CENTENNIAL TIMES September 2011 http://media.chevroleteurope.com TIME TO TRAVEL? CHEVROLET’S VERy OwN ARTIFICIAL HEARTBEAT VOLT RE-CHARGES GULF Chevrolet makes European time ROCKET MAN OF AMERICA OF MEXICO travel possible – from Switzerland How a rocket scientist has helped How GM scientists go beyond Chevrolet recycles oil to Flint in Michigan U.S.A., via the develop extended range developing new cars and from Gulf of Mexico clean-up Moon. technologies for electric vehicles. trucks – from solar cells, GPS to make electric cars. systems for NASA to world’s first mechanical heart. Page 3 Page 17 Page 34 Page 45 Chevrolet Centennial Times 3 CHEVROLET MAKES TIME Travel Possible! As of today you can take a journey which starts in Switzerland and goes to the Moon via Flint in Michigan, U.S.A.. efore you wonder how we’ve managed to Chevrolet developed cars that quickly ear- 100 yearS young extract enough power from a small-block ned reputations for performance, durability Chevrolet celebrates its first 100 years with Chevrolet V8 to allow you to travel faster and value and those traits remain at the core of the same values it has always had; depend- B than the speed of light, pause for a mo- Chevrolet, which is the world’s fourth-largest able technology, expressive design and great ment and think how Louis Chevrolet made it automotive brand. value. And, as a birthday present to both itself happen in just 100 years. and the world, it will tackle the environmental From the very start, Chevrolet brought tech- concerns of today and tomorrow with the inno- Bicycle racer to Moon Shot nology and features typically reserved for more vative Volt, the first electric car with extended The motorcar was barely two decades old expensive cars to its line-up of affordable cars range capabilities. when the Chevrolet Motor Company came into and trucks. The first Chevrolet – the Series being 100 years ago. Most vehicles were large C Classic Six – offered an electric starter and and luxurious machines, bought by the fortu- electric headlamps at a time when both were nate few who could afford this new-fangled rarities among even luxury cars. means of personal transport. And that’s how Chevrolet started out. In the decades that followed, innovations such as safety glass, fuel injection, anti-lock American businessman William C. Durant brakes and electronic stability control systems became friendly with renowned Swiss-born were used on Chevrolet models at the same racing driver and talented engineer Louis time as more expensive vehicles. As one of the wD LC 1861–1947 1878–1941 Chevrolet and teamed up with him in 1911 to largest-selling brands in the industry, Chevro- design a luxury six-cylinder car, in collabo- let’s early adoption of landmark technologies ration with Louis’ friend Etienne Planche. fundamentally changed the way they were ap- plied to new vehicles. it all BeginS with the classic Six The result was the prestigious and advanced Chevrolet innovations have also had impact Classic Six, on which the Chevrolet name was in many areas beyond their traditional scope of bestowed to capitalize on Louis’ consider- developing new and better cars and trucks from able sporting fame. On November 3, 1911, the paint and gasoline to solar and hydrogen fuel Chevrolet Motor Company was incorporated in cells, to building guidance systems for NASA’s Flint, Michigan, U.S.A. Production of the Clas- Apollo moon program and humanoid robots for sic Six began the following year. the International Space Station. 4 Chevrolet Centennial Times EVENT PROGRAM wayne Brannon President and Managing Director Chevrolet Europe As a boy, born and raised in Detroit, Chevrolet has always been an integral part of my every day life. In fact, Chevrolet was as much a part of growing up in America as La Chaux-de-Fonds Lucerne C rock ‘n’ roll, baseball and the movies. A B D Chevrolet in the driveway was proof positive A Bürgenstock that hard work, imagination and a spirit Berne-Belp of optimism were all you needed to succeed. The first Chevrolet that I remember in our driveway was the now classic 1957 Bel Air. It was more than just a car for us. It was part of the American dream. We were so very proud of that car and I have fond memories of washing and polishing it in the back­­‑ yard with the family. In Chevrolet’s centenary year – 2011 – we are celebrating the iconic successes of the past and embarking on our second hundred years with that same can-do attitude. We have a heritage to be proud of: legendary sports cars Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 like the Corvette and Camaro that project A Arrival at Berne-Belp B Start at La Chaux-de-Fonds D Start at Bürgenstock driving passion. New ideas like the Suburban – the world’s first SUV in 1936 – that changed Testdrive to Testdrive to Testdrive to the way we thought about transportation, la Chaux-de-Fonds Niedermulern Berne-Belp and countless racing victories. And most recently the 2010 and 2011 World Touring Car Championship. GRand HOTEL LUNCH LUNCH LES ENDROITS One hundred years after the inception of ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ the company, Chevrolet is one of the best- known automotive brands, not only in the U.S., Chevrolet but around the world. The golden Chevrolet Centennial Dinner bowtie still stands for iconic design and the Testdrive to Transfer to spirit of optimism that inspired Louis Chevrolet Lucerne the Airport to emigrate to America more than 100 years ago. A Arrival at Berne-Belp C Arrival at Lucerne Today, Chevrolet is sold in more than 130 countries. It is the fourth biggest global Visit of the Swiss car brand in terms of sales and one of the Transport Museum fastest growing brands. In fact, every seven seconds a Chevrolet is sold somewhere in the world. Press Briefing In recent years, Chevrolet has introduced a range of mini, small and compact cars that Transfer to are attracting new customers to Chevrolet in Bürgenstock by many markets and right on time for its centenary Boat and celebrations, Chevrolet is ready to start a Funicular new era of individual mobility with the Volt, the revolutionary electric car with exten ded range capability. In November 2011, a hundred years after the brand was established, the HOTEL Volt will arrive on the European market – includ- BÜRgenstocK ing Switzerland, Louis Chevrolet’s home ★★ ★★ ★ ★★★ country. Chevrolet Centennial Times 5 6 Chevrolet Centennial Times DREAM ON 1 2 Chevrolet Centennial Times 7 DREAM ON 3 4 8 Chevrolet Centennial Times FOUR PREMIERES FOR EUROPE Chevrolet’s very own “Fab Four” new models usher in a new generation of iconic cars to start the next century 1 VOLT 2 CAMARO A new era of worry-free A legend reborn electric driving ⁄ InStantly recognizaBle Modern deSign exPresseS caMaro heritage ⁄ Built with euroPean driVing StyleS in Mind ⁄ Volt iS electrically driVen at all tiMeS ⁄ V8 engineS Produce MaxiMuM 432 hP and 569 Nm of torque ⁄ Over 500 kiloMeterS of driVing on a full Battery ⁄ ToP speed of 250 kM/h charge and full tank of gaSoline ⁄ Pure-electric range of uP to 80 kiloMeterS ⁄ Recharging iS quick, reliaBle and Safe ⁄ Sleek, refined exterior and futuriStic interior underScore Volt’S innoVatiVe StateMent ⁄ InStant torque and aerodynaMicS to Match corVette Chevrolet Centennial Times 9 3 aVEO 1.3 dieSel 4 CRUZE hB5 Emits only 95g of CO Brings exceptional 2 ⁄ 1.3 L turBo-dieSel Aveo Sedan iS euroPe’S MoSt value and style to compact fuelefficient four-door notchBack with 3.7 literS/100 kM segment ⁄ FirSt dieSel in a small cheVrolet in euroPe ⁄ Three VariantS with Standard Start/StoP technology ⁄ Cruze hatch ready to energize the SegMent ⁄ EngineS couPled to 5-speed or 6-speed Manual transmission ⁄ SPeedy Silhouette MaintainS key cruze deSign featureS ⁄ GenerouS interior space and high leVel of Standard equipment ⁄ CoMPrehenSiVe Set of Standard Safety featureS 10 Chevrolet Centennial Times MILESTONES TIME to celebrate: 1911 CHEVROLET 2011 TURNS 100 yEARS 1911 Classic Six Chevrolet is founded and the Series C Classic Six is unveiled, priced at $2,150. Chevrolet Europe launches seven new models in 2011 1914 “Bowtie” Logo Chevrolet’s iconic “bowtie” logo is used for the first time. The Model H launches with a durable four-cylinder engine that helps build Chevrolet’s reputation as a dependable car. The engine would power Chevrolets through 1928. cheVrolet MarkS itS centennial in 2011 and kicked dreaM cruiSin’ the Motor city off a year of anniVerSary actiVitieS at the Each August, more than a million enthusiasts 1915 Model 490 The Model 490 is introduced. It was north American international auto Show, including from around the world flock to Detroit’s legend- named for its $490 price, which was $5 the PreMiereS of SeVen all-new ModelS in euroPe ary Woodward Avenue for the motorized equiv- less than the Model T. aS Part of THE Birthday celeBration. alent of Woodstock to celebrate the time when tail fins symbolized American success, and the 1917 General Motors he Chevrolet Aveo is among the best-sell- rumble of a V-8 engine was the soundtrack for Chevrolet becomes a ing of the marque’s nameplates globally summer romance – the annual Dream Cruise. division of General Motors. and is one of the seven Chevrolet launches t in Europe during 2011. New entries include This year, instead of a long parade of classic 1918 first truck the Orlando family van, Corvette Grand Sport cars roaring down Woodward they watched as Chevrolet’s first trucks are introduced; one based on the Model 490 chassis and a coupé and convertible, next generation Capti- a silent legion of Chevrolet Volts drove by as heavy-duty 1-ton chassis.
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