Municipality of Morin Heights PROVINCE OF QUEBEC ARGENTEUIL COUNTY MRC DES PAYS D’EN-HAUT MINUTES In case of discrepancy, the French version prevails over the English translation. Of the Municipal council of Morin-Heights, held at the Community Room, 567, Village, on Wednesday, June 13th, 2007 at which were present Councillors Mona Wood, Rita O’Donoughue, Gilles Coutu, Claude Lemire, Owen LeGallee and Timothy Watchorn forming quorum under the chairmanship of Mayor Michel Plante. The Director General, Yves Desmarais, is present. At 19h30 p.m., Mayor Michel Plante states quorum and after a moment of silence, Council deliberates on the following dossiers. 134.06.07 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA It is proposed by Councillor Rita O’Donoughue And unanimously resolved: That Council adopts the agenda as presented by the Director General. 1 Opening of the meeting held at the community room located at 567, Village 2 Adoption of the agenda 3 ADMINISTRATION 3 1 Approval of the minutes 3 2 Finance 3 2 1 Expense statement 3 2 2 Statement of revenues and expenses to May 31st, 2007 3 3 Correspondence 3 3 1 Jules Beauregard : (15, du Lièvre) & municipality’s answer 3 3 2 Stéphane Patry (26, Mountain View) & municipality’s answer 3 3 3 Caroline Ouellette, Sébastien Baril (26, Bois du Ruisseau) & municipality’s answer 3 3 4 Jean Lapointe (1066, Village) & municipality’s answer 3 3 5 MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut : public notices 3 3 6 Fondation médicale des Laurentides : monthly report 3 3 7 Loisirs Laurentides : 2007 mini games 3 3 8 Fondation Sir Wilfrid Laurier : request for contribution 3 3 9 Lac Bouchette property owners Association : news from Lac Bouchette 3 3 10 Conseil de la culture des Laurentides : 2007 Laurentians culture grand prix 3 3 11 Claudette Forest : 164, Augusta & municipality’s answer 3 3 12 MMQ : 206 annual report 3 3 13 Jean Charest, prime minister : address 3 3 14 Claude Cousineau, representative for Bertrand : acknowledgement of receipt Municipality of Morin Heights 3 3 15 Toponymy committee : offer to cooperate 3 3 16 CLD des Pays d’en-Haut : annual report 3 3 17 Town of Saint-Sauveur : preliminary proposal for the new urbanism plan 3 3 18 Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-monts : thanks 3 3 19 Minister of natural ressources and fauna : cadastral renovation mandate 3 3 20 Labour minister’s office : acknowledgement of receipt 3 3 21 Jean-Marc Lefebvre : network program for the voluntary supervision of lakes 3 3 22 Mario Laframboise, representative for Argenteuil : support – Canada Day 3 3 23 Lise Thibault, Quebec lieutenant-governor : goodbye letter 3 3 24 Lac Bouchette property owners Association: notice of convening 3 3 25 Gilles Saulnier : Zoning by-law 3 4 Personnel 3 4 1 Hiring – temporary position – reception and collection clerk 3 5 Resolution 3 5 1 2007 Blood donor clinic 3 5 2 Refinancing– by-law 315 3 5 3 Banking services 3 6 Regulations 3 6 1 Adoption of by-law 424 – complementary tax 4 PUBLIC SAFETY 4 1 1 Monthly report from the Director 4 2 Personnel 4 2 1 Hiring – firefighter 4 3 Resolution 4 3 1 Procedures – calls 4 4 Regulations 4 4 1 5 PUBLIC WORKS 5 1 Monthly report from the Director 5 2 Personnel 5 2 1 5 3 Resolution 5 3 1 Grant – road work 5 3 2 Contract – By-law 423 5 3 3 Communication - Radios 5 3 4 Paving of roads project 5 3 5 Bourdon bridge 5 3 6 Municipalisation of roads in Phase VIII in Domaine Balmoral 5 3 7 5 4 Regulations 5 4 1 Presentation to Council of the Secretary-treasurer’s certificate for by-law 423 6 ENVIRONMENT 6 1 Monthly reports from the Director 6 2 Personnel 6 3 Resolution 6 3 1 Agreement with the MRC 6 3 2 Contract – By-laws 392 - 421 6 3 3 Commitment – MDDEP 6 3 4 Christieville dam- by-law 352 6 4 Regulations 6 4 1 Adoption By-law 425 – Residual matters Municipality of Morin Heights 6 4 2 7 URBANISM AND LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 7 1 Monthly report from the Director 7 2 Personnel 7 3 Resolution 7 4 Regulations 7 4 1 Adoption of by-law 415 – Planning program 7 4 2 Adoption of by-law 416 – Zoning 7 4 3 Adoption of by-law 417 - Subdivision 7 4 4 Adoption of by-law 418 – Building 7 4 5 Adoption of by-law 419 – Permits and certificates 7 4 6 Adoption of by-law 420 – Site planning and architectural integration programs 8 RECREATION AND CULTURE COMMUNITY SERVICES 8 1 1 Monthly reports from the Director 8 1 2 Highlights from the Family & Seniors Policy Committees 8 1 3 Monthly report from the councillor responsible for community affairs 8 3 Personnel 8 3 1 Hiring – 2007 day camp 8 3 2 Agreement – library coordinator 8 4 Resolution 8 4 1 Agreement –Garderie Val des Neiges 8 4 2 Mandate – volunteer committee 8 4 3 Agreement – tennis instructor 8 4 4 Day camp conduct and life code 8 5 Regulations 9 New business 10 Question period 11 End of the meeting 135.06.07 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Minutes of the regular meeting of May 9th, 2007 and of the consultation meeting of May 15th, 2007 were given to members of Council at the plenary committee meeting. Consequently, the Director General is exempt from reading them. It is proposed by Councillor Rita O’Donoughue And unanimously resolved: That Council adopts the minutes of the regular meeting of May 9th, 2007 and of the consultation meeting of May 15th, 2007. 136.06.07 EXPENSE STATEMENT The lists of accounts payable and accounts paid during the month of May 2007 and the list of authorized expenses during the month as per the delegation of competency, by-law 351 were given to Council members for study at the Plenary committee meeting. Council has studied the lists at the time of the Plenary committee meeting and: It is proposed by Councillor Claude P. Lemire Municipality of Morin Heights And unanimously resolved: Municipality of Morin Heights That Council approves the accounts as detailed on the lists presented. Paid in Total To be paid advance May 1st to 31st , 2007 Accounts to be $130,502.38 paid : Accounts paid $ 251,310.14 $ 251,310.14 in advance Total $ 381,812.52 purchases Incompressible $ 27,384.69 banking flows of previous month Total $ 409,197.21 expenses Net salaries $ 59,236.49 $ 59,236.49 GRAND $ 468,433.70 TOTAL The Mayor and the Director General are authorized to make the payments. STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES TO MAY 31, 2007 The Director General presents Council, who acknowledges receipt, of the statement of revenues and expenses to May 31st, 2007. CORRESPONDENCE The General reviews the correspondence for the month of May 2007. Council acknowledges receipt of the letters received at the time of the plenary committee, the Director General will take action if necessary. 137.06.07 HIRING – TEMPORARY POSITION – RECEPTION AND COLLECTION CLERK Considering the increase in workload in order to accommodate an employee who is progressively returning to work; Considering the credits are available in the budget; It is proposed by Councillor Claude P. Lemire And unanimously resolved: That Council authorize the hiring of Mrs. Brigitte Baillargeon to a temporary position of temporary tax collection clerk, five days/week, for a maximum period of fifteen weeks, as per the terms of the collective agreement. Municipality of Morin Heights 138.06.07 2007 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Considering the Municipality’s blood donor clinic will be held on August 6th, 2007; It is proposed by Councillor Rita O’Donoughue And unanimously resolved: That Council authorize the Director general to do whatever is necessary to carry out this event. 139.06.07 REFINANCING – BY-LAW 315 Considering the loan authorized by by-law 315 has expired and that consequently, the administration has invited the Caisse populaire Saint- Sauveur and the Financière Banque Nationale to present an offer for financing; Considering the Municipality has received an offer for financing at the fixed rate of 5,1% over the next five years from the Caisse populaire : It is proposed by Councillor Claude P. Lemire And unanimously resolved: That Council grant the contract for financing to the Caisse populaire de Saint- Sauveur for the financing of by-law 315 for the amount of $ 30,663 as follows: Date Capital payé Taux d’intérêt Solde 14 juin 2007 30 663,00 $ 14 juin 2008 2300,00 $ 5,1% 28 363,00 $ 14 juin 2009 2500,00 $ 5,1% 25 863,00 $ 14 juin 2010 2600,00 $ 5,1% 23 263,00 $ 14 juin 2011 2800,00 $ 5,1% 20 463,00 $ 14 juin 2012 2900,00 $ 5,1% 17 563,00 $ 14 juin 2012 17 563,00 $ Refinancement 17 563,00 $ That the Mayor and the Director general be authorized to sign the pertinent documents. 140.06.07 BANKING SERVICES Considering there is need to renew the agreement with the Caisse Populaire Saint-Sauveur-des-monts regarding banking services; Considering that Council must authorize the renewal of the credit margin for the next twelve months; It is proposed by Councillor Claude P. Lemire And unanimously resolved : That Council authorize the renewal of the banking services agreement and of the credit margin for the Municipality for an amount which could reach $ 500,000 with the Caisse Populaire Saint-Sauveur-des-monts. That the Director general be authorized to sign all required documents and to do the necessary in this dossier. Municipality of Morin Heights 141.06.07 ADOPTION OF BY-LAW 424 – COMPLEMENTARY TAX Council members renounce to the reading of By-law 424 and the Director general gives a summary.
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