Index of Moneyers Represented in the Catalogue

Index of Moneyers Represented in the Catalogue

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26016-9 — Medieval European Coinage Edited by Rory Naismith Index More Information INDEX OF MONEYERS REPRESENTED IN THE CATALOGUE Ordinary type indicates pages, bold type catalogue entries. Abba (Chester) 1474 , (Mercia) 1300 Ælfwine (Bristol) 1984 , (Cambridge) 1820 , (Chester) Abenel 2355 , 2456 , 2487 1479 , (Chichester) 2291 , 2322 , (Cricklade) 2110 , Aculf (east midlands) 1667 (Huntingdon) 2138 , (London) 1937 , 1966 , 2140 , Adalaver (east midlands) 1668 – 9 (Maldon) 1855 – 6 , (Thetford) 2268 , (Wilton) 2125 , 2160 , Adalbert 2457 – 9 , (east midlands) 1305 – 6 2179 Ade (Cambridge) 1947 , 1986 Æscman (east midlands) 1606 , 1670 , (Stamford) 1766 Adma (Cambridge) 1987 Æscwulf (York) 1697 Adrad 2460 Æthe… (London) 1125 Æ… (Chester) 1996 Æthel… (Winchester) 1922 Ælf erth 1511 , 1581 Æthelferth 1560 , (Bath) 1714 , (Canterbury) 1451 , (Norwich) Ælfgar (London) 1842 2051 , (York) 1487 , 2605 ; 303 Ælfgeat (London) 1843 Æthelgar 1643 , (Winchester) 1921 Ælfheah (Stamford) 2103 Æthelhelm (East Anglia) 940 , (Northumbria) 833 , 880 – 6 Ælfhere (Canterbury) 1228 – 9 Æthelhere (Rochester) 1215 Ælfhun (London) 1069 Æthellaf (London) 1126 , 1449 , 1460 Ælfmær (Oxford) 1913 Æthelmær (Lincoln) 2003 Ælfnoth (London) 1755 , 1809 , 1844 Æthelmod (Canterbury) 955 Ælfræd (east midlands) 1556 , 1660 , (London) 2119 , (Mercia/ Æthelnoth 1561 – 2 , (Canterbury) 1211 , (east midlands) 1445 , Wessex) 1416 , ( niweport ) (Lincoln) 1898 , 1962 Ælfric (Barnstaple) 2206 , (Cambridge) 1816 – 19 , 1875 – 7 , Æthelræd 90 – 1 , 1647 , 2488 , (Canterbury) 988 , 1234 , (East (Chichester) 2064 , (Exeter) 2137 , 2245 , (Hereford) 2254 , Anglia) 1025 , (London) 1716 , 1845 , (Mercia/Wessex) (Huntingdon) 1839 , (London) 1901 , (Norwich) 1912 , 1418 , (Wessex) 1288 (Southwark) 1859 Æthelric (Gloucester) 2077 , (Leicester) 2218 , (Oxford) 2010 , Ælfsige (Chester) 1733 , 2063 , 2320 , (Thetford) 2151 , 2094 (Winchester) 1728 , 1767 , 1920 Æthelsige 1507 , (Wessex) 1301 Ælfstan (Bedford) 1786 , (Bristol) 2169 – 70 , (Chester) 1933 , Æthelstan (Bristol) 2169 – 70 , (southwest) 1739 , (York) 2126 1956 , (Exeter) 1836 – 7 , (Mercia/Wessex) 1417 , 1646 , Æthelstan Loc (Winchester) 2054 (Totnes) 1860 , 1916 , (York) 2126 Æthelweald (London) 1009 , 1717 Ælfweald 1512 , (Mercia/Wessex) 1527 , (Norwich) 2069 , Æthelweard 1470 , (east midlands) 1607 , (London) 1938 , (Wilton) 2198 , 2270 , 2326 , 2349 (Northumbria) 872 – 4 , 887 Ælfweard (London) 2297 , (Wilton) 2271 Æthelwig (London) 2193 Ælfwig (Cambridge) 1948 – 9 , 1988 , 2060 , 2073 – 4 , 2161 , 2171 , Æthelwine (Bristol) 1985 , 2097 , (east midlands) 1668 , 2185 – 6 , 2208 , (Hereford) 2255 , (London) 1965 , 2139 , 1671 , (Mercia/Wessex) 1419 , 1506 , 1528 , 2176 , 2193 (Oxford) 1722 875 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26016-9 — Medieval European Coinage Edited by Rory Naismith Index More Information 876 Index of moneyers Æthelwulf 1261 , (East Anglia) 943 , (London) 1098 , 1108 – 11 , Beornhere (Mercia/Wessex) 1424 1127 , 1756 , (Mercia) 1405 , (Mercia/Wessex) 1420 , Beornmod (Canterbury) 1183 , 1226 (Wessex) 1290 , (Winchester) 1275 – 6 , 1465 ; 171 Beornnoth (Rochester) 1206 Afra (Derby) 1510 Beornræd 2357 Agtard 1619 – 20 Beornsige (Winchester) 1862 – 3 Aldates (Northumbria) 698 Beornweald (London) 1089 – 91 , (south-east midlands) 1287 , Amelinc (east midlands) 1542 (Wessex) 1291 , 1295 Amundr 1513 , 1549 , (Staf ord) 1749 Beornwig 1415 Anderboda (Winchester) 2272 , 2351 Beo…wulf (London?) 1086 Andreas (east midlands) 1672 (cf. Ondres) Bere… 2484 Ansigar 2461 – 2 , 2490 – 2 Berol (east midlands) 1438 Are (east midlands) 1543 , (Lincoln) 1605 Bese 1583 Arngrimr (York) 2084 , 2157 , 2167 – 8 , 2180 Bioca (Mercia/Wessex) 1425 , (Wessex) 1302 Arnketill (York) 2310 , 2329 – 30 Blaceman (Dorchester/Guildford) 2233 Asgautr (Cambridge) 2039 , 2086 , (York) 1980 Boe (Bedford) 1551 Ásketill (Cambridge) 1822 , (London) 1810 Boga 1564 , 1648 , (Canterbury) 1790 , (Derby) 1457 , 1710 , Asleikr (Lincoln) 2043 ; 248 (York) 1741 Atlee (York) 1807 Bogalet (Chester) 1475 Authgrimr (Lincoln) 1936 , 2221 , (York) 2016 , 2275 , 2311 , Boia (Wilton) 1726 2331 Bosa (East Anglia/east midlands) 1552 Auti (Lincoln) 2222 Bosel (Canterbury) 1184 Brandr (Wallingford) 2227 , 2269 Babba (Canterbury) 956 , 1004 , 1035 – 6 Brece (Mercia) 1395 Baciager (east midlands) 1544 Bricstan (Malmesbury) 2008 Badda (east midlands) 1307 – 23 Brid 1092 , (Hastings) 2087 , 2162 – 3 , 2214 , 2249 Bado 2493 Brother (Northumbria) 699 – 701 , 727 – 30 , 808 Baldric 1563 , 1629 , (Bedford) 1773 , (east midlands) 1446 , Bruning (Chester) 2321 , (Nottingham) 2009 1734 , (Northampton) 1639 , 1720 Brunman (Ipswich) 2293 , (Southwark) 2102 Beagmund (Canterbury) 1217 , (Rochester) 1190 – 1 , 1195 – 7 , Brunstan (London) 1939 , (Thetford) 2082 – 3 , (Winchester) 1202 1976 Beagstan (London) 1128 – 32 Bruntat (Lincoln) 1963 Bealdhere 2371 Brunwine (Wallingford) 2197 Bealdwine (Bedford) 1635 Burdel (Norwich) 1484 Belci (east midlands) 1437 Burhhelm (Mercia/Wessex) 1426 , 1489 Benethiht (east midlands) 1673 – 4 Burhræd (London) 2141 Beolan (York) 1780 Burhwine (Wallingford) 2307 Beorht… (Wallingford) 2124 Beorhtferth (east midlands) 1675 Capelin/Cawelin (east midlands) 1676 Beorhtlaf (London) 1902 – 3 Carthen (east midlands) 1677 Beorhtmær (London) 2046 , (Rochester) 1869 , (Wallingford) Centwine (Wilton) 2332 2306 , (Winchester) 1873 Ceolbald (Northumbria) 654 Beorhtræd (London) 2047 , 2120 Ceolbeorht (Mercia/Wessex) 1529 Beorhtric (Cambridge) 2334 , (Wallingford) 1723 , Ceolheard (London) 1041 , 1070 , 1078 (Winchester) 1975 Ceolnoth (Cissbury) 1958 , (London) 1846 Beorhtsige (London) 1811 Ceolwulf (London) 1112 Beorhtstan (Hereford) 1895 Cild (Bedwyn) 2207 , 2278 ; 239 Beorhtweald (Oxford) 2323 Clac (East Anglia/east midlands) 1553 Beorhtwig (Malmesbury) 2299 , 2345 Clip (Wessex) 1396 , 1448 Beorhtwine (London) 2165 , 2264 Cniht (Cambridge) 1924 , 1989 – 90 Beorhtwulf 1582 Coenræd (London) 1099 , 1113 – 14 , 1124 , 1137 , Beorn 2483 (Northumbria) 809 , 900 – 13 Beornferth (East Anglia) 944 , 949 – 50 Cristin (Mercia/Wessex) 1530 , 1584 Beorngar (Mercia/Wessex) 1422 Crucan (York) 2056 , 2071 Beornheah (Canterbury) 1230 , (East Anglia) 953 , (London) Cuthbeorht (Mercia) 1268 – 70 , (Northumbria) 810 1133 – 6 Cuthgisl (Northumbria) 655 ; 118 , 119 Beornheard (Derby) 1456 , (Mercia/Wessex) 1423 , (York) 2608 Cuthheard (Northumbria) 656 , 659 ; 118 , 119 , 121 Beornhelm (Wessex) 1296 , (Winchester) 1277 Cynehelm (London) 1100 , 1138 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26016-9 — Medieval European Coinage Edited by Rory Naismith Index More Information Index of moneyers 877 Cynemund (Northumbria) 731 – 2 Eadwig (Dover) 2041 , (London) 1967 Cynesige (London) 1797 – 8 Eadwine (Cambridge) 1826 – 7 , 1878 – 84 , 2017 – 18 , (Dover) Cynestan (Dover) 2076 2042 , (London) 1968 , 2298 , 2342 , (Northumbria) 670 – 7 , Cynewulf (Northumbria) 660 – 5 , 875 (Oxford) 1724 Eadwulf 1471 , (London) 1147 , (Northampton) 1640 , 1720 , Dægbeorht (Northumbria) 666 – 9 , 1218 (Northumbria) 876 – 9 Dægheah (Canterbury) 1199 Ealdgar (London) 1941 Dægmund 2463 – 6 Ealdræd (Malmesbury) 1857 Dealla (Canterbury) 1054 Ealdwine (Malmesbury) 2223 Deneheah (London) 1093 Ealhhere (Canterbury) 1237 , (Northumbria) 724 – 6 , 811 – 12 Deora 1282 , (Canterbury) 1192 Ealhmund (London) 1014 – 17 Deorhelm (Canterbury) 1235 Ealhstan (Rochester) 1081 – 2 , (Wessex) 1397 Deorman (Steyning) 2265 – 7 , 2302 – 3 Eama (London) 1049 Deormod (Canterbury) 964 – 5 , 1185 Ean … (London) 1094 Deorweald (Canterbury) 1262 – 4 , 1266 , (Wessex) 1292 – 3 Eanmund (London) 1071 Deorwine (Thetford) 1945 Eanræd (London) 1097 , (Northumbria) 733 – 53 Deorwulf (Canterbury) 1236 , (London) 1101 , 1115 , 1139 Eanweald (Wessex) 1174 Diga (London) 1140 – 2 Eanwulf (east midlands) 1678 – 9 , (Rochester) 1083 , Dilion (Hereford) 1896 (Northumbria) 834 – 5 Diola (London) 1037 , 1042 Eardwulf (Northumbria) 821 – 31 , 921 , (Staf ord) 1477 – 8 ; 121 Doda (east midlands) 1324 Earnwulf (Mercia/Wessex) 1429 Domenc 1565 , 1621 , (east midlands) 1325 , 1545 Ecbald (East Anglia) 1028 Dryhtweald (Mercia/Wessex) 1427 Ecgbeorht (Mercia/Wessex) 1430 Dud (London) 1010 – 12 ; 378 Ecghun (East Anglia) 1029 Duda 1249 , (Canterbury) 957 , 960 – 1 , 1043 , 1832 , (London) Efe (East Anglia) 928 ; 137 1116 Efeireos (Mercia/Wessex) 1532 Dudda (Canterbury) 1224 – 5 , 1231 , (East Anglia) 941 – 2 , 945 , Eicmund (Canterbury) 993 ; 198 (London) 1103 , 1143 Elda 2358 – 9 , 2375 – 9 Dudecil (London) 1103 – 4 , 1117 , 1170 Engelberd (Mercia/Wessex) 1533 Dudel (Exeter) 1934 Eoba (Canterbury) 999 – 1000 , 1005 – 6 , 1044 – 6 , 1171 – 2 ; 138 Dudeman 1566 Eoferheard (Mercia) 1750 Dudig 1567 , (Mercia) 1271 , 1285 Eofermund 1649 , (Mercia) 1399 – 1400 , 1617 , (Shrewsbury) Duding (Huntingdon) 1754 , (London) 1246 1462 Dudwine (Canterbury) 1220 , (London) 1144 – 6 Eoferwulf (Tamworth) 1711 Dunn (Rochester) 1073 , 1181 , 1203 – 4 Eorlwine (Bath) 2277 Dunning (Hastings) 2190 – 1 , 2215 , 2250 – 2 Eoroth 1746 Dunstan (Exeter) 1891 – 3 Eretcod (London) 1072 Durand (York) 1740 Eroth (Mercia/Wessex) 1534 Estmær (Worcester) 2274 Eadgar (Canterbury) 973 , (East Anglia) 1075 , 1084 , 1087 Etram (or Martin?) (York) 1494D Eadhelm (London) 1799 Eadhun (London) 1013 Fargrimr (York) 2031 – 2 Eadmær (Exeter) 2091 – 2 Farman (Dublin) 2615 – 18 , 2622 – 3 , (east midlands) Eadmund (Cambridge) 1823 , (Canterbury)

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