d,IMI..I.IIIH.",M.I|.!IJ..I..HII.II'....l'l..l.'.IU.'IM>'.l.'J."l UNIVERSITY REGISTER '^ 24, iwo 71 FOOTBALL WINS ON THE ROAD PAGE 8 HOMECOMING HOMECOMING KALEIDESCOPE VISUALLY STUNNING PAGE 12 REMEMBERED 1990 COMING TO TERMS WITH ANIMAL RESEARCH PAGE 6 p.10 Thomas trial still pending in courts Kristie Hirsehenberger submit his closing arguments in Siaff Reporter wriling tolhejudge.whohas seven days io reach a decision, Axicll UMM Siudeni Rcncc Axiell said il will probably be a month hoped thai ihe trial on Ociober and a half before lhe ease is re­ 1 lih would resolve the legal end solved. of her case against former UMM Regardless of lhe verdict, the studeni Jim Thomas. ease will sel a precedent lor this Instead, ii broughi waiting. lype of sexual assault. Thomas is charged wiih one Thomas was a student at U MM fourth degree criminal sexual ijnlil spring quarter, 1990. While conduct stemming from an inci­ asiudem here, lie was tiniiiil^iiiliy dent lasl fall. The major com­ of one counl ol" fiflh degree plication in the trial is Lhat what criminal sexual conduct in a case Aiucllcluims happened that night involving iwo UMM students,bul isnotekarlydclincd in Minnesota wLisallowcLliiireiiuiiiuiiicampus. criminal stalulcs as scxualassault. He served 15 days in jail and Lasl fall, Axicll claims,Thomas was placed on probation. used her hand lo fondle himself Axicll believes lhe Universiiy while he wasslccping in her room. should have taken aclion against She said they had agreed nol lo Thomas before the incident in her have sexual relations. Work continues on ihc enlargement of Edson Hall into the new StarJet Thomas has pleaded not guilty "I'm angry at the Universiiy," ; eye view, taken from the roof of Edson. shows the digging of the large io lhe charges. she stated. "It never should have s the mall. Below: The inside of Edson is not safe, cither. Student/ No one is certain, however, if happened. He should have been es, ant! MCSA offices and lounge will never be the same. this Tails under Lhe category of kicked off campus lhe firsl lime." sexual assaull. Axicll expressed concern for According to Axleil, boih law­ studenls who attending Thomas' yers have prepared statements current school, U of M, IT. which they submitted LO lhe at- "It scares mc. Nobody ilieic lomey general for review. knows him, I wonder how many Afier lhcy receive official no- oiher people he did this to," she lice from lhe attorney general, said. "If he was here, nobody each lawyer will have 30 days lo would get within ten feel of him." Efforts renewed to cut minor consumption Mark Itranum Siaff Reporter UMM Residence Halls have been cracking down this year on underage consumption ihrough lhe increased vigilance of Rcsidcnl Life staff. Wiih the advent of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, universities, including lhe Universiiy of Min­ nesota, are being forced to shore up their drug and alcohol policies or risk loss of financial funds and Rnaeial aid for siudcnls, including sLudent loans. According io Dave Aronson. Director nl Residence I.ilc, Ihcrehave been no actual changes in public intoxication policies, bul mere has been a shift in altitude toward die enforcement of those rules already existing. Shots needed for classes This shift has resulted in a de facio policy change to enforcement, versus lolcralion of public drunkencss. Carrie Hadler awhile, we tend lo pui off our ting from 1986 Ihrough 1989 had This change panly is Lhe result of increased alcohol awareness Staff Reporter regular immunization," he said. no evidence of ever receiving Lhe Lraining,especially concerning publicdrunkcncss, for Resident Assis- If enough people are immunized measles vaccine. Lanis and DircCLOrs. Bynow,80%of UMM students regularity, diseases like mumps As of July 22, ouibreaks have Because of this increased awareness, R.A.'s and R.D.'s arc more have fulfilled the new require­ and dipiheria-teianus would been reported from 17 colleges willing to confront an individual for intoxication. This, according to ments for immunization, but do probably die out. Independence Hall(lndy) R.A. Kris Dalcn, led to an increase of ihey know why? According lo Action, lhe If you haven't been vaccinated incident reports toward ihc end lasl year in Indy. According to Dr. Raymond m agaz ineoftheAmericanCoUege yet, you might wanl to do it soon What happens if an R.A, confronis an individual about public Rossberg of Campus Healih Ser­ Health Association, ihere have because some new enforcements drunkeness? If the individual is intoxicaied at lhe lime, lhe R.A. may vice, last year's ouibreaks of dis­ been nearly 16,000 measles cases are making it difficult not to be. call in Campus Sccurily who will then make the decision whether or eases, such as measles, occurred reported so far in 1990. Mosl of Immunization is now manda­ not LO call in Lhe Morris Police Department. If Lhe Morris Police are because not enough people were these cases occurred in college tory by law for college students. called, lhe individual can be placed in DcTox. immunized. sellings, and 49% of all ihe people Immunization top. 14 Intoxication top. 3 "If a disease disappears for who acquired measles in Ihis set­ P.ijic 2 • University Resist October 24. 1990 News Spectrum International News AH U need to know --Saddam Hussein stated that he might release all French Carrie Hadler hostages, and Monday, a leader of the Iraqi-American Federation Siaff Rcporier hinted al lhe release of some sick and elderly US "guests." -The unified Germany may have to deal with high Decision finally made on University waste site unemployment, slower growth, and rising inflation in lhe coming A new University hazardous-waste storage sile was finally chosen year. This forecast was made by economy researchers al five key after a lengthy disagreement. The sile, located north of Fourth insiitutcs. Street SE, between 23rd and 25th Avenues, will be used to store waste before il's shipped to permanent disposal sites. There has —The U.N. World Food Program delivered 19,000 tons of been some controversy over the issue, but most people approved of wheat LO Sudan. The nation has been struck by severe drought and the siie because the waste won't be transported through residential is threatened by famine. neighborhoods, ROTC instructor charged for rape of student National News Former University ROTC instructor Louis Sabin received 6 months in a workhouse, a $300 fine and 15 years of probatic .-President Bush veloed a major employment anii- raping one of his students. The victim was enrolled in his rifle (liscriminalion bill, making him lhe second presidenl (llic first was marksmanship class. Ronald Reagan) io velo legislation identified as a civil righis measure. Bush said he vetoed ihe bill because il would lead to Cuts reccommended in three graduate areas employment quotas. Master of Arts degrees in area-study of East Asian, Russian, and East European studies, and Scandinavian studies have been —A judge in Santa Anna. CA, awarded full custody of a baby ommended for cuts because the programs have not received national conceived in a test tube and born of a surrogate mother to the distinction. M. A. R. Barber, chairman of the Souih Asian and genetic parents, The surrogate mother wanted lo be legally known Middle Eastern Studies department stales lhat area-studies graduate as Lhe child's ihird parent. degrees are "a good idea whose lime has passed." --University of Minnesota Medical School researchers discovered lhai cocaine speeds up the growlh of the AIDS virus in The above informal mpik'il from the Minnesola Daily. lished each week (luring lhe aca e1pressed are ihosc of ihe Editor- in-Chief or opinion eolumnisls and State News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ihe siaff. studeni body. -Arne Carlson is back in Ihe gubernatorial race as a « candidate, despite losing ihe I-R primary lo Jon Orunsclh. -Al Abbott Norlhweslern Hospila] in Minneapolis, a heart transplant patient died after being given a hearl wiih ihc wrong blood lync. -U.S. Senate candidate Paul Wcllstone wants the media to focus again on his race againsi Rudy Boschwilz, afler removing lheir allenlion from lhe governor's contest. The above information was compiled from the Star Tribune. Corrections October 17 Issue p. 3 PalGannun is nol from Chicago, as timed in Ihe article nil Ihc Career Fair. Gannon is from Skokie, IL. p. 8 Scolly Colbeck is from Fergus Falls, not inner cily,.Chicago as the The University Register will basket™]] ariidc incorrectly slaled. investigate any complaints p. 14 Misleading headline: Tide: Faculty: Coming or Going about lhe accuracy, fairness and The subhcadline should have re: ml Tunu-ner rait- hit;!! far fourth straight year completeness of any articles in ralhcr lhan Turnover nut: iru reuses fi>r fourth year. this newspaper. Any article TIK1 Rrsisirr renvis Ihcsc mistakes and any iiicnr.vaiifnccs lhcy may have lhat is found to be inaccurate or misleading will be corrected and put in this space. If you wish to report any inaccuracy or have any son of problem with this newspaper, please call 589-2211 ext. 6078 and request to speak io the Editor- Chief. H®tmm®mmSm§ BspssSaSs Thursday 25* Taps 9 - 12 p.m. \S\ The bird opens the heart in jr J broadening circles as arms <^-^ from the cross extend in Friday TGIF 2 for 1 f warm welcome. 4 - 10 p.m. The people of God who gather at The Federated Church of Morris invite you to worship with us.
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