Council 20th October 2014 WOODMANSEY PARISH COUNCIL 20TH OCTOBER 2014 VILLAGE HALL, WOODMANSEY Present: Councillors Mrs Harold (Chairman), Hart, Mr Los, Mrs Los, Oliver and Mrs Richardson. John Smith (Clerk) Members of the public: 3 Apologies for absence were submitted from Councillor Miss Beal and Ward Councillors Jump and Mathieson. 103. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillor Mr J Los declared an interest with regard to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Woodmansey (Minute 112 below refers) insofar as it might relate to land in his ownership. 104. MINUTES - Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th September 2014 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. MATTERS ARISING 105. Payment of Invoices – Further to Minute 77 it was reported that a refund of £73.14 had now been received from Wold Top Brewery meaning that the outlay by the Council in connection with the community celebration event on 5th September 2014 was £660.94 and also that immediately prior to this meeting the Council had received £660.94 by way of reimbursement of its outlay from the proceeds from the event. Members noted and agreed that the balance of the proceeds and the glasses purchased for the event would be retained by the Village Hall Committee in recognition of their role in the organisation of the event. Resolved – That the report be noted. 106. Policing Update - Vehicles Parked Close to the Road Junction on Plaxton Bridge Road – Further to Minute 79 the response received from East Riding Council regarding vehicles parked close to the road junction on Plaxton Bridge Road was submitted. Members reported that the problem was on-going. Resolved – That the information be noted and that the Police be informed of the response from East Riding Council regarding traffic enforcement in respect vehicles being parked close to the junction of Plaxton Bridge Road and Hull Road, Woodmansey. 107. Liaison Meeting (Beverley Town Council and Molescroft and Woodmansey Parish Councils) – Further to Minute 94 it was reported that this Council had not yet been contacted regarding a revised date for the meeting which was to have been held on 10th September 2014. Resolved – That the report be noted. 108. RESIGNATION OF COUNCILLORS – It was reported that Councillors Peter Dack (Victoria Ward) and Colin Taylor (Nurseries Ward) had submitted their resignation as Parish Councillors. Resolved – (a) That the Council declare casual vacancies in the Victoria Ward and Nurseries Ward and publish notice of the vacancies, and (b) that the Council records its thanks to Councillors Dack and Taylor for their work as Parish Councillors. 109. VACANCY ON THE COUNCIL – NURSERIES WARD – Further to Minute 99 it was reported that one resident had expressed an interest in being appointed a Co-opted Member and was present at the meeting. Resolved – That Clive Peter Waddington of 5 Newton Drive, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9NX be co-opted to fill the vacancy in Nurseries Ward in place of former Councillor Mrs A Wallace. (Councillor Waddington signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting) POLICE ISSUES 110. Policing Update – Details of policing incidents in the area since the last meeting as set out in the latest Parish/Town News Release Updates were submitted. Resolved – That the information be received. 111. The Future of Humberside Police - One Team - Making a Difference – Members’ attention was drawn to the report received from Humberside Police outlining how Humberside Police would be organised and operate in the future. A copy of the report had been previously circulated and Members’ were informed that they could be supplied with a hard copy of the report if they so wished by contacting the Clerk. Resolved – That the information be received. 355 Council 20th October 2014 112. WOODMANSEY VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – UPDATE – Further to Minute 80 of the meeting held on 15 September 2014 Mr D Gluck, Ruralis was present and updated the Council following the Community Planning Day on 11th October 2014 and the NDP Steering Group held immediately prior to the Council meeting on 20th October 2014, and also a proposal for ongoing consultancy support a copy of which was submitted. About 64 people had attended the event on 11th October 2014 when concerns about fluvial flooding, and a mixture of views both for and against development were received but overall the indications were that the community was largely in support of the growth of the village. Mr Gluck outlined some key dates for progressing the NDP as follows: 6th November 2014 NDP Steering Group (to be Chaired by Councillor Oliver) to consider sites to focus on taking account of East Riding Council’s Local Plan Site Assessment criteria. November 2014 Meeting to be arranged with Environment Agency/Yorkshire Water/Internal Drainage re drainage issues. End of November 2014 NDP Steering Group to receive first draft report. Parish Council will then sign-off the draft report for informal consultation with stakeholders and the community. It was anticipated that if the project proceeds as planned a Referendum on the Woodmansey Village Neighbourhood Plan would be held in early to mid-July 2015 prior to the holiday period. Mr Gluck stated that he would prepare a budget for the necessary consultancy work against the existing Locality grant funding and supply details to the Clerk and flagged up that whilst a Sustainability Appraisal could be carried out by the consultancy team if a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment was required external help would need to be brought in at additional cost. Members suggested that in terms of future consultation consideration should be given to a range of venues other than just the Village Hall (i.e. the School/Sheltered Housing/local Public House). Resolved - That the report be noted. 113. EAST RIDING LOCAL PLAN – REVISED TIMETABLES FOR HEARINGS – Further to Minute 80 of the meeting held on 15 September 2014 it was reported that revised timetables had been received for the public hearings. Resolved – That the report be noted. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 114. Planning Applications - Resolved – That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding Council on the application stated: Application Comments (1) Land South and East of 94 Hull Road That East Riding Council be informed that that, as Woodmansey - Erection of 44 no. dwellings and previously stated, the Parish Council considers that it associated pumping station (Ref 14/02512). is unfortunate that this application has been Further to Minute 81 amended plans were submitted at this time when the Parish Council is in submitted. the process of preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Woodmansey village. The Parish Council however supports the application as the proposals will have potential benefits for the village of Woodmansey. Nevertheless the Parish Council is disappointed that its comments regarding the mix of affordable houses have not been taken on board in the amended plans as the Council believes that there is a demand for affordable 3 bedroom houses for families with 2 children types and therefore a different mix of 2/3 bedroom starter homes would be beneficial to the community. (2) Land at Hull Road Junction Beverley Parklands That the Parish Council supports the proposed - Erection of a residential care home following development. outline planning permission 12/01663/OUT (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale to be considered) (Ref 14/02683). (3) Contrac Vendridge Unit 4A Tokenspire That the Parish Council fully supports the proposed Business Park, Hull Road, Woodmansey - change of use to keep a business local. Change of Use from B1/B8 (Business) to D2 (Assembly & Leisure) (Ref 14/02589) 356 Council 20th October 2014 (4) Southwold, 9 Sackville Close, Beverley - That the Parish Council supports the application Erection of two-storey extension to side (Ref provided there is no loss of amenity to the 14/02988). neighbouring property, and there are no neighbour objections. (5) 49 Thearne Lane, Woodmansey - Erection of That the Parish Council supports the application. two storey extension to side and rear and balcony to rear following demolition of existing garage (Ref 14/03111). (6) O’Leary Motorhomes, 314 Hull Road, That the Parish Council agrees to offer its support in Woodmansey – Erection of an additional portal helping a local businessman extend his business. framed storage building in connection with existing business (storage of caravans) (Ref 14/02427). (7) Willow Lodge, 101 Hull Road, Woodmansey – That the Parish Council supports the application Erection of 2 no. dwellings following demolition which will tidy up a previously unoccupied property of existing dwelling (Ref 14/02969). situated along the main A1174 road through the village but would strongly recommend that a condition should be attached to any approval requiring the removal, as part of the redevelopment of the site, of the badly overgrown high Leylandii hedge along the boundary at the rear of the site in the interests of the amenities of the neighbouring properties. [Subsequent to the meeting the Council was consulted on amended plans and following consultation with Members it was agreed that East Riding Council be informed that the Parish Council confirms its views as submitted on the original application.] (8) Coletta and Tyson Nurseries and Garden That the Parish Council fully supports the application Centre, 324 Hull Road, Woodmansey – Erection which will enhance the street scene, providing the of new fencing and street furniture to frontage existing hedging is retained. (Ref 14/01879). (9) Land south of Willow Lane Camp Site, Willow That East Riding Council be informed that whilst the Lane, Beverley – Outline – Residential Parish Council supports other aspects of the development (up to 195 dwellings) with access, proposals and welcomes the public open space parking, public open space, landscaping and provision and extra sports facilities for residents, it associated development infrastructure (means specifically does not support any permanent access of access to be considered) (Ref 14/03062).
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