Proc. Hampsh. Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 44, 1988, 137-151 A CLASSIFIED AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS 21-40 (1958-1984) and to other Field Club publications issued during the period By ANTHONY KING This index is intended to fulfil a long-felt need the Newsletters issued up to the end of 1983, a amongst members and others who use the date which conveniently marks the final issues Field Club publications. It draws together the of the Section Newsletters, old series, and New authors' names and titles of articles, classified Forest Report number 20. The only Newsletters into broad subject areas and chronological not to be included are the Bird Reports, issued periods, for the publications given in Table 1. by the Ornithological Section, which became These include the first of the Field Club's an independent society in 1979. The oppor­ Monograph series and an occasional publica­ tunity has also been taken to index Rescue tion on fieldwalking techniques, as well as all Archaeology in Hampshire, a valuable collection of Table 1. Publications indexed, and abbreviations used. Full Title Volumes Indexed Abbreviation Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society 21 (1958/60)-40 (1984) P Hampshire Archaeology and Local History Newsletter (HFCAS Newsletter for first 3 issues) old series 1,1, (1965) NOS - 2, 9/10 (1975) new series 1 (1975)- NNS 12, (1980) HFCAS New Forest Section Report 1 (1962)-20 (1983) NFR HFCAS Section Newsletters (old series), Archaeology 1, 1 (1980)-1,5 SN Arch (1983) Local History 1, 1 (1980)-1,8 SN Hist (1983) Historic Buildings 1 (1983J-2 (1983) SN Bldg Geology 1 (1980)-3 (1981) SN Geol Rescue Archaeology in Hampshire 1 (1972H (1978) RAH Shennan, S J & Schadla-Hall, R T (ed), The Archaeology of Hampshire from the Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution (HFCAS Monograph 1) 1 (1980) Monograph Fasham, P J, et al, Fieldwalking for Archaeologists (1980) N.B. other abbreviations:- MF; microfiche pages. Square brackets indicate wording supplied by the index editor, usually in the case of title-less articles. 138 HAMPSHIRE FIELD CLUB AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY archaeological reports published by the now the sort that was last produced for Proceedings defunct South Hampshire Archaeological volumes 11-20. Preparation of a full index to Rescue Group. volumes 21-40 is in hand, and it should be Articles and Notes containing substantive noted that most, but not all, of the individual information have been indexed, but not, on the volumes have their own index, which can be whole, accounts of meetings, notes and quer­ used to supplement the information listed ies, registers of research, book reviews, acces­ below, until a full index is issued. There are, sions to libraries and record offices, or the lists additionally, brief indexes to the Newsletters of finds from the New Forest. (old series and new series) and to the New An author/title index such as this can not be Forest Reports volumes 1-21 (in volume 22, a real substitute for a comprehensive index of 1984, 17-20). NATURAL HISTORY Barber, K 1973 'Vegetational history of the New Irvine, J 1971 'New Forest inclosures: hardwood Forest: a preliminary note', P 30, 5-8. survey, 1970', NFR 10, 7-8. 1981 'Pollen-analytical palaeoecology in 1982 'The Minister's Mandate, 1971, for the Hampshire: problems and potential', future management of the New Forest', Monograph 1, 91-4. NFR 19, 8-14. Barnes, R S K & Jones, J M 1972 'Observations on Main, J 1974 'An armful of owls', NFR 13, 16-19. the fauna and flora of reclaimed land at Moore, T 1981 'The Open Forest grazings in the Calshot, Hampshire', P 29, 81-91. New Forest . the Commoners' view', Bryant, M 1967 'The flora of Langstone Harbour NFR 18, 4-7. and Farlington Marshes', P 24, 5-13. Pasmore, A H 1980 'A small woodland experiment', Cobb, J 1969 'Red deer', NFR 8, 11-12. NFR 17, 10-16. 1969 'Green tree frogs in the New Forest', & Lavender, J 1974 'A survey of Scots Pine NFR 8, 13. on the Open Wastes of the New Forest', Coughlan, J 1976 'Marine wood borers in South­ NFR 13, 61-5. ampton Water 1951-1975', P 33, 5-15. Pollock, J I, Putman, RJ & Tubbs, C R 1979 'An Hall, S 1975 'The western wards of Fareham', N OS, important New Forest investigation - the 2, 9/10, 107-13. New Forest herbivore research pro­ Haynes, F N & Coulson, M G 1982 'The decline of gramme', NFR 16, 4-7. Spartina in Langstone Harbour, Hamp­ Tubbs, C R 1977 'An ecological appraisal of the shire', P 38, 5-18. Itchen Valley flood-plain', P 34, 5-22. Hirons, G 1984 'The diet of tawny owls (Strix aluco) & Jones, E L 1964 'The distribution of gorse and kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in the New (Ulex europaeus L.) in the New Forest in Forest, Hampshire', P 40, 21-6. relation to former land use', P 23, 1-10. Holmes, N J & Coughlan, J 1973 'The ascidian fauna of Southampton Water', P 30, See also Prehistory Fasham (1982), Tomalin & 9-15. Scaife, Tubbs Holt, A 1974 'Hardwoods survey 1970', NFR 13, Roman Fasham (1979), (1981) 45-6. GEOLOGY Anon 1982 'The search for oil in Denny Inclosure', tocene raised beaches on Ports Down, NFR 19, 2-7. Hampshire', P 33, 17-32. ApSimon, A, Gamble, C & Shackley, M 1976 'Pleis­ Barton, M E 1984 'Periglacial features exposed in CLASSIFIED AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS 21-40 139 the coastal cliffs at Naish Farm near Pasmore, A H 1977 'Natural water supplies in the Highcliffe', P 40, 5-20. northern part of the New Forest - Carter, D J 1981 'The search for oil and gas in summer 1976', NFR 14, 5-10. Hampshire', SN Geol 3, 2-5. Rose, J H C 1981 'Hydrogeology of the Lower 1981 'Mineral workings in Hampshire', SN Greensand, Isle of Wight', SN Geol 3, Geol 3, 11-12. 10-11. Fisher, G C 1971 'Brickearth, and its influence on Small, R J 1958 'The origin of Rake Bottom, Butser the character of soils, in the south-east Hill', P 21, 22-30. New Forest', P 28, 99-109. Thurrel, R G 1980 'IMAU survey in the Hampshire Irvine, J 1977 'Water resources in the New Forest basin', SN Geol 2, 2-3. 1976', NFR 14, 10-12. Tremlett, W E 1961 'Geology of the Matley and Jarvis, M G 1980 'Soil surveys in Hampshire and the Denny Nature Reserve, New Forest', P Isle of Wight', SN Geol 2, 1-2. 22, 1-7. Keen, D H 1979 'The environment of deposition of 1965 'The evolution of the Beaulieu the south Hampshire plateau gravels', P drainage system in the southwestern 36, 15-24. New Forest (Hampshire)', P 23, 48-59. Kemp, D J 1981 'Field meeting of the geological Tuckfield, C G 1968 'Relict landslips in the New section, HFC, at Downend Chalk Forest, Hampshire', P 25, 5-18. Quarry, Fareham', SN Geol 3, 15-17. 1979 'Rejuvenation features in the Cadnam Packman, M J 1981 'The Isle of Wight groundwater river basin in the New Forest', P 36, scheme', SN Geol 3, 5-9. 5-13. PREHISTORY Arnold, C J 1972 'The excavation of a prehistoric Portsmouth and Langstone Harbours: ranch boundary at Quarley Hill, Hamp­ Mesolithic to Iron Age', P 30, 17-27. shire', P 29, 37-40. & Lewis, E R 1968 'Excavations at the Ashbee, P & Dimbleby, G W 1974 'The Moor Green George Inn, Portsdown', P 25, 27-50. barrow, West End, Hampshire: exca­ & 1974 'A Mesolithic site at vations 1961', P 31, 5-18. Wakefords Copse, Havant', RAH 2, Bennet, F J 1966 'An interim report on a late 5-18. Mesolithic and secondary Neolithic flint Brisbane, M A 1979 'A Bronze Age flat axe from the industry at Shorwell, Isle of Wight', N New Forest', P 36, 35-6. OS, I, 4, 44-5. Brooks, R T 1968 'Castle Hill, Chilworth, Hants', N 1972 'A late Mesolithic site, Shorwell, Isle of OS, 1, 8,96-9. Wight (SZ 458827)', N OS 2, 3, 3-4. Champion, T & Champion, S 1981 'The Iron Age in Belts, U V G 1974 'Castle Malwood', NFR 13, 8-10. Hampshire', Monograph 1, 37-45. Bradley, R 1967 'Excavations on Portsdown Hill Cobb, J & Pasmore, A H 1963 'Notes on the find of a 1963-5', P 24, 42-58. Bronze Age axe head at Jordans Lane, 1974 'The trial excavation of two linear Sway', NFR 2, 7-8. earthworks on Butser Hill', N OS, 2, 7/8, Collis, J 1966 'Owslebury 1965', N OS, 1, 3, 39-40. 83-4. 1967 'Owslebury 1966', N OS, 1, 5, 66-7. 1974 'A Mesolithic site at Bournemouth', N Corney, A, Ashbee, P, Evison, V I & Brothwell, D OS, 2, 7/8, 84. 1967 'A prehistoric and Anglo-Saxon & Fulford, M 1975 'Excavations at Tourner- burial ground, Ports Down, Portsmouth', bury, Hayling Island, 1959 and 1971', P P 24, 20-41. 32, 63-9. Cottrill, F 1965 'Discovery of Iron Age pottery near & Hooper, B 1973 'Recent discoveries from Winchester', N OS, 1, 1, 16. 140 HAMPSHIRE FIELD CLUB AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Cunlifie, B W 1975 'A Bronze Age barrow near & Schadla-Hall, R T 1981 'The Neolithic Chalton', RAH 3, 35-8. and Bronze Ages', Monograph 1, 26-36. Dacre, M 1970 'High View Farm, Kimpton, near Feachem, R W 1973 'A late Neolithic axe from Andover, SU 28374765', N OS, 1, 11, Thornhill, Southampton', P 30, 29. 160-1. Gallup, P W 1975 'The survey of sarsen stones', N 1972 'Knights Enham Hill, Andover (SU OS, 2, 9/10, 116-18.
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