ILLUSTRATED -DETAILED 11/F1-4E LISTENERS' PICTO PROGRAMS ow" FEB. I TO FEB. 7, INCLUSIVE I, 1947 ALL THE PROGRAMS OF THE WEEK ---IN DETAIL ND GREAT RADIO T E:á::a,? ENTERTAINMENT OF ALL KINDS WFIL PHILADELPHIA PRESENTS PROGRAMS TOGETHER WITH A DESIGNED TO PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE T O P ENTERTAINMENT ON WORLD-WIDE WHETHER YOU PREFER AND LOCAL NEWS MUSIC, COMEDY, QUIZ OR MYSTERY GOOD LISTENING-- MORNING, NOON, AND NIGHT FIRST WPIL ON YOUR A All: DIAL :..- - BUFFALO'S .'-i., , '-/I4",4`\A -/'...i / .'Í.\\` FRIENDLY ,0.!..,...` \--/ STATION i: . ;-, +j'. N\ . .4.,A-4, W EB 1340 ON YOUR DIAL MUTUAL BROADCASTING The Díjírabeiphía Inquirer tatíon SYSTEM AFFILIATE It's the Truth-These Were the "Consequences achy by MIKE MELLER -/1SIOIV WHEN a gentleman by the name of Mike THE LISTENERS' PICTORIAL WEEKLY Kozall won the whole "TruthorConse- Prepared for Corwin quence" show as a "Consequence" and took Established 1924 New Series No. 64 To the Editor: Thank you for publishing your many over as emcee the following week (Saturday night, feature stories, including the one on Norman Corwin's "One World Flight."It enabled me to follow the NBC, January 18), just about everything you would series from the beginning, and `to be prepared for the CONTENTS expect to happen did. programs, learn how the material had been gathered, the actual voices on records and so on.It was most EDITORIAL Let's put it in chronological order: interesting, and I enjoyed the first broadcast immensely. And Letters to Editor 3 MIKE'S FIRST GUEST: Won a blouse with Thank you,also, WITHIN VISION r.ü w:M fortheweekly By Foster Sinclair 4 "Compliments of 'Sally Lee Dress Shop,' 6435 Holly- storiesandpic- "CINDERELLA" LIFE ROUGH STUFF wood Blvd, Hollywood." The plug was for Mike, the tures on the By Dell Chandler 4 owner. Met r op olitan LOWELL THOMAS' STORY Opera broadcasts. By Jack Whiting 5 No. 2: A young lady by the name of "Ida."She I never usedto THE BAND BEAT was Mike's cousin.Ida won $200 by remembering, listen to the opera By Tim Gayle 6 matinees, but THE LISTENER TALKS BACK after hearing them once, the names of 20 members yourmagazine Program Reviews 6 who stood up in the studio audience. They were her has been respon- TURN -TABLE TOPICS siblefor getting With Harold K. Halpern 7 friends and relatives.For standing up Mike re- me started,and THESE THINGS ALSO HAPPENED warded the 20 relatives with a party. now Iwouldn't Cross -Country News 8 missthemfor SCREENLAND VISIONS No. 3:Mrs. Millet.She got a jewel -studded anything. Could By George L. Watson 9 watch for walking on the platform. Mike asked her you tell me what became of Dora STYLED FOR OUTDOOR RUNWAYS no Fashions in Radio 10 questions.She was Mike's nephew's school thy Alt, who used YOUR STATION DIAL teacher. DorothyAlt to be on the In- ternational House Log of All Stations 11 No. 4: This one we couldn't quite follow.Some- SATURDAY PROGRAMS 12 Party from WBEN? If I remember correctly, she is a TREASURE TRAIL body was dressed up in a beard and somebody kissed Canadian and went back to Canada. Can she be heard Picture Page 15 somebody's wife, but, anyway, one of Mike's friends on any other program? IT'S FUN FOR ALL Irene Shuman, By Gordon Sinclair 16 walked off with a radio. Syracuse,N.Y. SUNDAY PROGRAMS 18 NOTE: Miss Alt is back in Canada, at present MONDAY PROGRAMS 22 appearing on Latin-American Serenade via the CBC TUESDAY PROGRAMS 24 Dominion network, Sundays at 10.30 p.m.-Editor. WEDNESDAY PROGRAMS 25 THURSDAY PROGRAMS 26 Pleased With Radio -Vision FRIDAY PROGRAMS 27 DAYTIME PROGRAMS 28 To the Editor: Enclosed you will find the sum of three dollars and fifty cents for my subscription to TEEN TALK Radio -Vision.Thus far, 'I have been well pleased with By Charley Colville 30 the magazine, and I hope you will keep it up to the Publisher: Jack Walker standard you have initiated. Editor: Svend Blangsted Rev. T. E. Briceland, New York: 41 Whst 52nd St.; Editorial and Read, Ontario. Advertising, George Lilley, Dick Mooney Editorial Associates: TheLate 'Johnny Neblett -Programs-Jack Walker Jr., Bill Winter To theEditor: Our Chicagoofficereportsthat . Motion Pictures-George Watson Johnny Neblett was killedin a crashofhis own Youth-Charley Colville plane on Sept. 15,1946. The plane crashed on Tam Art --Will Long O'Shanter Golf Course, north of Chicago.The cause Circulation --Charles Walker of the crash has never been determined. Subscription Rates: $3.50 per annum or 10c per NBC Press Dept., copy on news stands in United States and Can- New York 20, N.Y. ada. Radio -Vision assumes no responsibility for loss or non -return of manuscripts, drawings or NOTE: This information is in reply to a léttér photographs,which must be accompanied by in a recent issue, asking for the details of the acci- return postage. Allow two weeks for change of address. Published weekly and copyright 1947 dent in which the well-known broadcaster, Johnny by Radio -Vision,73 Adelaide St.W., Toronto. Neblett, was killed.-Editor. Canada. Authorized as second class matter by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Printed by The Globe Printing .," 20 About Anne Sterrett Company, Commercial Department. To the Editor: rm a regular reader of Radio -Vision, and think you have the best radio publication ever to hit the newsstands.I like the program listings and the pictures illustrating the features.I know that I RALPH EDWARDS turns over the entire am asking a great deal, but could you not occasionally Radio1.0.VISION give us some information on the daytime dramas.I "Truth or Consequences" show to Mike Kozall admit that some of them have been on the air. so long (right) of Los Angeles, with the above results. that the regular listeners know all about them, and No. 5: A fellow who comes on stage accompanied that you are pub- a by a lady described ás a beautiful model. Mike gave lishing many pic- tures ofthose the guy a. quick "consequence." He sent him home participating in to do his (Mike's) dishes-with DUZ, of course- them. I was rath- er . interestedin while Mike dated the model.Mike added another Anne Sterrett in "consequence": $25 to Mike "for expenses." the role of Ginny Campbell in s No. 6: Mrs. Gold was asked the precise land area NBC's "Right to of North America in square, miles.She gave the Happiness.", Do youhappento xr correct- answer to the mile.Mrs. Gold was awarded know if she comes $100.She was Mike's mother-in-law.Mrs. Gold got fromPennsylva- nia (where I was Lookslike radio's top, brand new comic of an additional $5 for sending in the question. born),asIbe- the yearis 21 -year -old Donald O'Connor. He No. 7: Ralph Edwards, who stepped up from the lieve I know rela- Anne Sterrett has comeinto prominence the last few months tives of hers.At on theGinny Simms show (Friday nights, 9. audience.Ralph's "consequence" was for $1,000 to any rate, I am curious to know something abouther EST,CBS).Donald is the son of the -late take. over Mike's job for one week, fitting dresses, and, if possible, see her picture.Thanks for allpast vaudevilleacrobat. John (Chuck) O'Connor. favors and a really marvellous magazine. Theyouth made his stage debut at 13 months pinning up hems, dressing windows, at Mike's dress Mrs. E. P. Bennett, of age-doingthe Blackbottom, but by the age shop.Mike also "awarded" Edwards with a boss- Providence, R.I. of 13,had performed in ten Hollywood films. "Dusty. Rhodes," the fellow Edwards kept on a Los He NOTE: Anne Sterrett went to school in Garden continued with a career of dancing and Angeles traffic isrand three weeks., . City, L.I., but she is the daughter of the Rt. -Rev, movieacting until the Army cast him in a private'srole. A guest appearance with Ginny No. 8: A lady gets the grand prize, $250, for Frank W. Sterrett, Bishop of the R iscopalian Dio- saying "Ah." Ah,well,she'sjust Mike's wife. cese of Bethlehem¡ Pennsylvania. Site is a veteran Simmsstretched into four, and now he is per- actress, married, has a daughter 14 years old and manentlyfeatured on the show. Thrown in is an all -expense -paid week at Nevada's devotes a great deal of time to reilgious group work "Last ° Frontier"hotel. The last"consequence": . with youngsters of the same age as her daughter.- Mike goes along as "escort." Editor. PAGE 3 - RADIO -VISION 'TakeItOr LeaveIt' Column of the Week To the Editor: In your issue of Jan. 18, accompany- ing a picture of Phil Baker, you state that "Take It Or Columnist Looks Upon Radio WITHIN VISION Leave It" will be seven years old in April.The pro- Frank Munn Retired - AndyRussellStays gram is much older than that.I have seen the pro- gram several times in New York. The first time was 'Cinderella' Life as Rough Stuff On Hit Parade-Kay Kyser for Governor? in. September, 1936, and it had been broadcasting quite -Accuracy of Hooper some time before that.I enjoy your magazine very by DELL CHANDLER much, but wish' you would keepita strictly radio Radio Editor, Newark Star -Ledger By FOSTER SINCLAIR magazine. There are enough movie magazines on the market now.Would like to ask ifitis not pos- Even the down -trodden Cinderella of the fairy NEW YORK, N.Y.
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