04_741565 ch01.qxd 11/13/07 2:40 PM Page 1 1 ORTHOGRAPHIC DRAWINGS Interior design is a multifaceted and to consider the elements that remain con- ever-changing discipline. The practice stant in an evolving profession. In many of interior design continues to evolve ways, the design process itself remains due to technological as well as societal constant—whether practiced with a stick in changes. the sand, a technical pen, or a powerful computer and software. There are many The sentences above were written roughly stories about designers drawing prelimi- ten years ago, in the introduction to the first nary sketches on cocktail napkins or the edition of this book, and continue to hold backs of paper bags, and these stories lead true today. Digital technology continues to us to a simple truth. influence and to work as a change agent in Professional designers conduct research, the ongoing evolution of design practice. take piles of information, inspiration, and Today’s practicing interior designers use hard work, and wrap them all together in software for drafting, three-dimensional what is referred to as the DESIGN PROCESS, to modeling programs, digital rendering pro- create meaningful and useful environments. grams, digital imaging software, as well as a A constant and key factor in interior design is range of word processing, spreadsheet, and the fact that human beings—and other living presentation programs. creatures—occupy and move within interior In addition to undergoing constant, spaces. To create interior environments, rapid technological advancement, the pro- professional designers must engage in a fession of interior design has grownCOPYRIGHTED in process that involves research,MATERIAL understand- terms of scope of work, specialization, and ing, idea generation, evaluation, and docu- the range of design practiced. The growth mentation. These are significant constants of the profession, combined with efforts that exist in a changing world. toward development of educational stan- For the most part this book covers the dards, registration, and licensing, have process designers engage in and the relat- increased its legitimacy as a serious profes- ed presentation techniques used in DESIGN sional discipline. COMMUNICATION. These processes and Constant change in society and in one’s basic concepts are consistent, whether profession can be overwhelming and a bit generated manually or by computer. Some frightening, and for that reason it is useful examples included here were created 1 04_741565 ch01.qxd 11/13/07 2:40 PM Page 2 FIGURE 1-11 1. Compass 2. Architectural scales 3. Drafting film 4. Template 29 5. T square 2 28 3 6. Lettering triangle 1 7 8 7. Triangle 6 8. Appliqué film 27 26 4 5 9. Vellum 24 10. Tracing paper (roll) 25 23 10 11. Cork-backed ruler 22 16 9 17 12. Flexible curve 21 13. Drafting tape 14. Drafting dots 20 15. French curve 19 13 15 16. French curve 18 14 17. Adjustable triangle 11 18. Electric eraser 12 19. Eraser shield 20. Erasers 21. Dry-cleaning pad 1-1 22. Disposable ink pens 23. Technical pen 24. Lead holder 25. Lead pointer manually, whereas others were computer well as an overview of the most common 26. Mechanical pencil generated. Regardless of how drawings and drawings used in interior design practice. 27. Wooden graphite pencils graphics are generated, they are part of a The information presented in this chapter 28. Layout pencils process of discovery, exploration, and cre- is meant as an overview, not a definitive 29. Drafting brush ation. drawing or drafting reference. Subsequent This chapter covers what is often chapters cover the other forms of drawings referred to as drafting, as well as other and design graphics used in sketching, and forms of two-dimensional graphics; this other forms of idea generation. specific type of drawing is required for all projects that will be constructed. The term MATERIALS, TOOLS, AND DRAFTING refers to measured drawings done EQUIPMENT FOR MANUAL with specialized tools and equipment. The DRAFTING truth is that not all drawings used in the The graphics and drawings used in interior process of interior design are drawn with design practice vary, ranging from concep- the aid of drafting tools or computers. tual sketches and rough layouts to meas- Often those drawings created in the pre- ured technical drawings. The materials, liminary stages of the design process are tools, and equipment used to create the rough sketches and involve little use of variety of drawings and graphics are drafting tools or equipment. As designs are numerous and ever proliferating. The refined, there is clearly a need for highly media and tools selected must be appropri- accurate, measured, and detailed drawings, ate to the task at hand. This means that and these are drafted with tools. their proper selection requires careful This chapter presents the materials, consideration of the drawing type and use, equipment, and tools used for manually as well as an understanding of the available drafted and freehand design drawings, as products. Currently most schools and 2 INTERIOR DESIGN VISUAL PRESENTATION 04_741565 ch01.qxd 11/13/07 2:40 PM Page 3 design firms create the majority of design creation of many sketches and the genera- drawings digitally, using COMPUTER-AIDED tion of many ideas. Tracing paper also DESIGN (CAD) programs. However, some works very well overlaid on drawings for students begin the study of drafting by cre- transfer and refinement of images. Often ating drawings manually; for that reason a many layers of tracing paper are overlaid as description of manual drawing tools and a design is refined or as a complicated per- equipment follows. Figure 1-1 illustrates spective drawing is constructed. Images on commonly used manual drafting and draw- tracing paper can be reproduced easily by ing materials and equipment, which are being photocopied or being scanned for discussed as follows. inclusion in design presentations. While this is done less commonly in Drawing Surfaces current practice, final design drawings cre- The type of drawing surface selected ated manually and intended for diazo directly affects the quality of the drawn reproduction are drawn on DRAFTING VELLUM, image. Some surfaces accept pencil and ink a transparent paper available in a variety of readily and allow for clear, consistent finishes and weights (thicknesses) and imagery. Transparent papers allow for most often white. Drafting vellum should diazo reproduction (blueprinting) and can have a high rag or cotton content, giving it a be used as an overlay to continue a drawing rich finish, strength, and good stability. It by transferring details from one sheet to is excellent for line work generated with another. Drawings produced on nontrans- graphite pencils. Good-quality diazo prints parent surfaces are reproduced by photo- can be run from drafting vellum originals. copying, digital reproduction (scanning), Vellum is also photocopied, scanned, and or photographic processes. photographed with excellent results. TRACING PAPER is the most common paper In addition to vellum, PLASTIC DRAFTING surface for sketching in-process design FILMS are used for final drawings and for drawings and graphics. Known in various some design presentations. Plastic (and parts of the country as trace, flimsy, and polyester) drafting films are expensive, bumwad, this paper is highly transparent tear resistant, and generally do not react to and relatively inexpensive. Tracing paper fluctuations in temperature or humidity (as is available in cut sheets and in rolls in a do many paper surfaces). They accept ink variety of sizes. Rolls of tracing paper work beautifully and allow for easy ink erasure. well for interior design drawing because of These films require the use of special pen- the varying sizes of drawings required. cils. Drafting film originals produce excel- Tracing paper is available in white, buff, lent diazo prints and photocopies. For and canary (yellow). Most designers have a years prior to the use of CAD, plastic film personal color preference based on previ- and ink drawings were considered the ous experience. Some designers use trac- finest for reproduction. ing paper to create actual presentation A range of ART PAPERS is available; the sketches (used to communicate with a papers are made with a variety of materials client or end-user) while others use them and come in many colors, sizes, and finishes. only for personal exploration. Some of these papers can be used as a draw- Because tracing paper is relatively inex- ing surface or as a background or visual ele- pensive, it can be used to develop prelimi- ment included within a presentation; a range nary sketches and for in-process drawings. of paper types is discussed in Chapter 5, This allows for exploration through the beginning on page 145. ORTHOGRAPHIC DRAWINGS 3 04_741565 ch01.qxd 11/13/07 2:40 PM Page 4 ADHESIVE REPRODUCTION FILM, also H, 2H, and sometimes F leads are most called appliqué film and often referred to commonly used in drafting. generically as sticky back, is used on vellum The graphite described above is used in or bond drawings. Typed or printed images a variety of mark-making implements. can be drawn or photocopied onto adhesive WOODEN DRAWING PENCILS involve a graph- reproduction film. The film is then care- ite mixture encased in wood and are sharp- fully measured and cut and applied to the ened like standard wooden writing pencils. vellum or bond paper. MECHANICAL PENCILS are hollow instru- Manually generated design drawings ments that hold very fine graphite leads. can be reproduced on large-format photo- These are sold in a variety of lead widths to copying machines. However, CAD-gener- create a range of line weights. LEAD HOLDERS ated drawings—printed or plotted on bond are hollow implements that accept thicker paper—are the most commonly used in leads than mechanical pencils.
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