.-- I 7 _.Far Ballar__.._. or Versn. George Bowermg brings the same attdude 10 wrdmg as to Ule way he plays ball By Alan Twlgg li Onlhsllc lath 01 F.R. ScoN. January 31. 1985. Two poems born work m progress by Al Purdy 12 Many Happy Relumc. Wrapping up Ihe season’s gitl books. By Paul Sluewe 16 Ouasn ti Ihe Apes. Llian Fossey’s pmian lor animals evenlually led to her death. By Timothy Findley 26 Against the Sttim. Reuben Slonim’s only sin was that he 101101 wed his wnscience. By Morns Wolfe 21 a&f Reviews. Short notices on recent Ii&n. non-liclion. and poetry \ 14 llw anai War 01 Words: Grltlsh. Amerlean, and Canadian Propaganda and FIrNon. 1914-1939. by Peler Buitenhuis 17 Post Mgrlem: Why Canada’s Mail Won’t Move. Ly David Stewalt-Patterson an: The Case lor Ihn llelence. by Edward L. Greens~an and George Jonas Ioard. by Jane Rule Alla8 of Canada. Volume 1: From Iha Beginning ID 1800. edited by R. Cole Harm e Mines hu MET K*ll” ‘ir&?E&,-&ti& 01 Plsasum. Poser. and Change. edited by Michael Kaulman Tribe OrearnIng: Apartheid’s BiNer Noc8s. by Marq de Villiers paly Fire: Changing the tileray landscape. edited by Cynl Dabydeen ‘I Gate: Canada’s Immigration Fiasco. by Vlclor Malarek: Doubls Slandard: The Secret Illstory cd Canadian EPARVGLClEWVS 3 Flsld Notes LBltWS 6 English. Our English. by Bob Blackburn Recommended 66 First Nmrslr. by Janice Kul@ K&r 67 ghlld,c”‘s llnnh hv Yarv Ainrlie With :: RecelvsdCanWil No. 124 B.K Adams Is a Tomnto freelance writer. Howard Adalman is a pmle~~or of philosophy and the lounder of Ihe refugee documentation project at York Unlvetslly. Jack Batty is co-aulhor. with Marjorie Harris. 01 Everyday Law A Swiva/ Guide /or Cmdians (Key Porter). Bob I replady contributes comments cm English usage to Ihe% pages. Tim Chamberlaln teaches English at Ssneca Callege. Anna Ltanoon is a Inslance editor and reviewer. Poet Mary dl Mlchale is writer-in-mssidsnce at the Regina Public Library. Jamao tl. gubro’s King of the Mob: Rocca P&d and Me Women Who Ran his Rails (Penguin) was reviewed in our last issue. Montreal poet Ray FNip is at work on a book for childmn. N&ii Tlmothy Flndley’s latest book is The Telling ol Lies (Penguin). Lt. Frsneh is a writer living in Ottawa. Terry Goldle leaches English at Memorial UniversiIy in Nwfoundland. Montreal writer John Goddard is the first cousin. rn times removed. of Dr. David Liiingslone. Tomnto art&I Dawn Hood’s drawings appear lhmughout the issue. Janice Kulyk Kealar lives in Annapolis Royal. Nova Scotia: her latest book is a sludy of Madtlme Cantian IitsraWm. Under Eastern Eyes (Univemily of Toronto Press). Brent Lodger is a Tomnto freelance writer. hlsrgaret McGraw is a writer llvlng in Kirklield. 01. Albmlo Mangual is a writer. anth0logisI. and critic. Historian llesmand Melon is principal of Erindale College. Tomnto. I.M. Own is a fmquent contributor to Books in Canada. Maursan Padon is a fmelance arlisl and book illustrator. Al Pwdy’s Collected Poem.5 19561986 (McClelland & Slewarl) won the 1986 Governor General’s Award for poetry. Rupert Schiedsr r&v&s British and Commonwealth literature in thm pages. Norman Slgurdron has mviewed extensively for the Winnipeg Free pless. Mary Alnslie SmP. our children’s bwk columnist. lives in St. Matys, Ont. Paul Stuewe is the author of Clearing Um Gram& English Canadian literature alter Sufviv# (Pmpsr Tales Press). Mary D. Tnlner is a freelance writer and puzzlbmaker in Purl Coquklam. B.C. One of Alan Twlgg’s mnst recent book3 is Var~mmw andfis Wrifws (Harbour). Shorbslory writer W.O. Valgard2nn teaches creaive writing at the University of Vida. Alsx Waterbwsu-Hayward is a Vancouver photographer. Gaoqe Woodcock is a Vancouver writer. critic. and translator. Morris Wolfe is co-editor. with Gsrd Sinclair. of The Spice Box An Anthology ol Jewish Canadian Wiling (Lester S Orpen Dennys). Critic Joel Yanohky writes for the Montreal GazeUe. EDITOR 0 Michael Smith MANAGING EDITOR 0 Doris Cowan GENERAL MANAGER 0 Susan Traer CIRCULATION MANAGER 0 Susan Aihoshi ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER 0 Beth Bruder EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 0 Marc C6tC CONSULTANTS 0 Robert Farrelly 0 Jack Jensen 0 Mary Lu Toms CONTRIBUTING EDITORS 0 Eleanor Wachtel (West Coast) 0 K.G. Probert (Prairies) 0 Shirley Knight Morris 0 Paul Wilson 0 Ray Filip (Quebec) 0 Terry Goldie (East Coast) -__.-. .-._. “. .-__ __. ____. _._ The popular notion of Canadian culture in Sweden is of a frontier society in which women are virtually the only creators HE “N,vEERSrrY of Lund, Sweden. Thomas (who is here), alce Munm, w& Canadian books. but to the Swedish began in 1668. Toward the end of A&ha vau Herk. Maria” Engel, Sheila audience they were simply North the 17th century Charles XI V@tson are all know” and highly thought Am&m. There was *o dlstinctlo” made donated the King’s House to the of. Maxgsrer Laurence is revered, but between Canadian and American. university. It is in this turreted. red Margaret Atwood is deified. Only Finally, in 1977, Canadian writers started brick building with its hewn wood Robertson Davies is mentioned as a male to de&be a ge”uI”ely Canadian identity. steps that I regtster for the tiiemllal author whose work is of nmjor impor- On the practical side, the Canada Coun- conference of the Nordic Assocla- tance. A number of times bis name sur- cl1 and the Swedish State Cultural Coun- lion for Canadian Studies. There faca.in connection with the I+~bel Prize, eil’s assistance to translate Canadian wlU be 90 papers given during thms but that high opinion is not u+versal. If books has made a great deal possible. I” days, ranging from “Winter 71 r to fcmpt the Swedtsh evalua- 1985 some 8,750 book titles were pub- Living: Hwmmialug Urban Life in Canadmn culture, it would be that lished in Swede”. About 2.000 were fie- Cold Climates” to “Logging Poetry in not only are women totally in charge of tlo” and 1,250 of these were translations, British Columbia.” There are 30 par- it but that they are virtually the only so the translation market is a big one if ticipants. You c&t miss the organizers. creators of its content. Canadians can break into it. They’re all wearing T-shbts with large. Finally the moment I’ve been waiting Although every titer who gets trans- maple leaves on the ‘front. for arrives. 1 meet Heidi uo” Borne, a lated likes to think there is some rational As I circulate at the reception that flamboyant, ene@icwman whose life’s process behind it, the truth is that a lot evening, shaking hands, trying to mission is making Canadian literature of times what gets translated is a result remember names, it is obvious that known in Swede”. She knows everyone of cha”ce. Nygren told us that SoIveig Canada is of intense interest to Scandiia- by name, knows all the facts, all the Neelinge was talking to Tlllie Olsm about riots but also a great mystery. Canada rumours, understands all the sodal and the problem of ageiw. Olsen told was very popular in Swxlen dtning the political knplicatlcms. She is appalled that Neelinge to read the best novel on the sub- 1920s. ’30s. and ’40s. Swedish immigra- I have not written ‘head so she could ject - The Stone Angel. This was easy tion after the turn of the centuw created arrange for me to meet writers, critics, because Solveig had an unread copy at strong personal Links. Also, there were editors,‘and to attend the two receptions home. About the same time, Svcn external sbnlwtles. After the conference, for Canadian writers being held at the Delblanc wmte a” article about Msrgsxet when I take a seven-hour train ride fmm Cantiian embassy during the coming Laurence that created interest 1” her Lund to Stock&bn, I keep thinking that week. (On my last night in Stockholm, work. I’m in southern Manitoba. Only the signs I’m sitting ln the dining-room of the Lord Several Canadian novels have been in Swedish remind me I’m half a world Nelson whm Greg Gatenby rushes by. I selected for Mauadeus Bok (Book-of-the Month) over the years: Atwood’s Sw- tack London, Robert Service, and place at the hotel desk about someone g facing and The Handmaid’s Tale. Charles O.D. Roberts created a market- portant coming to meet Swedish writers Laurence’s The Stone A@, Munm’s place in Sweden for what was to wune. is about Greg. He is here for one of the The Beggar Maids Timothy Findley’s Hollywood had not yet created the fib receptions.) Famous Last Words, Roberr Rmetsch’s tional Wild West. (How fascbmted the During the formal sessions Hans Bad/an&, and Daviw’s Deptford trilogy. Suedes are by cowboys was clear in the Nygren. editor at Prisma (they publish But being selected cuts two ways. It Seattle airport. where returnlug Swdes vxns wearing mrvboy hats, strl”g ties, and hat the critics automatically assume the cwboy boots. Just outside Stockholm at books are popular trash. Some aitiw the Ytter-Enhoma church, there ls a place have attacked Davies mercilqly. called Fort Apache where Swcdes can go At a round-table discussion billed as to watch daily shoot-outs in a Wild West “Ca”adii writers on csnadia” Litera- town.) While s\vede” was gmwi”g more ture Today,” Heidi van Born, the industrialized, Canada was see” BS a IIOI- moderator.
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