1448 .CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 16 By Mr. SUTPHIN: 1128. By Mr. SCHAEFER of Illinois: Petition of the Fair­ H. R. 4216. A bill for the relief of Berthel Christopher; to mount Smelters. Workers, Local No. 82, International Union 'the Committee on Claims. of Mine, Mill, and Smelters Workers, Joseph V€rdu, secretary, By Mr. TIBBOTT: East St: Louis, Ill., opposing amendments to the National . H. R. 4217. A. bill for the relief of Joseph Kochinich; to Labor Relations Act; to the Committee on Labor. the Committee on Military Affairs. 1129. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Mitchell Carbide & Light Co., Kimball, S.Dak., petitioning consideration of their PETITIONS, ETC. resolution with reference to the Townsend plan; to the Com­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were mittee on Ways and Means. laid on the Clerk's desk and referred :as follows: 1130. Also, petition of certain citizens of Puerto Rico, peti­ 1115. By Mr. BREWSTER: Petition signed by 320 citizens tioning consideration of their resolution with reference to em­ of Orono, l\4aine, protesting against the discharge of citizens bargo; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. from Works Progress Administration projects; to the Com­ mittee on Ways and Means. 1116. By Mr. CARTER: Petition of the City Council of the SENATE City of Alameda, Calif., protesting against the enactment of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939 Senate Joint Resolution No. 24 rela:tive to the. ownership of The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney -T. Phillips, D. D., offered the tidelands in the State of California; to the Committee on the following prayer:· · -· · · Public Lands. 1117. Also, petition of the City Council of Richmond, Calif., Almighty and eternal God; with whom is no mutability or urging a continuation of an appropriation for Works Progress changing shade, no night or.winter, no.ebbing tide: We bow Administration and Public Works Administration work to before Thee at this morning hour, .knowing that we, the provide funds to meet the needs of the unemployed and to do children of time and sense, are stained by childish · faults the necessary work of public improvement; to t}:le Committee and petty sins, while Thy holiness and perfection transcend on Appropriations. _ _ all human thought. 1118. Also, Resolution No. 7 of the CalifQt:nia State Legis­ As· Thou hast' made us restless among the things we see, lature, memorializing the Congres~ to enact legislatioJ;l to longing for the higher things, we beseech Thee to forgive secure all aged citizens against want or poverty by means of whatever is amiss in these poor lives of ours; and do Thou a system of Federal old-age pensions; to the Committee pn teach us never to neglect the task of today because we can.. Ways and Means. not see its eternal effect, nor the little duties which are 1119. Also, petition of the City Council of the City of El training us for an ever greater stewardship. ~er_rito, Ga_lif ., urging the en~ctment ·of -legislation ~Q. provi.de May we always remember that this life of ours has .been funds to meet needs of the unemployed and to carry on divinely lived and that this ·robe of flesh and strange in­ the work of necessary public i.niprovements when' present firmity has been Thy ·garment to help us to live as sons of funds are exhausted~ to the Committee on Appropriations. 1120. By Mr. CASE of South Dakota:. Resoiution passed by God and to walk worthy of our vocation in· Christ Jesus ·our South Dakota Woman's. Temperance Union, of Rapid City, ~rd. Amen. S. Dak., petitioning· Congress to pass legislation to prevent THE. JOURNAL advertising of alcoholic beverages by press and radio; to the On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unapunous cons~nt. Committee on Interstate and Foreign. doinmerce. · the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, 1121. Also, House concurrent resolution passed by the February 13, 1939; was dispensed with; and the Journal -was South Dakota State Legislature, memorializing the Congress approved. to appropriate funds under Farm Forestry Acts; to the Com­ CALL OF THE ROLL mittee ·on Agriculture .. Mr. BARKLEY. ~suggest the absence ·of a qi.toru.rit'. "1i22. Also, concurrent ·resolution passed by the Legislature The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the ron: of south Dakota, memorializing· the' Congress ·to enact such legislation that will enable our farmers · and stockmen· to be The Chief Clerk C8;.ll~d the· roll, and. the following Sena­ self-sustaining and able to repossess their homes -arid prop­ tors answered to th~ir names: erty; to the Committee on Agriculture. Adams Downey La Follette Schwartz Andrews Ellender Lee Schwellenbach 1123. Also, Concurrent Resolution No. 5 of the South Da­ Ashurst Frazier Lodge Sheppard kota Senate, memorializing Congress of the United States Austin ·George Logan · Shipstead to make the appropriation authorized in the Hayden-Cart­ Bailey · Gerry · Lucas Smathers Bankhead Gibson Lundeen Smith wright act for construction and maintenance ·of highways Barbour · Gillette McKellar Stewart within Indian reservations; to the Committee on Appropri- Barkley Glass McNary Thomas, Okla. Bilbo Green Maloney Thomas, Utah ations. Bone Guffey Mead Tobey . 1124. By Mr. FULMER: Resolution submitted by T. H. Brown Gurney Mlller Townsend Cribb, manager, South Carolina Peach Growers' Association, Bulow Hale Min'ton Truman - Burlte Harrison Murray 1'Ydings Spartanburg, S. C., and the directors of the South Carolina Byrd Hatch Neely Vandenberg Peach Growers' Association assembled in a meeting in Spar­ Byrnes Hayden Norris VanNuys Capper Herring Nye wa·gner tanburg, S. C., on Saturday, February 11, 1939, at 11 o'clock Caraway Hill Overton Walsh a. m., requesting that they go on record as opposed to all Clark, Idaho Holman Pepper Wheeler punitive and discriminatory legislation, either State or Na­ Clark, Mo. Holt- Pittman ·· White Connally Hughes Radcliffe Wiley tional, that will tend to reduce our incomes and add to the Danaher Johnson, Calif. Reed consum~r's food costs by -taking away any system of food Davis Johnson, Colo. ·Reynolds distribution; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Donahey King Russell 1125. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the Champer of Com­ Mr . MINTON. I .~nno~nce that the Senator from Wyo­ merce of the State of New York, . concerning congressional ming [Mr. O'MAHONEY] is detained from the Senate because regulation of freight rates; to the Committee on Interstate of illness.- - - and Foreign Commerce. · The Senator from New Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ] 1s unavoid­ · 1126. Also, petition of the Ch~mber . of Commerce of the ably detained. State of New York, concerning repeal of Silver Purchase Act; The Senator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN] is absent on t'o the Conimittee on Banking and Currency. important .:Public business. · · · 1127. By Mr. KERR: Petition· of the North Carolina State The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-nine Senators have an­ Senate; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. swered to their names. A quorum is present. 1939 _CONGRESSIONAL ~ECORD-SENATE 1449 . '!'HE LA~E CARY T. GRAYSON THE WHITlf HousE. As physician, as humanitarian, and as Red Cross executive, Ad­ Mr. GLASS. Mr. President, yesterday was the first anni· miral Grayson touched life at many angles and did outstanding versary. of the death-of the late Cary ..T. Grayson, one of-the work in every field of his endeavor. His earlier activities were logical preparation for his work in these later years as chairman of finest men who ever occupied a position in the public service the American Red Cross. Whether directing relief at home or co­ and well known to virtually .every Member of the Senate. operating in the alleviation of human misery in far lands, his tact, The Legislature of Virgil!ia adopted resolutions in regard to industry, and genius for getting things done made his work out­ his death. The American Red Cross and the League of standing. But it is as a friend that so many of us will always think of Red Cross· Societies did iikewise. Many newspapers noticed Cary Grayson-a friend in the truest and finest sense of that fine editorially his death. I ask that the resolutions and editorials word. A stanch friend, an old and close friend, has been taken may be printed in the RECORD as a part of my remarks. from us. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair FRANKLIN D. RoOSEVELT. hears none. Admiral Grayson was chairman of the League of Red Cross The matter referred to is as follows: Societies, of which 64 nations are members. The following resolu­ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, tion was passed by the board of governors of the League of ·Red GENERAL AsSEMBLY. Cross Societies, meeting in Paris, France: House Joint Resolution 24 RESOLUTION On Cary T. Grayson "The . board of governors pays heartfelt tribute to the memory of Admiral Grayson, in whom the Red Crqss world has lost a. great _ Resolved by the house of delegates (the senate concurring), That friend whose qualities of leadership and generous spirit were the general assembly hears with profound sorrow of the passing of admired by all who had the privilege of knowing him; expresses Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, one of Virginia's most distinguished its deepest sympathy with the American Red Cross and · with sons, who departed this life early today. As a friend, physician, and Admiral Grayson's family in their sad loss." counselor of Presidents, a humanitarian, a devoted father and son, and true sportsman, born in Culpeper County, Va., October 11, 1878, the son of a country doctor, Virginia and the entire United [Editorial from the Army and Navy Journal of February 19, 1938] States bas suffered a great loss.
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