Vol. 188 Thursday, No. 24 13 March 2008 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Thursday, 13 March 2008. Business of Seanad ………………………………1965 Order of Business …………………………………1965 Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children: Motion ……………1989 Finance Bill 2008 (Certified Money Bill): Committee and Remaining Stages ……………1990 Request to Move Adjournment of the Seanad under Standing Order 30 ……………2010 Finance Bill 2008 (Certified Money Bill): Committee and Remaining Stages (resumed) ……………………2010 Motion for Earlier Signature……………………………2025 Adjournment Matters: Schools Building Projects ……………………………2025 Health Services ………………………………2030 Home Births …………………………………2033 1965 1966 SEANAD E´ IREANN of the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children; No. 2, Finance Bill ———— 2008 — Committee and Remaining Stages; and No. 3 early signature motion on the Finance Bill De´ardaoin, 13 Ma´rta 2008. 2008. It is proposed that No. 1 be taken without Thursday, 13 March 2008. debate at the conclusion of the Order of Business; No. 2 to be taken at the conclusion of the Order ———— of Business; and No. 3 to be taken without debate at the conclusion of No. 2. Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10:30 a.m. Senator Frances Fitzgerald: We had discussions on the violence on our streets here in recent ———— weeks, particularly the horrific case in Drimnagh where two young Polish men lost their lives. The Paidir. situation has reached a new low today when we hear of gangs grooming children as young as ten Prayer. years of age to hide weapons and carry drugs. It reinforces the need for a debate here and for ———— serious co-ordinated Government action to tackle this problem. Business of Seanad. An Cathaoirleach: I have received notice from Senator Jerry Buttimer: Hear, hear. Senator Pearse Doherty that, on the motion of the Adjournment of the House today, he pro- Senator Frances Fitzgerald: The Departments poses to raise the following matter: of Education and Science, Health and Children and Justice, Equality and Law Reform need to The need for the Minister for Education and work together on this issue. I am concerned there Science to publish a complete list of all school is not a sufficient level of co-operation among the projects in the building programme together Departments to deal with it and that there is not with indicative times for completion. a format in place to ensure we get the best out I have also received notice from Senator Alan of the services, by the providers of those services Kelly of the following matter: working together, to reclaim communities and public spaces. The need for the Minister for Health and On the continuum of crime, a man interviewed Children to outline if the Government is fully on “Prime Time”, to be broadcast this evening, committed to providing funding for and describes himself as an ordinary criminal, what- operating the CT scanner that is idle in Nenagh ever that means. I saw a garda being interviewed General Hospital for almost a year and to who said there is no such thing. This man has had provide an indicative date for the commence- to make a settlement with the CAB and has had ment of its use. a chequered criminal history. I have also received notice from Senator De´irdre We need to examine what role we in the de Bu´ rca of the following matter: Seanad can play. We need a Cabinet subcommit- The need for the Minister for Health and tee on this issue. We have one on social inclusion Children to clarify if she is aware of the current but we need one on enhancing communities and threat to the future of domiciliary birth services for it to involve co-operation among the Depart- and if she will outline her vision in the future ments, given that the Departments of Com- development of these services. munity, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Education and Science, Health and Children and Justice, I have also received notice from Senator Maria Equality and Law Reform are involved. There is Corrigan of the following matter: a perception that nobody is co-ordinating the The need for the Minister for Health and services and showing leadership for communities. Children to provide a progress report on the This problem is being experienced in all com- implementation of the mental health strategy munities and not only in those in one postal code. A Vision of Change. We need leadership on this issue at a national level and at a local level. Only last night I I regard the matters raised by Senators Doherty, attended a meeting at which people said they ´ Kelly and de Burca as suitable for discussion on could not use their local park. Other communities the Adjournment and they will be taken at the throughout the country have had similar experi- conclusion of business. Senator Corrigan may ences. The latest revelation is that a garda give notice on another day of the matter she superintendent said a boy—a15year old — was wishes to raise. told his head would be blown off if he did not do what he was told. It is disturbing that under the Order of Business. leadership of the Taoiseach, Deputy Bertie Senator Donie Cassidy: The Order of Business Ahern, only 24 out of 170 people involved in is No. 1, motion to amend the orders of reference gangland killings have been brought to justice. 1967 Order of 13 March 2008. Business 1968 [Senator Frances Fitzgerald.] given the run-around by the Department, as are This is a serious matter. We ought to find a mech- Members on all sides of the House. The priority anism to address it in this House by the input list must provide a clear indication of where of a number of Ministers in a cross-departmental schools stand and allow them to see when their response. This is important. position changes. Moreover, reasons must be The suggestion by the Minister of State at the given when one school is gazumped by another. Department of the Taoiseach, Deputy Tom Kitt, I do not want the Minister to come to the during an interview on radio this morning that House only to deliver a long, confusing speech penalty points should be doubled for this bank that leaves us less informed than we were before. holiday weekend is bizarre. It may well be a good This issue must be dealt with at a higher level. I suggestion but the key issue that should be do not issue an idle threat in signalling my inten- addressed is one concerning the Government tion to follow through on this. I will write to the appointed advisory group in regard the drink- Comptroller and Auditor General and the Com- driving blood alcohol level. It seems there is dis- mittee of Public Accounts if I do not receive a agreement in Fianna Fa´il about this but the advis- response on this. There must be a quality audit of ory group has recommended to the Road Safety procedures in the buildings section of the Depart- Authority and to the Government that action ment of Education and Science. The current should be taken. Perhaps the Leader might situation is simply not good enough. inform the House as to the current position on Some seven or eight years ago, when the Com- this issue. mon Agricultural Policy, CAP, was being refor- med, I met various farming groups, including a Senator Joe O’Toole: In recent months, 13 group of farmers from County Wexford who were Members have, on different occasions, raised considering the possibility of building wind tur- issues to do with the schools building programme bines as a type of add-on value to their farming and related matters. I note that Senator Doherty activities. They had already selected suitable will raise this matter on the Adjournment today. locations for the construction of these turbines. I Some of those who have spoken on this issue was amazed to discover this morning that a group were Government Members, including Senators of ten of those farmers are, almost a decade later Cannon and O´ Domhnaill. Members on this side and with the full approval of their local com- of the House have described similar problems in munity, still seeking approval to build a medium- schools throughout the State. The responses we scale wind site. This makes no sense. Moreover, receive to these queries are exactly the same in it is not good enough that they are being offered all cases, being merely a restatement of what the only 5 cent per unit of electricity generated. I call school authorities already know. The entire pro- for a debate on this issue to discover the reasons cess is a model of procrastination. It seems a for the delay in this case. structure has been established to prevent us obtaining information on where schools stand on Senator Dominic Hannigan: In the coming St. the priority list. That is not good enough. Patrick’s Day and Easter period, Dublin Airport This issue should be dealt with by the Commit- can expect its highest level of traffic so far this tee of Public Accounts and the Comptroller and year. More than 300,000 passengers are expected Auditor General. I call for a value for money to pass through the airport in this period. This is audit not of the money being spent but of the good news for the airport and a welcome boost process that schools must go through in dealing to its profits. However, I was concerned to learn with the Department when they seek an exten- earlier this week that the Commission for sion, additional classroom or new school.
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