רשימת פרסומים ספרים Debra Kaplan, The Patrons and the Poor: Jewish Community and Public Charity in Early Modern Germany. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. Debra Kaplan, Beyond Expulsion: Jews, Christians, and Reformation Strasbourg. Stanford Studies in Jewish Culture, ed. Steven Zipperstein and Aron Rodrigue. Stanford University Press, 2011. Awarded the Bernadotte Schmitt Research Prize and the Dr. Kenneth Chelst Book Grant. דברה קפלן, שטרסבורג: יהודים, נוצרים, רפורמציה. מתורגם ע"י להד לזר. מרכז זלמן שזר, 2016 . מאמרים בכתבי עת Verena Kasper-Marienberg and Debra Kaplan, “Nourishing a Community: Food, Hospitality and Jewish Communal Spaces in Early Modern Frankfurt,” AJS Review, forthcoming. Debra Kaplan, “Crossing Borders: Safe Conducts and Jews in Early Modern Germany,” Jewish Quarterly Review 108, 3 (2018): 316-349. דברה קפלן,״׳משפחות קדושות׳: נשים וחברה פטריארכלית בעקבות הרפורמציה הפרוטסטנטית,״ זמנים 140 )תשע״ט(: 48-60 . Debra Kaplan, “Entangled Negotiations: Josel of Rosheim and the Peasants’ Rebellion of 1525,” AJS Review 40, 1 (2016): 125-143. Debra Kaplan, “Rituals of Marriage and Communal Prestige: The Breileft in Medieval and Early Modern Germany,” Jewish History 29 (2015): 273-300. Debra Kaplan, “Transactions financières entre Juifs et chrétiens dans l’Alsace du XVIe siècle, Archives Juives 47, 2 (2014): 29-46. Debra Kaplan, “‘To Immerse their Wives’: Communal Identity and the ‘Kahalishe’ Mikveh of Altona”, AJS Review, 36, 2 (2012): 257-279. Debra Kaplan, “Sharing Conversations: A Jewish Polemic Against Martin Luther,” Archiv für Reformationgeschichte, 103 (2012): 41-63. Debra Kaplan, “Jews in Early Modern Europe: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” History Compass 10/2 (2012): 191-206. DOI: 10.1111/j.1478- 0542.2011.00821.x Debra Kaplan, “Women and Worth: Female Access to Property in Early Modern Urban Jewish Communities,” Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 55 (2010): 93-113. Debra Kaplan and Magda Teter, “Out of the (Historiographic) Ghetto: European Jews and Reformation Narratives,” Sixteenth Century Journal 40, 2 (2009): 365-393. Debra Kaplan, “The Self in Social Context: Asher ha-Levi of Reichshofen’s Sefer Zikhronot,” Jewish Quarterly Review, 97, 2 (2007): 210-236. Debra Kaplan, “Creating Community in Rural Alsace – Early Modern Jewish Life after the Urban Expulsions,” Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 2 (2004): 59- 73. מאמרים בק בצים * Debra Kaplan and Elisheva Carlebach, “Jewish Women in Early Modern Central Europe,” in Jewish Women in Historical Perspective, ed. Federica Francesconi and Rebecca L. Winer. (Wayne State University Press, forthcoming). Debra Kaplan, “Luther and the Jews in the Context of the Reformation,” in The Cambridge Companion to Antisemitism, ed. Steven T. Katz. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). * Debra Kaplan, “Courtship and Ritual,” in A Cultural History of Marriage in the Renaissance and Early Modern Age, ed. Joanne Ferraro. (Bloomsbury, 2019), vol. 3, 19- 34. * Debra Kaplan, “‘The Poor of Your City Come First’: Jewish Ritual and the Itinerant Poor in Early Modern Germany,” Connecting Histories: Jews and their Others in Early Modern Europe, ed. David B. Ruderman and Francesca Bregoli. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), 39-48. * Debra Kaplan, “Living Spaces, Communal Places: Early Modern Jewish Homes and Religious Devotions,” in Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, ed. Alessia Meneghin and Marco Faini. (Brill, 2018), 315-333. Debra Kaplan, “Rural Jewry As Seen Through the Lens of Rabbinic Responsa: The Case of R. Yair Hayyim Bacharach,” in Juden auf dem Lande zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden, forthcoming. Debra Kaplan, “‘Adopt This Person [who is] So Totally Born Again’: Elias Schadeus and the Conversion of the Jews,” in Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of David B. Ruderman, ed. Richard I. Cohen, Natalie Dohrmann, Elhanan Reiner, and Adam Shear, HUC Press, 2014, 193-104. Debra Kaplan, “‘Because Our Wives Trade and Do Business with Our Goods’: Gender, Work, and Jewish-Christian Relations, in New Perspectives on Jewish-Christian Relations: In Honor of David Berger, ed. E. Carlebach and J.J. Schacter (Brill, 2012), 241-261. Debra Kaplan, “Confessionalization and the Jews: Impacts and Parallels in the City of Strasbourg,” in Diversity and Dissent: Negotiating Religious Difference in Central Europe, 1500-1800, ed. Howard Louthan, Gary B. Cohen and Franz A. J. Szabo (Berghahn Books, 2011), 137-152. Debra Kaplan, “Writing History, Defining Community: The Construction of Historical Space in Josel of Rosheim’s Chronicle,” in Räume des Selbst. Selbstzeugnisforschung transkulturell, ed. Andreas Bähr, Peter Burschel, Gabriele Jancke (Bohlau, 2007), 97- 109. Debra Kaplan, “Conflict and Collaboration: Alsatian Jews and Questions of Authority as seen through Processes of the Reichskammergericht in the Sixteenth Century” [German], in Juden im Recht. Neue Zugänge zur Rechtsgeschichte der Juden im Alten Reich, Beihefte der Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 39, ed. A. Gotzmann and S. Wendehorst (Duncker & Humblot, 2007), 333-346. מאמרי ביקורת Yosef Kaplan, ed., Early Modern Ethic and Religious Communities in Exile, Historiah 42 (2019): 121-126. [Hebrew] Yair Mintzker, The Many Deaths of Jud Süss: The Notorious Trial and Execution of an Eighteenth-Century Court Jew, AJS Review 43 (2019): 223-226. נטלי ניימרק-גולדברג, וקולן יישמע: יהודיות נאורות בברלין', ירושלים תשע"ד, ציון 80, 4 )תשע״ו(: 590 . 594- Jay R. Berkovitz, Protocols of Justice: The Pinkas of the Metz Rabbinic Court 1771– 1789, Zion 82, 1 (2017): 139-143. [Hebrew] Stephen G. Burnett, Christian Hebraism in the Reformation Era (1500-1660): Authors, Books, and the Transmission of Jewish Learning, in Church History, Church History 83, 1 (2014): 194-196. David Nirenberg, Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition, in Marginalia Review of Books, http://themarginaliareview.com/archives/4976, December 2013. [selected as Editor’s Picks on www.mosaicmagazine.com] Aya Elyada, A Goy Who Speaks Yiddish: Christians and the Jewish Language in Early Modern Germany, in AJS Review 37, 2, 2 (2013): 425-427. Myriam Greilsammer, L’Usurier chrétien, un Juif métaphorique? Histoire de l’exclusion des prêteurs lombards (XIIIe-XVIIe siècle), in American Historical Review, 118, 5 (2013): 1586-1587. Yaacov Deutsch, Judaism in Christian Eyes: Ethnographic Descriptions of Jews and Judaism in Early Modern Europe, in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (hosted by Boston College, at http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/scjr/ David Price, Johannes Reuchlin and the Campaign to Destroy Jewish Books, in Jewish History 27, 1 (2013): 101-105. Christopher Close, The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform, 1525-1550, in Renaissance Quarterly 63, 2 (2010): 668-669. Jay Berkovitz, Rites and Passages: The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Culture in France, 1650-1860 and Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall, The Abbe Gregoire and the French Revolution: The Making of Modern Universalism, in Jewish Quarterly Review 98, 4 (2008): 559-565. Elisheva Baumgarten, Mothers and Children: Jewish Family Life in Medieval Europe, in Tradition 40, 2 (2007): 93-101. פרסומים נוספים מקורות ראשוניים שנגישים באינטרנט בתרגום באתר www.earlymdoern.org Debra Kaplan and Joshua Teplitsky, Fluid Boundaries (Excerpts, Juspe Schammes, Sefer Minhagim de K”K Warmaisa; Yair Hayyim Bacharach, Havot Yair, responsa 115; original Hebrew material) Debra Kaplan, The Mikvaot of Seventeenth-Century Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbeck (Excerpts, CAHJP AHW/14; original Hebrew and Yiddish material) Debra Kaplan, Yair Bacharach, Havot Yair responsa nos. 66 and 73 (original Hebrew) Debra Kaplan, Excerpts, Asher of Reichshofen, Sefer Zikhronot (original Hebrew) Debra Kaplan, Excerpts, Archives Municipales de Strasbourg, Archives Communales de Haguenau (original German) Debra Kaplan, Excerpts, Elias Schadeus, Mysterium: Das ist Geheimnis S. Pauli Rom. am II Bekherung der Juden als gelegt und geprediget zu Strassburg Munster, (Strasbourg, 1592) (original German) פרסומים ציבוריים Debra Kaplan, Miracles and Madonnas. Catalogue entries for exhibit in Cambridge, England. Debra Kaplan and Adam Teller, “An Introduction to Jewish Philanthropy,” Center for Jewish History, 2013. (also used in a museum exhibit by the same title) Debra Kaplan and Aaron Koller, “The Power of an Idea: Gog and Magog from Biblical Figures to Inter-religious Polemics,” in Mitokh Ha-Ohel, Volume Two – The Haftarot: Essays on the Weekly Haftarah Reading from the Rabbis and Professors of Yeshiva University (ed. Daniel Z. Feldman and Stuart Halpern; New York and Jerusalem: Yeshiva University Press and Maggid, 2011), 565-578. Debra Kaplan, “1600-1610.” Zero to Ten, Text for museum exhibit honoring the tenth anniversary of the Center for Jewish History. הרצאות )רשימה נבחרת( 2019, Jewish and Christian Neighbors in a City without Jews: Expulsions and Beyond in Strasbourg, Jews and Christians in the Medieval City: Art, Archaeology and Traces of the Past, Fordham University 2019, Jewish Communities in Premodern Alsace, The Colmar Treasure, The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art 2019, Demography, Social Status and Charity in the Jewish Community of Early Modern Frankfurt, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2019, Documentation and Early Modern Jewish Legal Culture, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem 2019, Intersecting Authorities: Jews in the Bishopric of Speyer, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem 2019, Differentiating among
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