llue aq ruoqn'trn{o3 uot?ypa4tlrl. aq1lsugu8u parleq sallJu! ,{Jlng1pnosle aH Jo 1eqer,{uuuuql aJBJu ro s;q 1su1u3upaJluq allJul ol arou auop seq elqeg Jtr^lleql s1sa33nsaJuap!^e alqelle^E eql lle'1cu3 u1 (g)'s:ea{ 'ulellrg .{p;q1 ueql eroru JoJ a133ru1slslJsuJ-lluu aq1 u; paieiua ueaqe^Bq ol sassa;o.rdatqu3 JIAI u! luaua^ou 'alqu3 'srell lslJsp,J-lluuaq1 3o Supn lsluolz aql uo s.ra,tu1d.ro[eur aq1 Jo auo , .r.rag s; JBrl pauuep q)ns euo '1.roqs 'preaq pauuep aJBluarualoru lslJseJ-lluuaqlJo sra{Bru,(lr;od puB srepealeq1 uI Suraqruo.rg apts Jaqlo eql '3u1op 1ua,,ra.rduee no,,(.ro 3o ruearpra^a plno,$lslJsp,J-llue ou Sulqlaruossr
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