Carnets Geol. 16 (20) Jurassic-Cretaceous transition on the Getic carbonate platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania): Benthic foraminifera and algae 1 Cristian Victor MIRCESCU 1 George PLEŞ 1, 2 Ioan I. BUCUR 3 Bruno GRANIER Abstract: The carbonate succession of the Piatra Craiului Massif, i.e., the eastern part of the Getic car- bonate platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania), comprises reefal and peritidal limestones that con- tain a diverse microfossil assemblage composed mainly of calcareous green algae and benthic foramini- fera. The biostratigraphically most significant benthic foraminifera found in the several sections studied are described; some (Anchispirocyclina lusitanica, Neokilianina rahonensis, Bramkampella arabica, Everticyclammina praekelleri) are reported for the first time in this area. Hence, assemblages of both foraminifera and calcareous algae characterize three biostratigraphic intervals in the studied suc- cession, the Kimmeridgian - lower Tithonian, the upper Tithonian - lower Berriasian, and the upper Ber- riasian - ? lower Valanginian intervals. The main microfacies types (bioclastic rudstone, coral-microbial boundstone, bioclastic grainstone, interbedded mudstones and wackestones with cyanobacteria nodu- les) as well as both the foraminifera and the calcareous algae are paleoecological indicators that may contribute to the decipherment of the depositional environments and to building a depositional model for the eastern part of the Getic carbonate platform at the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous transition. Key-words: • Upper Jurassic; • Lower Cretaceous; • Getic carbonate platform; • Southern Carpathians; • biostratigraphy; • foraminifera; • paleoenvironment. Citation: MIRCESCU C.V., PLEŞ G., BUCUR I.I. & GRANIER B. (2016).- Jurassic-Cretaceous transition on the Getic carbonate platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania): Benthic foraminifera and algae.- Car- nets Geol., Madrid, vol. 16, no. 20, p. 491-512. Résumé : Passage Jurassique-Crétacé sur la plate-forme carbonatée gétique (Carpathes mé- ridionales, Roumanie) : Foraminifères et algues benthiques.- La série carbonatée du Massif de Piatra Craiului, c'est-à-dire de la partie orientale de la plate-forme carbonatée gétique (Carpathes méri- dionales, Roumanie), est constituée de calcaires récifaux et péritidaux qui recèlent des associations variées de microfossiles constituées d'algues vertes calcaires et de foraminifères benthiques essentiel- lement. Parmi les foraminifères benthiques identifiés dans les nombreuses coupes étudiées, nous décri- vons ceux auxquels on attribue une certaine valeur biostratigraphique. Quelques-uns (Anchispirocyclina lusitanica, Neokilianina rahonensis, Bramkampella arabica, Everticyclammina praekelleri) sont signalés pour la première fois dans ce secteur. De ce fait, dans la série étudiée, grâce aux associations combi- nées de foraminifères et d'algues calcaires, nous caractérisons trois intervalles biostratigraphiques : le Kimméridgien - Tithonien inférieur, le Tithonien supérieur - Berriasien inférieur et le Berriasien supé- rieur - ? Valanginien inférieur. Les principaux types de microfaciès (rudstone bioclastique, boundstone corallien-microbien, grainstone bioclastique, alternances de mudstones et de wackestones à nodules cyanobactériens) sont des indicateurs paléoécologiques qui, avec les foraminifères et les algues calcai- res, peuvent contribuer au décryptage des environnements de dépôt et à la construction d'un modèle dépositionnel pour la partie orientale de la plate-forme carbonatée gétique à la transition du Jurassique supérieur au Crétacé inférieur. 1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Department of Geology and Center for Integrated Geological Studies, M. Kogălniceanu str., 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 2 [email protected] 3 Dépt. STU, Fac. Sci. Tech., UBO, 6 avenue Le Gorgeu, CS 93837, F-29238 Brest (France) [email protected] Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Kansas, 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (USA) [email protected] Published online in final form (pdf) on October 24, 2016 [Editor: Robert W. SCOTT; technical editor: Bruno GRANIER] 491 Carnets Geol. 16 (20) Mots-clefs : The mid-Jurassic deposits are in turn over- • Jurassique supérieur ; lain by thick units of Kimmeridgian - Berriasian • Crétacé inférieur ; (- ? lower Valanginian) shallow-water carbona- • plate-forme carbonatée gétique ; tes, i.e., Štramberk-like limestones. They reach • Carpathes méridionales ; a total thickness of 1200 m (BUCUR et al., 2011; • biostratigraphie ; PLEŞ et al., 2013) near the La Om summit (Fig. • foraminifères ; 2). This succession represents an overall shal- • paléoenvironnement. lowing-upward megasequence that is defined 1. Introduction by the shift from coral-microbial bioconstruc- This paper is part of a larger integrated stu- tions to peritidal carbonates (MIRCESCU et al., dy that aims to describe the geological evolu- 2014). BUCUR (1978) first reported the presence tion of the Piatra Craiului Massif by using sedi- of Berriasian deposits in the northern part of mentological and stratigraphic techniques. The the Piatra Craiului Massif. Recent studies (BUCUR geomorphological characteristics of the Piatra et al., 2009; SĂSĂRAN et al., 2013; PLEŞ et al., Craiului Massif with extensive outcrops repre- 2013; MIRCESCU et al., 2014) have confirmed sent an optimal feature for studying the entire the presence of lowermost Cretaceous deposits carbonate succession. in that area (Fig. 2). Overlying these Štramberk limestones are either Barremian-Aptian brec- Several sections comprising the Jurassic- cias/conglomerates (UNGUREANU et al., 2015) or Cretaceous transition were studied. Earlier au- the Dâmbovicioara Formation the lowermost thors (JEKELIUS, 1923; ONCESCU, 1943; POPESCU, transgressive strata which are Early Valanginian 1966) assigned a Late Jurassic age to the stu- in age (GRĂDINARU et al., 2016). died limestones. However, other biostratigra- phic studies (BUCUR, 1978; PATRULIUS et al., 3. Materials and methods 1980; BUCUR et al., 2009; DRAGASTAN, 2010) re- Seven sections were analysed for micro- vealed the presence of Lower Cretaceous depo- facies and micropaleontological content (A-G) sits in the upper part of the carbonate succes- (Fig. 2): Curmătura-Turnu (A), Padina Închisă- sion. The present paper brings new biostratigra- Drumul lui Lehmann (B), Padina Popii (C), Cio- phical information regarding the Upper Jurassic- rânga Mare-Vf. Ascuţit-Padinile Frumoase (D), Lower Cretaceous transition in the studied area. Vlăduşca de Vest-Vlăduşca de Est (E), Zaplaz- Three biostratigraphic intervals (Kimmeridgian- Lanţuri (F), Padina Lăncii (G). The total thick- lower Tithonian, upper Tithonian-lower Berria- ness of the sampled sections ranges from 700 sian and upper Berriasian-lower Valanginian) m in the north to approximately 1200 m in the are identified. central part of the massif. Each section is de- 2. Geological framework fined by a gradual transition from massive lime- stones in their lower part towards metre/deci- The Piatra Craiului Massif forms the western meter-thick carbonate beds in their upper part. flank of a larger syncline unit, which was defi- Sections A-E were sampled at a resolution of 4 ned in the geological literature as the Piatra to 5 m and sections F and G were sampled at a Craiului Syncline. This structural unit is consi- resolution of 7 to 8 m. Nine hundred samples dered an integral part of the Dâmbovicioara were evaluated for their microfacies and micro- Couloir (PATRULIUS, 1969) (Fig. 1) and it repre- fossil content. However, 120 samples were spe- sents the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate cifically used to describe the microfossil assem- Platform (PATRULIUS, 1976). blages (Fig. 3). These sections were correlated The lower part of the sedimentary succes- by analysing repetitive patterns of microfossil sion is Bajocian-early Callovian in age (Fig. 2). content and microfacies characteristics. As a It is characterized by the upward transition result, a composite bio-lithostratigraphic table from sandstones and marly limestones to lime- was generated (Fig. 3). stones and radiolarites (POPESCU, 1966). These Remark: In Tethyan basinal sections strati- deposits contain ammonite fragments and pele- graphers refer to two-fold divisions of both the cypods [e.g., Bositra buchi (ROEMER, 1836)]. Kimmeridgian and the Valanginian and three- PATRULIUS (1969) and GRĂDINARU (2011) descri- fold divisions of both the Tithonian and the Ber- bed similar Bajocian deposits from the Dâmbo- riasian based of ammonites. Because there is vicioara Couloir. The age ascription is mainly no record of ammonite find in the studied shal- based on pelecypod fragments, gastropods and low-water limestones, we lack direct calibration solitary zoantharians. In the Bajocian-lower to the ammonite zones. Therefore, we do not Callovian succession hardground levels and refer to the formal subdivisions of the above condensed intervals rich in macro-oncoids and stages into substages (that come with the qua- stromatolitic structures are present (LAZĂR & lifying labels: Lower/Early, Middle and Up- GRĂDINARU, 2013). Upper Callovian-Oxfordian per/Late) but to informal two-fold subdvisions, radiolarites overlie the Bajocian-lower Callovian i.e., subdivisions into "lower/early" and "up- succession (Fig. 2). Detailed information about per/late" standing for "lower/earlier part of" and these deposits can be found in BUCUR (1980), "upper/later part of", respectively. MÉSZÁROS and BUCUR (1980), and BECCARO
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