Jefferson County Public Works Adopted 2021 - 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Jefferson County Public Works 623 Sheridan Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-385-9160 www.co.jefferson.wa.us/publicworks ADOPTED 2021 - 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Table of Contents Letter of Introduction from the County Engineer/Public Works Director ................... 1 Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners Notice of Public Hearing ........................................................................................... 2 Resolution Number 67-20 ......................................................................................... 3 2021 - 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement (TIP) Program Project Location Map ................................................................................................. 4 Project Array ................................................................................................................ 5 Guide to Codes, Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................... 8 Past Accomplishments ........................................................................................................ 10 Budget Forecasting, Funding Information & Analysis Geographic Distribution ......................................................................................... 13 Top Prioritization Criteria....................................................................................... 14 Secured Funding Project List ..................................................................................14 Category and Funding Type Charts ....................................................................... 16 Six-Year County Road Fund Assumptions & Projections .................................. 19 Road Fund Chart. ..................................................................................................... 20 Annual Construction Plan ....................................................................................... 21 Bridge Report Highlights ......................................................................................... 22 FLAP Funded Projects ............................................................................................. 23 Access to ESRI ArcInfo StoryMap ........................................................................ 25 Appendix A Annual Bridge Condition Report 2020 ....................................................... 26 Master Bridge List Summary Bridge Inventory List for East & West County Reference Materials & Definitions Appendix B Distribution List ............................................................................................. 51 Welcome to the adopted 2021-2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and its supporting materials. The Six-Year TIP is a rolling plan of proposed transportation projects that shows anticipated, partial, and/or total secured funding. The plan is annually updated to provide direction to transportation investments on Jefferson County’s public roads and non-motorized inventory. The TIP development is a process that identifies and prioritizes future project phases to balance needs with financial resources, and schedules a six year planning period for reasonably viable projects. A variety of capital preservation and improvement projects are included in the TIP but are reliant on receiving grants or federal investments such as Surface Transportation Program (STP) and state grants from CRAB, RCO, WSDOT and/or WDFW. The TIP prioritized list is highly influenced by the availability of these funds. The majority of the listed projects do not have secured funding as of TIP adoption. Historically, projects on Jefferson County’s TIP have averaged over 80% funding from State and Federal sources; however, non-local transportation revenue sources usually fund specific types of improvements only on certain collector roads and trails. Federal and state grant program criteria can strongly influence which projects and features are accomplished. Often in smaller agencies, local match fund availability limits the number and size of grant applications. Local funds shown for this proposed Six-Year TIP average just $197,000 per year and primarily come from the local Road Levy and Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax. Jefferson County has a limited tax base for its 400 road miles. Our transportation revenues are among the lowest per road mile in western Washington. The county road fund has seen a 25% overall reduction in annual operating revenue due to loss of federal land timber revenue in recent years. As a result, road fund reserves are projected to decline progressively each year. The Six-Year TIP, like any other capital improvement plan, is only a plan for what should be done under the provision of adequate funding. It demonstrates typical or likely funding and/or a distribution of limited revenue sources. Decisions about advancing projects into design, acquisition, and construction are made through the county budgeting process. Since the Six-Year TIP is updated annually, it can be changed to reflect new needs, priorities, revenues, and revised budget assumptions. If you would like more information, feel free to contact the Jefferson County Public Works office: 623 Sheridan Street, Port Townsend, WA (360)385-9160. Monte Reinders, P.E. Public Works Director/County Engineer cc-. n a- COUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF WASHINGTON In the Matter of Adoption of the 2021- 2026 Six- Year Transportation } Improvement Program RESOLUTION NO. 6 7 2 0 WHEREAS, State law obligates the legislative authority of each county to adopt on an annual basis a six- year transportation improvement program, holding a public hearing prior to adoption, the purpose of which is to " assure that each county shall perpetually have available advanced plans looking to the future for not less than six years as a guide in carrying out a coordinated transportation program" RCW 36. 81. 121( 1)); and, WHEREAS, a multi- year analysis of the Road Fund was prepared covering the six-year program period using the County' s best estimate of future revenues and expenditures in accordance with WAC 136- 15- 030; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, Jefferson County, in the State of Washington, has reviewed the transportation project priority array, the road fund forecast and bridge condition report as prepared by the Department ofPublic Works, and has conducted a public hearing on the corresponding proposed six-year transportation improvement program; IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners does approve and adopt the Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2021 through 2026 inclusive in accordance with WAC 136- 15. ADOPTED and signed this day of OCUher 2020. JEFFERSON COUNTY 4, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r g rotherton, Chair doi 419Pa pJ 4 David Sullivan, Member ATTEST: Ca6 Carol Gallaway, Dep y Clerk Kate bean, Member NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 10:30 AM in the Commissioners' Chambers at the County Courthouse, 1820 JeffersonStreet, Port Townsend, Washington, forthe purpose of receiving written and verbal testimony about the adoption of the draftJefferson County 2021-2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). "Each county shall perpetually have available advanced plans looking to the future for not less than six years as a guide in carrying out a coordinated transportation program, RCW 36.81.121(1)." Written public comment on the program will be received up and until the public hearing mailed to Jefferson County Commissioners' Office, PO Box 1220, Port Townsend, WA 98368 or emailed to [email protected]. The printed program is available for viewing atthe JeffersonCounty Public Works office,623 Sheridan Street, PortTownsend, open 8:00AM to 5:00PM, theCommissioners' office, 1820 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, open 8:30AM to 4:30PM, and on the county website at www.co.jefferson.wa.us/444/6-Yr-TIP Jefferson County ensures full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by prohibiting discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in the provision of benefits & services resulting fromits federally assisted programs & activities. The meeting site is ADA accessible. Accommodations forpeople with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice by calling (360)385-9100. NOTE: Due to Covid-19, it is unknown if there will be restrictions on the Open Public Meeting Act on the date of this Hearingthat will preclude public in-person attendance.Check the Jefferson County web ite at www.co.jefferson.wa.us forthe current status and follow "Quick Links-Videos of Meetings 'treaming Live." to testify at the public hearing. ID ), 2o.2..e:, Date 5G G 5 ] OHV UW . U ) 3 D KD & D R O IV D I ' U U X KZD [ N 6DGG 3 O U U O ' I H L % G L W R U 6F J G H H L H R OD LHWWD H Q 9 Z R Q U : U ' O G ' ' G 7 L USR : D G W O & L U U H $ W O 5 ZHUI6W U 5 R +RRJH ' H G 5 D G L HDFK5 D (% G R 0 JH U ' ' U S G U 6 Y 5 L O *DUGLQHU %HD H U G FK 5G O U DL 5G G 5R Q + D Mystery Bay * \ J D D D H F U QG :D U O 'U Z YL \ H H /RRS ' V , ELQ H HVW H $ W N 5G R Y Q Y V OG H k U D : 5 L e 3 5G e R r U V 3O $ RLQ VH J H C G e W P VRQ5 W agl R L Z 6 -D E U Q F F &XE 5G D H Q , K V , L G Q Salish Sea L RX Z U G D3 ( ,VODQG 9LH G H 5 5 ' O L 'U H G ' 5
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