1 The SABR UK Number 9 Examiner October1997 THE JOURNAL OF THE BOBBY THOMSON CHAPTER OF THE SOCIETY FOR AMERICAN BASEBALL RESEARCH 1997 AGM ANOTHER SUCCESS This year’s Annual Gen- duties that our charter de- and numbered lithograph of eral Meeting of the Bobby mands we perform. We read Ted Williams by the renowned Thomson Chapter of SABR, out apologies from a number of artist Peter Blake, and a Jackie also known as SABR UK, took stalwarts that couldn’t make Robinson portrait by Mike Ross. place once again in the Kings it, due to some prior commit- Both pictures were donated on of Clerkenwell pub. This ec- ment. This left us with the behalf of SABR. Then Monte centric venue is situated just impression that, if all SABR lrvin was nominated and ap- outside the line of the ancient members and kindred spirits proved by the meeting as an city walls that have defined the in the UK could see clear to honorary member of the Chap- City of London since Roman synchronise their schedules, it ter. times. It’s a fifteen-minute walk would be a wonderous affair. The Publications Editor, to St. Paul’s Cathedral. You We also received greetings from Martin Hoerchner, griped about could probably make the Norman Macht via letter, and how he had to commute for Houses of Parliament, West- Monte Irvin via a phone con- four hours a day, and said he minster Abbey, and Bucking- versation with Chapter Chair- wished he could bring out the ham Palace in a half-hour at a man Mike Ross, an excerpt of Examiner more often. The role brisk pace (they’re all right next which was played. of Barry Winetrobe’s “Number to each other). Also the Tower 23” newsletter was also praised. of London, in another direc- Then Graham Winterbone The Treasurer, Andy Parkes, tion. SABR being a historical was voted by acclamation into confirmed we were solvent with society, I feel I must point out the long-vacant position of Sec- assets in triple figures and some that the Bobby Thomson Chap- retary, in recognition of the change. New Secretary ter probably excels any other work he has done. He then Graham Winterbone explained chapter’s meeting place when took his seat at the head of the the purpose behind the survey measured by the sheer weight class. Mike Ross noted that all he distributed, which was to of history that surrounds it. the officers’ terms expired next create a database for members Unless there’s a Cairo chapter, year and elections were due. to keep in touch with each maybe. He then went on to give an other. The meeting took place on award for best services to base- 28 June, the middle of Wimble- ball in Britain over the last ten The Chair of the Historical don Fortnight, which of course years, and it went to John Committee, Patrick Morley, means that the weather was Gaustad of Sportspages book- then gave his report, which is dull and overcast, with threat- store. It may be hard for some- printed in full on page 9. In his ening clouds. But it didn’t one living in America to under- efforts toward shining some matter; for a few hours that stand, but the wealth of mate- light on the darkness of British afternoon we were able to shut rial in their baseball section is baseball history, Bernard Day the rest of the world out and like an oasis in a waterless was commended. Patrick immerse ourselves in baseball. desert. The prize was a signed Carroll had compiled a list of We started out with the continued on page 11 www.sabr.org.uk 2 VIEW FROM THE CHAIR by Mike Ross When I sit down to fill up this runs. History: October 1986. Bob have become web wise. ‘Baseball blank space which editor Martin Stanley’s wild pitch. Rich Gedman smart’ folks from the USA have Hoerchner inveigled me into writ- stretching to his right. Mookie made that pitiless Atlantic Ocean ing, under the lofty heading of Wilson knocked off his feet. The a mere drop in itself. What was a “View From the Chair”, I have to squiggler down to Bill Buckner - a 3000-mile big league gulf has been confess that I have always felt like game of inches indeed. The transversed. Me, I have to con- a tennis referee. Notwithstand- “Bookoo Ball” was in play that day sider cashing in my empties, trad- ing, view or no view, inventing in New York. ing in my Model-T computer for a relevant words of wisdom that are During my young teenage late 20th model (with whitewalls expected from someone so high days at summer camp in Maine too). up has not become any easier. My (100 years ago), I learned a rainy view tells me that my hype has day lesson from a fine gentleman SABR UK has a new member become irrelevant. who showed up out of nowhere to based off the coast of Scotland, on teach me a lesson of life - about the Isle of Cumbrae. Scotsman So, before the membership the Bookoo Ball. The rain was Gerry Gallagher was a prospect in sets me out on an ice flow (Eskimo pouring down and all activities the Dodgers organisation way retirement), I will fill this space were cancelled. Me and Milton back. He has compiled a biogra- with baseball talk, indeed history. Silver were stuck in the Rec Hall phy of all Scottish-born major If it has happened (already), it is trying to make a game out of busted leaguers, including of course our ‘history’. I was watching a game ping-pong ball. Then this black Bobby Thomson. Gerry has the the other night, live on 5, when man suddenly materialised. He original 1886 Cincinnati contract the defending National League watched us for a while and then of Scots lad Kid Nichols which champions Atlanta Braves started asked if he could play. With each tells us that Nichols was paid playing Little League ball. The of his serves he sternly warned of $1700 a season (that’s when nadir moment was Fred McGriff the danger coming our way. $1700 was a lot of money), but for dropping a soft toss from second “Watch out for the Bookoo Ball! his services the contract further base. You know, the play your The Bookoo Ball gonna get you. reveals he had no ‘rights’. No rider grandma could have made. This Watch out. Here it come!”, he to the contract was attached so he induced the announcer to exclaim would exclaim each time a sqiggler was under orders 24 hours a day, for the second time, “Put a tent crossed the net. I never saw him all season. Yes, these finer details over this circus!” For historical before or since that day. But I of the old reserve clause must give reference: the same thing hap- loved him, and the lesson was succour to owners like “the Boss”, pened in a more crucial setting, in learned. It was learned in Boston George Steinbrenner. (“The boss Game Six of the 1993 playoffs in in 1986; it was learned with the of kiss my ass Mississippi”, a Mets Chicago. The Chisox were bat- Braves’ four straight series losses fan once pointed out to me.) An tling Toronto to force a seventh in the ‘96 World Series. Now we excerpt states that “the party of game. Unfortunately Joey Cora have another indomitable Braves the second part will yield a cheer- and Mike Pagliarulo turned the pitching staff, who played circus ful and prompt obedience to all right side of Chicago’s infield into ball the other night, bound for the directions of the party of the Passiondale, which had the Tribe’s post-season glory...Wait for it. Is first part and will hold himself Jerome Holtzman shaking his history repeating itself? Circus subject to its orders at all times head. The bottom line showed the ball again as the Braves lose game during the entire term of his em- Chicago White Sox at the short 1 of the NLCS on errors. ployment aforesaid” Lucky for the end of a 6-3 decision, and the SABR UK has fleshed out. players that the cellular telephone Blue Jays with three unearned We are now on the internet. We wasn’t in play those days. OFFICERS Chairman: Mike Ross, 2B Maida Avenue, London W2 1TF (Tel: 0171 723 9848 Fax: 0171 924 0929) Secretary: Graham Winterbone, 14 Springfield Crescent Harpenden, Herts AL5 4LF (Tel: 01582 622 180) Treasurer: Andy Parkes, 84 Hillingdon Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 8PJ (Tel and Fax: 0161 865 2952) Chair of British Baseball Historical Committee: Patrick Morley, Spring Cottage, The Batch, Hill Road, Sandford, North Somerset BS19 5RH (Tel. 01934 822781) Publications Editor and Webmaster: Martin Hoerchner, 3 Sheridan Crescent, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5RZ (Tel and fax: 0181 467 2828; E-Mail: [email protected]) Archivist: Barry Winetrobe, 53 Woodside Road, New Malden, Surrey KT3 3AW (Tel: 0181 949 1035) Assistant Chair of Historical Committee: Harvey Sahker, 9 Byrne Road, Flat B, Balham, London SW12 9HZ (Tel: 0171 630 0271) Procedural Advisor: Hugh Robinson, 567 Kings Road, Stretford, Manchester M32 8JQ (Tel: 0161 286 7012) European Co-ordinator: Laurens De Jong, Carnisseweg 61, 2993 Ad Barendrecht, Netherlands President: Norman Macht 3 THIS SABR’D ISLE by Martin Hoerchner Baseball is eternal. Baseball during the baseball postseason. sometimes gets phone calls for is also immediate. For instance, I It was September last season, the Giants player, and I told him it am writing this at 12.20 a.m., when the Giants were mired in would be a great line for pulling British Summer Time, early in the the cellar, without even a chance birds, although I probably didn’t morning of Sunday September 28.
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