9458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 5 military services of the United States; to 2121. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition of the Sil­ 1 ADMITI'ING .t\NANTA KHITTASANGKA TQ the Committee on the Post Office and Post verlake Young Democrats - of Los Angeles, THE ACADEMY 'AT WEST POINT Roads. · Calif., requesting tliat Senate bill 1987 be not By Mr. DISNEY: : passed; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. MAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ H. R. 6175. A bill to amend section 23 of ' 2122. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Camp mous. consent for the consideration· ot the Internal Revenue Code; to the Com­ ! 79, 0. 0. of A., Barrington, N. J., petitioning House Joint Resolution 251, which I send mittee on Ways and Means. consideration of their resolution with refer­ to the desk and ask to have read. By Mr. VOORHIS of California: ' ence to House bill1410; to the Committee on The Clerk read as follows: H. J. Res. 253. Joint resolution authoriz­ Ways and Means. Ing the President of the United States of House Joint Resolution 251, authorizing the America to proclaim the first day of each Secretary of War to receive for instruction new year as Good Neighbor Day, for the pur­ at the United States Military Academy, at poses of setting an example in neighborli­ . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES West Point, Ananta Khittasangka, a citizen ness on the first day of the year, to serve of Thailand as an inspiration and a standard for all the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941 Resolved, etc., That the Secretary of War days to follow, leading to better relations at be, and he is hereby, authorized to permit home, in all the Americas, and throughout The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Ananta Khittasangka to receive instruction the world; to the Committee on the at the United States Military Academy, at Judiciary. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera West Point: Provided, That no expense shall By Mr. PLOESER: Montgomery, D. D., offered the following be caused to the United States thereby, and ·H. Res. 376. Resolution requesting the Pres­ prayer: that Ananta Khittasangka shall agree to ident and the Secretary of State to nego­ Heavenly Father, Thou who art our comply with all regulations for the police tiate for the purchase of a part of the Do­ and discipline of the academy, to be studious, minion of Canada; to the Committee on peace, grant that we may find rest unto and to give his utmost efforts to accomplish Foreign Affairs. our souls. In a day with fightings with­ the courses in the various departments of By Mr. COOLEY: in and fears without and of conflicts instruction, and that said A.nanta Khitta­ · H. Res. 377. Resolution to create a select which no mortal can escape, come with sangka shall not be admitted t.o the academy committee to investigate the activities. of spiritual power; at times Thou dost seem until he shall have passed the mental and, the Farm Security Administration; to the far away, deaf to our cryings and dumb physical examinations prescribed for candi.. Committee on Rules. dates from the United States and that he to our needs. With ampler powers and shall be immediately withdrawn ·if deficient for larger service do Thou fit us in a bet­ in studies or in conduct and so recommended PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ter world. We pray that we may be by the academic board: Provided further) saved by our sufferings and sacrifices for That in the case of said Ananta Khittasangka~ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private those joys. which our enfranchised spir­ the provisions of sections 1320 and 1321 of bills and resolutions were introduced and its shall share. All that we crowd into the Revised Statutes shall be ~uspended , and severally referred as follows: our day's ambition, wealth, and purpose the provisions of law r.elating to age 'limita­ By Mr. IZAC: may they all be Thine for we are Goq's; tions upon the admission of candidates to , H. R. 6176. A bill for the relief of Shirley they are but broken lights of Thee and the academy shall not apply. Jones; to the Committee on Claims. Thou, 0 Lord, art more than they. Mr. MICHENER. Mr. Speaker, I re­ By Mr. OSMERS: serve the right to. object. What are we . H. R. fH 77. A bill for the relief of Owen 0 Master, come with Thy blessed Young; to the Committee on Claims. • quietness and as we pray with our doing with Thailand? What does this By Mr. O'HARA: trembling faith, may we find the shifting bill do? Will the gentleman please H. R. 6178. A bill granting an increase of sands beneath our feet as firm and as en­ explain this? pension to Nancy Jane Miller; to the Com­ during as the Rock of Ages. With bated Mr. MAY. We are not doing anything mittee on ·Invalid Pensions. breath and whispering humbleness we with Thailand in this resolution, but the By Mr. SMITH of Washington: resolution proposes to authorize the·Sec­ H. R. 617.9. A bill for the relief of Thomas ask for help and strength; grant that H. VanNoy; to the Committee on Claims. righteous conviction may ever ' struggle retary of War to admit Ananta Khitta­ By Mr. SCANLON: toward utterance as we attempt to realize sangka into the ·West Point Military H. R. 6180. A bill for the relief of George in common everyday living the brother­ Academy. This young man is the son of J. Gataldo; to the Committee on Military hood of man; where cross the crowded the Prime Minister of Thailand. This is Affairs. ways of life. Praise be Thine, 0 Lord, to be done without expense to the United our Redeemer. Amen. States. He is already in tl~is country and PETITIONS, ETC. is a student at the Purdue University, at The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Lafayette, Ind. He is to be subject to all Under· clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions terday was read and approved. of the rules and regulations of the acad­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE emy and to pass the necessary physical and r~ferred ~s follows: - A message from the Semite, by Mr.· and mental examinations and all other 2117. By Mr. KRAMER: Petition of the Fliazier, its legislative clerk, announced requirements. If at any time he is dis­ office of the Board of Supervisors of the obedient to any rule or regulation, he County of Los Angeles, State of California, that the Senate agrees to the amendment Tuesday, November 25, 1941, wherein they of the House to a bill of the Senate of the shall be dismissed from the academy. record· their opposition to legislation to ex­ following title: · · Mr. MICHENER. Will this proposed empt from State and local taxes the sale, S. 1060. An act to extend the 6 months' legislation establish a precedent? purchase, storage, use, or consumption of death gratuity benefits, now paid only to Mr. MAY. No; it will not. The Secre­ tangible personal property for use in per­ dependents of officers and enlisted men of tary of War has approved this. forming defense contracts; to the Committee the Regular Army, to dependents of all offi­ on Ways and Means. Mr. MICHENER. Does this create a cers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the new precedent or is this the custom? Is 2118. By Mr. SHAFER of Michigan: Reso­ Army of the United States who die in line ~ution adopted by Common council of the of duty while in active military service of the this appointment presumed to be a com­ City of Detroit, Mich., opposing tax exemption United States. pliment, is it a good neighborly act, or . of property or transactions connected with merely an act of friendship? What is national defense; to the Committee on Ways RESIGN'ATION FROM OOMMITTEES the motive prompting the proposal? and Means. 2119. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the The SPEAKER laid before the House Mr. MAY. I had started to explain to National Coordinating Committee for Wom­ the following communication: the gentleman when he asked if it was a ·en's Auxiliaries, Washington, D. C., petition­ Han. SAM RAYBURN, precedent, by saying that the Secretary ing consideration of their resolution with ref­ Speaker .of the House of Representatives, of State points out here four or five dif­ erence to the Bill of Rights; to the Commit• Washington, D. C. ferent similar instances, and refers to tee on the Judiciary. MY DEAa Ma. SPEAKER: I hereby tender my the act and the date and the terms of it 2120. By Mr. MACIEJEWSKI: Memorial of resignation from the following committees: the City Council of the City of Chicago, me­ Education, Flood Control, Mines and Mining, when others have been admitted. It is morializing the C.ongress of the United States and Pensions. stated in a· letter or report from the to take such action as maY. be necessary to Sincerely yours, Thailand consul here in Washington, and Increase the minimum rate of pay of those WM. J. FITZGERALD. by the Secretary of State, that it will enrolled in the Army during this emergency help to bring about better relations with to $42 per month and also to extend to them The SPEAKER. Without objection! this country and the present situation in the privilege of free mail service; to the Com· the resignation will be accepted. Thailand. It is more complimentary mittee on Military Affairs. l'here was no objection. than anything else.
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