DOCUMENT RESUME ED 043 537 SO 000 265 TITLE Social Studies, Grade 0, World Studies: !astern Civilizations -- Regional Studies. Course of Study and Related Learning Activities. Revised rdition. INSTITUTION NPw York City 9oard of Education, Prooklvn, N.Y. Pureau of Curriculum Development. SPONS AGENCY New York state Education Dept., Albany. Center for International Programs dnd Services. REPORT NO Curr-Mull-1060-i970-Ser-12 PUB DATE -10 NOTr nOFT.; History and Social Science Series AVAILABLE FP01 Poard of education of the City of New York, Publication Sales Office, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11201(S7. !O) Er)RS PRICE IMPS Price ME-$1.'0 PC trot Available from E! S. DESCRIPTORS African History, *Area Studios, Asian History, Concept Teaching, Cross Cultural Studies, Economics, Geography, *Grade 0, *Inductive Methods, Instructional Materials, Interdisciplinary Approach, Learning Activities, Multimedia Instruction, *Non Western Civilization, Political Science, Social Sciences, Social Studios Units, Sociology, *Fate Curriculum Guides, Values IDENTIFIERS Communist China, India, Japan, Middle East, USSR ABSTRACT ''he curriculum guide for non-western civilization area studies incorporates these major considerations: 1) the teachino of concepts rather than the accumulation of data, focusing on the development of critical thinking; 2)+he development of values, skills, and knowledge needed to cope with the Pressing social problems of today including: receptivity to change, international awareness, a committen+ to democratic values and civic responsibilities: 1)the basic concepts of history, geography, economics, political science, anthroPoloqv, and sociology: u)the development of skills and research techniques sequentially --the abilities to utilize maps, globes, and information, to solve problems, and to participate effectively in group activities; t) learning activities incerporating techniques of inquiry and discovery: Participation, vicarious experiences, illustrstive materials, probing discussion questions, careful analysis of source materials, case studies of social phenomena; and, A) emphasis on multi-media instruction. The seven area study themes are: soviet Union, Communist China, Southeast Asia, Japan, India, Middle last, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The techniques in this guide ate suitable for: Self-contained classrooms, team teaching, and independent study. The first edition of this auiae is ED 016 67'. (SBE) r rrN re \ HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES O uJ S BUREAU OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF EDUCATION OF Mt CITY OF NEW YORK 001079.60 -1644 1- t 11-41c_oVeil,. ' MIL _ 0 0 a 1, t11:, tr.. '.!-1., t-r^n csan'esi .,- ts 4. rer;-ri1 -, 'csfr.":1:1 rmt to ;...- c .vrt!.'r .") ,1-1- *s---.-.-'i-n c; 'rV.-et.:. n ,.,-.1,rri -re 1'cl ..t, -., nn; cc-re t- r-, !I tr::. '7::,. r'.,,.. r"C 0 -,:,(,. Q.. par;require% sr; n *I. ,r e.r.it trs,.1- ton l',ry'ccFs'. Ler cl .:.; C 't 0 gersYork pennissicn e1 thercas3 of 1fun'Arr I a S I I I a I I New York City public schools should order additional conies of :his publication (min the Bureau of Supplies. Curriculum Publications List No. 00- 4079-80. Copies of this publication may be purchased by outside agencies from: Board of Education of the City of New Vork. Publications Saks Office. 110 Lis-Minton Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. 11201. Checks a should be made payable to: Auditor, Board of Education. Price: $7.50 0 EEIR.14.0% TO REPRODUCE TP4JS COPT !'G1414.0 MATE.RTAL IS ACCROEIChli ONLY NISIDEENGRAVEolbilmes. kNYa-A.-1 2.1023S4e0 TO ER C AND OFTGATwATIONS OPIRAIING UNDER AGREEMENTS wilp1 THE US OTT ICE OE EDUCATION EURTIEP REPRODuctON OuTS,OE THE ER,C 5T51E REOLARES PER MISSION 01 THE COPtIlCMIONNtli n CURRICULUM BULLETIN . 1969-70 SERIES NO. 12 SOCIAL STUDIES C) 0 CD () W GRACE 9 0 WORLD STUDIES: EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS--REGIONALSTUDIES C) C) C) C) C) Course of Study and Related Learning Activities C) 0 IHIPARIOiton Of *Mtn l0utat100 \0111A0/ Otiit4 011Ovt011011 0 rot* DOCWIrt RAS any *moots° toot. ASR icini* MO" trt ttlieSt* 00 000mveno, oironokroya 11 v410 011 000nDoef rtAttO 00 001 NKr.OR 11A41 011e0tItle te mut Dem of Spy 0,01 0060,01 00 !pixy 0 0 Revised Edition 55--5or- r---- 4 0.4.%fe-rt prAnaed fC *A't rr.,e3 ore) tO 0 tFr rf*. t r - tt.* U (Irks a ---,- - Etle tysttill ty t44,41 et rt"1-e' " 'soNot oe-nterre-3to 0 4 ttt,- "Clitt Do tyrant Ro rrt-,1c ICA terykstto'her retri-Are to of ur terttiquiree peroWstion a tto WWI of Ell/tot/on of the 014 ofNow York BUREAU OF CURRICULUM DEVELOMENT 0 BOARD OP EDWATION OF THE CITY OP NEW YORK ammo arourrilliolloow Art BOARD OF EDUCATION JOSEPH MONSERRAT, President MURRY BERGTRAUM, Vice-President SEYMOUR P. LACHMAN MARY E. MEADE ISAIAH E. ROBINSON, JR. Superintendent of Schools (Acting) IRVING AMER Deputy Superintendents of Schools HARVEY K. ALLEN THEODORE H. LAW Business and Administration Personnel (Acting) SEELIG LESTER Instructional Services BureLu or Curriculum Development DAVID A. ABRAMSON Director (Acting) DANIEL A. SALMON LEONARD SIMON Assistant Director (Acting) AAsiatant Director (Acting) COPYRIGHT 1970 BYTE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF I CITY OF NEU YORK Application for permission to reprint any section of this material should be made to the Superintendent of Schools, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Reprint 0* any section of this material shall carry the line, "Reprinted from (title of publication) by permission of the board of Educatial of the City of Nev York." 11 FOREWORD (-4) 0 This revised edition of World Studies: Eastern Civilizations- Regional Studies should help all students understand the momentous changes taking place generally :In the world today and especially in Africa and Asia. WI instructional materials are designed to develop an appreciation of the 0 diversity and uniqueness of Eastern Civilizations. This new edition reflects the experience of teachers and supervisors 0 who have implemented the course of etudy in Grade 9 in junior and senior 0 high schools. 0 As a result of this classroom experience, some of the materials have been reorganized. Additional illustrative materials have been added 0 to help the teachers meet the instructional needs of students Who are achieving below grade level, SEELIG LESTER 0 Deputy Superintendent of Schools 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111...."." .11110.1w ACKNOWI,EDGMENTS This publication was prepared under the general direction of Seelig Lester, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Office of Instructional Services. David A. C. Abramson, Director (Acting), Bureau of Curriculum Development, and Leonard Ingraham, Director, Bureau of Social Studies, supervised the work of the original and this revived edition. Albert Post, Assistant Director, Bureau of Social Studies, revised the original course of study by introducing current materials and additional learning activities. For this revised edition, learning activities were contributed by Donald Jceam, Teacher of Social Studies, Springfield Gardens High School; Evelyn Rich, Teacher of Social Studies, John Bowne High School; Harold Rosenbloom, Teacher of Social Studies, Springfield Gardens High School; Murray Schlesinger, Chairman of SihilX Studies, Intermediate School 44, Manhattan; Edwin Selzer, Chairman of Social (7 Studies, atnior High School 142, Brooklyn; Kenneth Towel, Teacher of Social Studies, Springfield Gardens High School; and the staff of the Social Studies Department at (1 John Adams High School. Daring the 1966-67 school year, extensive evaluation of the materials for this grade was prepared by: Seymour Fersh, Education Director, Asia Society; Irving J. Levine, Prinoipal, Junior High School (8, Brooklyn; Robert Schein, Chairman of Social Studies, Newtown High School; and Max M. Shapiro, Human Relations C Unit. In addition, evaluative judgments were provided *cy: Samuel Arbital, Teacher Assigned, Bureau of Curriemlum Development; Margaret Bible, Assistant Superintendent, C District 28 (now retired); Gerald J. Cassidy, Teacher of Social Studies, Junior High School 143, Bronx; Mary Halloran, Assistant Superintendent, District 23; Murray Hart, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Special Education end Pupil Personnel; Aysha Jacob, Indian tducator who served as Exchange Consultant with New York State Education Department; Evelyn Rich, Teacher of Social Studies, John Bowne High School; and Phillip Werfel, Assistant Principal, Junior High School 79. C The New York State Education Department's Center for International Programs C and Services provided a grant to finance partially the production of the course of study and learning activities. Herman Abramowitz, Associate assigned to that Center, served as a consultant. C Coordination for the Bureau of Curriculum Development was provided by Harold Zlotnik, High School Curriculum Coordinator. Editorial staff ambers were involved in the production of this bulletin. C C C C C -iv- CONTENTS HOW TO USE THIS BULLETIN vi BACKGROUND FOR TEAC) 1 0 SUMMARY OF COURSE 2 0 OBJECTIVES 2 0 TEACHING OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES 3 CONTENT OUTLINE 4 0 LEARNING ACTIVITIES 36 0 THE LIBRARY AS PART OF A READING PRIX}RAh 36 PRINCIPLES FOR ADAPTING} READING MATERIAL TO 0 VARYING GRADE LEVELS 38 0 PROBLEMS OF UNDERSTANDING OTHER CULTURES 43 a THEME I - JAPAN 48 THEME II - PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 100 0 THEME III - SOUTHMAST ASIA 15,1 0 THEME IV THE SUB-CONTINENT OF INDIA 186 0 THEME V - THE MIDDLE EAST AND MOSLEM SOCIETY 227 THEME VI SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 259 0 THEME VII UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST RhTUBLICS 317 0 DEVELOP/Ma OF THE PROGRAM .. 377 0 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PROGRAM 380 SKILLS IN THE HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PROGRAM 388 0 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: PRE KINDERGARTEN THRCUGH GRADE 12 392 0 EVALUATION REPORTS 395 0 0 0 a a .y. 1441.nw..6. '.....400"ROMINI. (7 HOW TO USE THIS BULLETIN The materials for this grade are arranged in two sections. Section 1 C presents the course of study. It includes a brief introduction, a summary of the course, the course objectives, a list of the major themes, suggested time C allocations, and an outline of content.
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