AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES Published by Number 1230 THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY June 1, 1943 New York City SOME NEW SUBSPECIES OF INCISALIA FROM NORTH AMERICA (LEPIDOPTERA, LYCAENIDAE) BY CYRIL F. DOS PASSOS While studying the Incisalia in the Gun- latter ends at p. 83 and not 82. In view der collection and incorporating them into of Scudder's authorship of the paper and, the general collection of The American therefore, personal knowledge as to which Museum of Natural History, some interest- was published first, and the very careful ing subspecies were discovered which ap- student that he is known to have been, I pear to be unnamed. These, together with am inclined to follow him and conclude some specimens from my own collection, that the separate was, in fact, published are described in this paper. before the Report. Hence, the reference to this genus should be Incisalia Scudder, INCISALIA SCUDDER 1872, Systematic Revision, p. 31. SCUDDER, 1872, A Systematic Revision of some of the American Butterflies, p. 31. SCUDDER, 1872, Ann. Rept. Peabody Acad. Incisalia augustus (Kirby) Sci., for the year 1871, IV, p. 52. Thecla augustus KIRBY, 1837, Faun. Bor. The authorship of this genus has been re- Amer., IV, p. 298, P1. III, figs. 4 and 5. ferred to Minot, the references usually This insect was described from "Lat. given by Scudder (1875, p. 96; 1876, p. 54°." On the same page Kirby described 104) being those above cited. Dyar (1902, Hipparchia discoidalis from "Several speci- p. 39) gives the same references. How- mens taken at Cumberland House, Lat. ever, it does not appear that Minot ever 540°"; hence, it would seem reasonable to published the name Incisalia. The author assume that augustus was taken at, or near, of Nomenclator Zoologicus (1939, II, p. the same place. Therefore, Cumberland 772) apparently came to the same conclu- House, Saskatchewan, Canada, is hereby sion but gave a slightly different reference, fixed as the type locality of Incisalia augus- i.e., "Incisalia (Minot M.S.) Scudder 1872, tus (Kirby). Ann. Rept. Trustees Peabody Acad. Sci., Kirby's figure shows an insect vwith dis- 4: 1871, 52.-Lep." Scudder's Systematic tinctly checked fringes and with the wings Revision was published both separately black basally on the uppersides and ferru- and also as a part of said Report, the refer- ginous on the disks. It is quite distinct ence in the former being p. 31 and in the from eastern specimens usually passing as latter p. 52. Both publications were in the augustus, which are uniformly dark gray same year, 1872. It has not been possible on the upperside. to ascertain which was the earlier. Scud- Kirby's type was a female. There is a der always seems to have referred to the female spec;men in my collection from Faw- separate while other authors sometimes re- cett, Alberta, taken May 19-22, 1941, fer to the Report. The cover of the sepa- which matches Kirby's figure excellently. rate reads "from the report of The Peabody Fawcett is north of Edmonton in latitude Academy of Sciences for 1871 pages 24 to 82 540 30'. Another female from the same inclusive." Both separate and Report place is similar, while three males taken at were published and printed at Salem, the same time and place do not show any Massachusetts, at the Salem Press. The orange brown on the upperside of the pri- reference in the separate to the pagination maries. This series appears to represent of the Report is not entirely correct, as the typical augustus. A similar, but very 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [Xo. 1280 worn, female, also in my collection (ex Incisalia augustus helenae, collection Thos. E. Bean), probably taken new subspecies by him at Laggan, Alberta, bearing a label Incisalia augustinus, DOS PASSOs, 1936, Cana- "Det.-by W. H. Edwards as augustus 9 ," dian Entomologist, LXVIII, p. 98. confirms this conclusion. In Newfoundland there occurs another race of augustus of which a long series has been received Because the type of augustus does not ap- from Hugh McIsaacs of Doyles Station. On the pear to be in existence, the aforementioned upperside these specimens resemble croesioides female specimen from Fawcett, Alberta, but are more golden brown than grayish. The May 19-22, 1941, is hereby designated the fringes are uniformly checkered with black and white, whereas in croesioides they are sometimes neotype of Incisalia augustus (Kirby). It checkered, but more often concolorous with the will be placed in the type collection of The wings. On both wings the markings of the un- American Museum of Natural History. derside are heavier and more distinct. On the Manitoba specimens from the Riding primaries the contrast between the basal and limbal areas is well marked by an irregular dark Mountains (six males, one female), Broken- line outwardly edged with white. In croesioides head (six males), and Hudson Bay mile post this line is often very faint, broken, or even en- 349 on the railroad to Churchill (one fe- tirely absent, and the wing is nearly uniform in male) are more closely related to the color. Between the mesial line and the sub- marginal row of spots is a grayish area. The eastern race and must be referred to as submarginal spots are large triangular, pointing croesioides Scudder, as that name is herein- basally. On the secondaries the basal area is after used. This may appear somewhat dark reddish brown, almost as dark as in henrici. strange in view of the fact that the Riding The row of spots in the limbal area is similarly are much nearer the colored, and the spots stand out prominently, as Mountains type local- does also the marginal line. These spots are ity of augustus than Fawcett, but none of bound inwardly by a pale reddish brown area these specimens matches Kirby's figure. and outwardly by a dark reddish brown area not quite so dark as the spots. Incisalia augustus croesioides Scudder For this race I propose the name Incisalia Incisalia croe8ioides SCUDDER, 1876, Bull. augustus helenae. It is named for my Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., III, p. 104. secretary, Miss Helen G. Young. This name was proposed for the eastern TYPE MATERIAL.-Holotype, male, form but appears to have been placed Doyles Station, Newfoundland, May 31, in the synonymy by the author (1889, p. 1938. Allotype, female, same locality, 842). The examination of a long series of June 1, 1938. Paratypes: thirty-nine augustus (auct.) from New York and New males and eleven females from the same Jersey convinces me that the name croesi- locality bearing various dates in May and oides Scudder should be removed from the June. The holotype and allotype as well synonymy and given subspecific standing as one pair of paratypes are in the collection for the eastern race of augustus, leaving the of The American Museum of Natural His- latter name to represent the north central tory. The other paratypes are in the col- race. lection of the author. Pairs will be sent In the original description Scudder did to the British Museum (Natural History), not designate any type for the name the Canadian National Collection, the croesioides nor did he fix any type locality, United States National Museum, the Los merely stating " [eastern form] Canada and Angeles Museum, the Carnegie Museum New England, southward along the Appa- and the Academy of Natural Sciences of lachians to West Virginia." In the cir- Philadelphia. cumstances it would seem appropriate to Whether or not augustus and iroides are supply these omissions. The type locality distinct species is difficult to determine be- of Incisalia augustus croesioides Scudder is cause of the paucity of material from Al- therefore fixed as Lakehurst, New Jersey, berta, where they appear to meet. On the and a male specimen from that locality in affirmative side of the question is the fact the collection of The American Museum of that the outer margin of the hind wings of Natural History, taken April 30, 1932 (C. augustus augustus from Fawcett, Alberta, H. Curran) is designated as the neotype. is rounder than in any of the eastern races, 1943] INCISALIA FROM NORTH AMERICA 3 approaching in that respect the structure of iroides are in the Barnes collection in the the western iroides. In a neutral position United States National Museum. The lies the fact that one of the two specimens female, to which is pinned a black and of iroides from Calgary, Alberta, shows white print of Oberthur's figure, is hereby some evidence of checkering on the designated the lectotype of Incisalia iroides secondaries. The five specimens of augus- (Boisduval), and the type locality is fixed tus from Fawcett are all checkered. Typi- as San Francisco, California. cal iroides from California is not checkered. Newfoundland specimens of augustus are Incisalia iroides annetteae, uniformly checkered, and those from the new subspecies Atlantic states are partly checkered and In Arizona and New Mexico there occurs a partly not. On the negative side of the somewhat larger and paler race of iroides. On the upperside of the wings the disk is more golden question are the facts that on the underside brown than reddish but resembles that of iroides. of the secondaries the basal area of augustus On the underside the forewings are nearly im- from Fawcett is very dark, like that of the maculate, showing but the faintest trace of the eastern populations, while that of iroides irregular mesial line dividing the basal from the as limbal areas on the primaries. On the hind from Calgary is much Jighter, practically wings the basal area is very pale and contrasts light as in iroides from California.
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