Opinion .'; See what Guardian pho­ Triton student-athletes Is a missile defense system tographers filmed as they. Kristina Anderson and Dan needed in the post-Cold patroled Sun God. Albrecht are honored. War era? Writers debate. page 11 page 20 page 4 T. H E u c 5 D Circulation Monday 11,000 May 21, 2001 UCSAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian .arg VOLUME 103, ISSUE 15 latvians Unable Sun God Prayers Come True to Escape War's Div~slve Legacy Ping Pong Mofia, Naughty by Nature, XZibit and Face to Face perform By MAn SCHRADER RIGA, Latvia - Latvians and Russians, two peoples fated to Associate News Editor share a nation under 50 years of Soviet rule, are far apart when it The students' faith in the A.S. comes to their common legacy. programming office was restored "History is very divisive in Friday as Ping Pong Mafia, Latvia: ils Muiznieks, director of Naughty by Nature, Face to Face the Latvian Center for Human and XZibit took the stage for this Rights and Ethnic Studies, said in a year's Sun God Festival at RlMAC recent interview. "It's not only every­ Field. thing related to the KGB and the "This show was twice as good role of Russians in doing nasty stuff as Sun God was last year." said in the '40s and '50s. It's anything Revelle junior Jennifer Thompson. "Un like last time, I See LATVIA, Page 8 didn't have to find the CDs of the bands that were playing in the oldies section of the music store." Co-Festivals Coordinator SCOtt Mantell said this year's Sun God drew 12,000 individuals, represent­ Nebraska Farm Town ing a clear increase over last year. "Man, I knew there would be Laments Loss of more people th is year than th'ere Only Grocery Store were last year," said Marsha ll sophomore Scott Corban. "But I BLUE HILL, Neb. - A yellow never thought I would have to wait bulldozer rumbled in the Midwest­ in such a long line for a show." ern sun, packing down sand over a According to Co-Festivals barren lot that used to be the base­ Coordinator Priya Mohan, the ment of Price's Supermarket. large attendance was due in part Otherwise, the streets last week to the wide range of people that were as quiet as church mi ce. the show catered to. Main Street in this farm town, "There was just something for population 890, is a lot less busy everybody this time: she said. photos by David PI~/ Guardian since Price's caught fire nearly five "You have got your punk rock, months ago. The elderly women, your hip-hop with Naughty by X to the Z: XZibil was wt'll who might normally use shopping Nature, your real rap with XZibit, recelocd al Friday nighl's Sun God as an excuse to congregate on a sun- and then you have your chant following Nau.~hty ~ NalUrr, Face with Electronico dance. We tried 10 Face, and local balld PIl1.~ Pcmg See STORE, Page 8 to make everybody happy this At afta. '/ he COIICL'71 drw a nvwd year and I hope that actually hap­ twice Ihe size of lasl years. pened." mile Many of the 12,000 in atten­ dance said that the headliner Shearing Testimony: Roosei.\'1t Ohio Police Develop XZibit lived up to the expecta­ junior Shati Doi gets hL,/, 11m" s}IlTi.{'d tions that were placed upon him ~y Ullum of jewish 5rudCl/rs m'/lSum' New Weapon to Mark after his "Restless" album went Wade Strallss all LiiJralV Walk 011 Targets In Crowds double platinum. Friday. The group ad17ilXri a wodd "XZibit was awesome: said rwrd, shaVing 1ll.'f!T' 100 heads m COLUMBUS, Ohio - Colum­ Muir sophomore Robert Buckley. four hou, s. SnuU'71rs p<ryed IiJ get rhelr bus police have a new weapon that "And the fact that many students heads s}uweri, and Ihe manL,)! enables officers to better target here at UCSD can relate to what benejitaJ the Sail DiegQ Cliildrm5 specific individuals in a crowd. Hospilol. For exa mple, if someone in a See SUN GOD, Page 3 crowd is causing trouble, the police can now shoot specifically at that person without hurting other peo­ ple in the crowd , said Sgt. Earl Smith, spokesman for the AFT and UC Reach Contract Stalemate Columbus police. The gun is tar­ get-specific up to 75 feet. AFT demands that policies regarding nontenured track facu lty not be continued The gun looks like a regular paintball gu n, but instead of shoot- By MAn SCHRADER last year, are still being used until a no reason. "A job shouldn't be something Associate News Editor new agreement can be found . "[TeachersJ reach their fourth or that you have to reapply for every See COLLEGIATE, Page 9 Regardless, this does not mean fifth years and they are removed: three years," he said. "As long as The University of California that UCAFT has accepted the he said. "We need something to yo u are doing your job, you should American Federations has stopped conditions of the old contract. make it clear that when they are get­ have expectations that you can negotiations on a new contract for Lonidier said that the ambiguous ting close to 18 quarters that we teach without the possibility of nontenured faculty until a mediator nature of the contract makes it actually get there." losing your job." can be hired to settle the debate that impossible to understand. Similar problems arise for teach ­ Kuchta believes that this lack of has been raging for over a year. "It will bend your mind: he said. ers who are on the nontenured security has decreased t.he quality '~ job shouldn't be "The problem is that the "We want something that is clear." track. According to UCAF/" Vice of education fo r students, becau c something that y ou have administration is not willing to Under current legislation, a President David Kuchta, working as lecturers ca n no longer take modify an agreement that has teacher who is on track to become a lecturer provides no job security chances with their lessons. to reapply for every three been in place since the mid '80s: a tenured faculty member must because an evaluation of one's job is These nontenured trdck faculty said local UCAFT chapter presi­ serve a six-year term before he is administered every three years. members have to follow the con­ years. " dent Fred Lonidier. "It badly needs given a chance to receive tenure. He said this provides for a poor ventional form of teaching because to be improved." However, Lonidier said teach­ working environment because lec­ -o.~d Kutclul if they try a new style and it's not The policies included in the last ers are hired for four or five years turers are in constant fear of losing UCAFT Vice President contract, which expired JU';Ie 30 of and then are mysteriously fired for their jobs. See CONTRACT, Page 2 NEWS 3 Monday, May 21, 2001 The UCSD Guardian 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Monday, May 21, 2001 out and don 't push and enjoy As a result of such support, Sun God: yourself," Mantell said. "These a~e Vinne said the show reached its full Contract: kind of class acts for what he IS potential. Naughty by Nature doing and what he is about." "We have been performing for a AFT claims UC keeps ETCETERA picked up fence after rush Mantell said that Naughty by long time so even if the crowd is lecturers from getting hired Nature helped pick up the fence dead, we'll just act like we are out : Copies Passport Color r~ ContInued'from PICe 1 once it fell over as they were watch­ there doing a dress rehearsal or It~ Photos ....,..-, Continued from page 1 VINCENT GUGNANI he is rapping about only makes ing XZibit's performance on the something," he said. "But when the popular among students, then students Editor in Chief him that much better." side of the stage. crowd is totally into it, it brings the will give them a bad teaching evaluation Members of the A.S. Face to Face played third in the show to a whole new level." BILL BURGER. AUSON NORRIS Ping Pong Mafia, the winners of ,."'.h", "P" $ '" ." I show right before XZibit. Mohan lI All offers6 expire ?,, ~6/4/ 0 t 55~, and they could lose their jobs. Managing Editors Programming staff said that XZibit "There is no academic freedom to became a popular replacement for said that they too put on a show UCS D's Battle of the Bands, was JENNIFER SPOSITO • JEFFR£Y WHITE the first band to take the stage. 4"&W.','hij"'i42.1;=~ibI.1#I;.i:;;4$¥M#iihi I challenge yo ur st udents: he said. Copy Editors Sun God once Lenny Kravitz worthy of applause. "That is why you are at college." refu~e d to play for the $100,000 "Face to Face obviously has a People who ca me to see them LAUREN I. COARTNEY said their performance at Sun God In addition, Kuchta sa id that stud­ News Editor offered to him earlier this month. big following," she said. "And they ies have shown that students' grades "I thought XZibit was awesome are not sell-out punk like Blink was a clear indication of why they A1D J. LEE • MAn SCHRADER were the chosen winners at the are inflated when lecturers teach the Associate News Editors because in underground rap, he gets 182.
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