crhe GJJallas Quarterly Volume XXXIV March, 1988 Number I In Cooperation Wilh The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON·PROFIT CORPORATION P. 0 . 801tl2'4I D•lln. T•U17522S lncoopuorion withtht: DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY OFFICERS rufil l!QARQ Ql'. DIRECTORS 1987 - 1988 President Renee SMITH (Mrs. Charles) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 328-8014 Executive Vice President - Workshop Chairman Sammie LEE (Mrs. Thomas) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 349-1435 Vice President - Proqrams Barbara RIKKER (Mrs. Paul) •••••••••••••••••••• 1-214-722-0090 Vice President - Editor, THE DALLAS QUARTERLY Madilyn L. CRANE (Mrs. Roderick) •••••••••••••••••••• 783-9228 Vice President - Membership Marqret PEARCE (Mrs. llilbur) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 341-0212 Vice President - THE NEWSLETTER Janice llALLACE (Mrs. Jerry) ••••••••••••••••••••• (H) 349-1856 (li) 350-6699 Recordinq Secretary Vicki WHITE (Mrs. Phillip) •••••••••••••••••••••• (H) 327-0420 (li) 741-5851 Treasurer J. Duane RIKKER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 224-4690 ~ Publicity carol PIPER (Mrs. Bob) 826-5885 Mailinq Robert li. JOHNSEY 358-4320 Special Proj ects Kelvin L. MEYERS (H) 528-8374 (li) 670-1450 Library Liaison Lloyd D. BOCKSTRUCK (H) 522-1302 (W) 670-1406 Exchanqe Sam HOLKES 368-6291 Booka Barbara BAYLIS (Mrs. Robert) 348-7737 Parliamentarian Marqaret Ann HUDSON (Mrs. Jim) 661-5126 SPECIAL !;OM!llUIEES Public Relations Bill JACOBY 351-6338 Publications Marqaret Ann THETFORD (Mrs. convay) 522-3806 <='The 'Dalla~ Quarterly Madllyn L. Crane, Editor J. Bruce Moseley, Asslstanl Editor VolumeXXXIV Morell 1988 Number 1 CONTENTS SOCIETY SECTION Officers and Dlrectors """""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""Inside Front Cover The Dallas Quarterly """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ii Publlcalions •••••••••• """""""""""""."".• """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".......... " iii A Message From The Presldent"""""""""""""""."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""iv From The Edltor's Desk. ••• """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."".".".. ""....... ".43 GENEAWGICAL RESEARCH SECTION Recenl Acqulsltlons lo Genealogy Seclion, Dallas Public Llbrary, By Lloyd D. Bockslruck.""""""""""""""""•• """"""""""""""""1 Ed C. Smith Funeral Home Records """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".19 Dallas County Courthouse, (Deed Book E, Pages 1-40)""'.."""""""""""""""""""""""".26 SPECIAL FEATURES Planning A Research Trlp, By Renee Smith, C.A.L.S. """"""""""""""""""""""""""".38 Meet Me In Blloxl or, What lt's Like To Attend A NGS Conference, By Bruce Moseley""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".41 MISCELLANEOUS GENEAWGICAL INFORMATION"""""""""""""""""""""""""25 ."""""•••• """""""""."""""•. " .• 57 CONTRJBUTJONS The Personal Papers of James A. Jackson-----Renee Smith """""""""""""""""""""".18 Ledger From The Store of D.C. Moore, Rockwall, Tx.-----Patsy Gross""""""""""""".44 What Was Thai Date?----- Jeanne J. Tabb "."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""52 QUERIES"""""""""""""""•• """""•• """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".54 BOOK REVIEWS, By Lea Markofr""""".""""••.•. """"""".""".""""""""""""""""""".""56 INDEX"""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""."""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""""""".60 Copyright © March 1988 Dallas Genealoglcal Society P.O. Box 12648 - Dallas, Texas 75225 DGS: THE DALLAS QUARTERLY MARCH, 1988 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. BOX 12648, DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 MADILYN L. (COEN) CRANE EDITOR THE DALLAS QUARTERLY welcomes manuscripts of TEXAS material and material of an unusual but useful nature for proposed publication. All manuscripts should be sent to: Editor, THE DALLAS QUARTERLY, P.O. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225 Manuscripts should be typed on standard-sized paper with the author•s name on each page, and each page should be numbered. Please include a cover letter giving permission of the author to publish the material in THE DALLAS QUARTER­ LY. When sending photocopies of original old manuscripts, such as handwritten Bible records, please include a typed transcript. Some types of records suitable for publication include Bible records, Dallas and surrounding county court records (i.e. marriages, deed abstracts, naturalizations, will ab­ stracts etc.), Texas cemetery inscriptions, 11How-To11 arti­ cles (the use of special collections, holdings of a partic­ ular repos i tory, etc.) , abstracts from Texas newspapers and brief family genealogi es wi th Texas connections. The Editor makes the final decision on material to be published. Fol­ lowing publication, all original material is placed in the Dallas Public Library • Every effort is made to present authentic material, but the Dallas Genealogi cal society cannot be responsible for the accuracy or the publishing rights of the material furnished by contributors. The DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY is a non-profit, feder­ ally tax-exempt organization. Individuals, libraries, or societies may apply for membership. Annual dues are $10. oo for the calendar year if paid by January 31, after January 31st they are $11.00. All members receive the quarterly journal and the monthly newsletter with membership. QUERIES: Queries do not require a Texas connection and are free to the members of the Dallas Genealogical Society. Non-members should include $3.00 for each query. To elimi­ nate correspondence and delay we reserve the right to abbre­ viate and condense. BOOK REVIEWS: Upon receipt of a gratis copy donated to the Dallas Genealogical Society, books which are currently in print and available for sale will be noticed in The Dallas Quarterly. After review, the publication will be placed in the Dallas Public Library. All books to be reviewed should be sent to the Dallas Genealogical Society along wi th com­ pl ete order ing instructions. ii Dues: $12.00 January 1988. $14.00 after Jan. 31. DGS: THE DALLAS QUARTERLY MARCH, 1988 DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS INDEX TO THE LONE STAR STATE, MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. 1986. compiled and publish­ ed by the Dallas Genealoqical Society. sott cover, 0-1/2x11 inches, 72 paqes, $8.00. MARRIAGES - DALLAS COUNTY, TX. BOOKS A-E (1846-1877). 1978. A tull name index of 3567 marriaqes including the groom, bride and the individual pertorming the ceremony. sott cover, 8-1/2x11 inches, $10.00. INDEX TO PROBATE CASES - DALLAS CO., TX. (1846-1900). 1978. Name and case number of the first 3100 Probate Cases (Estate, Guardianship, Lunacy), with a cross-index to exec­ utors and guardians. sott cover, 8-1/2x11 inches, $10. oo. ANCESTORS OF DALLAS GENEALOG I CAL SOCIETY MEMBERS, VOLUME 1. 1978. over 3,000 ancestors• with tull name index. Soft cover, 8-1/2x11 · inches, $7.00. MICROFILK OF ORIGINAL PROBATE PACKETS. 16mm. ALL original papers of the first 3100 pacltets of Dallas county, Texas, photographed in numerical order, on microtilm. The complete sat, or individual rolla with price turnished upon request. MICROFILK OF "THE QUARTERLY" trom 1955 thru 1984. These are available as follovs: (1) 1955-1968, 35mm., $20.00; (2) 1969-1976, 16mm" $20.00; (3) 1977-1983, 16mm" $20.00. BACK ISSUES OF THE QUARTERLY (Printed) 1977-1987, sold in sets by voluma year (4 issues $10.00 per set). GUIDE TO THE QUARTERLY, (1955-1982). 1984. The guide will provide the voluma and issue for the entries for: Bible Records, cemeteries, Probate, Deeds, Lettere, Marriages, and a Surname Index to name a tew categories. Soft cover, s- 1/2x8-1/2 inches, 26 pages, $2.00. DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS: GENEALOGICAL DATA FROM EARLY CEMETER­ IES. VOL. I, $18.00 THE LONE STAR STATE, MEMORIAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL HI STORY OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS (name-indexed reprint of 1892 hi story published by the Lewis Publishing Company). 16mm., 1 Reel, $25.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Dallas Genealoqical Society, P.O. Box 12648, Dallas, Texas 75225. Texas residents should add applicable sales tax. Postage and Handling: Add $1.00 for the first book orde red and $. 50 for each addi tional book. Add $2.00 for microfilm orders. For destinations outside of the united states, please request rates. Libraries will be billed upon request and payment must accompany all individual orders. iii DGS: THE DALLAS QUARTERLY MARCH, 1988 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT There are over 1000 qenealoqy books in the Genealoqy Department of the J. Erik Jonsson Library that must be hard­ bound before they can be shelved and made available for research. As you all know, fundinq has been cut for bindinq these books. Since bindinq only costs $5.00 per book, DGS is sponsorinq a drive to raise funds for this purpose. We have named this the 11Adopt A Book Proqram11 • This proj ect is terribly important to all of us. We need to make these books available to all researchers. Bind one book or a hundred, let your conscience be your quide and remember all the books we take for qranted are there because someone CAREDI To have a full accountinq of the funds raised by DGS in this fund drive your checks must be made payable to DGS. Your check may be qiven to a staff member in the Genealoqy Department at the library or mailed to 11Adopt A Book Proqram11 , P.O. Box 12658, Dallas, Texas 75j!25. sincerely, Mrs. Renee smi th, President Dallas Genealoqical society DALLAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY SCHEDULE March 26, 1988 - Sprinq Workshop April 7, 1988 Thursday Morninq 10: 30 May 23, 1988 Monday Eveninq 6:30 p.m. J. ERIK JONSSON PUBLIC LIBRARY 1515 Younq Street, Dallas, Texas 75201 GENEALOGY SECTION Phone: 214-670-1433 LIBRARY HOURS Monday a.m. - 9 p.m. Thursday - 6 p.m. Tuesday a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday - 5 p.m. Wednesday - 9 p.m.
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