:/V ( e r < ¿ t i e r Vol. I. N ew S e r i e s — No. 1. W h o l e V o l . V. THE MADRAS CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTOR AND jHdssionare Recar*. JANUARY, 1847. C o n te n ts . ESSAVS, ETC. RELIGIOUS AND MISSIdNARV INTEL LIGBNCE. Signs of the Times, 1 The Redemption of Time, 16 H omk—Scotland, C 39 Review—The Lord Bishop and the Bible F okkion—South S fw r W hJ ot of a Bi- Compared: or, Unitarian urn the Ca­ - shop —Syria ^^JflM ^jBw Pong the tholic and Apostolic Faith, 25 Nestoriaos—^JPVKmopIe Scene in Biography—lhief Sketch of the Life and a Prison—Persecution in Madeira—Jn- Labours of the late Rev. W . P. Cuook, 30 cruase and Persecution of Protectants in the Turkfsh Dominions, 39—43 MISCELLANEOUS SELECTIONS. O riental—B engal—State of the Native Press in Caloutta—China—Madras— Lord Kosso'ri Telescope, 32 Examination of Bp. Coirie's Grammar The New Planet, 33 School—Examination of the Schools The Great Western in a Hurricane, • 34 of the Londo-i Missionary Society— Destructive Hurricane iu Rarotonga, 3d St. Andrew’s Parochial School—Bap­ The Magnetic Telegraph, 3t> tisms, 44, 45 THINGS NEW AND OLD. OBITUARY. The Giigin of Evil, 36 Caroline Fry, Thomas Clarkson, Mr*. Letter to a Dying Sister, 37 Muzzy, and Rev. J. J. Lawrence, 46,47 Notice of a New Work, POETRY.IV. Ecclesiastical Movements, A Lay in Season, 38 Monthly Missionary Prayer Meeting, z ? ' MADRAS: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. R. HUNT, AMERICAN MISSION PR1SS- N. B.—All Orders to be sent to Mr. J amm/W alker, Tract Depository. trice SU Rupees to Subscriber» generally—to SvkKenn/id Natives, Five Rupee»—if paid within the firet quarter; otherwise the former rates « / rfxne, or rix Rupees wiU be charged. EDITORIAL NOTICE. uvite attention to tlie announcement of a N e w Se r i e s of this Journal, at Six rupees to Subscrib- general, in advance. W e would suggest that some who hare not time to read the work themselves ike it in for others—as their families, or establishments; or even for some missionary or other not well able to afford the expense. One gentleman has taken fo u r copies of the former Series is purpose. Any good influence, which may be thus exerted, should not be neglected in this if spiritual, and even intellectual drought. Some may also find it convenient to forward a copy ir friends at home, where the affairs of India are exciting more and more interest. W e are sure those who judge rightly will feel that they do good in supporting the publication, and probably a benevolent Society, while they may perhaps get good to'the value of their money. Certainly jestion is not whether each number of the work is worth the half rupee given, but whether on ■hole, the subscription to help continue the publication is not well expended, propose to receive suitable Advertisements, at a moderate charge, for the Cover, and to add leaves if necessary for the purpose, t, e commend to the notice of our friends in the MofussU the proposition concerning A g e n t s, and the allowanoe to them of every sixth copy gratis. We ask for contributions to our pages, as well as for efforts to enlarge the sphere of our circulation. NOTICES OF MEETINGS. T h e Missionary Prayer Meeting is held alternately at the Scotch Church, Davidson Street Chapel, Wesleyan Chapel, and Free General Assembly’s Institution, on the first Monday evening of each month. The Missionary Coherence is held alternately at the houses of the Members on the second Monday evening of each month. The General Committee of the Bible Society meet at the Depository Booms, at six o'clock p . m . on the third Monday of each month. The General Committee of the Tract and Book Society meet at the Office of Messrs Bainbridge and Co., at six o'clock p. m., on the last Monday of each month. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. T h e Review 4f the late Roman Catholic Meeting in Madras has been received, we regret, too late for our present Number, but we hope to give it early insertion. The Memnir of Viswanaden has been received, and is under consideration. The letter to a Christian Friend from our worthy correspondent at Manargoody has come to hand ; and will probably have early insertion. VALUABLE BOOKS BY RECENT ARRIVALS. T he undersigned has the pleasure to announce the receipt of an Extensive and valuable collection of choice Publications, chiefly Theological, which have been put up to express order, and well merit the attention of Gentlemen furnishing their Libraries with Copy-right Publications. Among them are the following: Kitto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, 2 vols. half calf, extra, 42 R s.; Baxter’s Practical Works, 4 vols. half calf, 50 Rs.; Archbishop Tillots'on’s Works, 10 vols. half calf, 60 Rs.; Moses Stuart’s Works, comprising his Commentaries on the Apocalypse, Hebrews, Romans, &c. in 5 vols. half calf, 42 Rs.; Magee’s Works, 2 Vols. half calf, 16 Rs.; Dr. Isaac Barrow’s Works, 3 vols. half calf, 21 Rs.; Cudworth’s Intellectual System of the Universe, 3 vols. half calf, 32 Rs.; Cecil’s Works, 2 vols. cloth, 12 Rs.; Stackhouse’s History of the Bible, 1 vol. half calf, 25 R s.; Chalmer’s Theological Works, 15 vols. cloth, 48 Rs.; Robinson’s Biblical Researches in Palestine, 3 vols. 28 R s.; Doddridge’s Family Expositor, 1 vol. half calf, 13 R s.; Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, edited by the Rev. E. Bickersteth, in 6 vols. 4to. half calf, extra, 85 Rs.; Scott’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, in 3 vols. half calf, 42 R s.; Kitto’s Pictorial Bible, 3 vols. half calf, 45 R s.; Thornton’s British India, complete in 6 vols. cloth, 70 Rs.; McCulloch’s Commercial Dictionary, co-rected up to 1846, half Russia, 45 R s.; and the Penny Cyclopedia, complete in 14 vols. bound in half calf, 125 Rs. Polyglott Bibles, Prayer Book^, Church Services, in great variety. Catalogues of all the Books on hand, as well as those expected by the Vernon,” will be ready on or afyout the 15th January, 1847. orders from the Interior promptly attended to. t R oad L ibrary, > \ December, 1846. J \ J. HIGGINBOTHAM. MADRAS CHRISTIAN INSTRUCTOR. THE MADRAS CHBISTIAN INSTEUCTOE AND MISSIONAEY EECOED. CO.NDDCTED BY MINISTERS OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS IN MADRAS. VOL. V. 1847. MADRAS: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY P. R. HUNT, AMERICAN MISSION PRESS. CONTENTS. ESSAYS, ETC. Pag« Page Missionary Tour in Mysore, 367 Signs of the Times, 1 The Last Relic of Chalmers, 371 The Redemption of Time, 16 The Church in the Navy and Army, 374 The Lord Bishop and the Bible Com­ Physical Cause of the Death of Christ, 377 pared, &c. 25,66 Principal Want of Missions in India, 398 Brief Sketch of the Life and Labours Religious Condition of South America, 403 of the late Rev. W. P. Crook, 30, 63, 107 The Missions of Southern India, 410 The Evils of War, 49 On the Evil of Abusive Language, 414 Strictures on the Proceedings of a Tho Difficulties of Revelation—The Roman Catholic Meeting, Madras, 57 Origin of Evil, 433 The Causes and Remedies of A\Tar, 93 The Sabbath—by Dr. Wardlaw, 443 State of Religion on the Continent, 113 Movement in Calcutta to oppose Na­ Letter to a Christian Friend, on the tive Christian Education, 451 Individuality of Spiritual Experience, 119 Conversions at Salem, 453 A Brief Memoir of Vathanayakum, 122 Illustrations of Natural Theology, 473 Christian Unity, by Rev. T. Haswell, 141 Fragments from the Diary of a Coun­ Cheap Literature and its probable try Clergyman, 482 Results, 151, 194,241 Necessity of Retirement and Private Hindu Memorial, 158 Prayer, 487 Account of Mission at Mayaveram, 166 On the Necessity for a Revival of The Zeal of Truth and Error, 181 Primitive Missionary Agency, 490 Destitution in Ireland and Scotland, 2f>2 The late Dr. Chalmers’ Unpublished Romanism in Ireland, 208 Manuscripts, 498 The Christian Education of India, 221 John Zachariah Kiernander: his early Life and first Labours in India, 248, 276 Confidence in Prayer, 265 Recent Baptism at Vizagapatam, 271 MISCELLANEOUS SELECTIONS. Educational Minute of Government, 283 Brief Notices of Mrs. H. M. Mason, 288 Lord Rosse’s Telescope, 32 Notice of the late Rev. S. W. Flavel, 294 The New Planet, 33 The Monastic Institutions of Pagan­ The Great Western Steamer in a ism and Popery, 309, 353 Hurricane, On the Reparative Powers of Nature, 325 Destructive Hurricane in Rarotonga, The Rev. Samuel Gobat, d. d., 333 The Magnetic Telegraph, Death of Dr. Chalmers, 338 Death of Ulric Zuingle, On Apostolical Succession, 364 Anticipated Destiny of the World, iv CONTENTS. Page POETRY. The Recent Examination at Hailey- bury and Addiscombe, 123 A Lay in Season, 38 The New Pope Pius IX. 126 The Everlasting Hills, 130 The Central Sun, 297 A Mystery of Providence, 171 Character of Dr. Chalmers, 378 The Missionary, 298 Answer to Romanists, 416 Speak Gently, 500 The Message of God, 417 Duelling— Means of Prevention — Court of Honor—Gustavus Adolphus., 457 Tract Distribution at Geneva, 498 RELIGIOUS AND MISSIONARY INTELLIGENCE. — J^onre. Ecclesiastical Movement in Scotland, 39 THINGS NEW AND OLD. Education in England, 84 The Origin of Evil, 36 Aspect of Popery in England, 84 Letter to a Dying Sister, 37 Christian Union, 85 Christian Paradoxes, 83,129 Bible Distribution, 85 True Grace, 83 Home Heathenism, 133 Eloquence, 83 EvaDgelical Alliance, 133, 383 Test of a Ministry, 84 Ireland—Destitution, 173 A Prayer-Book, 84 Ragged Schools, from the Quarterly The Divine Mediator, 128 Review, 213 Condescension of Christ, 128 The National Fast, 254 Slavery, 128 Great Bible Movement in Manchester, 300 Evil-Speaking, 129 Sanctification of- the Lord’s Day, 341 A good Fellow, nobody’s Enemy but Ragged Schools, 384 his own, 168 London City Mission, 385 Worldly Amusements, 169 Jewish Mission in London, 421 The Second Advent, 169 Romish Association in England, 461 Pride, 169 Christian Unity, 212 JFomjjn.
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