PARISH STAFFNPARISH PHONE 7409283266 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Fr. William Hritsko, Pastor Reverend G. Michael Gribble, Retired Associate Roman Catholic Church Deacon Richard Busic Pam Klein, Coordinator of Religious Education Mailing Address: PO Box 45 Sharon Lieb, Office Manager Buckeye Lake, OH 430080045 Sally Oldham, Music Coordinator Joan Elliot, Organist Website: www.olmcbuckeyelake.org Linda Grum, Organist Peggy Pound Bookkeeper Email: [email protected] Clint Bigler, Maintenance Director Phone: 7409283266 Elizabeth Orend, Housekeeper Sacramental Emergency: 7403236437 MASS SCHEDULE Sharon Lieb, Office Manager, 7403343424 Saturday: 4:00 p.m.N Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Word for Children 11:00 a.m. Mass during school year. Monday & Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. CONFESSION / MASS SCHEDULES Tuesday & Thursday Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted in bulletin Saturday, July 31, St. Ignatius of Loyola 4pm; 8am; 11am Mass Streaming YouTube search (Our Lady of 4pm Mass Gwendolyn JordanMiller † Mount Carmel Buckeye Lake) Sunday, August 1, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time NEW TO THE PARISH? WELCOME! 8am Mass Paul Lees † Inquirers to the Catholic Christian Faith (adults not yet baptized or 11am Mass Giddean Marcum, Jr. † currently practicing a nonCatholic faith) call Pastor Fr. Bill Hritsko (7409283266) for more information about the Catholic Church and Monday, August 2, Ss. Eusebius of Vercelli & our parish. Inactive Catholics Returning to the Faith call Pastor for Peter Julian Eymard information. 8am Mass Jeff Lower Family {Special Intention} SACRAMENTS & PROGRAMS Tuesday, August 3, Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:15M3:45 p.m. or by appointment call the 8am Communion Service** Office (7409283266). Wednesday, August 4, St, John Vianney Infant Baptism: Workshop required before infant baptism. Call the 8am Mass Mary Alice Millisor † Office (7409283266) for more information. Thursday, August 5, Dedication of the Basilica Marriage: Active parishioners must call the Office (7409283266) no later than 6 months prior to tentative date of wedding. Of St. Mary Major Anointing of the Sick: available upon request. 8am Communion Service ** Call the Office (7409283266). Friday, August 6, The Transfiguration of the Lord Hospitals, Nursing Homes & Homebound Sick: For visitation No Services requests call Pastor. If possible, please inform pastor prior to admittance (7409283266). Saturday, Ss. Sixtus II & Cajetan Home Communion: To arrange longterm home communion, call 4pm Mass “Doc” Daugherty † the Office. Sunday, August 8, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish School of Religion (PSR): PKM12; meets between Sunday 8am Mass Donald Wurdack † Masses during school year. Call Pamela Klein to register or volunteer 11am Mass Ada Marie Decker Beach † to teach (7409283264). Prayer Warriors: Email based prayer chain. Contact Sally Oldham For Streaming: youtube.com search: to submit requests at [email protected]. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Buckeye Lake Protecting God’s Children: This parish is fully compliant with all PGC requirements and best practices. All parish volunteers working ** Mass at St. Leonard with minors must comply. Call Pamela Klein for more information (7409283264). SOCIAL SERVICES LEADS Buckeye Lake: For food and other assistance, 740928 Our Lady of Mount Carmel 4481. St. Vincent de Paul Society: For financial assistance call 740527 2230 (leave name & phone number). Offertory for 7/25/2021 OLMC Food Pantry: Kris Helphrey, Food Pantry is open $2,285,.00 Wednesday 1pmN2:30 p.m. Alcoholic Anonymous and ALANON: St. Vincent for 7/25/2021 Meet Thursdays 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Buckeye Lake Senior Citizens: Meet 1st & 3rd Mondays 12:00 p.m. $648.00 in the Parish Hall. WIC: Services available in Parish Hall monthly on 1st Wednesday, Online Giving 7/20N7/27/2021 $722.00 9:00 a.m.M4:00 p.m. Thank you for your generosity. Bulletin Deadline is Monday 8:00 a.m. Dear fellow parishioners, the Gospel passages are taken from the sixth chapter of St. John which might be called the “Eucharist chapter”. In this chapter are the most definitive statements by Jesus regarding His giving Himself as the Bread of Life. Regarding the revelation of this truth, I have often referred to a story given told by Fr. Bill Lynn, SJ (RIP), one of my teachers in seminary and I am giving it again. Fr. Lynn told us of a conversation he once had with a Protestant minister who was at a loss of what scripture to use for his congregation’s “Communion Sunday” that weekend for he had “exhausted them” over the years. Fr. Lynn suggested using something from John 6 for if the minister pondered it, he might find something “new”. The preacher said he “never used that chapter to preach on Communion”. Fr. Lynn asked him why since it was one of the definitive discourses by Jesus of the Eucharist. The preacher replied, “yes, I know, but if I really researched and pondered it, I would have to become Catholic.” The man was completely serious. Research from 2019 regarding Catholics’ belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist found that over a third (37%) of those who regularly attend Mass and receive Holy Communion do not believe the Body and Blood of Christ and that the bread and wine are just symbols. Of this group, 14% know the teaching of the church regarding transubstantiation (the bread and wine change substantially into the Body and Blood of Jesus), while 23% do not. Of those who attend Mass monthly/yearly or not at all overwhelmingly believe the Eucharist to be only symbolic and of these only 25% know of the church’s teaching. Of those who do attend Mass, regularly (63%) only 58% know of the teaching of transubstantiation and 5% do not. I am not quite sure how to take this M sadly because they haven’t been taught, upset because they “forgot” or “weren’t paying attention” or to be inspired because they have belief even in things they don’t understand. Belief in the real presence can be difficult to understand, especially as some Mass prayers refer to the bread and wine as “signs” and “symbols” M but that they “hide” a deeper mystery. A story that illuminates this regards Jacinta Marto (one of the sainted children of Fatima) who was in a Eucharistic procession. She was to throw flowers along the procession when she saw the Lord, but she never threw them. When Lucia asked why she didn’t, Jacinta said, “she never saw the Lord”. Lucia then explained that He was hidden in the host in the monstrance that the priest carried. Jacinta broke into tears at that and vowed to never miss a chance to adore and honor her “hidden Jesus”. Oh, that we all could hold that simple and iron strong belief M always! Let us pray for each other. Know that you are in mine always. Peace and blessings, Fr. Bill. Conversations About Fertility: Using NFP to Conceive or I am thrilled to announce that as of Postpone Pregnancy: Engaged and married couples, do you this writing our Food Pantry is in very have questions about using Natural Family Planning such as What model of NFP will work best for us? We haven't been good shape. No needs at this time able to conceive. Can NFP help? We REALLY shouldn't get pregnant right now. Can we trust NFP? We struggle with THANKS TO YOU! using NFP! Where can we go for help? Learn how NFP experts answer these questions and more in Conversations Make us your bread broken for others, share until about Fertility, Tuesday, August 3, 7:00 PM. A themed prize will be awarded to a few lucky attendees at the end of the webinar. Register now! https:// all are fed. columbuscatholic.org/conversationsaboutfertility Liturgy Corner Sally Oldham Real Presence Real Future Doesn't it seem sometimes that we are like the Gathering on Israelites wandering through a desert heading toward the August 27 and 28 Promised land? We are on a journey in this life that will will bring together take us toward the eternal life that Jesus promised those the faithful of the who believe in Him and follow His word. diocese for an opportunity to Sometimes in life we all wonder about who God is and have an encounter why bad things happen to good people. God gave the with Christ and Israelites manna from heaven; so, we too, are being fed one another. In faith, hope and charity, we rejoice in the real by Jesus. But just like the Israelites, we complain; we presence of Christ, and we rejoice in our relationship with the want more. Remember when Covid first appeared? Lord. On Friday, August 27, we invite you to join us via People started buying lots of toilet paper and livestream for a beautiful prayer service that will include a Eucharistic Procession, at St. Joseph Cathedral. On Saturday, antibacterial lotion…. much more than they could use. It August 28, join us on site at St. Charles Preparatory School, created a lot of problems, like shortages. for confessions, praise and worship, Mass and inspiring talks Our culture is becoming more and more divided. We by Bishop Brennan and Archbishop Perez. seem to judge people according to their race or where Christ promised to be with us always and it is fulfilled in his they came from. Jesus wants us to look out for one mystical presence among us and in the Sacrament of the Eu- another... to love our neighbor, to care for the poor, the charist. Jesus’ commission to the disciples is the same message sick, the lonely. So today we must choose. Do we follow for us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… Jesus? Do we go along with what the world is telling us? behold, I am with you always.” (Mt.
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