Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:99 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SATURDAY . NOVEMBER 07 . 2015 -Aqrab 16, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re AT Monitoring Desk incident is Maulvi Yusouf, who hana had been forced to marry wanted Rukhshana to marry his against her will and recently fled KABUL: The Governor of Ghor brother. However, the 19-year with another man. The couple was province, Seema Joyenda, said old girl refused to marry Maulvi caught after two days, and the that they have identified a number Yusouf s brother, thus he stoned Taliban militants stoned Rokhs- of people who were involved in her to death, she added. Accord- hana death for adultery. stoning a young woman to death. ing to Joyenda, Maulvi Yosuof This is worth mentioning that The Taliban militants under a was the main culprit in stoning so far there has been no arrests in decree by their kangaroo court Rukhshana. We have also identi- her stoning case, yet just only one stoned a teenager girl, identified fied other people involved in the name has been given out to media Rukhsana to death in western crime, but we cannot mention their as the main culprit, which in no Ghor province.Joyenda said that names, she said. way can be called a major devel- one of the people involved in the According to reports, Rukhs- opment towards justice. KABUL: Former vice president Mohammad Younus Qanuni has been appointed as the new chair- man of the High Peace Council (HPC), an official said. The decision was finalised during a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) chaired by President Ashraf Ghani, a gov- ernment source close the develop- eferring to government's re Ghani's special representative for ment said without giving more cent move to include bank reform and good governance, Ah- details. Hailing for central Panjsh- Rrupt debtors of Kabul Bank mad Zia Massoud and other gov- er province, Younus Qanuni had to a housing scheme project, the ernment officials. According to of- formerly served as former interi- legal experts said Friday that Af- ficials, the project will help the or minister, education minister, ghanistan's laws do not allow a debtors to resume their business- Wolesi Jirga speaker and for a few criminal who is sentenced to ten es in order to be able to repay their months as first vice president af- years or more in jail to sign a con- obligations. But this act, accord- ter the death of Marshal Qasim tract or benefit from government ing to legal experts, has questioned Fahim. Former president Hamid privileges. Based on the Criminal the credibility of the judicial insti- Karzai decreed the reconciliation Law of Afghanistan, a convict who tutions of Afghanistan. They say programme in compliance with has been charged with maximum this decision illustrates govern- the advice from the National Peace punishment is not allowed for any ment's lack of knowledge of law Advisory Jirga with financial sup- of the following activities. Some and also indicates a possible se- port from the international com- of them are: to sign a contract; be- cret deal behind the unlawful munity in 2010. come a head or CEO of an organi- move. "Release of a criminal from ...P2 zation; become a member of board prison is against the law," law pro- of directors; become a parliamen- fessor Nasrullah Stanekzai said. tarian; or benefit from other gov- "Mitigating the charges of a crimi- ernment privileges. But contrary nal or signing a contract with him to all above statements, the gov- is against the law." The shocking ernment in an unexpected move news led to mounting criticism of launched the "Smart City Town- government whose main slogan ship" project on Wednesday in was to eradicate corruption and which Khalilullah Ferozi, one of begin it with addressing the Kabul the biggest convicts in Kabul Bank Bank case. Officials of anti-corrup- scandal, shares a big part in the tion bodies also strongly criticized project - worth over $900 million the government for releasing a cor- KABUL: Separate protests were USD. The project was launched in rupt person from jail. According staged in the capital Kabul and a special ceremony attended by to them, this act of government will President Ashraf Ghani's legal ad- lead to a big public mistrust western Ghor province on Friday ...P2 A Syrian man rides his bicycle near what activists said was an exploded cluster bombshell in Damascus. (Reuters/ Bassam Khabieh) against the stoning of a girl, asking viser Abdul Ali Mohammadi, in government's years of the government to arrest the per- petrators forthwith. Local officials in Ghor say the culprits have been identified, but theyare hiding in an area under Taliban s control. Launching an operation in the neighbourhood without reinforce- ments is impossible. On Oct. 25, A memorial ceremony was held were killed in a suicide attack dur- local Taliban publicly stoned to Friday in Kabul to commemorate ing the inaugural of a sugar factory PUL-I-KHUMRI: Protestors, de- continue their demonstrations un- death 19 years old Rokhshana on the 8th death anniversary of vic- in northern Baghlan in 2007. Also manding the shifting of Baghlan s til the demandwas met. But Dep- the charge of adultery with an un- tims of a deadly suicide attack in present at the event was Kazemi's capital to the Baghlan-i-Markazi uty Governor Abdul Qadeem married man, who was also Baghlan which killed nearly 80 brother, Sayed Ali Kazemi, who district, blocked the Baghlan-Kun- Niazi rejected the protestors de- whipped in Awdak Ghaleem vil- people including five MPs, among blasted the previous and the cur- duz highway for a second day on mandas illogical. He advised the lage on the outskirts of Ferozkoh, them, Sayed Mustafa Kazemi, a rent government for not investi- Friday. On Thursday, some 200 demonstrators to share their real the provincial capital. prominent opposition leader in the gating what he said the mysteri- people had blocked the busy high- problems with the central govern- More than a hundred support- Parliament. ous plot against his brother. In ad- way in the Parchawah area of ment. Niazi argued shifting a pro- ers of the Afghanistan Solidarity The event was attended by dition, he accused government of Baghlan-i-Markazi district. But the vincial capital was presidential Party (ASP), most of them many high-ranking government ignoring the current challenges fac- road was reopened after interven- prerogative and the local authori- women,took to the streets in Kab- officials including CEO Abdullah ing Afghanistan. "Hundreds of tion from local officials. They once ties could not take any decision on ul against the extrajudicial killing Abdullah and his deputies, presi- young Afghans are fleeing insecu- again closed the road today to the issue.The provincial capital of the teenager. Selai Ghaffar, dent's special representative for rity and unemployment," Kazemi press for their demand, one of the was shifted from Baghlan-i- What we re not doing (is) counter-terrorism operations against spokesman for the ASP, de- reform and good governance Ah- said. "Despite these problems, the protestors, Shad Mohammad, told Markazi to Pul-i-Khumri in 1989 the Taliban. While seeing the Taliban as an important partner nounced the stoning of Rokhsha- mad Zia Massoud and a number dispute over distributing of gov- Pajhwok Afghan News, We when Dr. Najibullah was president. opened the road yesterday due to Tens of cars full of passengers and in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process, naas an inhuman and criminal act. of members of Parliament. The ernment seats among ethnic groups the spokesman said American troops were not She said the girl had been stoned participants of the gathering urged remain high." He asked the gov- passengers problems and blocked trucks were stranded on both ends to death based on the verdict of a the government to follow the ide- ernment to identify the elements it again for traffic, He said local of the highway that connects nine actively targeting the group. kangaroo court and with- als of Kazemi who among 78 behind assassination of officials had failed to convince the- provinces in the north with Kab- ...P2 ...P2 mon Thursday. They vowed to ul. (Pajhwok) out any evidence. others, including schoolchildren public figures. PESHAWAR: US troops are no and assist the longer conducting counter-terror- Afghan forces, ism operations against the Tali- and we re doing that in coalition ban in Afghanistan, a Department with a large number of nations, of Defense spokesman said on many of them NATO nations... Thursday. The US viewed the in- American forces counter-terror- surgent group as an important ism missions in Afghanistan pri- KABUL: The spy service on partner in its efforts for bringing marily targeted Al-Qaeda and its Thursday said a would-be suicide peace and stability to the war-rav- remnants, he explained, saying the bomber and his two facilitators aged country, the Pentagon self-styled Islamic State also have been detained in Bagrami dis- spokesman told reporters in known as Daesh would be fair trict of central Kabul province. Washington. Pakistani and foreign game as well. According to a statement from the media reports quoted Navy Cap- Davis said some lone National Directorate of Security tain Jeff Davis as saying: What wolves in Pakistan and Afghani- (NDS), the suspects were detained we re not doing (is) counter-ter- stan were using the Islamic State during a special operation.
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