www.ukrweekly.com C^V^V^^^^V^V^^C^X^T^^X^M^M^X^i I Remember Ukraine | ^K-^^^t^v^^v^p-x^v^^v^v^c^? The Ukrainian Weekly Edition СВОБОДА J^SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D A IL\ VOL. LXXXIII No. 244 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1976 25 CENTS UCCA Executive Board Holds Harvard Symposium Takes Inward First Post-Convention Meeting Look at Ukrainians in U.S. NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA Special). - He further stressed the importance and CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-More than a It attracted, in addition to academes of note On Saturday, December 4, the UCCA necessity for a Ukrainian Information dozen scholars, both Ukrainian and non- and students, numerous activists of Ukrain­ Executive Board helds its first post- conven­ Center in Washington and asked that Ukrainian, took an introspective look at the ian community life and members of the tion meeting at the UCCA office here, in priority be given by the UCCA to this Ukrainian community life in the United Ukrainian Studies Fund, the latter holding a which 17 members took part. The session project. States in the course of a four-day sym­ meeting of their own on Sunday to plan the was chaired alternately by Walter Masur Such matters as the observance of Ukra­ posium staged here Thursday through final stage of the Institute's funding. The and Msgr. Myroslav Charyna, both UCCA ine's independence anniversary, further Sunday, December 2-5, in what was a first symposium was conceived and organized by vice-presidents. attempts to have a Congressional resolution conference of its kind at Harvard University, Edward Kasinec, librarian and HURI on the resurrection of the Ukrainian Chur­ America's oldest institution of higher research bibliographer. Officers' Reports ches in Ukraine, defense of Ukrainian learning and the site of an ever expanding political prisoners and human rights, and The preceding Wednesday, the local program of Ukrainian studies. community of Boston launched a month- In his report UCCA President Prof. Lev watching and monitoring the implementa­ Eleven scholarly papers comprised the long observance of America's Bicentennial E. Dobriansky dwelt on a number of matters tion of the Helsinki agreement by the USSR symposium, whose diversified framework and the Centennial of Ukrainian settlement related to the overall programs and policies were stressed by the President. He also urged also included a cultural-entertainment in the U.S. with an exhibit at the Boston of the UCCA. He sent over 60 congratula­ that the UCCA help in the case of Prof. Oleh program starring Jack Palance-Palahniuk, Public Library. Also, a half-hour documen­ tory messages to U.S. Senators and Con­ Pidhainy, in his fight against discrimination two exhitibts of Ucrainica at Houghton and tary film was shown over channel 5 (WC VB) gressmen on their reelection or election; he leveled at him by a southern university. Widener libraries, a banquet in honor of the Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday at !2:30 attended a conference on U.S.-China rela­ Administrative Director Ivan Bazarko contributors to the community funded p.m. One of the persons interviewed was Dr. tions, and helped in editing and preparing reported on the XHth UCCA Congress, program of Ukrainian studies here, and a Anna Chopek, UNA Supreme Advisor. two official documents: one on religious underscoring the fact that some of the violin recital at the conclusion of the Miss Chopek was one of many area activists persecution in the USSR, and the other on- opposition critics see only the negative conference. who took part in the symposium and with the Bicentennial salute to the captive features, but forget the fact that the Con­ In addition to probing into the various other ladies hosted the out-of-town guests at nations. gress was attended by over 800 delegates and phases of Ukrainian immigration to the U.S. the Institute's building Friday evening. Looking toward the future, the UCCA guests, by the Vice-President of the United and the early beginnings of organized com­ Among several Ukrainian community President said that a liaison is being esta­ States, a Senator, several Congressmen, and munity life, the symposium examined some leaders present was UNA President and blished with the incoming administration of (Continued on page 2) individual aspects of the Ukrainian ethnic Executive Vice-President of the UCCA President-elect Jimmy Carter. group, its structural forms and its future Joseph Lesawyer, who arrived here with his direction in the light of developments in the wife Mary Thursday and remained through contemporary milieu of America and Ukra­ Friday evening. ine, and sought to devise a theoretical Launching the series of papers Thursday framework for empirical study of ethnic afternoon was Dr. Paul Magocsi who spoke community life in this country. on "Problems in the History of Ukrainian UNA Offers A Holiday Special For Youth The symposium, whose theme was "The Immigration to the United States." Ukrainian Experience in the United States", Friday morning's session, organized and was organized by the Harvard Ukrainian chaired by Prof. Wsewolod Isajiw, professor JERSEY CITY, N.J.—In an effort to 65,T-16) for S3,000 worth of insurance, will Research lnstitue in cooperation with the of sociology at the University of Toronto, further strengthen the fabric of Ukrainian receive an additional S3,000 worth of life Ukrainian Festival Bostonian Committee community life on the North American (Continued on page 16) and the Mayor's Office for Cultural Affairs. (Continued on page 10) continent and to include more young people into the community's mainstream, the Ukrainian National Association has desig­ nated December as the month of youth enrollment in its ranks. Ukrainians Unveil Shevchenko Monument in Paraguay In a letter, signed by Supreme Organizer Stefan Hawrysz and mailed to all Svoboda Ceremonies Round-out "Ukrainian Week" Festivities and Weekly subscribers, most of whom are parents or grandparents, the UNA offered Paraguayan President, Argentinian Officials, Others Attend Unveiling four of its life protection plans for youths aged 6 weeks to 15 years on exceptionally ENCARNACION, Paraguay.-The free a-half pedestal. Metropolitan Mstyslav, assisted by Bi­ beneficial conditions. world has witnessed the unveiling of yet The Gen. Stroessner Square was decor­ shop Yladimiro of the Ukrainian Orthodox The text of the letter, explaining the offer, another monument in honor of Taras ated with Paragayan and Ukrainian flags, Church in Brazil, Bishop Efraim B. Krevey in English translation is as follows: Shevchenko. and the Army Band played both national of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Brazil, This year we are observing the Bicenten­ Situated here in the center of the South anthems at -the start of the ceremonies. and other clergy blessed the monumem. nial of the American Revolution and the American continent, the some 700 Ukrain­ Also in attendance were the governor of At the close of the ceremonies, Gen. Centennial of Ukrainian settlement in the ian families raised the necessary funds to the Argentinian province of Missiones, Stroessner shook hands with all the SUMA U.S. erect such a statue to the poet-laureate of Capt. Rene G. Butfeller of the Paraguayan and Plast youths who formed the honor On the occasion of these observances, the Ukraine in the Gen. Alfredo Stroessner navy, Dr. Ramon Rebezion, leader of the guard. UNA, as the oldest Ukrainian organization Square, named in honor of the country's "Colorado" party, and Mr. Caballero. Ukrainians from Argentina, Brazil, Cana­ in the free world, designates December 1976 president. Mr. Caballero called Shevchenko a "torch da, the United States and Europe were as the month of youth enrollment into its Their dreams were realized on Friday, of freedom." which was brought to this present at the program. ranks for the purpose of Soyuz's continued November 19, when Gen. Stroessner and R. country "to fill his countrymen with optim­ A banquet was held after the unveiling in growth. Pylynsky, chairman of the T. Shevchenko ism and pride in the proper path in life, to the "Prosvita" Hall with some 1,000 people All Ukrainian youths, aged 6 weeks to 15 Monument Committee, together unveiled which he dedicated himself." attending. years, who during December acquire one of the monument in the presence of some 1,500 Also speaking at the unveiling was Mr. Wasyl Kosiuk, head of the Ukrainian four classes of life insurand (P-20,P-65,E- people. Rebezion. Central Representation of Argentina, was The Shevchenko Monument here raises Greeting the assemblage on behalf of master of ceremonies of the banquet, which the total number of statues of the Ukrainian Paraguayan Ukrainians was Serhiy Pylyk. included statements by representatives of poet in the free world to six, with three of The unveiling and other events connected the WCFU, the World Federation of Ukra­ UCCA National them located in South America. with "Ukrainian Week" were sponsored by inian Women's Organization, Ukrainian Fund Drive the "Prosvita" Society here and the Ukrain­ Canadian Committee, the Ukrainian Na­ Week-Long Program ian Central Representation of Argentina. tional Front, and public officials. On Monday, November 15, in the pre­ The unveiling ceremonies were the culmi­ (The figures are based on collections Many from Free World Attend sence of the City Council, Mr. Caballero nation of a week-long series of Ukrainian UCCA Branches and contributions officially proclaimed "Ukrainian Week." events here which began with the official Among the many Ukrainians from the organizations and individual donors Representing the Ukrainian community was proclamation of "Ukrainian Week" by free world to attend the ceremonies were as of December 9, 1976). Mykhaylo Khudyk, head of "Prosvita." Mayor Jose Caballero.
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