ADMI TIVE ACTION NUMBER ADMINISTRATIVE 1 906 CHANGE ORDER EFFECTIVE DATE JUL Clry OF'DALLP\S lSei AOministrative Directive 4-5) tf-zols M ilur INSTRUCTIONS t11' t}n !L9 /ess competitivety bid contracts. :E* 1. Complete and submit this form for approval of changes of $50,000 or to f I a f 6 fi? The cumulative total of atl change orders must not exceed +/- 25% of the origina! contract amount. 2. -il'* I Sr + t'i 3. Attach atl supporting documents. !'r? !f -"s 4. See Admrnis trative Directive 4-S,Secfions 8 and 9 for additional information and routing. i;ifi t-f" Section s-f,F*{ 5. Authorized by Datlas City Code, 2. T; n r\} -i 8l 6. ls Form129S - Certificate of Interested Parties required to comply with House Bitl 1295 attached (if applicatie)i'Q Ve&* tzr w,e_6a flt vs9 I 700 VENDOR NAME 3iContracting, LLC VENDOR NUMBER CONTRACT NAME Singing Hills Recreation Center Replacement DEPARTMENT Park and Recreation Proiect -Cynr, Addition ACTION REOUESTED Authorize an increase in the constmction contract with 3i Contracting, LLC in the amount of $43,346.12; theleby increasing the contl'act from $6,018,448.97 to $6,061,795.09. 424 Calendar PKR-20 I 8-00006540 CONTRACT TERM: CONTRACT NUMBER: 365 Calendar Davs To Days BACKGROUND This change order consists of the following items 'I . Provide and install metal stairc from level 0l to lower level 2. Grant a Contract time extension of 58 days (812'7 /2019 to 10/24/2019) due to rain days and mobilization issues. FUNDING FUND DEPT UNIT ACTV OBJ PROGRAM ENCUMBRANCE NO. AMOUNT lv00 PKR vB22 MMCF 4599 PKI'zY822 cx PKR 2018 00006540 43,346.12 PROGRAM NO.: See Program COMMODITY CODE: 91200 FINANCING: 2017 Bond Fund MM,BE INFORMATION CHANGE ORDER DATA t8-0942 Place an :..txi. in the appropriate boxes Change Order No. 3 OriginalCR/AA No. Hispanic OriginalCR/AA OriginalCR/AA African-American $s,950,000.00 Date 6/2712019 Amount Total of Previous Change Orders s68.448.97 / $6.01 97 Caucasian: Female Change Amount lncluding this $11t,795.09 /$6,061,795.09 Male order Other Minority (Asian-Pacific, Asian-American Total Change Order t-88% Native American) Percentage M/WBE Certification Number: a- APPROVAL AS in accordance with the B and Cha 2 of the Dallas Code BY ENT DATE Attested B Robert Abtahi, Preside Secretary Date ParV nnd Panraalinn Rnard Park anA Pacraaiinn Rnarrl ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NUMBER- ADMINISTRATIVE 't qnAS CHANGE ORDER EF CITY OF DALLAS (See Administrative Directive 4-5) t I .,..1 INSTRUCTIONS ;i! tui 1. Complete and submit this form for approval of changes of $50,000orless to competitively bid contract&:{:.j I i:;: U] I i: 2. The cumulative total of all change orders must not exceed +/- 25% of the original contract amount. ::d a r:j.,:_", 3. Attach all supporting documents. i ri s --.1 and t i j 4. See Administrative Directive 4-5, Sections 8 and 9 for additional information routing. il f;; Lii *'4 ft-) 5. Authorized by Dattas City Code, Section 2. ry 6. Is Forml29S - Ceftificate of lnterested Parties required to compty with House Bill 1295 attached (if applicable)? n res [ ruo NAME StructuralT LLC VENDOR NUMBER vs0000042148 NAME City Hall Parki Garage Slab Repairs DEPARTMENT Bui Services ACTION REQUESTED Approve value engineering alternate, and approve the change orders on RFI no. 1 ,2,3, 5 & 7 for the Dallas City Hall Parking Garage Slab and botumni Repair project located at City Hall 1500 Marilla Street. Add 16 working days to term of contract. Contractor is aware that MAffBE goal of 26.5% is expected to be achieved through work still pending. GONTRACT NUMBER: BSD-201 9-00008202 CONTRACT TERM: 1211712018 To 81112020 BACKGROUND Authorized Structural Technologies, LLC for the proposed value engineering alternate: to eliminate the steel collars and instead enlarge the column total of capital with additional concrete.-A total of $41 ,389.0b cost saving. Rcoitlonatty, approve Change Orders on RFI's no 1 , 2, 3, 5 & 7 for a $40,480.00. FUNDING FUND DEPT UNIT ACTV OBJ. PROGRAM ENCUMBRANCE NO. AMOUNT -$909.00 0671 BSD w221 3210 8S18159 BSD-2019-00008202 PROGRAM NO.: BS181s9 COMMODITY CODE: 91200 FINANCING M/WBE INFORMATION CHANGE ORDER DATA Place an -Xil in the appropriate boxes: Change Order No. 0 Original CRYAA No. 18'1654 African- Hispanic x American OriginalCRYAA OriginalCRYAA $642,600.00 Date 11128118 Amount Total of Previous Change Orders $0.00 Caucasian: Female x Change Amount lncluding this Male Order ($eoe.00) Other Minority (Asian-Pacific, Asian-American Total Change Order -0.14% Native American) Percentage Lffi|r6645 g< MAIVBE Certification Number: wFD869625Y0918 AS in the and 2 of the Dallas BY DEPARTMENT DI UJ {-tq REV 512017 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION NUMBER ADMINISTRATIVE 1 9 A657 CHANGE ORDER EFFECTIVE DATE CITY OF DALLP\S (See Administrative Directive 4-5) ;rl elyqr l-J J*: \-:3 INSTRUCTIONS j.' *- l tu.t 1. Complete and submit this form for approval of changes of $50,000 or /ess to competitively bid contractsr" I r{"1 .J ,i ";*'; 2. The cumulative total of all change orders must not exceed +/- 25% of the original contract amount. {ji {? 3. Attach all supporting documents. *-4 ji ""*i 4-5, Secfions and 9 for additional information and routing. "t': 4. See Administrative Directive I _.,-'t i 5. Authorized by Dallas City Code, Section 2 6. ls Form1295 - Certificate of lnterested Parties required to comply with House Bill 1295 attached (if applicable)? XF*' fl No VENDoR NAME MACVAL ASSOCIATES, LLC. VENDOR NUMBER vs0000025999 CONTRACT NAME Bismark Drive from E. Ledbetter Drive DEPARTMENT Department of Public Works to 5lstStreet - P8125448 ACTION REQUESTED Authorize Change Order No. 1 to the construction contract with MACVAL ASSOCIATES, LLC, for Bismark Drive from E. Ledbetter Drive to 51st Str6et in the amount of $0.00, This is a zero change order that will not increase the original contract amount of $1,156,2S1.b0. GONTRACT NUMBER: I peW-ZOtZ-00003209 CONTRACT TERM: 212012018 To 912012019 BACKGROUND Due to uncontrolled field conditions such as nine water chlorination tests, shortage in unclassified street excavation quantities, driveway geometry not matching the design, the realignment and connection of the sidewalks to new driveways because of the proximity 6f some-private fencei to the right-of-way, it was decided to compensate the contractor for several remobilizations. See Exhibit A attached for more details FUNDING AMOUNT FUND DEPT UNIT ACTV OBJ PROGRAM ENCUMBRANCE NO. ,'il" $0.00 COMMODITY PROGRAM NO.: PB12s448 FINANCING: M/WBE INFORMATION CHANGE ORDER DATA Place an UXl in the appropriate boxes: Change Order OriginalCR/AA No. 1 No. 17-1672 African- Hispanic American OriginalCRYAA OriginalCR/AA $1,156,281.00 Date 1012512017 Amount Total of Previous Change Orders $0.00 Caucasian: Female Change Amount lncluding this Male Order $0.00 Other Minority (Asian-Pacific, Asian-American Total Change Order 0.00% Native American) Percentage MA/VBE Certification Number: I APPROVAL as bein in accordance with the 2 of the Dallas Code. BY DEPARTMENT DI DATE S lnitiating REV 5t2017 190658 Nlaster Agreement Extension Request :: 'l .. r' s .i' r'._r r: t ! i.a 1 ,:,,ili:lj'-r -. i ;i l: iuJ "i i.: ii-','" 5 ii ii ;'r i?',' ar{tr : I I: ; ; rii. Ljr tt--.-.1-:r : L./'\itJ CITYD OFDALLAS Business Development and Procurement Services EXTFNSION REQUEST Date: May 76,2019 Company: Hugh M Cunningham, Inc. (0941 3 1) Attention: Brad Feldman Phone No. : 972-852-3411 or 972-888-3 808 Email Address : bmfeldnran@,hughcunningham.com Master Agreement Name: Pressure Reducing Valves Parts &.Accessories Master Agreement Number: 8M1604 Dear Vendor: Your company is cumently supplying the City of Dallas on the above referenced master agreement. The term of this agreement expired on Mach 23, 2019,k is our rvish to continue this conhact at the same terms and conditions for an additional 12 nronths or until funds are depleted. Please complete the section belorv and return via email by M.ay 22,2019, Claudia Morey - Buyer III Email : claudia.morey@dall ascityhall. com Phone No.: 2l 4-670-3413 Fax No.: 214-670-4793 our company does agree to the extension on the above referenc.ed contract -t/Yes, our company does not wish to continue this agreement --No, f i,^' r ("r'sc_ PrintedName Signature Aoooulf floo.tt( (r {'Les- / 1 Title v Date Rev.3 - 11i22116 M DoclBDPS.FRlvl- 109 ;:*is*tis *6 FJ{ 3: $l qlll'' s[iRlT;qity il,tLLJr$" llXfi5 CITYOFDALLAS Business Development and Procurement Services EXTENSION REQUEST Date: May 15,2019 Company : Municipal Valvd &,Equipm ent (33i229i0) Attention: Randy Greene Phone No. : 972-943-57 6I Email Address: [email protected]; janice@municipalvalve,com Master Agteement Name: Lressure Reducing Valves Parts & Accessories Master Agreement Number: 8M1604 Dear Vendor: Your company is currently supplying the City of Dallas on the above referenced master agreement. The term ofthis agreementexpired onMach23,2019.It is ourwishto continue flris conhactatthe sameterns and conditions for an addi4onal 12 months or until funds are depleted. Please complete the section below and return via email hy M:av 22.2019. Claudia Morey - Buyer III Email : [email protected] Phone No.: 214-670-3413 Fax No.: 214-670-4793 V Yes, our company does agree to the extension on the above referenced contract No, our company does not wish to continue this agreement a9- Name [Y\n&A?p,,' 7EQ' Title' -< ( Date 3 - tu22n6 190660 1.r l.i t a t.-:".,1 :.; CITYOFDAttAS ,li:tir,iii: ii'L'li:t*r ' I: ;i;: i:." l,{t'i{ oFFrcEoF pRocuREMENTsERVlcEs"''i MASTER AGREEMENT ExrENslON REQUE$G i 'i ;Iilii.- jii'i'f r-\ : ! I :, il '."': " r'.
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