THEComiaBT, 1890, BT TH* SPOETIM Lir* Fvuiuixa C«. SPORTING LIFE.IKTIBID At PHIL*. POST Ornci it SECOND CIASI *ATTM. VOLUME 14, NO. 26. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 2, 1890. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. apolli, a partner In ihe New York Club wai a mlttate- who to-day solemnly declares tbftt^he will neTer|<te- July 4 (A. M.); An?. 18, 10; Sept. 9.10, 18; Oct. 6. With ment. "Hr. Brush has DO intereat wbatever la Ibe fcrt the League to-morrow is found r'eastiufr OD the lUirishiiiv, May 26, 27; July 9, 10; \ag. 6, 7. 0; Sept. New York Clnb," said Mr. biy, "and he cannot get fatted calf in Ihe Brotherhood household. The whole 6, 8, 12, 1.1, 30; (XI. 1. With Lebanon, June 18, 19j THE ASSOCIATION. business is disgusting to honest lovers of tbe sport. MINORS MEET. LATE MEWS. ha?e algn.-d New Yoik contracts. back Ilia player* who July 14, 15; Aug. 27, 28; Sept. 3, 4, 24, 25, 26. The Indiunapolis (.'tub ia aimpljr allowed to retain its DELEIIANTY'S CASH. League franciiise thn-uph couitesy to Mr. Brcah. I Delebanly arrived in the city this afternoon from THE TBI-STATE LEAGUE. THE NEW PLAYING RULES only wUb President Bruab were a f ai tner in my club." NO CHANGE IN THE CIRCUIT the South and was closeted witb Al Juhnsou for tome SCHEDULE MEETINGS OF time. He will leave at once for St. Louis, where he The Membership Filed— Officers Eleotert— OUTLINED, THE LEGAL SITUATION. POSSIBLE. joins the Cleveland Daycr*' League team, pUying THREE LEAGUES. Salary Limit Joined— Schedule Adopted. his first game Suuday nexr. Tbe younat man was No More Injunction Salts—The League to non-committal in regard to bis desertion of th,e Phil­ AKROS, 0., March 25. The Tri-State BJ«« Try Another Tack. adelphia Club, simply saying that Mr. Johnson had a Ball League held its schedule meeting here to­ Some Interesting Points An­ Startling Sensation Falls prior coutrnct with him aud that he preferred to play The International in Shape Now day, at which every club was represented. W. Special to SFORTINO LIFB. in Cleveland. Johnson has had an ioterosting tele­ Nr,\? YORK, March 2H. The members of the H. Mcllermitt, ot Columbus, was elected presi­ Quite Flat For Manifest graphic correspondence with Mr. Rogers, of ibe Phil- Sessions of the Tri-State dent, secretary and treasurer, and J. H. Burn?, other Legal Tack For the Players' League need have no further fear of adelj.hia Club, which you have probably had through lawsuits from the National League officials of local sources. and Interstate Leagues. of Mansfield, vice president. League Minor Meetings- this city: that ia, as tar as preliminary injunc­ Reasons. "AH thia talk about offering Delehanty a big bonus The League for the next season will be com­ to leave Philadelphia aud a personal contract is nil tions are concerned. Lawyer Duystcrs said to­ posed of McKecsport, Pa ; Wheeling, W. Va.; General Intelligence. nonsouse. IMehauty signed a regular Player*' Leamie Springfield, Payt-'U, Mansfield. Canton, YoilQjjitown day that all the present suita aaainat the [layers bail contract on the 15 h of last November, a long time THK INTERNATIONAL. and Akrou. tiam'.uslcy a; plied for admisslim but woi been diacontiDUc-!, Ilia step bting determined upon The champion fake story of the season was before he was iuduced to sign a subsequent Lt-a<ue rejected. The tolary limit was raisej fr.iui $">00 to imme<lirtt*-tly after Judge Wallace rendered his de­ sprung on the public on Wednesday, when tho THE NEW PLAYING RULES contract. Iu the fore part of January ha was reirn- To Go as a Six-Club League The Schedule ?7<!0. The American Association rules were adopted cision iu tlie cvie of Uuck Kwing. news was wired from Columbus that President (irly iusi.:nu<I by the Philadelphia Player*1 Club to Vor the Season. and tho Spalding ball was chosen. It was decided ' lint you will WHnt a decision from Judge Lawrence Clevoliud, aud to this he agreed. Presetire was after­ rnder Which tlie Games of tho Players' upon the motion uf \Vaid 8 counsel to diSiniaa thecoin- Brush, of the ex-Ini.ianapolis Club, was in that The schedule meeting of the International thai the umpires should be unit'oimi-d. The ftpp .iut- city making a deal under which Syracuse. Ro­ ward bsought to bear upon him by tho League people, ment of umpires was left to Pns.cleut McDe.-milli. League Will be Conducted. pluint against liiui?" ami as I had McKeun, or thought I had, 1 did not League was held at Toronto March 25 and 26, The schedule conimit'ee then gut to \voik and Bpecial to SPORTING LIFR. "Nn; theru will be no decision. That case la ended." chester and Toledo were to be dropped from the want him and he went with the Leapue. Wheu I and after long deliberation the League was reor­ "Willjim take any audiliouiil stepj against the after a t/ng tu.-slo wiih iho^figures succeeded hi fram­ CHICAGO, March 28. Appended will bs found American Association, Indianapolis was to buy fjumi thut McKeaa cmiM not be depended upon 1 ganized on a six-club basis and a schedule ing a schedule. The League was diviiled into two di- PlHyera' Leacur?" wired Delehaiity, asking him if be atill wauled to SOUJB interesting points about the new playing "N"i riihtnway. It miy be that the New Yorks out Louisville, Washington and Baltimore were adopted accordingly, which assures another sea­ visiuns, SpriiiKflcl.l, D:iyt»n, Mai.sllfld aud Canton to resign from the Atlantic Association and De­ [>l.iy in Cleveland and that I was willing to curry out comprising I bo We.tern and llie rrui.iiniuK clubs tha rules of the Players' League, which will be will sue th« ('layers' organization for heavy damages | my part ot tbe*contract. Ue replied that he was son for this old League, whose death would Cistern. The season opens on April ;iO. The West­ given to the world for the first time in the at the close of the eeadou. ' troit from the International, and that the Amer­ anxious to come to Cleveland, and started for this city have proved a matter of deep regret to all base would be reorpauiKfJ with Drookljo, ern division will play in the East first. The .mson Players' League Guide, which will be published LAW FOB DISKRTEKS. ican At>8ocmtiun lit once upon receipt of a further dispatch from me ball lovers. Mr. Mills, of Detroit, presided at closes on Sept. 10, and all ch impionsbip games post­ The League ui -u, however, profe.'a to have gained a Ptiliadfliiliia, Baltimore and Wai-hiugtou iu thu Kadt, agreeing to refund the amonut piiid him by the Monday. ami Culmulm*, ludhtuupolis. St. Louis aud Detroit in the meeting and C. D. White acted as secretary. poned or litd must bo played off before Sept. 23. Tha point liy Judge \Vallace's decision, accjriliug to Presi­ League people, $.300, which I shall du at once. I oi­ The delegates were: schedule follows: , At its Cleveland meeting the Players' National dent Day, who said to-day: t»e Wear. l-red him no bribe. Andaafor hU salary, I can tell MANSFIELD Abroad— At Canton, May 27, 28. 29 League refused to so amend the playing rules as "According to Hia Honor's opinion Mulvey, Pole- The story bore all Ihe earmarks of improbability, y< a that is no larger than he received in Philadel­ Buffalo J. L. Bacon, James Eyan, C. Swift. July 4, 4. f; .Sept. 11, 12, 13. At Spilnafield, Ji»e 5 to allow tbo regular captain of a team to conch bnnty a|id Bi-cklev, wbo liave sij:u»;d L? ague contract* and was tiothiiijj; moru than a (Vlmnlnia senaAttun phia. JMoha.!ity witiirec^ to pray here, and would Hay City-Sigiouw Manager Malcolm MacArthur, 6, 7; July 21, 22. 23; Sept. 4, ,1, 0. At D.ivton, Juno 2 for 1890, but hate desertrd to tKo Ilrotlieihood. din evolve*! i>rul»al>!y wiih 4 view t-j eulli.tsltiK the luke- never have juiued the Ptnldd^lphia League Club this PivsiJeut i'ettyttie:e, F. A. Knit?. 3, 4; July 24, 25, 2H; Sopt. 1, 2, 3. At Wheeling, May his men from the bench or coaching lines when »»ra*r <ihiUiOU8 public and booming the vtry slow Detroit President Mills, Mxonger Leadley. not in the game. That was tbe only proposition be mniie to lire un to the terms of th"ir contracts with year if bethought that I could use hint. My contract 2. 3, 5; June 5, 6, 7, 8; Aug. 4, 5, 6. At SIcKeenport, the League. Judge Wallace holds that, while tho 8t!e of eQaiOti tickets; nererthek-ss it creu'ed contfdm- with liiui is v*rlet-tJy valid, au thu Philadelphia Club Hamilton 1'resideut Dixnu, Secretary Blnckay. April 30, 30; Mav I; June 23, 24. 25; Aug. 7, 8. 9. affecting the new rules, and, it out of the way, playeis were morally bo'ind to sign with the League alile excitement in buae lull circles and secured a will tind it'it goes to law »br>ut the matter." Lomlun Pn-biiJeut T. S. Uobljc, Manager FfSsenden. At Yoiingstowu, May 0, 7, 8; Juuo 19, 20, 21; Aug. 11, there is not even a remote probability that the club, by virluo of the reeorve cluuao in last yea'rscon­ great dt-nl of newspaper ppace.
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