E499 Volume 2 ENVIRON MENTAL Public Disclosure Authorized AS SES SMENT Of the INLAND WATER TRANSPORT PILOT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared on behalf of October2001 Public Works Department Government of Kerala Louis Berger International, Inc. in associationwith: SheIndia Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineering Services (I) Ltd. Public Disclosure Authorized Intercontinental Consultanits& Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. FILECOPY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INLAND WATER TRANSPORT PILOT PROJECT October- 2001 Table of Contents List Of Abbreviations And Technical Terms Used * ExecutiveSummarv v Exective SuSmmary CHAPTER Page * No 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 History Of Inland Water Trasport In Kerala I. 1 1.2 National Waterways 1.1 1.2.1 The National Waterways -HII. 1.3 State Watcrways 1.2 L.3.1 Development Constraints Of \Vatcnx-as In Kurala 1.2 1.4 Project Back Ground 1.6 1.5 Purpose Of Environimental Assessment Document 1.6 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION I2.1 Project Location 2.1 2.2 Project Influence Area 2.2 2.3 Project Objectives And Benefits 2.2 2.4 Scope Of The Work 2.3 2.4.1 Phase I (Project Preparation) 2.3 X 2.4.2 Phase It (Project Implementation) 2.4 2.5 The Proposed Improvement Works 2.4 2.5.1 Channel Design 2.4 2.5.2 Improvement Of The Navigation Channel (Dredging) 2.4 2.5.3 Bank Protection Rehabilitation Design 2.6 2 .5.4 Navination Aides 2.6 2.5.5 Jetties, Passenger And Cargo Terminals 2.6 2.5.6 Foot Bridges And Bridges 2.7 2.6 Detailed Studies, Surveys And Mapping Works 2.7 I 2.6.1 HydrographicSurveys, Mapping Works And Monitoring 2.7 2.6.2 Traffic Analysis For Identifying ''he Improvement Requirements 2.7 2.6.3 Passenger Vessels And Cargo Transport 2.7 * 2.6.4 Regional TransportConnectivity 2.7 2.7 Project Cost Estimates 2.9 1 3. PROJECT POLICY,LEGAL AND REGULATORYFRAME WORK 3.3 1 World Bank Policies And Requirements 3.1 3.1.1 Environmental 3.1 3.2 Indian National And Kerala State Policies, Legal And Administrative 3.2 Framework l l I ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT OF THE INLAND WATER TRANSPORT PILOT PROJECT October- 2001 3.2.1 Indian National Framework 3.2 3.2.2 Social 3.4 3 3.2.3 Indian National Requirements For Environmental Impact Review 3.4 3.3 Institutional Framework Of Inland Water Transport 3.5 3.4 Legislation 3.6 I 3.5 Required State Level Clearances 3.6 3.5.1 State Level Coastal Zone Management Committee Clearance 3.6 3.6 Institutional Arrangements for the Implementation of Environmental 3.7 I ManagementAction Plan 3.7 Gaps in the Regulations 3. 7 4. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 4.1 Basic Approach 4.1 4.2 MalinConcerns 4. 1 *.3' Steps In The Process ' ! |5. BASELINE ENVIRONMIENTAL CONDIlIfIONS 5.1 5.1 General Setting 5 5.2 The Physical Environment S.1 e 5 ' 1 Topography.Soils And Geology 5.1 5.2.3 Ciiilnate 5.3 35-3 Water Resources 5.3 5.3.1 General Characteristics 5.4 5.3.2 Vembanad Kayal 5.4 5.3.3 Water Quality 5.9 5.4 Flora, Fauna And Ecosystenms 5.17 5.4.1 Terrestrial Ecology 5.17 5.4.2 Aquatic Ecology 5.18 5 5 Air Quality s.2° 57 General Human Environment >__ 5 7..1 Population, inlcluding Tribal Peopil Ucnsideration 5.7.2 Socio Economic Conditions 5_26 3 5.7.3Land Use 5.26 5.7.4 Agriculture 5.27 5.7.5 Industry 5.28 3 5.7.6 Fisheries 5.32 5.7.7 Tourism 5.32 5.7.8 Public Services 5.34 I 5.7.9 Education 5.34 5.7.10 Health 5.34 5.7.11 Archaeological And Cultural Sites 5.35 I 5.8 Inland Water Transport In The Project Area 5.35 5.9 Existing Infrastructure And Facilities 5.37 5.9.1 KottayamVaikom (K V) Feeder Canal 5.37 l ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INLANDWATER TRANSPORT PILOTPROJECT 5.9.2 Alappuzha-Changanaserry (Ac) Feeder Canal 5.37 5.9.3 Alappuzha-Kottayam (Ak) Feeder Canal 5.38 3 5.10 Existing Navigational Aids And Communication Facilities. 5.38 5.11 Present Traffic 5.39 5.12 Present Passenger Traffic 5.40 5.13 Cargo Traffic 5.41 5.14 Present Nationalwaterways Scenario In The State 5.42 6. SIGNIFICANT,ISSUES, IMPACTrS AND POTENTIALMITIGATfION 6.1 MEASURES 6.2 General Setting 6.2 6.3 Impact on Physical Environment 6.3 6.3.1 Topography soils and gcology 6.3 v 6.3.2 Climate 6.4 Water Resources 6.4' 6.4.1 General Charactcristics 6.4 6.4.2 Vembanad Kayal, Link cnanals and cross canals 6.4 6.5 Sediment Test Results 6.5 6.6 Dredge Disposal Plan and Various Availabile Options 6.5 I 6.6.1 Impact On Water Quality 6.8 6.7 Flora, Fauna And Ecosystems 6.7 6.7.1 Terrestrial Ecology 6.9 6.7.2 Aquatic Ecology 6.10 6.8 Air Quality 6.11 6.9 Noise 6.11 6.10 General Human Environlment 6.11 6.10.1 Social Impacts 6.11 6.10.2 Population 6.12 6.10.3 Socio Economic Conditions 6.12 A.1 I 1-41WT..T Icl 6 ,1 CJ.t LamA o3,s - 6.10.5 ALriculture 6. 13 6.10.6 IldLIStr 6.13 6.10.7 Fisheries 6.13 6.10.8 Tourism 6.14 6.10.9 Public Services 6.14 6.10.10 Education 6.14 6.10.11 Health 6.14 6.11 Inland Water Trasport In The Project Area 6.15 6.12 Existing Infrastructure Facilities 6.16 6.12.1 Kottayam -Vaikom (Kv) Feeder Canal 6.16 6.12.2 Alapuzha -Changanessery (Ac) Feeder Canal 6.16 6.12.3 Alapuzlha -Kottayam (Ak) Feeder Canal 6.16 I 6.13 ExistinigNavigational Aids Ansd Communication Facilities 6.17 6.14 Present Traffic 6.17 6.15 Present Passe-ier Traffic 6.17 l l ENVIRONMENTAL,ASSESSMENT OF TIIE INLAND WATFR TRANSPORT PILOT PROJECT * }October-2001 6.16 Cargo Traffic 6.17 6.17 National Water-ways 6.17 7. ANAI,YSIS OF ALTERiNATIVES 7.1 7.1 Waterways Prioritisation 7.1 7.2 Routes or Alignment Alternatives 7.1 7.3 No Action Alternative 7.2 I 7.4 Action Alternative 7. 2 7.4. 1 Other Design Actioni Alternatives 7.2 7.4.2 Analysis of Various Alternatives 7.3 7. 5 Filnal Selection of Ali2nment Alternative 7.3 S. C ONSUlJTATION ,il x ! tj~~lroccdrc4!s Iz!oc 8. 1. 1 Consultations in General 8. 1 8.2 Oftficial Level Consultationts 8.1 * . 8.3 481 Reg8.ial Scop4i. Workshops 8.4 Project Specific Consultations 8. 3 384.1Consultations At Veliyanad Panchayat 8.4 1 8.4.2 Consultation At Aimanam Panchayat 8.5 8.4.3 Consultation Atarpookara Panchayat 8.6 8.4.4 C onsultation Al: Kainakary Panchayat 8.7 8.4.5 Consultation At Kavalami Panchayat 8.8 8.4.6 Consultation At Ifhiruvarpp7u Panchayat 8. 10 *8 O Integration of Consultationi Process with the Impact tMitigation and Design .10 8.5.1 UJnacceptable Recommendations 8. 1 0 3 8 5.2 Acceptable Recommendations 8. 11 8.6 Public Disclosure of Environmiental and Social Documents 11I8 9. T'NVIRONAMENTAL ENHANCEMENTS 9 1 9.1 General Approach For Environmen-tal Enhancements 9. 1 | 9.2 Improvcd Sanitation Network 9.1 9.3 Water Quality Control 9.1 9A4 Introduction Of Privacy For Bathiiig Especially For Rural Wom-ianl 9.2 I 9.5 Facilities At Jetties 9.2 9.6 Terminal Facilities For Safe Disposal of Wastes 9.2 9.7 Soild Waste Collection and Disposal Facilities At Jetties 9.3 I 9.8 Sanitation Facilities For Selected House holds Along the Waterways 9.3 9.9 Banning of Polyirlene Bags 9.4 9.10 Waiting shed For Jetties Along Waterways 9.4 9. 1 I Environmllenital ANvareness Program 9.4 9.12 Introduction of Rest Houses and Eating Places 9.5 I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE INLANDWATER TRANSPORTPILOT PROJECT October-2001 REFERENCES LIST OF PREPARERS APPENDICES I LIST OF EXHIBITS SL EXHIBIT TITLE NO NUNIBER CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION *1 1.1 Project Waterways in Relation to Waterways Of Kerala 1.2 Sections Of West Coast Canal CI-t. PTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2.1 Location Map Of Project Canals witlh iespect to lndia &- Kerala State 2 2.2 Project Waterways 3 2.3 K-uttanad (PIA) Showing Thanlnerlmlukkanand I Thottapally barriers 4 2.4 Sumrnnaryof Proposed Rehabilitationi Works 5 2.5 A typical cross section of Canal _ 6 2.6 Cross Section of a Typical Bund in the Kuttanad Region 7 2.7 Typical Canal Section With Marker Application And Navigational Aides. I Q, 2.8 Locationof Jetties Along Thc Proposed Waterways. 9 2.9 Location of Proposed New Landing Along Project Canals. 10 2.10 Lay Out Of Standard Terminal. I12 .11 Road and Rail Connectivity of Pilot WVaterw%ays CHAPTER 3 PROJECT POLICY, LEGAL AND REGULATORY' 1-,RAEWOR 1. 3.1 Application Of Various Environmental Safe Guard Policies To IWT Pilot Project 2. 3.2 Environniental Clearances Required CHlAPTER 5 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAI CONDITIlONS 1. 5.2 Erosion Plrone Areas Along Project Canals C 2. 5.5 Average Rainfall By District In The Project Influenlce Area (In' V1m) 3. 5.6 Rivers Draining To Kuttanad * 4. 5.7 KuttanadArea 5. 5.9 Sediment Sampling T-esting And Analysis For P-TeavyMletals And P'esticides l l l ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF TIIE INLAND WATER TRANSPORT PILOT PROJECT *________________ October- 2001 6.
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