i>< tW*< 1'i'U » ,lr '-•v< n: - i '? ., H }i Kl «»Vi ;•« 1 *'iVWW :k & * PAGE EIGHT. THE GRAND FORKS DAILY HERALD, WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 1, 1914. Three Straight to the Adopted Twins Duluth Opens Here Tomorro- -m RACER CRASHES INTO DROP THIRD TO Standing of Clubs FENCE AT SIOUX CITY. FEDERALS MAKE Sioux .City, Iowa, July 1.—A desire to take the turns at a seventy-five- X 4 II > • AMERICAN LEAGUE. mlJe an hour speed caused the first accident on the Sioux City Bpeedway ADOPTED TWINS W. L,. Pet. Baseball Extra here yesterday, when Harry Shrunk, CUT IN PRH Philadelphia 39 26 .600 in a White, ran into the inside fence 3f I Detroit . .• 38 30 .559 of the track and damaged his car to Fargo - Moor head Combina­ St. Louis 37 31 .544 some extent and tore up the fence for Washington 35' 30 .538 sixteen yards. Shrunk and his me­ Minor League Admissiqf tion Take Another Game Boston 35 32 .522 chanician were not injured, but their Chicago 34 33 ..507 machine is in such condition that It is . Cards Prevail at Broo^||®® New York 22 39 .431 probable that he will be unable to The Northern League Cleveland 24 42 .361 From Flickertails. start. yn Park, 'tis Said. Shrunk, who is a local boy, was at­ Games Yesterday. tempting to duplicate the feats of such SCORE BY IIVNINfiS— 4 B « 7 8 » R. H. Chicago l, Detroit 8. stars as Patschke, Oldfield, Anderson, FAIL TO HIT WHEN Boston 5, Philadelphia 3. Wilcox and Rlchenbacker when he New York, July 1.—The most New York 1, Washington 2. went into the south turn wide open. Fargo at Grand Forks 6:15 P. M. ous blow that has befallen the Fe RUNS WOULD FOLLOW Cleveland 8-0, St. Louis 3-5. He swung into the turn without a mis­ hap, but as he neared the center the al league's claim to major rank| AMERICAN ASSOCIATION'. right rear and front tires blew. The developed on the inside yesterday WINONA machine became unmanageable and when the Ward brothers of Brookl] * Near-Rally In Ninth Keeps W. L. Pet. went Into the rail. announced a cut to minor league pr" Louisville 42 30 .588 es for the rest of the season. Beg At FT. WILLIAM Milwaukee 38 SI .551 SHANNON JOINED ning Wednesday the Tip Tops Fans on Edge—Foster a play 25-cent baseball at the Kansas City 40 35 .533 •BB Cleveland 37 34 .521 FEDS YESTERDAY. Washington park. Hits Into Double. Minneapolis 36 35 .507 The Wards evidently have tired*! throwing money away. They are Indianapolis 37 37 .500 Chicago, July 1.—"Spike" Shannon, Duluth at Winnipeg 6:15 P. M. to boost the patronage, regardless^ Columbus 32 39 .451 who a score years ago was an out­ what effect It may have upon St. Paul 35 46 .352 fielder with the New York club of the TODAY'S "IF" COI-l'MN. claims of the other Federal leag National league and later with the SUPERIOR backers. Seats which before con Games Yesterday. St. Louis club, yesterday joined the W. L. Pet. Win. Uose. manded the half dollar tariff may ;$ Winnipeg 19 .tjr> ,t>42 .ti^3 01 Milwaukee 9, Minneapolis 2. staff of umpires In the Federal league. purchased In the future for a quartjL Virginia ....2X 1'J .h" ) .fi H 0 BBBII BBS Columbus 3, Louisville 6. He was scheduled to begin his duties apiece. Duiuth ....2a I'li .o.TL' .54:! .Fi.l. Cleveland 3, IndianapolUs 9. at. Kansas City. Shannon has been At VIRGINIA. The local backers of the FedefiJSjft Grand Fkg 25 21! ..*>21 .531 .510 01012 umpiring in the Northern league. 8lt0|0 league make no secret of'their dls»ipfj|f 27 ..ion .r. t n .r,no F.-M NATIONAL LEAGUE. pointment with the slim patronage Winona -'I 27 .4XS .4411 ,42fl I/IPTOV IS GIVEN A CUP. date and expect that bargain prieij«'|» Superior 2f) 2tl .40S .420 .400 W. L. Pet. will augment attendance figures. Ft. William. 10 31 .380 .:I92 .373 Sir Thomas Honored at Banquet— Xew York 37 23 .617 "Baseball prices are too high.'" saW'Si® American Assn. Federal League Chicago 35 31 .630 Rerlgged Shamrock IV. Decisive­ President Robert R. Ward, who mata^ (>ninos Yesterday. American League It. H. E. Cincinnati 33 32 .508 ly Defeats Older Boat. the announcement of the cut. St. Louis 34 34 .500 Fargo-Mnorhead 3. Grand Forks 1. Torquay, Eng., July 1.—Shamrock are many persons who would like to,, Pittsburgh 30 31 .492 Virginia 9, Superior 0. IV., again rigged as a cutter, yester­ go to the ball park and watch a ganVB : Winona 1, Fort \Villi;nn 2. ST. LOUIS Philadelphia 28 31 .475 from a good seat, but* cannot afford' MINNEAPOLIS Brooklyn 27 33 .450 day decisively defeated the older boat Duluth R, Winnipeg s. XEW YORK. .. In a good breeze over a course to do It, and therefore stay away. w4fa „ Boston 26 35 .426 eighteen miles to windward and back. receive dally scores of letters tellings® Father TTnglaub and his hopeful* Games Yestetrday. At the outer mark the challenger for us this. There is the same. complaintyMs hopped upon the Flickertails again Pittsburgh 0, St. Louis 1. At KANSAS CITY. America's cup led by twenty-two min­ I am told, all over the country. last night, and. as n result of an as- Brooklyn 1, New York 3. MILWAUKEE utes, which she Increased to half an "The people want entertainment Bault in the fifth inning, carried off Cincinnati 1, Chicago 5. At WASHINGTON. hour in a dying breeze on the run and are willing to pay for it if they the third straight game. The score Philadelphia 6-2; Boston 4-4. home when the older craft abandoned can afford to. The moving pictures;' was 3 lo 1. Batteries: Minneapolis, Patterson the contest. have shown us that there is a demand, Chicago vs. Detroit. N'o game, rain. BUFFALO Several times after thai session, the and Smith: Milwaukee, Dougherty FEDERAL LEAGI E. Last evening Sir Thomas Lipton and but only at popular prices. Almost all and Hughes. of the big theatrical producers havsjM Flickertails had opportunities to win Charles E. Nicholson, designer of Boston at Philadelphia. No game, seen light and are catering to those .'f the game, hut they were unable to hit W. L. Pet. Shamrock IV., were guests of the in the pinches. rain. Indianapolis 36 25 .590 who patronize the picture palaces. I PAUL mayor of Torquay at a public banquet A near-rally in the ninth inning had ST. At BROOKLYN Chicago 36 26 .581 think It is time for the baseball mag-j St. bouls vs. Cleveland. No game, at which Sir Thomas was presented the crowd on edge for a few minutes, 1 2 Buffalo 31 25 .554 nates to consider the fans' pocketijjj rain. with.a handsome cup. but Foster, who, tn the first inning, Baltimore 33 27 .550 books, too. "The Philadelphia Athletics and"' scored the locals' only run after mak­ Baltimore VB. Pittsburg. No game, Kansas City 31 35 .470 PURDUE TO CARDINALS. the Boston Red Sox play 25-cent ball, ing a triple, hit into a double, re­ At KANSAS CITY. wet grounds. Brooklyn 25 32 .439 tiring the side. Pittsburgh 25 38 .431 Catlier and AVhltted Traded for Bos­ and there's no reason why the Brook-J| The bases were full at the time, and Chicago at Indianapolis. No game, St. Louis 26 40 .394 ton Pitcher. feds can't. Also we shall abolish thef^ only one was down. I11 this same in­ Batteries: St. Paul, Walker and rain. barbarous bleachers. The man who L National League St. Louis, July 1.—First division ning, ill-luck was with the locals Games Yesterday. can afford to spend 25 cents for hls-Jj n. H. E. Glenn; Kaneas City, Gallia and Giebel. chances of the Cardinals were im­ again, for. in connecting with tho No games scheduled yesterday. baseball will be as comfortably proved by Manager Huggins' deal •ball, Fofiter liroke the bat and it did shielded from the sun as his more Brooklyn at New York. No game, whereby he gets Pitcher Huh Purdue not. go tar. It fell Into the second COLUMBUS XICK ALTROCK A BENEDICT. fortunate brother in the higher-priced rain. from the Braves in exchange for Out­ baseman's hands, and he had rm dif­ 6 I 9 FEDERAL LEAGUE seat." fielder Cather and Third Baseman ficulty in doubling on Freer, who was Former A. A. Comedian Takes Iowa Whitted. SIGNS OF WEAKENING. sent in to pinch hit. PITTSBURG. At LOUISVILLE.. Girl for His Bride. 6 I 2 There were no contests scheduled to (Puck.) Morse did the hurling for the lo­ Baltimore, Aid., July 1.—Nick Al- UNCONGENTALITY. cals. He was in fine form lajst night, be played over the Federal league cir­ "So you think there is yet a chance trock, one of the pitchers of the (Chicago Post.) of selling Mr. Nuskads an automo­ and held the visitors lo si?; hits, which cuit yesterday. ST. LOUIS. pitchers of the Washington American "Emtee Hedee says he takes not the bile?" were scattered over five innings. In Cleveland at Indianapolis. No baseball club, and Miss Eleanore slightest Interest in nature." "Sure! He used to say he wished only one frame did the Twins get game, rain. ' A man is never as old as he feels Campbell of Keswick. Iowa, were "Mutual dislike.
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