CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIBS 20 TAMIt NADD DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT; RAMANATHAPURAM A. P. MUTHUSWAMI of the Indian Administrative Service DlRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, TArvllL NADU 1983 12-5-A. PUB~ISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU AND PRINTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING AT GOVERNMBNT pRESS, MADRAS·600 079. CONTENTS PAQIlS. F&ltEWORD .. .. vii-viii PR&'ACE ix-x DI8'l'RlCT :MAP FaGing xii IMPORT A0.1T STATISTICS 1-2 ANALynCAL NOTE 3-26 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 27-43 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES 44-55 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES 56-67 VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT . 1. TIRUPPATTUR TALUK Taluk Map Facing ., 70 Alphabetical List of Villages .~ 71-73 Village Primary Census Abstract 74-109 Urba n PrimarY Census Abstract .. 110- 114 2. KARAIKKUDI TALUK TaJuk Map Facing .. 116 Alphabetical List of Villages 117-119 Village Primary Census Abstract 120-143 Urban Primary Census Abst'ract 144-162 3. DEVAKOTTAI TALUK Taluk Map Facing " 164 Alphabetical List of Villages .. 165-167 Village Primary Census Abstract .. 168-189 Urban Primary Census Abstract .. 190-194 ... TIRUV'ADANAI TALUK Taluk Map . Facing . 196 Alphabetical List of Villages .. 197-199 Vmage Primary Census Abstract .. 200-240 "rban Primary CeDsus Abstract .. 241-246 5. SlVAGANGA TALUK Tn-Ink Map .. Facing .. 248 Alphabetical List of Villages 249-251 Village Primary Census Abstract 252-299 Urban Primary Census Abstract 300-307 iv 6.MANAMADURAITALUK PAGES Taluk Map Facing 310 Alphabetical List of Villages 31 \~313 Village Primary Census Abstract 3 1':-:'333 Urban Primary Census Abstract 334-3Jt.2 7. (LAIYANKUDI TALUK Taluk Map P(l,cing 344 Alphabet\ical List of Villages 345 Village Primary Census Abstract 346-360 Urban Primary Census Abstract 36:-365 S. PARAMAKKUDI TALUK Taluk Map Facing 36~: Alphabetical List of Villages 3C -371 Village Primary Census Abstract 372-394 Urban Primary Census Abstract 3~~5-400 9. TIRUCHCHULI 1ALUK Taluk Map Pacing 4('4 Alphabetical List of ViII ages 403-407 Village Primary Census Abstract 408-444 10. ARUPPUKKOTTAI TALUK Taluk Map Facing 445 Alphabe.ical List of Villages 447-45] Village Primary Census Abstract 452 -493 Urban PJ'imalY Census Abstract 494-503 11. VIRUDUNAGAR TALUK Taluk Map Facing 506 A Iphabetical List ofViIlages 507-599 Village Primary Census Abstract 51('-525 Urban Primary Census Abstract 526-535 12. SRIVILUp-urrUR TALUK ., TalukMap . Facing . ' 53S' Alphabetical List ofVi11ages 539 Village Pdmary Census Abstract 54C-557 Urban PrimaryCensus Abstract 55[;-567 13. RAJAPALAIYAM TALUK Taluk Map .. Fa.cing 570 A Iphab.!tica 1 List of Villages .. 57l VHlage Primary Census Abstract 572-585 Urban Primary Census Abstract 5(:6-600 y 14. SA'ITlJR TALi!1K PAGES. TalukMap Facing 602 Alphabetical List of Villages 603-{j()5 Village Primary CeDSUS Abstract 606-629 Urban Primary Census Abstract .. 630-649 15. KAMUDI TAU:JK. Taluk Map Facing ... 65= Alphabe:icJ.I List of Villagts .. 653 Vmage Primary CeDsusA bstract ... 654-669 Urban Primary CeDsusAbstract 670-673 16, MUDUKULATTUR TALUK Taluk Map Facing 67'6 Alphabetical List of Villages 671-679 Village Primary Census Abstract 680--719 Urban Primary Census Abstract 720-123 17. RAMANATHAPB'RAM TALUK Taluk Map Facing 726 Alphabetical List ofVilIages 727-729 Village Plimary Census Abstract '730--745 Urban Primary Census Abstract 746-758 18. RAMESWARAM TALUK Taluk Map .. Facing 760 Alphabetical List of Villages " 761 Village Primary Census Abstract 762-764 Urban Primary Census Abstract •• ., .... 765-769 ----------------------~------- Responsibility for the Correctness of internal -ietails shown in the mapil tests with tne Pablillher. FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organisa­ tion on behalf of the State Government, is one of the most valuable products t)f'the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, adminis­ trators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local JeveJ and regional plans and as an aid to district administration. The District Census Handbook is the only publica­ tion \\'hich provides Primary Censu5 Abstract (PCA) data upto village level f'Jf the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides dat2. on i'-ifrastructurc and amenities in vill~ges and towns, etc. The District Cen5us Handbook sCfies was initiated during the 1951 Census. It CC:-:Llined import~),nt census t:1hlcs 2i11d FC~. fer e9ch 'village and town of tL~ ~:Istrjct. During 1961 Census, the scope of the DCH was enlarged and i{ cmltained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics. t:eilSt'$ tables and a village and town di~ ('ctOl'Y, including PC A. The 1971 :c.CH series was planned in thrct p'ii't~. Palt A ,"elated to village and town rlilt~(Cq"y, Part B to village 8nd town PCA and P2rt C comprised analytical rcf"Y:, admjni~wCiiive stali~tics, Ck.,tilCL C":11SUS tabks and c<::rtain analytical tabks based on peA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in ~onle States it w~s confined tc' cli~t!"i('t censn~ t,,-r,Je~. 2nd in a few cases alto­ ~ether given li.p due to delay in compilation and pnming. \Vhile des~gning the format of 1981 DCB sClies, some new features along with the restHilc:turing of the format of village and town directory h8Ve been aU':' lZled: At the sane linie, cornnarability with the 1971 data ha:: :!L5'i l;~:e~1 keDt 1"'n view. ,\11 the amel:itic:-: except power supply in the villagt: haw been ,orc'l'fht together in tI1 e viHage directory with the instruction that in case an amc'dy is n ..)t available in the rtferrent \ ilJagc, the distance in brC'ad ranges f:.on 1.h-:: neare~t place where the amenity is available may be given. The nstHicturing of tIle forrnat of the viliag(; directory and incorporating mon: @.Xh:::~lstive data on infrastructure aspect, particularly in rebtion to amenities and hmd-use pattern, is expected to further meet the nel;'d of microlevel planning for, tT2I areas. It is expected to heIp not only in local area planning bl.lt n;­ glJ':~tllg the provision of goods and services as wel1, so as to minimi~e the res; ~ n~l] imbalances in the process of development. A feY, DCW items of ;nlof­ m.J'on have aiso been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the ReVIsed lVlinimulTl Needs Programme. Such new items of informal ion as adult literacy centres, primary hC3tth sub-centrc1i and communitv health workers in the 'Villa~e have been introduced ;,1 the vil1nge directorv '::vith this obj::ctive in mind. The new item on approach to the vill'age is tl i have an idea, at:,:)ut the viHage~ in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of hOl:seholds" has been introduced to examine t}'e coirehtion of the amenities with the population and number of households tb(.y serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no a:mt;;nities are available and according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population to the total popUlation, has also been made with this view in mind. The (ormat:-: of the town directory have also been modified to m:.:et tlIe lequi: cments of the MininmTIl Needs Programme by providing infollnation On ;l few new items. A new statement on civic ar'd other amenities in slums in O<lss-I and Class-ll towns (Statement IV -A) has been intJOduced with this f)t-j!:'liive in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out p~o~x~.mmcs on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slum:., '!fbt: t.:0lumns on Scheduled Ca&te ::md Scheduled Tribe popUlation in Vll! .tatement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/ centres under educational facilities in statement Vare also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statem~l1ts of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the cla~s of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose. The format of the Primary Census Abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questioAS canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census. In order to avoid delay in publicatIOn of 1981 DCH selies, it has been so designed that Part A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part B, the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes cind Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Taluk/Town level. At the beginning of the DCE, a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset table:; b;:-lS',~d on PCA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been intro­ duced to enhance its value. The district and taluk level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places to further enhance the value of the publication. This publication is (t joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been coHected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri A. P. Muthuswami, l.A.S., the Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu on behalf of the State Goyernment which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and cO-Ol'dina­ tion of this publication was carried out by Shri N.G.
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