SOLVED II PUC HISTORY PAPER Subject Code (with Scheme Annual Examination of Valuation) Class-XII 21 (NS) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Max. Marks : 100 General Instructions to the Candidate : 1. Write Serial Nos. of questions correctly. 2. Visually challenged students need to answer Question No 31(B) instead of map Question No. 31(A) in Part - D 3. Answer the questions according to the instructions given for the questions. Code No : 21 (NS) PART - A I. Answer the following question in one word or one sentence each: 10 × 1 = 10 1. Name the work that mentions the extent of ancient Karnataka. 2. Name the first Veda. 3. Which was the original home of the Kushanas? 4. Which inscription tells about the Chola village administration? 5. What was the title of Shivaji? 6. Name the founder of bahamani dynasty? 7. Which was the birth place of Basaveshwara? 8. In which year did the first war of Indian Independence occur? 9. Explain -INA 10. Which was the famous Work of "Alur Venkata Rao"? PART - B II. Answer any ten of the following questions in 2 words or 2 sentences each: 10 × 2 = 20 11. Mention any two sites of the Mesolithic age. 12. Name any two Ashramas of Aryans. 13. Write any two measures of Kanishka for the spread of Buddhism. 14. Name any two well known universities of the Gupta period. 15. Name any two works of Pampa. 16. Name any two dynasties of Delhi Sultanate. 17. Who were the parents of Shivaji? 18. Who was Mahmud Gawan and where did he build the Madarasa? 19. What was the immediate cause for the first war of Indian Independence? 20. What is Ryotwari system? 21. Who Signed the Poona Pact? 22. Name any two member of the JVP committee. PART - C III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences each : 6 × 5 = 30 23. Explain briefly the impact of geography on Indian history? 24. State the social and economic conditions of Indus people? 25. What were the factors responsible for the rise of new religions? 26. Explain the main features of Hoysala Architecture. 27. Explain the reforms of Alla-ud-din khilji. To know about more useful books for II PUC click here 2 ] Oswaal Karnataka PUE Solved Paper - 2020, HISTORY, II-PUC 28. Explain the life and teachings of Madhwacharya. 29. Discuss the personality of Swami Vivekananda. 30. What were the important factors that led to the growth of Indian nationalism? PART - D IV. Answer the following questions as indicated : 31. (A) Mark any five of the following historical places on the outline map of India provided to you and add on explanatory note on each marked place in 2 sentences: 5 + 5 = 10 (a) Harappa (b) Pataliputra (c) Kanchi (d) Agra (e) Bijapura (f) Meerut (g) Srirangapattana (h) Dandi For Visually Challenged Students only 31. (B) Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences : 1 × 10 = 10 (i) Describe the achievements of Pulikeshi II. OR (ii) Describe the achievements of Akbar. PART - E (Practical Oriented Questions) V. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences each : 2 × 10 = 20 32. Explain the life and achievements of Ashoka. 33. Write a note on the achievements of Krishnadevaraya. 34. Briefly explain the Carnatic Wars. 35. Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah is called the 'The Maker of Modern Mysore'. Explain. PART - F VI. 36. Match the following: 5 × 1 = 5 (a) Rajaraja Chola I - Founder of Kadamba Dynasty (b) Mayuravarma - Rajarajeshwara temple (c) Ramanujachaiya - Navakoti Narayana (d) Dadabhai-Naoroji - Vishistadvaita Philosophy (e) Chikkadevaraja wodeyar - Drain theory 37. Arrange the following in chronological order : 5 × 1 = 5 (i) Shivaji’s coronation (ii) Battle of Plassey (iii) Commencement of Vikramn Era (iv) Quit India Movement (v) Gupta Era ll To know about more useful books for II PUC click here Oswaal Karnataka PUE Solved Paper - 2020, HISTORY, II-PUC [ 3 ANSWERS as per Scheme of Valuation (Issued by Department of PUE, Karnataka) PART - A 14. Takshashila ,Nalanda, Ajanta , Saranatha [Scheme of Valuation 2020] 1 + 1 I. 1. Kaviraja Marga 1 2. Rig Veda 1 Detailed Answer: 3. China 1 Takshashila, Nalanda, Ujjain, Saranatha, 4. Uttara Meruru Inscription 1 Pataliputra and Vallabhi were the well-known 5. Chhatrapati 1 universities of the Gupta period. 6. Alla Uddin Hasan Gangu Bahaman Shah 1 (Any two) 1 + 1 7. Bagevadi or Basavana Bagevadi 1 8. 1857 1 15. Vikramarjuna Vijaya ,Adipurana or Pampa 9. Indian National Army. 1 Bharatha 1 + 1 10. Karnataka Gatha Vaibhava. 1 [Scheme of Valuation 2020] PART - B Detailed Answer: (i) Adipurana (Pampa Bharatha) II. 11. Ajmir in Rajasthan, Sabarmati basin in Gujarat, (ii) Vikaramarjuna Vijaya. Ahmed nagar in Maharashtra, Sanganakallu in 16. Slave dynasty , Khilji dynasty , Tughulak Bellary and Brahma Giri in Chitradurga. dynasty, Syed dynasty Lodhi dynasty. 1 + 1 (Any two) 1 + 1 (Any two) 12. Brahmacharya, Grihasta Sanyasa and 17. Shahaji Bhonsle and Jija Bhai. 1 + 1 Vanaprasta. 1 + 1 18. Minister of Mohammed Shah III, at Bidar [Scheme of Valuation 2020] [Scheme of Valuation 2020] 1 + 1 Detailed Answer: Detailed Answer: (i) Brahmacharya (student life), Mahmud Gawan was the Chief Minister of (ii) Grihastha (Married life), Mohammad Shah II. He built Madarasa at Bidar. (iii) Vanaprastha (retirement to forest for 19. There was a rumor that cartridges were meditation), smeared with the fat of cow and pig to (iv) Sanyasa (ascetism). (Any two) 1 + 1 Enfield rifles, which were newly introduced th by British. So the Indian soldiers refused to 13. He organized 4 Buddhist Council in 102 CE use the new Enfield rifles. 1 + 1 at Kundalivana presided over by Vasumitra. [Scheme of Valuation 2020] Missionaries were sent to foreign to propagate Buddhism. He built viharas for Buddhist Detailed Answer: monks. The British introduced new Enfield rifles. The Indian soldiers refused to use these rifles The measures undertaken by Kanishka for because a rumour had spread that the cartridges the spread of Buddhism were. 1 + 1 were smeared with the fat of cows and pigs. The [Scheme of Valuation 2020] Indian soldiers felt that the British were trying to mock their religion. 2 Detailed Answer: (i) Kanishka gave royal patronage to Bud- 20. 50% of the revenue paid by roits/cultivators dhism and it was also extended to the Bud- to Govt without mediators is called Ryotwari dhist monks. System. Ryots were the owners of the land. (ii) A large number of missionaries were sent [Scheme of Valuation 2020] to foreign countries like Japan, Tibet and Detailed Answer: Central Asia for spreading Buddhism. In Bombay and Madras Presidencies, the ryot (iii) Kanishka conducted the 4th Buddhist or cultivator was recognised as the owner of the council in Kashmir in 102 C.E., presided land on the conditions that he pays the land by Vasumithra. The purpose of this coun- revenue regularly to the government at 50% cil was to settle the disputes that existed in to the total income on regular basis. This was Buddhism at that time. (Any two) known as Ryotwari System. 2 21. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. 2 To know about more useful books for II PUC click here 4 ] Oswaal Karnataka PUE Solved Paper - 2020, HISTORY, II-PUC 22. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Vallababhai Patel and 24. Social Conditions: Society is being classified Pattabi Sitharamiah. (Any two) 1 + 1 into 4 divisions PART - C Food habit : Dress and ornaments- Amusements- weapons – Disposal of dead III. 23. India is a sub continent of Asia, We can divide bodies –To be explained individually. the physical features of India into six divisions Economic conditions - occupations - Crops- 1. The Himalayas Domestic animals- Handicrafts-trade-Internal 2. Northern Plains and External trade – weight and measures - 3. Deserts To be explained individually. 5 4. Mountains [Scheme of Valuation 2020] 5. Deccan plateau 6. Coastal region –To be explained individ- Detailed Answer: ually. 5 Social Condition of Indus people: [Scheme of Valuation 2020] (i) There was a fourfold division of society, the Learned class, Warriors, Traders and Detailed Answer: Workers. Himalayas, the Northern plains, the Desert, (ii) They wore an upper garment (shawl) and and the Mountains have impacted the Indian lower garment (dhoti) in cotton and wool- history : len. Men and women wore ornaments (i) The Himalayas protected India from the made of gold, silver and precious stones. invaders. The Himalayas prevent the cold They used ivory combs, bronze mirrors, winds from north, and the snow-capped face paints, lipsticks, etc. mountain ranges have given birth to ever flowing north Indian rivers. (iii) They played games such as dice, hunting, (ii) North Indian rivers have formed the most bull fighting, cock fighting, chess, etc. They fertile northern plains, which were cra- knew the art of dancing and music. dles of Civilization and Empires. Fertility (iv) Vessels were made of clay, copper, bronze, of land gave richness and prosperity and silver and porcelain. They used weapons assured availability of abundant minerals like axes, spears, sling, daggers, bow and and natural resources. Indus valley civili- arrows, which were made of copper and zation and Vedic culture developed in this bronze. region. (v) They disposed their dead by cremation or (iii) The northern passes Khyber and Bolan burial. helped to establish commercial and cul- Economic Condition : tural relations with the west and protected (i) Agriculture was the main occupation, they India from western attack. grew wheat, barley, peas and cotton. (iv) The western desert and the dense forests (ii) They reared fine breed of cattle both for made people strenuous and warlike. The milk and meat purpose. ocean of South once stood as barrier, later (iii) There were handicrafts like weaving, dye- served as means of connecting to the rest of ing, pottery, carpentry etc.
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