Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 27 27(1), (1), 2017: 2017 34-49 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v27i1.6674 ETHICAL POLITIC AND EMERGENCE OF INTELLECTUAL CLASS Anzar Abdullah Department of History Education the Faculty of Education University of Pejuang of the Republic of Indonesia (UPRI) Makassar. ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This study aimed to examine and analyze the Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan relationship between the ethical and the birth menganalisis hubungan antara etika dan ke- of the educated classes in the Dutch East In- lahiran dari kelas terdidik di Hindia Belanda dies (Indonesia) in the colonial period. The (Indonesia) pada masa kolonial. Penelitian research is qualitative by using methods and kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode dan approach to historical analysis. The methods pendekatan untuk analisis sejarah. Metode and approach to historical analysis combined dan pendekatan analisis historis dikombinasi- with interactive methods, interdisciplinary and kan dengan metode interaktif, interdisipliner inter-textual to gain an understanding of the dan intertekstual untuk memperoleh pema- diverse impulses and interactions that contrib- haman tentang impuls beragam dan interaksi uted to the birth of the educated classes in the yang berkontribusi terhadap lahirnya kelas Indian Dutch the colonial period. The results terdidik di Belanda India masa kolonial. Hasil showed that the policy of "ethical policy" in penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan the liberal period in the Dutch East Indies "politik etis" pada periode liberal di Hindia (Indonesia) have an impact on the formation Belanda (Indonesia) berdampak pada pemben- of the educated native Indonesia. Through tukan asli Indonesia yang berpendidikan. Me- this policy the bumiputera can find the mo- lalui kebijakan ini bumiputera dapat mentum to get an education in the West. The menemukan momentum untuk mendapatkan intellectuals who were born from these intel- pendidikan di Barat. Para intelektual yang lectuals have paved the way for poles crucial lahir dari para intelektual ini telah membuka as a public educator. This means that they jalan bagi kutub penting sebagai pendidik have to wake Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) masyarakat. Ini berarti bahwa mereka harus from a long hibernation during this time. The bangun Hindia Belanda (Indonesia) dari tidur presence of intellectuals in public spaces con- panjangnya selama ini. Kehadiran intelektual tribute to the growth of national conscious- di ruang publik memberikan kontribusi pada ness, which in turn form the collective con- pertumbuhan kesadaran nasional, yang pada sciousness as a nation-state. gilirannya membentuk kesadaran kolektif se- bagai sebuah negara-bangsa. Keywords: ethical politics, the educated clas- ses, the Dutch Colonial Period. Kata kunci: politik etis, kelas terdidik, Periode Kolonial Belanda. Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 34 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(1), 2017 INTRODUCTION mentum to change the course of the Act The origin of the birth of the educated basic ( grondwetsherziening ) Holland of con- class educated in the Dutch East Indies servatism towards liberalism. With the (Indonesia) almost the same as the birth of Constitution of 1848, the Netherlands the intelligentsia in Eastern European turned into a monarchy constitutional countries, such as Russia and Poland. State, and the Queen be accountable to Although condition Eastern Europe in the Parliament. Consequently in the field of 19th century are historically different from education, constitution1848 guarantees the situation in the country Indies. Never- free education for every people in the theless, there is very fundamental simi- Netherlands, which of course has influ- larity of a generation of educated and in- ence be a new attitude toward the prob- fluenced by ideas he absorbed Western lems of education in the Dutch East Indies knowledge behind it (Gella, 1976: 9-32). (Indonesia) as the land of the colony In addition, the promotion of education in (Simbolon, 1995: 126-27). In this context, the Western model of the colonial govern- the aspirations of liberals about free enter- ment has created a hierarchy of prise, freedom of work, and private prop- knowledge and values as a second class of erty, attempts to gain control over the co- the colonial society and culture in the lonial profits, means urging the colonial Dutch East Indies (Said, 1989: 205-25). government to protect private capital in Educated class in the Dutch East Indies order to get the land, labor, and the oppor- (Indonesia) is a minority of modern elite tunity to run the new plantation. The that has the ability to assume leadership transition to a liberal economy is in fact responsibilities in society, politics and bu- requires not only institutional reforms, but reaucracy. The term was the "elite" is used also support infrastructure, including im- for the educated class of Indonesia that provements to service bureaucracy, which highly influential form many institutional in turn demanded the improvement of the structure or activities in fighting for the education sector in the country the Dutch rights of colonized populations. East Indies (Indonesia). When Christian In modern society, the structure in- Party came to power because of its posi- clude politics, government, economy, so- tion as the fighters moral responsibility, cial and culture. In this context Indone- then the spirit was also Queen Wilhelmina sian intelligentsia as a social stratum to in his annual message delivered in 1901 describe the social formations of the intel- argued about the "debt of honor" and ethi- ligentsia after the 1920s. This is part of cal accountability to the people of the the historical dynamics Indonesia which Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia). The continues today (Halevy, 1985: 15). new orientation in the colonial treatment Meanwhile, the social formation of the of the Indian people became known as modern educated elite in Indonesia is sim- "Ethical politic" (Van Niel, 1970: 32). ilar to the process of formation of the in- According to the leader of the Ethi- telligentsia in the Eastern European con- cal Policy, Th. Van Deventer, the grow- text, which is strongly influenced its ing prosperity of the natives is difficult to framework Theoretic literature of Western achieve in the absence of indigenous peo- Europe. Education is not only as a source ple are trained to be able to execute his of cultural legitimacy of the intelligentsia, duties. He expects the country's rebirth but also as an arena battle of power Indies which would be achieved through (power). education per goodness. Likewise, the Resurrected by a tidal wave of liber- other ethical, as Abendanon, who think al movements and democratic revolution education is a binder of friendship and in Europe around the 1840s (Stromberg, trust that can unite all people who step on 1968: 72-78), the liberal wing in the Neth- the road to progress. In this idealistic erlands, led by the late Rudolf Thorbecke view, education is intended as a means to J to quickly respond to the political mo- improve the welfare of the Natives within 35 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(1), 2017 the framework of Western civilization lation. The government as a mediator in (Niel, 1970). the process of learning as an integral part of the patronage of faith. This is a picture RESEARCH METHODS of the education situation in the Indies In examining the issue of ethical politics (Indonesia) prior to the introduction of in relation to the birth of the intelligentsia modern Western model of education in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) in the sponsored by the Dutch colonial govern- colonial period, the research methods ment. Previous Islam has a strong influ- used qualitative using historical analysis ence, so that the children of the nobility of approach based on the time frame (longue the Muslim traders and religiously devout durée). The methods and approach to his- family delivered to the Islamic schools of torical analysis combined with interdisci- traditional, such as boarding schools, su- plinary and inter-textual methods, to gain rau, meunasah, Islamic boarding school, an understanding of the various facts that or to the center of Islamic learning in the can contribute to the birth of the educated Middle East. classes in the Dutch East Indies Authorities VOC (Dutch trading (Indonesia) in the colonial period. The partners in the East Indies (Indonesia), trick is to with examine and analyze writ- which holds control over parts of the In- ten documents either in the form of books, dies for nearly 200 years (1602-1800) has articles, and scientific journals related to no interest to interfere in the issue of reli- the research topic. Whether it comes from gious education and the indigenous popu- a script written by the historian Indonesia lation, except in terms of support to the and the Netherlands, and even some of Christian missionary schools. with the fall the records relating to the issues discussed. of the VOC in 1799 (Latif, 2012: 95) he- gemony over the East Indies (Indonesia) RESULT AND DISCUSSION submitted by private companies to the co- Western Model of Education in Indone- lonial empire colonial state. Under the sia Colonial Period new regime, most of the Indonesian archi- The presence and absence of certain forms pelago integrated gradually transforming of education in a society provide not only power centers that are dispersed into a for class differences and principle funda- colonial unitary State. Nevertheless, until mentals of the establishment of social or- the mid-19th century, the Dutch colonial der, but also a catalyst for the power strug- government still education that reflects the gle on a competitive basis. Conception of indigenous population, and refrain from education as a force field of power rela- excessive interference against religious tions are full of fight shown by both the affairs indigenous population. educational situation during Dutch coloni- Economic interests and a desire to al rule in Indonesia.
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