000158 ‘金 Bull. Malacol. R.O. C. l!輝在啟事設 13 : 43 … 49 (1 987) ANATOMY OF HEMIPHAEDUSA SIMILARIS (H. ADAMS) AND H PSEUDOSHERIDANI (ZILC頁) FROM SOUTHERN T AIW AN (PULMONAτA:CLAUSILIIDAE) Kuan.min Chang Oral Surgery , College of Medicine , National Taiwan University 關鍵詢:眼見綱一;燼管蝸牛科,解話,蝸牛。 Key words: Gastropod 益a-Clausiliìda皂, Anatomy , Lands泊在i l. Hemíphaedusa simílaris w在S origina1ly tweleve specimens of var. ventríosa are co1- described by H. Ada訟 s (1 8級) with the speci­ lected from Ken-ting, Pingtung county, south mens from severallocalíti 的 of southern Taiwan. cape of Taiwan. The snails were immersed in Other species from K在ngkou , Manchou district, boiling water a few seconds and were separated south c墨pe of Taiwan which are smaller, vio1et. their soft parts from shel1s in water.τhey were brownish, general1y convexed sheU with dis幽 dissected in F AA solution under a dissecting continued apertura1 margin are reported as var. mlcroscope. ventriosa and another species from mountain­ ous area of Kaohsiung county which are more E造船ult large , pale colored, cl在vate formed shell with most inflated penultimate who泣, funnel 趴在ped H similaris widened apertural margin are reported 在 s var. (Plate 1) clava by Schmacker 是nd Böttger (1891). In 1955, Kur。這在路星星的ted that the dwarf type of SheU: Hemiphaedusa similaris var. ventriosa m 在y be a Medium in si肘, solidy, fusiform , pale synonym of H. pseudosheridani (Kuroda 1955). brownish with oblique striation on surface. Hence it may be sti1l question that al1 of these Apex obtuse. Succeeding whoris increased in species from southern Taiwan are identified as diameter reachin惡 2.9 mm at the fourth whorl similaris in spite of their various size and shel1 which is about 59% of th忠誠e l1 width. Whorls feature. Further studies of various similaris 9 in number. 昆在ch whorl convex with rather species (include holotype group) on their soft deep suture. Base of last whorl roundy. Aper­ anima1s is requested. But so far no 汶口dy has ture subvertical, pyriform with duplic 在 te aper­ been done on their anatomy except the chro­ tura1 lips. Aperture margin whitish, thickened, mosome by Burch (1965) and Lo & Ch是ng expanded 在 nd reflected. Superior lame l1a (1 975). The reproductive system and radula obliq間, marginal and connected with spiral of Hem伊haedusa similaris and it8 variation lamella. Inferior lamella flat , deeply situated ventriosa were reported here for the first t泊流. interiorward, Subcolumel1ar lamella emerged to apertural margin and extended distinct1y to 規 aterials and Methods outward. Principal plica lon惡﹒ Upper pa1at a1 p1ica short, 10wer palata1 p1ica indistinguishab1e Thirteen specimens of H. similaris and from outside. Lune l1a straight, extended dis- 44 Kuan-mÎn Chan囂 tinct1y below upper palatal plica, thus forming idy, purplísh.brown to li在ht brown in color "J" shaped mark (如今 lA). shell. Whorl 8-9 in number, each whorl Clausilium long tongue shaped, 2.4 mm weakly convex with shallow suture. Upper part long, 0.9 mm wide with parallel margìns. Apex of apire elongately conic with obtuse apex. of clausìlium roundy with thickened callu.s but Succeedin露 whorls increased in diameter reach­ neither nodule nor notch fOIτnation. Deep ing 1.9 mm at the fourth whorl which is about notch existed at the proximal end of the margin 60% of the shell width. Penultimate whorl of columellar side (Fig. 2A, Table 1). largest in diameter. Shell surface is sculptured with fine irregular oblique st 泌的 Aperture Reproductive system: subvertical, lon皂 pear shape. Peri鈍。me whitish, Penial sheath was moderately long and well not widely reflected but funnel shaped with developed. Because of the constriction at the sharp margin, marginally, only in two speci. junction, the epìphallus is conspicuous. lts mens of them peristome discontinued at wall is more whitish and thickened 風 Penial superior of aperture. Four specimens of them retractor attached to the posterior part of have duplicated peristome. Superior lamella epiphallus. Vas deferens separated from sperm­ raised 泌的?妙, connected inwardly with spiral oviduct at 3 mm 盈nterior from the end of lamel1a. Inferior lamella weak, seated deeply. prostate gland. lt was a long slender duct , Subcolumellar lamellar emerged weakly on attached loosely to vagina and held closely to peristome. Principal p1ica lon各 Lunella arcu. anterior end of penial sheath by a fibrous ated weakly to medial, unitin草 superiorly with tissue. Vagina was short and large in diameter. the short upper palatal plica, thus forme 丘 or Oviduct was longer than vagina but slender. markin惡 of “J" on the 益nterior-lateral of last Stalk of spermatheca is same as oviduct in whorl. Lower palatal plica vestigial (民車. lB). length an位 diameter , branched out more Clausilium tongue shaped ,直rcu孟ted strong勵 thickened diverticulum. Spermethecal duct was ly to posteri肘, 1.6 mm lon草, 0.8 mm wide with equal to its stalk in length but rather slender. paralleled margi肘 Apex of clausilium nar­ Spermatheca was long oval-shape 在nd slight rowed with thickened callu 丸 nodule and notch reddish in color. The length of diverticulum formation. Deep notch also existed 在 t the was longer than the combined len在ths of sp缸" proximal end of the margin of columellar side matherca an這 spermathecal duct (Fig. 3人 (Fig. 2B, T在ble 1). Table 2). Reproductive system: Radula: Penial sheath well developed. Epiphal1us Radula ribbon was 1.5 mm long, 0.6 mm more whitish 孟nd same or smaller in diameter wide, carrying 79 rows of teeth. The radular than pe紛紛 sheath but its borderline is in­ formula. is 23+C+23. Lateral teeth transformed conspicuous. Penial retr 盈ctorslender , attached into more oblique and more long c耶pid st在此, to the posterior one third of epiphallus. Vas ing from the 8th tooth (Fig. 4A). deferens separated from spermoviduct at an­ terior end of prostate gland. It is 10玲, slender H. pseudosheridani and attached 100紛 ly to vagin盈 but tíghtly to (Plate 1) anterior end of the penial sheath. Vagina lon盔, lar皇e in diameter. Oviduct shorter and slender Shell: th如 vagina. Spennathecal stalk relatively long, Small siz 皂, spindle to clav益 te shaped, sol- slender. Spermathecal duct also slender. A結atomy of Hem 如haedusa simílaris and H. pseudosheridani 45 Spermatheca long oval in shape , more whitish. formation and reproductive system which had Length of diverticulum was same as the com 勵 lon孟er vagi訓, longer spermathecal stalk 訟d bined lengths of spermatheca and spermath齡在l diverticulun that ís same length as the com­ duc t.了wo ovas are found at spermoviduct bined len草ths of spermatheca and spermathec誰 i without e訟bryo(刊g. 3B, Table 2). duct. Hence var. ventriosa 益。uld be the unique species “紅 pseudosheridani" . R.adula: R在dula ribbon was carrying 76 rows of Acknowledgement teeth. The radular formula is 17+C+ 17. Lateral teeth transformed into more ob1ique and lon孟 cuspid startin墨 from the 7th tooth (Fìg. 4B). 1 am grateful to 仙. Wen-chun萃的lang for presenting of specimens and Prof. T. Hab 日, M r. Remarks K. Mae 血, Mr. M. Kaw 在na for providing various One kìnd of sma\l clausiliid snail from references and suggestions for this study. southern Taiwan which was identified as Hemiphaedusa sheridani by Schmacker and References 日創 tger (1 891) was corrected as Hemiphaedusa pseudosheridani by the same authors later but without descrìption. Other while among the Ad在 ms , H. 1866. ,。“ cription of fifteen new clausilíids from southern Taiwan, Kuroda 勻的 ies of land and fresh water shells from (l941) identified míddle sized 0 bese one Formo泊, collected by Robert Swinhoe. as Hem學haedusa similaris (日. Adams) 在nd Es午, Consul at Taiwan in that island. smaller, slender one as Hemiphaedusa sheridani Proc. Zoo. Soc. London p. 316. (Pfeiffer). For the latter one Zilch (1 954) Burch, J. B. 196 丘, Chromosome number and firstly described as Euphaedusa pseudosheri­ systematics in euthyneuran snails. Proc. dani. Afterward Pseudosheridani was placed 1st. Europe. Malacol. Congr. 1962. 215 … under tÍle genus Hemiphaedusa by Kuroda 241. (1 955). Sìmultaneously Kuroda sug酷的ted that Kuroda, T. 194 卜, A catalogue of molluscan the dwarf type of Hemiphaedusa similaris shells , from τaiwan (Formos吵 with des­ ventriosa is 在 synonym of H. pseudosheridani. cription of new species. Mem. Fac. Sci. The specimens presented here were consi泣ered Agr., Taihoku.lmp. Univ. , 22:65-216. 的 Hem伊haedusa pseudosheridani (Zilch) by Kuroda, T. 1955. About “Zi1ch, A. Die Typen a presence of a sma\l obese spìndle shaped she\l, und Typoide des Nàturmuseums Sencken­ sha\low suture, "J" shaped palatal armature, berg. 12: Mollusca, Clausiliidae (1): Ph餘, deeply seated, weak inferíor lamella and nar- dusína皂, Neninae. Archiv 舟r Mollusken. row, funnel sh在ped peristome. kunde... Bd. 83, Nr. .13:1… 63, pls, 1-4 Presented tweleve specimens, $0 called as (1 5. Apr. 1954). Venus , 18(4):3 1O. the dwarf type of H. similaris ventriosa allied Lo , C. T. & Chang, K. M 罵 1975. , Chromosom 居 to 挂 nother presented specìes; 丘 similaris in numbers of some c1ausiliid snails from shape, color of the shell and palatal armature. Taiw 在工1. Bull. Chín. Malacol. Soc. 2:95- But differed from the latter not only in shell 101 size , also in shell characters such 在 s finer Schm 在 ck缸, V. B. & Bδttger , O. 189 1.、 Neue oblique striae of the surface, rather sharpened M在 teriallen zur charakteristik und geogra­ clausí1ium apex with callus nodule, notch phischen Verbreitun惡 chinesischer und 46 Kuan耐minChang japanischer Binnenmollllsken Il. Natur. Bl. Natllr-mllsellm Senckenberg. 12: Mollllsca, Malakozoo. Gesell. 話 :171-173. Clausiliidae
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