Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine MEDWIN PUBLISHERS ISSN: 2578-4986 Committed to Create Value for Researchers Vidarigandhadi Gana of Sushruta Samhita: A Review of its Clinical Indications Dipti1*, Kumar S2 and Rath SK1 1PG Department of Dravyaguna Vigyana, NIA, India Conceptual Paper 2Department of Kayachiktisa, Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College, India Volume 4 Issue 3 Received Date: July 20, 2020 *Corresponding author: Dipti, PhD Scholar (Ayu), PG Department of Dravyaguna Vigyana, Published Date: August 25, 2020 NIA, Jaipur, India; Email: [email protected] DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000262 Abstract Acharya Sushrut gana sutra and these are to be used in later sthana of the text Medicinal substances are classified in Ayurveda in many ways for convenient learning, understanding and applications. (chikitsa sthan, uttar tantra etc.) as per ayurveda gana i.e. vidarigandhadi gana is taken for analysis for its has classified medicinal substances under clinical indication from sushrut samhita gana vis-a-vis shosha, principle. The first gulma, shwasa, kasa have clinical applicability in other Sthana of Sushrut samhita. Study reveals it can be given in various other and its commentaries. Review showed that the indication of this clinical conditions like udaroga, apasmara, vidradhi, abhishyanda, atisaar, raktapitta, pratishyaya, trishna, mutrakriccha etc. after analysing the dosha. This vidargandhadhi gana sutra being used in later part of text and it is not only having vata pitta vitiating property but also balya by its nature. follows the principle of Keywords: Gana; Vidarigandhadi; Ayurveda; Clinical applications; Sutra; Sushrut samhita Abbreviations As there are countless medicinal substances, though Su: Sushrut samhita; T: Tika (Commentary); u: uttar tan- and apply each medicinal substance individually. Therefore tra; chi: chikitsa sthana; sh: sharira sthana; su: sutra sthana; not impossible but it is very difficult to learn, understand Ch.chi: Charak samhita chikitsa sthana. common parameters like morphology, pharmacological action,medicinal therapeutic substances uses, are etc classified [4]. Charaka on basis of certain Introduction medicinal substances into groups such as mahakashaya, moolini, phalini, etc. Sushruta has classified the is the most important tool in therapeutics. It is Dravya substances into different Gana. Gana means group of also one of the four foundational factors of therapeutics; drugs having similar and special has characteristics classified medicinaleither in physician, patient and attendant being the other three [1]. swaroop (morphology), rasa (taste), guna ( properties), Here explains that success of therapeutics is not Charaka karma (pharmacological actions). Vagbhatta has used both ensured only by mere presence of these four but by their mahakashaya and gana at separate places for classifying qualitative excellence. Ayurveda states that any substance of medicinal substances. rationale and in correct indication [2]. states that Charaka Acharya Sushruta has explained 37 gana and each gana athis single world medicinal can be used substance as medicine can be when used applied in various with clinicalproper has multiple indications. The components in these gana are conditions depending upon dose, dosage, condition of the patient, etc [3]. Therefore there are practically countless properties. The nomenclature of Gana drugincluded in thatin such particular a way Ganathat theye.g. inhave Vidarigandhadi similar action Gana and- is given by the first medicinal substances which are used in therapeutics. Vidarigandhadi Gana of Sushruta Samhita: A Review of its Clinical Indications Nat Ayurvedic Med 2 Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine Vidarigandha gana. Each Sushrut Samhita and its available gana dosha, dhatu, mala and clinical indication.is the first drug mentioned in this was collected from is followed by its potential action on mentionedcommentaries. in Sutra These Sthana refecrences and actual were usesthoroughly in other analysed sthana The Ayurvedi samhita ofto sushrutestablish samhita linkages (Chikitsa between Sthana, the uttarindications tantra andetc). usesThe sutra (principles) are described in the beginning of samhitas indications and uses of Vidarigandhadi gana in the sutrasthana texts follow a method wherein categorized on basis of its use in diseases mentioned in chapters like nidan (diagnosis) and chikitsa (therapeautics) Sutra Sthana, as per Dosha prabhava of the Gana andwas also then in [5]. Gana is one such with sutra a tenet of using them in subsequent be used in the later part of samhita. Also Sushrut has opined based on the doshic involvement of the disease. that these groups of drugs (principle),(gana) are whichmentioned logically in brief would in conditions where in linkages could be logically established sutrasthana Observation & Results , their detail uses would be describedVidarigandhadi in section Vidarigandhadi gana comprises of 20 dravyas all of ganaof treatment in other [6]. sthana Against of sushrut this background, samhita. present study was plant origin. This gana is said to be useful in Shosha, Gulma, taken to review the clinical implication of Angamarda, Kasa, Shwasa and having Vata-Pittanashak Materials and Methods property (Tables 1 & 2). All references regarding Vidarigandhadi gana Sno Sanskrit name Botanical name Family Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka doshashaman Desmodium gangeticum Madhur, 1 Vidaarigandha Fabaceae Guru, snigdha Ushna, Madhur Tridoshhar DC. tikta Vidarikanda(alpakshira)- Pueraria Fabaceae 2 Vidaari tuberosa DC. Madhur Guru, snigdha Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahar Kshirvidari(bahu kshira)- Ipomeadigitata Linn. Grewia populifolia Vahl. Passifloraceae laghu, snigdha 3 Vishwadeva Tiliaceae Madhur Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahar ,picchilla Fiori] [= Grewia tenex (Forssk.) Sahadeva/ Laghu, snigdha, 4 balabheda (PV Madhur Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahar picchila sharma) 5 Swadamshtra Tribulus terrestris Linn. Zygophyllaceae Madhur Guru, snigdha Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahar Madhur, 6 Prithakparni Uraria Picta Desv. Fabaceae laghu, snigdha Ushna Madhur Tridoshhar tikta Asparagus racemosus Liliaceae Madhur, 7 Shatavari Guru, snigdha Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahar Willd. (asparagaceae) tikta Madhur, 8 Saariva Hemidesmus indicus R.Br. Periplocaceae Guru, snigdha Sheeta Madhur Tridoshhar tikta Krushnasaariva Cryptolepis buchanani Madhur, 9 Periplocaceae Guru, snigdha Sheeta Madhur Tridoshhar (API Vol-4) Roem and Schult. tikta Jivaka (API Microstylis wallichii Snigdha, 10 Orchidaceae Madhur Sheeta Madhur Vatapittahara volume 5) Lindll. picchila Microstylis mucifera Madhur, 11 Rishbhaka Orchidaceae Laghu, snigdha Sheeta Madhura Vatapittahara Ridley. kashaya Dipti, et al. Vidarigandhadi Gana of Sushruta Samhita: A Review of its Clinical Indications. Nat Copyright© Dipti, et al. Ayurvedic Med 2020, 4(3): 000262. 3 Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine Madhur, Vatapitthara, 12 Mahasaha Teramnus labialis Spreng. Fabaceae Laghu, snigdha Sheeta Madhur tikta kaphavardhak Madhur, Vatapitthara, 13 Kshudrasaha Phaseolus trilobus Ait. Fabaceae Laghu, snigdha Sheeta Madhur tikta kaphavardhak Katu, Laghu, ruksha, 14 Bruhati (Big) Solanum indicum Linn. Solanaceae Ushna Katu Kaphavatashamak tikta tikshna Solanum xanthocarpum Katu, Laghu, ruksha, 15 Bruhati (Small) Solanaceae Ushna Katu Kaphavatashamak Schrad. And Wendle tikta tikshna Madhura, 16 Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. Nyctaginaceae tikta, Laghu, ruksha Ushna Madhur Tridoshhar kashaya Madhura, Snigdha, anurasa- 17 Eranda Ricinius communis Linn. Euphorbiaceae tikshna, Ushna Madhur kaphavatahar katu, sukshma kashaya Adiantum lunulatum 18 Hamsapadi Adiantaceae Kashaya Guru Sheeta Madhur Kaphapittashamak Burn. Vrishchikali (API Katu, Laghu, ruksha, 19 Pergularia extensa N.E. Br. Asclepiadaceae Anushna Katu kapha nisaraka Volume 6) kashaya vishad Madhura, Vatahar, kapha 20 Rishabhi Mucuna pruriens DC. Fabaceae Guru, snigdha, Ushna Madhura tikta pitta vardhak Table 1: Botanical identity and rasapanchaka of Dravya of vidarigandhadi gana [7-10]. Gana Indication Reference Indication in text Description The patient of shosha have been uncted(snehana done) Su.u.T. Shoshapratisheda ghrit sthiradi Shosha 41/32,33 adhyaya varga (vidarigandhadi group) before emesis and with of goat andpurgation. sheep processed with All Arishta danti Su.u.T. 42/60- Gulmapratishedha Gulmaangamarda and chitraka and also thed rugs of vata alleviating 61 adhyaya shouldgroups( beVidarigandhadi prepared with )roots of Ghee pippalayadi drugs along pratham gana (vidarigandhadi drugs) Urdhwa Shwas Su.u.T. 51/17 Shwasha processed with paste of shwasa (dyspnea) and with decoction of cough added with five salts alleviates pippalayadi drugs along Su.u.T. 51/17 kasa pratham gana (vidarigandhadi drugs) Ghee processed with paste of kasa (cough) with decoction of Su.u. 52/26 drugs Kasa vatika kasa chikitsa added withGhrit five salts alleviatesvidarigandhadhi dyspnea and Ghrit vidarigandhadi, utpaladi, cooked with Su.u. Kasa caused by pitta, sarivadi, and madhura (kakolyadi) drugs, sugarcane juice, 52/32,33 kshata and excessive sex cooked with decoction ofkakolyadi drugs should be water, milk along with paste of Indication of Vidarigandhadi gana related to diseases. Table 2: taken with sugar in morning Dipti, et al. Vidarigandhadi Gana of Sushruta Samhita: A Review of its Clinical Indications. Nat Copyright© Dipti, et al. Ayurvedic Med 2020, 4(3): 000262. 4 Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine Reference Indication in text Description Pittanashana Su.chi.14/6 Pittodar chikitsa vidarigandhadi
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