08120 NEWSPAPER .Y;. r 13 0 7 (') O ( ". 1 ` .- ' , , n si! Z, .". 7 r - V Lr Ar 'n i A Billboard Publication The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly March 22, 1975 $1.50 Antipiracy Forces Savor Triumphs Polygram Eye$ Hill & Range Pirates Now Calif. May Court Nixes By ROBERT SOBEL Up Penalty NEW YORK -Polygram Corp. under the Polygram umbrella, will ITD Injunction Jumping Ship By JOHN SIPPEL will acquire some 75 percent of Hill administrate in the U.S. the Hill & By LOS possibility By MILDRED HALL & Range Songs Inc., under an agree- Range catalogs acquired in the deal IS HOROWITZ ANGELES -The ment reached in principle between by Intersong, Hamburg -based firm NEW YORK -Tape pirates now of passage of a much stiffer record/ WASHINGTON -The Justice statute in California Intersong, Polygram -owned corn - with 17 branches worldwide. facing the possibility of federal pros- tape antipiracy Department last week won another when opponents of pany, and the U.S. publishing firm. This is more or less an extension of ecution for the unlicensed dupli- appeared bright, battle in its recently announced all - a no- It's also learned that the deal, the normal pattern of both firms cation of pre -1972 recordings are be- the proposals did complete out war against tape pirating of a two bills which is to be firmed this week, does throughout the world. In certain ginning to jump ship. show at review of older, non -copyrighted recordings. not include either Gladys Music or areas Chappell handles Intersong's Scattered reports indicate some Wednesday (12) before the Assem- U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Elvis Presley Music, both owned by administration; in other areas the are attempting to legalize business bly Committee on Criminal Justice Flannery denied a plea here by In- Presley. Both firms will be continued situation is reversed. operations by seeking out legitimate in Sacramento. ternational Tape Distributors Ltd., In to bill no. 684, intro- under Hill & Range aegis. It's not known at this time exactly sources of low -cost product to feed addition of Rochester, N.Y., for a temporary Mike Anto- Under the arrangement it's known what companies in the Hill & Range through their extensive duplicating duced by Assemblyman injunction against the criminal pros- 4 Feb. 15), that Chappell, sister publishing firm (Continued on page 10) facilities. In other cases, some just novich Feb. (Billboard, ecutions (Billboard, March 8). the Assembly committee, composed appear to be heading for the hills. At issue is the unauthorized tap- Bruce One major supplier of sound -alike of chairman Alan Sieroty, ers' claim to legality under the Nestrade, Art Torres, Julian Dixon, recordings reports a "sudden surge" compulsory licensing proviso in the Cutouts Hot NARM Topic Kenneth L. Middy and John T. in inquiries from duplicators he's U.S. copyright law. This permits for sal- Knox, appraised bill no. 712, au- NEW YORK -Despite the best tinuing search by the retailer never heard from before. And many anyone to record copyrighted music, to at the best pos- of' says Ed PPX thored by Assemblyman William efforts of manufacturers control able merchandise these, Chalpin of once a first recording is made, on margin. Thomas. Each would toughen the release schedules and limit cutouts, sible profit Enterprises, come from Wisconsin payment of a mechanical royalty key present section 653h of the state pe- one of the most active trading and A sampling of some of the and Oklahoma. These areas have fee. selling sessions ever of promotional firms exhibiting at NARM -and long been havens for some of the nal code, which makes violation a merchandise was noted at the recent they were prominent among the 60- largest duplicators of unlicensed misdemeanor. Justice will launch criminal prose- NARM convention. plus companies on hand -and sev- recordings. Thomas' bill would make such cutions on the basis of rulings by in separate Although the relatively "reces- eral who didn't make the scene, cov- A Midwestern tape dealer com- conduct an alternative felony -mis- four U.S. Appeals Courts hold that the compul- sion- proof' record /tape business is ers their interest in the new $3.98/ plains of intensified competition demeanor punishable by imprison- circuits. These only less affected by the current economy $4.98 product and offers a graphic from pirated material. But he's not ment in a state prison for a term not sory licensing of music permits is, a record - than many other sectors, the depth answer to the plea of Korvetten' too unhappy because he views the to exceed five years or in county jail "similar use" -that new on page 8) of this activity emphasizes the con- ( Continued nn pq g(' (Continued on page 10) (Continued on page 10) (Continued Audio /Video Media Paying Own Way Despite Economy By STEPHEN TRAIMAN Motorola Preps Car TUCSON -Audio /video commu- nications are paying their way in a Discrete `Q' Receiver tightening economy and the tradi- By RADCLIFFE JOE tional prerecorded music tape mar- future poten- NEW YORK -Motorola is work- ket offers broadened a spoken -word ing on a discrete 4- channel car radio tial for growing video tape /disk industry. in anticipation of an early FCC rul- audio and attendees ing on discrete FM broadcasts. That was the message for Motorola expects that an FCC at the International Tape Assn.'s ruling on a preferred standard for fifth annual seminar here March discrete FM broadcasts could come 2 -6. attendance was off a bit within a year, thereby paving the Although way for long- awaited FM broad- from the prior year, undoubtedly to which saw mem- casts in discrete 4- channel sound. due the economy ber user and supplier companies cut Recommendations on systems Since the new STRAWBS album 'GHOSTS' appeared, its been haun:ing A new single from Paul Anka is always an event, but the reaction to back on representatives, ITA execu- competing for the FCC ruling will the airwaves everywhere. And now that its bulleting up the charts, "I Don't Like To Sleep Alone" UA- XW615 -X, is unprecedented. In just tive director Larry Finley was soon be forwarded to the Commis- it's creating visions throughout the A&M Sales Dept.! (SP 4506) one week, Paul's new record is smash hit bound on more than 70 radio pleased by feedback on the (Advertisement) sion by the NQRC (National Quad - solid stations all over America. Destined to be a classic. On United Artists (Continued on page 48) (Continued on page 49) Record. (Advertisement) (Advertisement Jesse Colin Young's C (BS 2845) Available this minute on / Warner Bros. records and tapes. www.americanradiohistory.com i /r PHILIPS and MCA announce a Demonstration of their VIDEODISC SYSTEM MARCH 17-21 at the Hotel Pierre NewYorkCity, N.Y. (BY INVIT/IT ION ONLY) www.americanradiohistory.com 3 General News Low Prices Firmed Operation Push Grappling Plans To Aid Black Execs For IHF Concerts By JEAN WILLIAMS By RADCLIFFE JOE LOS ANGELES -The record, re- proportion to our ability to grow as may be able to have access to the NEW YORK -Top jazz, rock Civic Center. Gillespie will be hon- tail and radio division of Operation artists," Rev. Jackson says in Chi- best sales available," Rev. Jackson and soul artists including Styx, ored on the first night of the Push, the organization founded by cago. says. "It will assure record corn - Hot Tuna, Kingfish, Taj Mahal show, and will later appear in the Rev. Jessie Jackson, has been ap- Push's concern also extends to panies of getting their money back and Dizzy Gillespie will perform concert with Taj Mahal. proached by several black record black record distributorships and quickly, and assure us of having the at four low -priced concerts spon- Aretha Franklin will be hon- and radio executives for help. developing ways that will increase proper stock at the right price. And sored by the Institute of High Fi- ored on the second night, and "There seems to be a great con- their economies. in that way many of the mom and delity (IHF), and scheduled to this presentation will be followed cern about blacks' ability to grow as "Operation Push is discussing dad store owners can form or partici- run concurrently with the up- by a concert featuring Styx and executives in the record industry in ways for co -op buying so that we pate in the formation of a co -op that coming San Francisco Hi Fi the Alex Harvey Band. has the ability collectively that they Show, April 3-5. On the final afternoon of the would never have singularly," as- Tickets to the concerts, which show, beginning at 2 p.m., coun- sures Rev. Jackson. along with the exposition will be try artist Earl Scruggs will be Scott Bill Introduces Operation Push has formed a re- held at the San Francisco Civic honored, followed by the rock search committee headed by the Auditorium, are priced at $3 group Kingfish in concert. Later Rev. George E. Riddick, its national (believed to be the lowest admis- that same day, beginning at 9 Performance Royalty research director. p.m., the "Artist Of The Year" "Black air personalities have not sion price to a rock concert any- By MILDRED HALL where in the country today), and award will be presented to Elton been afforded professional status, will also entitle the holder to visit John, with Hot Tuna appearing WASHINGTON -Sen. Hugh recorded music for profit would be and they are doing high powered Scott, with six co- in- small, it would provide a fund the exhibits.
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