africa Travel Magazine The Smiling Coast Gambia hosts ATA Pro les of other African countries. Includes chapter from new book on Timbuktu Africa Travel Magazine 1 Photo by Karen Hoffman ATA IN REVIEW by Jerry W. Bird, Editor and Publisher This Yearbook Edition starts in Ban- jul, The Gambia at the Africa Travel Association 35th Annual Congress, where a new ATA President, Hon. Fatou Mass Jobe-Njie, (above) WDNHVRI¿FHDQGFRQFOXGHVZLWKD chapter from “To Timbuktu for a Haircut” by Rick Antonson. As Rick relates his present day journey through West Africa, he recalls the WULDOVDQGWULEXODWLRQVRI¿YHH[SORU- ers who came here between 1795 and 1855. The map on the opposite page traces the routes taken by Mungo Park, Robet Adams, Gordon Laing, Rene Caillie and Heinrich Barth. 2XUÀLJKWIURP-).,QWHUQDWLRQDO Airport in New York was a joy - thanks to Arik Airlines who treated our ATA media group with tender loving care. A special thanks to our host Bob Brunner, Arik’s North American manager. During an over- night stop in Lagos, Nigeria, we visited Arik headquarters and were (1) Editor at James Island, near Banjul, a remnant of the West African slave treated to dinner and an overnight trade. (2) New ATA President, Hon. Fatou Mass Jobe-Njie, The Gambia Minister VWD\DWWKH3URWHD+RWHO,NHMD of Tourism and Culture with Edward Bergman, ATA Executive Director. Gambia proved to be a gracious host. $7$GHOHJDWHVHQMR\HGUHOD[LQJ .LQWH'HOHJDWH cruises on the great river from and media group which the country’s name is and guest activi- derived. This brought to mind ties also included an initial goal of our two travel a trip to President magazines - the combination of -DPPHK¶VKRPH Air and Marine Tourism. Both village, and Abuko topics were covered by speaker Nature Park, with Lelei LeLaulu, who provided its museum and much food for thought. Speak- crocodile pool. Our ing of food, West African last visit was to cuisine was in the forefront, as Makasutu Cultural H[HPSOL¿HGE\RXUWZR&X- )RUHVWVLWHRID linary Superstars - Gambian unique ecological Ida Chiam, the attractive lady resort, relatively on our magazine’s cover, and new and becom- Niche Market panelist Pierre ing popular with Thiam, owner of Le Grand Da- visitors including kar Restaurant and author of a honeymooners. cookbook Yolele, Recipes from There’s much more the Heart of Senegal. to talk about -- so 7KH¿UVWRIP\7RXULVP0LQ- why not turn the LVWHU,QWHUYLHZVLVZLWKHon. UHPDLQVRI)RUW-DPHVVODYHSRVW page and discover Baba Hamadou of Cameroon, WKHQFURVVHGWKHULYHUWR-XIIXUHK our impressions of The Gambia, who positioned his country on $OH[+DOH\¶VDQFHVWUDOKRPH ATA and the people we love to the world stage in terms of trav- now housing a small museum write about. el and tourism. Cameroon has on the Slave Trade in the Sen- Photos: Edward Bergman, ATA been a solid supporter of ATA egambia region. Haley is author Executive Director (left) and during our 15 years as publish- of ‘Roots,’ a best selling book dignitaries from The Gambia and ers. Another rock solid supporter DQG79VHULHVIHDWXULQJ.XQWD other Africa member countries is Hon. Shamsa Mwanguna, celebrate this suc- Tanzania’s Minister cessful event. For of Natural Re- more information sources and Tour- on Gambia Tour- ism, who presided ism and the Africa at the Board’s 10th Travel Association, Annual Awards and visit our webistes - gala evening. www.africa-ata.org Area Tours and www.africa- We paid a brief travelassociation. YLVLWWR-DPHV org ,VODQGDQGWKH Visitors are welcomed to the village of Juffureh, home of Kunta Kinte and ancestral home of Alex Haley, author of 5RRWV$ÀRZHUWRVVLQJFHUHPRQ\DW-DPHV,VODQGRQWKH Gambia River recalls the days of slave trading along the coast. See a scale model of the reconstructed fort, which is now a World Heritage site. ?9E:A9K9QKE9FQ@9HHQJ=LMJFKLG9>JA;9KK9>=KL$EGKL>JA=F<DQ$H=9;=>MD9F<D9A<:9;C;GMFLJQ by Muguette Goufrani My Ethnic Roots an important entry point for goods to be Many Americans know about me thanks to Most ATA 35th Congress delegates saw The distributed to neighboring countries - the $OH[+DOH\¶VEHVWVHOOHUDQGHSLFWHOHYLVLRQ *DPELDIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH%HIRUHDGGLQJ logical “gateway” into West Africa for the docudrama “Roots, ” which tells the story our personal comments, lets set the stage by WUDQVVKLSPHQWRILPSRUWVDQGH[SRUWV RI.XQWD.LQWHDQGKLVDQFHVWUDOKRPHODQG having the host country speak for itself. My Rich Heritage RI-XIIXUHK0\SRSXODWLRQRIPLOOLRQ 7KH:RUOG+HULWDJH&RPPLWWHH,QVFULEHV I am The Gambia ... includes the Mande, rural Mandinka and At- ,DPSURXGWREHKRVWFRXQWU\RIWKH$IULFD 24 New Sites on the World Heritage List, ODQWLFSHRSOHV:RORIDQG)XODQL7KH\OLYH 7UDYHO$VVRFLDWLRQWK$QQXDO&RQJUHVV, including the West African Republic of The KDUPRQLRXVO\LQPL[HGFRPPXQLWLHVIUHHO\ occupy a narrow area on the Gambia River, *DPELD1HZQDWXUDOVLWHVLQFOXGH-DPHV H[HUFLVLQJWKHLUUHOLJLRXVDQGFXOWXUDOWUDGL- surrounded by Senegal to the north, east and ,VODQGDQGUHODWHGORFDWLRQVZKLFKSUHVHQWD tions. My people are also widely recognized south. My western boundary along the At- testimony to the main periods and facets of for their genuine friendliness and hospital- lantic Coast offers visitors some of Africa’s the encounter between Africans and Euro- LW\:KLOH(QJOLVKLVWKHRI¿FLDOODQJXDJH most beautiful beaches with warm coastal peans along the River Gambia, a continuum :RORIDQG)XODQLDUHVSRNHQLQWRZQVDQG waters and a tropical climate that is warm that stretched from pre-colonial and pre- Mandinka in rural areas. About 85% of my and humid year round. A former British slavery times to independence. The site is population is Muslim, with a fairly large FRORQ\,EHFDPHLQGHSHQGHQWLQ SDUWLFXODUO\VLJQL¿FDQWIRULWVUHODWLRQWRWKH Christian minority. My capital, main port $V3UHVLGHQW+(<DK\D$---DPPHK beginning and abolition of the slave trade. and and commercial center along the River stated recently concerning my promising ,WGRFXPHQWVHDUO\DFFHVVWRWKHLQWHULRURI Gambia is Banjul ( 300,000 population). future, Africa. My Economy “We want to transform The Gambia into a For more details online visit Tourism and Agriculture account for 23% of trading, export oriented agricultural and www.visitthegambia or e-mail [email protected] my gross domestic product and employ 75% manufacturing nation, thriving on free Tel. (220) 446 2491 of my ZRUNIRUFH,QDURXQG market policies and a vibrant private sec- (220) 446 24 or visit Africa Travel Maga- tourists visited me, providing an estimated tor, sustained by a well educated, trained, zine’s Website: www.africa-ata.org/mag.htm 10,000 Gambians with stable employment. skilled healthy, self reliant and enterprising )LVKLQJDQGPDQXIDFWXULQJLQGXVWULHVRIIHU population and in so doing bring to frui- RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUH[SDQVLRQZLWKSODVWLFV tion this fundamental aim and aspiration of DQGFRQIHFWLRQDULHVDVNH\SURGXFWV,DP Vision 2020.” 4 Africa Travel Magazine ?9E:A9K9QKE9FQ@9HHQJ=LMJFKLG9>JA;9KK9>=KL$EGKL>JA=F<DQ$H=9;=>MD9F<D9A<:9;C;GMFLJQ Africa Travel Magazine 5 ATA ANNOUNCES TOURISM INDUSTRY MILESTONES REACHED AT ITS 35TH ANNUAL CONGRESS %$1-8/7KH$IULFD7UDYHO press from Africa, Europe and host of this event and hopes that Association’s 35th Annual Con- 1RUWK$PHULFDQ,QKHUFORVLQJ our infectious spirit will inspire gress ended with a commitment remarks, the Minister highlighted other countries and tourism stake- among Africa’s the importance holders to take action.” tourism stakehold- of tourism as an Record of achievements ers to boost efforts engine for eco- At the meeting, ATA announced a to develop new nomic growth number of milestones for making public-private part- and prosperity. a strong case for increased invest- nerships devoted She also said, ment in Africa’s tourism industry. to advocating for “This may mark “ATA members and friends and and developing the the end of a suc- supporters have shown that we tourism industry in cessful event, but are truly committed to promoting Africa. Honorable it also marks the tourism to Africa as a means to )DWRX0DVV-REH beginning of our promoting socio-economic devel- Njie, The Gambia Minister of joint efforts to work in partner- opment,” said Edward Bergman, Tourism and Culture and incom- ship with the public and private $7$([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU³,NQRZ ing ATA President, closed the sector to promote the travel and that when we return to our home event that was attended by more tourism industry to and within countries, we will continue to than 300 participants as well as Africa. The Gambia was a proud work in partnership with tourism 6 Africa Travel Magazine ATA ANNOUNCES TOURISM INDUSTRY MILESTONES REACHED AT ITS 35TH ANNUAL CONGRESS stakeholders in the public and tions undertake a commitment to Variety of workshops private sectors to promote the develop collaboration in the area During the industry workshops industry and inspire others to fol- of travel and tourism promotion. and networking events, ATA and ORZRXUH[DPSOH´ The launch of a joint effort by 81:72HQJDJHGLQGLVFXVVLRQV Key milestones 1HZ<RUN8QLYHUVLW\¶V$IULFD on how the two global organiza- Congress milestones include the House, the World Bank and ATA tions would pursue collaboration following: The announcement of to make a case for developing and cooperation in the areas of the signing of a memorandum of Africa’s tourism industry with the travel and tourism development XQGHUVWDQGLQJ 028 EHWZHHQ preparation of the joint publica- in Africa in the future. WKH$IULFD8QLRQDQG$7$7KH tion The State of Tourism in Af- The Gambia Organizing Commit- 028ZKLFKZDVVLJQHGE\+RQ- ULFD8VLQJIDFWV¿JXUHVDQGVWR- tee announced its commitment to orable Shamsa Mwangunga, out- ries, the report paints a picture of KRVWLQJWKH¿UVW³&DUERQ2II6HW going ATA President, Minister for the current and potential impact )UHH´$7$FRQJUHVV,QDGGLWLRQ Natural Resources and Tourism of tourism on both a country’s to planting seedlings to grow an RIWKH8QLWHG5HSXEOLFRI7DQ]D- and a region’s development strat- ³$7$)RUHVW´DWWKH*,*)RUHVW QLDDQG'U(OKDP0$,EUDKLP egy. The report also advocates for the Committee limited the “car- $IULFD8QLRQ&RPPLVVLRQHU increased attention and resource bon footprint” of the congress by IRU,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG(QHUJ\ allocation from national govern- ordering produce from the award- declares that the two organiza- ments to the tourism industry.
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