VOLUME 58, NUMBEII I 53 liAL.L., J. P. W. D . J. H IIHV~Y & D . II. JIII<l.EN. In press. Uft: history of MATT HEW J. W. COCK. CABl Bioscience Switzerland ColydlUJ #!mwla, with a rt:\iewoHm"al and pupal balloon setae in the Riodinidae (Lepidoptera). Ann. Entomol Soc. A",,,r, Center, Rue des GrillO/IS 1, CH·2800 DeMmont, HIIRVEY. D. J. 1987. The higher clas,ification of the lliodioidae Switzerltmd; C1Mil: [email protected] JASON P. W. (Lepidoptera). I'h.D. Dissertation. Uni,-ersity of Texas, Austin. H ALL, DepartmentojSystC11Ultic Biology-Entomology, JII1.,v" EN. D. H. & W. H"L.LWIICItS. 2003. I'hilooopby. na\igation and use of a dynamic datalJast: (·ACG Caterpillars SHNP") for an NatiO/wt Museum of Natural fJiston), Smithsonian 11,­ ill'-entoryof the macrocaterpillar fauna. and its food plants and stitution, Washington, DC 20560-012 7, USA; elMii: pal'3!litoid,. of the Area de Cons.:TVa<!ion Guanacaste (ACG ). }wlljlw.m@fl mllh.lJi.elill ROrthwestenl Costa Rica (httpJljanzen.s.as.upenn.edu). MABBERLEY, D . J. 1987. The Plant Rook. Cambndgt: University Received/or pt<bilcation I IJuly 2003. rwired ~nd accepted 29 Odo­ Press, Cambridge. UK. 707 pp. ber 2003. WIL.J..IAMS. It O. 19JO. OJacaJes. Flom Tnn. Tob. 1(2);165---169. WORLD AGROFORESTRY CENTHE 2003. Agroforestry database (http:l",,"w.worJdagrolorestl)'CI:'n tlll.org). Journal u/ 'M I.qndopMris" Soci£ty 58( I ). 2004. s.:J--.M IMMAT URE STACES OF AMPHlDECTA REYNOLDSI (NYMPHALIDAE : SAlYRINAE) Additional key wom s, Il.amboo feeders, PronophiJinL Im lllllturt:! st age.~ of uutterA ies arc illC feasing ill im­ havior and development times for all stages, and head portance as sources of systematic characters, and often capsules and pupal casting were preserved (AVLF (.'QI­ give important cl ues 8.'i to the placcmcnt of species in lection). Taxonomic nomenclature follows Miller major groups (DeVries et al. 1985, Freitas et at 2()1}2). (1968) and Vilo ria (in p ress). The Satynnae genus Ampllideclo Butler, 1867 has been Descriptio n of enrly stngcs. Egg. Spherical; placed in the Pronophilini by Miller (1968), al though cream, without visible ridges or marks under the optic Vilo ria (2003, and in prt.>ss) removed the genus from this micros(.'(Jpc. Height l.0 mm, diameter 0.9 mm. Dura­ tribe without assigning it to any other group. The species tion: 5 days. in this genus differ from all other known Pmnophi lini in First insta r (Figs. 1,2). Head capsule light green morphology, habits and distributi on (Miller 1968, Viloria wilh a tnmsverse dark stripe in the front and a darker pers. (.'(JIll. ). with two species most common in Amw,.on­ area between the pai r of short scoli on vertex; five pairs ian lowlands, and a third species, A. reynoldsi Sharpe. of conspk"Uous pointed black setae (Fig. 2). Head cap­ 1890 (Fig. I), recorded from low to medium elevation sule \vidth 0.88 mm; head scoli 0. 12 mm. Body beige sites in the stales of Coi;\S, Malo Crosso, Mi nas Gerais, (light green after feeding), WI th short black setae; a Sao Paulo and Santa Catarina, and in the Distrito Fed­ pair of subdorsal while stripes and additionallongitu­ ent!, ill Bnl:li l. The habi tat of A. reynoldsi is ri parian for­ di nal red stripes (.'(J nspicuous 011 the last abdominal est (including the populations in the CeJTudo biome in segments; a pair of short caudal filaments on AIO. Goms, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Di:ltrito Fcdcml), Maximum lcngth 8.5 mm. Dumtion: 5 days. and dense rain forest (Sao Paulo and Santa Catarina). SCl'ond insta r. Head green with two long red di­ The present paper describes the early stages of verging seoli on vertex. Head capsule \vidth 1.16 mm; A. reynoldsi, (.'Qm paring them with those of other s(.'01i 1.4 mm. Body slender, light green with many lon­ known Pronophilini . gitudinal white stripes; caudal projections salmon. Study sites and m ethods. Adul ts of Amphidecta long, p..'Lrallel and fused. Maximum length 15 mm. Du­ reYrloklsi were studied in the field in two different lo­ ration: 4 days. cali ties in Sao Paulo State, SE Brazil: Montane forests T hird insta r. Head as in previous instar; width l.8 in Intervales Park, Sede (Capao Bonito, 900-11 00 m). mm, s(.'Qli 3.5 mm. Body slender. ligh t bluish green and in the riparian fores ts of Monte Mor (600-650 m). \vitll many longi tudinal white lines; caudal projections One fe rtile egg was expresse<1 from a very old wi ld salmon, long (similar to heHd scoli) paral lel and fused. caught female from Monte Mor 011 ]0 November 2002 Maximum length 25 mm. Duration: 6 days. (no additional eggs were fo und in the abdomen). The Fourth (last) instar (Fig. 1). Head green \vi th two lalva was reared in a plastic contai ner cleaned dai ly; IOllg divelging sl.;uli 011 vertex; tltese umwlt wi tll ulack fresh plant material was provided every two or three ti ps. Head capsule \vidth 2.67 mm; scoli 5.67 mm. days (following Frcitus l OCH). Data wcrc takcn on be- Body slender, light bluish green with many longitudi- 54 JOURN ... I. O F TEtE L EP I DOPTElIl~"S' SUCll"TY FIG. I I'arti"ll;fe ')"C]" of A"'l'ilidcct" n"J,,,,Jd~i, First inslar: ... dorsal; h , lalcraL Fourth (lastl inSlar: c, dorsal; d, lateral. Pupa: c , );<Ic ro- \·entral. (Figs. II-fl frolll .1]>t'C;tlWIlS collect, ~ ! at Monte Mor, S~O I'aulu,) ArlLllllllale: f, v"ntral; g, dorsal (Ca p~") Bonito, Sao Paulo). nal while lines; spirades as well marked white circles; those of Eteorla tisiphone (Boisdllval), a Pronophilini caudal projections light green with salmon ends, long, butterfl y fro m the mountains of SE Brazil (Freitas rmrallcl and fused. i\-iHx:imuJl) lenbrth 38 mill. Dunltion: 2002). These include the general shape of larva and 8 days. The prcpupal larva is en ti rely green. and sus· pupa, and the f<xxlplan t accepted by the laIVa (a b~lm­ pende(1 d1lring the night. boo), but not the shape of the major primary setae on PU(J:I (Fig. 1). Ehmgatt;d. smooth, with long the head capsul e (spatulate in £Ieollll). These external pointed ocular caps; light green with alar caps bordered macrosl.."Opic characters are also similar to tl,05e found with yellow. Total length 27 mm. Duration; 8 days. in most Andean Pronophilini (M. D. Ueredia unpub­ Foodplllnts. The foodplant in the field is unknown, lished data), and are divergent from those found in but the lmva e~lS il y Hcccptcd a bamboo (Merostachljs ) most Ncotropical Satyrinae, including the pronopbi­ from Campinas. The larva ate part of the egg chorion lines in the genus Pedaliodes Butler, and relatives after hatching, and was very active in all instars. In ( ~iil1 er 1886, Pelz 1997, Viloria per.;. COI11 . , and Ull­ resting position, the laIVa usually lay along a bamUoo published data from 3 specie~ ) . More descriptions of leaf with the head towards the leaf apex., becoming Satyri nae immatures, especially pronophilines, to­ relatively inconspicuous. The rarely encountered gether with extensive comparisons among adults of adults arc known from large bamboo thickets. where most Neotropical genera, arc needed to clarify the sys­ tlley are alllac(eu to IlaJl:ula uails. tcmatic positioll uf A1IIpilitfecta witlJili the Slityrilllle. Discussion. Baseu on general aspect and habits. I would like 10 Ih,,,,k Dr. K" ilh S. Brown Jr. for reading rhe mao· the immature s tag e~ of A. /"/jIjIIO/d",·j are very simila r to u.script Dnd cDp,uring rhe fcmoJe from ...· Iontc Mor. Mud rhe Fon· VOLUME 58, NUMB~;R I 55 Fn;JTAS, A. V. L. 1991. Varia~ao morr" l6gica. cicio J" vida" sis_ temMica de Tegosa claudina (Eschscholt-t) (Lepidoptera. Nymphalidac, Melital'illae) nO Estado de Sao Paul", Brasil. Rev. bras. Entomol. 35,301-306. --. 2002. Immature stages of Eltona tisfphoM (Nymphalidae: Sntyrinae). J- Ippi,1 Sfl(' M(4)·9.AA....288. FREITAS , A. V. L.. D. MURRAY & K. S. BROWN JR. 2002. Immatures, natural history and the systematie pmition of Bia adornm (Nymphalidae), J. l..cpid. Soc. 56(3): 117 122. MILLER, L. D, 1968. The higheTciassification, phylogeny and zoo· geugraphyofth" Satyridae (Lepidoptera). Mem. Am. Entomo!' Soc. 24;iii . 174 pp. MOUER, W. 1886. Sudmnerikanische Nymphalidcn ...mpell: VeT­ such eines natUTliellen Systems der Nymphaliden. Zoo!. Jahrb, (J ena),1:41 7-678. P F.l.l~ v. 1997. l.ife historyofPeMJilJda pampa from Ecuador (Lep­ idoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Tmp. Lepid 8( 1):41-45. VILORIA, A_ t. WW. Historical biogeography and the origins of tile satyrine butterflies ofthc Tropical Andes (Insecta: Lepidoptera, ~·IG. 2_ Head cap.. "I" (fmntal vi"w) of thf' fl"'t ind •• hrv. of Rhopalocera), /n ~Iorrone. J. J. &).' Uorente·Bousquets (eru.), Amp!.fdecta relj"ddsl. VM penpectiva iatiflOllmericoM e UI biogrogroftn: M6:ico, I). F.: Las Prensas de Ciencias. Facultad de Ciendas, UNAM, pp. 247- 261. du~"llu rlurestal fu r allml1ng fieldwork In the ~·a7.enda Intervalcs. VII.DRIA, A. L. In Press. The Pronophilini (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae): also thank Gerardo Lamas, L Oanid Otero and C~rla P,mz f"rcom_ synopsis of their biol"!1Y and ")'"'tematics. Trop. Lcpid. 12. ments in the final version, This study was funded by Fapesp (BIOTA-FAPESP program, grants 9&1.1.510 I-!I and 0lW1.m4· 1) and by the National Sciell<.'tl Foundation (DE B.()316505).
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