00 ^ ? 3 OC UJ o m E O > V i c& snio s a n o N 45Ó Castro A Leather/Levi Bar GAY MAN SLAUGHTERED ON GREAT OUTDOOR ADVENTURES p re se n ts ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SPECIAL SHOW 8-11 PM^ POLK BY MISSION DISTRICT THUGS'^ FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY (VigUantc-Guardian Angels) plus SELF-SERVING COLD, MAYOR plus CHIEF OF STARRING POLICE (sensitive to wants of Cons for Christ and Polk Street Merchants, but not theJUittl^^ople”) ADD UP TO ROBIN TYLER Jf t S. F. GAY MENS CHORUS Ì A- -K MEN ABOUT TOWN A- ■B iar JUfEBiGii -K FOGGY CITY SQUARES A^ A- -K DAVID KELSEY Saturday, October 10 -K A- 3 til 8 PM "Mix In" with general public 6 l A- 8 til 11 PM • PRIVATE ■¥ A- PURE TRASH ■¥■■¥-¥-¥■-¥-¥■■¥■ ■¥■'¥‘'¥”¥‘-¥■■¥-¥--¥-¥-¥^-¥-¥^-¥- Admission: S13/GOA Members S15/Non-members $10/Children (Free attended Childcare) Busses Available — $6.25 Roundtrip Includes; $5.00 in BONUS BUCKS towards food and souvenirs. Tickets Available at: San Francisco Los Angeles H EA DLIN ES BODYCENTER i a a T o K f e i n s t e í k S.F. CHIEF OF Po l ic e 549 Castro & 1217 Polk 8711 W. 3rd Street “LILLIE LAW” CONCENTRATES ON “CRIME” OF SOLICITATION FOR LEGAL SEX WHILE KILLERS AND THIEVES ROAM THE STREETS & HALLWAYS! POLK MERCHANTS GROUP SUPPORTS CHIEF MURPHY! slaughter (slo-ter) Act of killing; violent or wanton destruction of life; Or send payment with self addressed, stamped violently or ruthlessly; execute. envelope to: Webster’s Dictionary In an interview in the GREAT OUDOOR ADVENTURES SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept.16----------Nicholas Ritus, 31 dead pn Polk 1618 Castro, San Francisco 94114 Street. Killed by a savage pack of human beings from another section of local morning paper, Phone (415) 641-4020 San Francisco! the San Francisco Ritus and his friend Barry Mabus were visitors in our City from Seattle Chronicle, Mabus allegedly Washington. Mabus will return to Seattle with a tale of horror of how he said, "there was no place himself nearly lost his life to a pack of self-hating, gay-hating animals from to escape from what was the Mission District who "invaded" the Polk Street area, early Sunday morn happening....... there was no ing, about 3 A.M., and for no reason other than the fact that the accused place to run------- just the murderers thought the two men were gay, leaped from the low-rider car, terror." PROTEST VICE-PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH'S VISIT TO SF and began stabbing Nicholas Ritus to death. Plunging the blade into the In custody, thanks to the descrip­ 2 To 2 Daily October 1st......see page 5 info. Seattle man repeatedly as he, Ritus in vain, tried to escpae and while one tion of the accused killers auto, by FOCUS NEWS of the animals in the auto shouted out encouragement to plunge the blade Mabus, are, Carlos Zuniga, 26 of in again. And Mabus himself was struggling with another of the vicious 333 Potrero who was booked for alleged humans, who tried to spill his blood and life onto the streets of our investigation of homicide; Samuel G. City. Mabus escaped, wounded, and now recovering, and anxious to leave. Picazo, 24, 555 Naples Street; also > y ' - " C / o police arrested Alfredo Razo, 22 of 667 Badan Street for investigation of being an accessory to the crime, and police say they are still looking A NEVI CONCEPT for the fourth auto passenger. VAdvertise or Self-appointed "gay leaders" met with Dianne Feinstein, their Mayor on IN JOURNALISM Monday following the slaughter on Polk to express their anger over the Be Forgotten m killings (all were from the Castro of course!), and the Mayor did her usual "gay soft-shoe dance" for them, and they left quite satisfied with themselves that they had met with The Mayor! But many Polk and Tenderloin/Central City residents feel that the Mayor 398 12th St. t í is a great contributor to the problem of low-riders invading the Polk and Tenderloin harassing, beating and now, even killing gay men (no reports of any assaults of lesbians in this area for several months now). As, the low-rider mentality is to "invade" the "gay areas" after anight of SOLI M ail: 3 2 4 . 14thStreet, San Frandstxj, California 94103 (415) 8856979 drinking and dancing with their "women." and later, after 1 am. to go out with their usually alcohol-induced machismo, and "beat the fags. Typical low-rider macho-mentality. Super sexis.t and all induced by the PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER THRUSDAY BY THE ORTHODOX Roman Catholic Church's long anti-gay attitude passed on down to the EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF GOD, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORA- Managing Editor: Rt. Reverend Raymond Broahears, DD youth. SEPTEMBER 19. 1981 Contributors: Carl Driver Mike Cormeir Feinstein's police usually are harassing gays for every imaginable reason Ed DoUak Wm! “Duke** Murray Pern Don Sister in the early evening hours for such terrible crimes of ' suspicion of solici­ Distributed by: i. Russo & Associates. ting for sex" but are booked bn charges like "obstructing a doorway" of ‘V D ? demand jobs being sponsored by GAY CALIFORNIA FOCUS ON FILE AT: Homosexual Information the AFL-CIO and other labor groups. It will begin at 12 Noon at Center, Los Angeles, Calif. a closed store. Feinstein's police are few in number after 1 ;30 am when the Embarcadero Palaza. Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings and photo* ggS-6979 the "low-rider mentality" gang goes into action, and not just in the Polk graphs submitted if they are to be returned and no responsiDiUty can be Various gay and lesbian groups have already endorsed the rally... assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photo* To Your Our Readers: either, but in the Castro and on Market. Some of you may remember ^aphs sent to Gay California Focus Magazine will be treated as uncondi* This is our fourth issue of the Gay California Focus Magazine. ^ e Stonewall Gay Democratic Club, Solidarity, the Barbary Coast tionally assiued for publication pumoses and as subject to Focus's right Robert Hillsborough who was killed by the same type of thugs who also to edit and comment editorially. Publication of the name' photograph And on behalf of the Orthodox Episcopal Church of God, Inc., my publisher, I wish Democratic Club to mention but three of the groups. or likeness of any person or organization in articles or advertising in to thank the lesbian, qay, and straight communities of northern Criifornia for their lived in about the same area as the accused. Gay California Focus Magazine is not to be construed as any indica­ The Peoples Anti-War Mobilization will have a contingent at the rally tion of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. The support, letters and calls of encouragement, and generally positive reception. We are Feinstein's police have done little about violent crimes in the area, as well opinions expressed by the columnists, letter writers, and comm- trying to ^ve you a publication that will help you to live better, by informing you of as a soaring rate of robberies and burgleries in the Central City. Obviously and you are being urged by them to join the Labor Focus of P A M entors are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position various things which other publications aimed at the lesbian/gay communities do not of Gay California Focus Magazine or the Corporation. While the plainclothes Vice Unit finds it safer and easier to bust safe-gays. on, “"'"9 office on 24th Street at’ we have many fine advertisers who support this magazine by do. We have a long way to go. We have wonderful staffers, such as Carl Driver, our 821-6545. their advertising. Gay California Focus Magazine cannot 94 murders in San Francisco this year. accept responsiDility for advertising claims made by adver­ theatre reviewer; H.L. Perry our travel person; and Ed Dollak,our columnist on Q ty T^e Lesbian/Gay Focus of P.A.M. will also have a contingent there. tisers. Hall and City affairs, as well as his wonderful drawings. Each of us thank you, and And then, what about the media-seeking self-styled vigilantes called the This publication does not make political endorsements This important rally to demand jobs is being held nationwide with and no article on any political subject should be taken want you to know we appreciate you. ^od bless each of you real good! OK? Guardian Angels, the residents of the Central City/Polk do not need or over 250,000 expected in Washington, D.C. as a stand either for or against candidate or legislation. reverend ray broshears want them. The residents of the area demand justice, and an end to **Today is the first day of the rest of your life...God managing editor. loves y o u ......d o y o u love yourself?** ed ito r. police harassment now. reverend ray broshears __ FOCUS fmBars IS YOUR HOME FOCUS TRAVELS FOCUS NEWS SECURE? WITH H.L. FERRY Prevent Burglary Deadbolts, Windowlocks SAIM FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept.15------- GAY NEWSPAPER FOLDS BY ORDER OF FEDERAL COURT 431-0571 - Mardi Gras will be February 20th thru February 24th in ‘82 and The Sentinel, the second oldest gay publication was declared bankrupt Station House Travel, has put a great package together! Two persons complete security BOYCOTT GOO at the request of the creditors and thus U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Lloyd sharing a Deluxe Regency room at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, is King gave the order, thus allowing the creditors to try and gain some of for less only $249.00 each.
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